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15145740 No.15145740 [Reply] [Original]

Calc 2 is the hardest math course that you will ever take

>> No.15145752

Real Analysis was harder

>> No.15145769

could be, but i spend way more on calc 2 desu. Calc 1 I barely passed but I didnt study either, calc 2 was the first class that I realized would btfo me If i slacked off. I believe to this day that it is the great filter of college that separates brainlets and lazyfags from the rest. 80% of my class didnt pass and like half of it was already made up of people who were retaking it in the first place

>> No.15145789

I was still pretty lazy with calc 2. It was definitely much more difficult than calc 3, but differential equations was the first time I really felt sweaty in a math class.
Oddly enough, I kind of failed calc 3 because it was so easy I accidentally went through exams too fast and skipped an entire question on two different exams. IIRC I needed a B for my degree, but I ended up with a C and had to take it again.

>> No.15145793

definetely agree on calc 3,which was just calc 1 in 3D basically, calc 2 was memorization and pattern recognition of 100 different types of equations. Although it is strange that you would find derivatives harder than integrals

>> No.15145815

Its the hardest math course that you'll take given the average level of mathematical maturity most people are at the time. >>15145752 is right but by this time you have a higher level of maturity which gives you alot more tools at your disposal. Cal 2 is supposed to make you feel like you're drowning.

>> No.15146481

calc 3 was. unfortunately i'm not a mathfag (im EE) so calc 3 will be the hardest course. i'm jealous of math majors because i fucking love math

>> No.15146485

i don't understand the calc 2 > calc 3 argument. in my classes there was much more material to learn in calc 3 and the visualization was more complex. calc 2 felt pretty intuitive to me and i didn't need as much memorization. integration usually just came to me naturally, same with sequences and series

>> No.15146490

calc 2 was actually the best i ever performed in a class, was the top grade overall.

>> No.15146495

Unironically elementary school and middle school math was the hardest math has ever been. Im very good at math but completely retarded at arithmetic. Still have no idea how to do long division

>> No.15146565

I find the garbage business classes you are forced to take to memorize text way harder than integration tbqh

>> No.15146579

Weirdo. It blows my mind that there are some people out there who can't perform mindnumbingly simple operations on numbers while still understanding higher math. Probably a sign that you do math through verbal processing or something

>> No.15146582

Depending on your school calc 1 or calc 2 is the weeder class to filter out midwits from their programs. RA is obviously harder content wise but they aren't actively trying to fuck you over and make you fail anymore since you've already passed their filter.

>> No.15146601

try probability and statistics, from a cunt mathematician at a civil engineering school, because he hated engineers weren't 'pure mathematicians'.

>> No.15146612

there will always be a calculator around nowadays granps.

>> No.15146981

Same, anon, same.
On google, look up russian peasant division and peasant multiplication.
It works through binary magic and it is way quicker.

>> No.15147017

Until you take Calc 3, that is.

>> No.15147028

Multivariable calculus and linear algebra are much more of a brainlet filter than integration of functions of a real variable.
I also don't understand why so many people think Calculus 2 is the hardest. Maybe it was so hard for them that they never made it past it so they have no idea what comes afterwards.

>> No.15147099

Only if you don't do anything with math

>> No.15147254

Europoor here, what do you guys do in Calc 2 that you find it so hard? What do you cover?

>> No.15147260

calc 1&2 was a mandatory 16 week course in my shituversity. i barely survived

>> No.15147355

For you

>> No.15147358

Differential equations is easy.

>> No.15147372

Precalc is harder than any calculus class, it's the first class where you are tackling complicated analysis problems but don't have access to the toolbox of calculus. Advanced trig, complete theory of polynomials using complex numbers, conic sections, parametric equations, basically it's diff eq level difficulty