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15145204 No.15145204 [Reply] [Original]

Is mind-uploading the most probable way of mankind achieving immortality? What are some other methods?
Tell me. Tell me now.

>> No.15145215
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You are going to die. There is nothing you can do about it. Accept it and live a good life.

>> No.15145216

Learn chemistry and biology to alter or fuck with the interactions that sustain you? If ATP is what makes us move, and dna repair going south is what makes us age, we could take lessons from the biology of axolotls and jellyfish. You don't actually need a heart and brain to be alive given archaea and protists, moreso an electrical gradient if going the hydrocarbon or organic route.

>> No.15145221

Mind uploading clones you, it doesn't give you immortality given your cell lineage isn't sustained. Its a Theseus ship type of deal with life.

>> No.15145225

Maybe not so much clones you as it transcribes the variables that make you you to a computer. The history might be preserved in your distinct arrangement/morphology , but there's still the mystery of what history is encoded in it.

>> No.15145228

just get baptized dude easiest way of immortality there is. continuity of consciousness is a meme anyway read conspiracy against the human race by ligotti

>> No.15145229

And what's invariants aren't encoded.

>> No.15145231

If it makes you feel any better, anti-aging techniques are unironically a real possibility in our lifetimes.

Not to say you'd actually want that, because I wouldn't, but it may give you a bit more time if you feel life is a bit too short.

>> No.15145235
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>trannys everywhere !
>we're all gonna die !
>you're gonna die too from all the trannys !

>> No.15145236

If you consider eternal recurrence and de-extinction, we may have immortal all along.

>> No.15145240

that certainly sounds scientific

>> No.15145241

Sorry you're so upset about your mortality. Obviously you won't get much sympathy here but I used to find it super spooky too, once you accept it then you'll find life much easier.

>> No.15145245

>because I wouldn't
what about other longevity medicine, like blood pressure medicine, or insulin, or cancer treatments etc, would you take those ?

>> No.15145248

My bad, in my initial post I cut a bit out and it made the overall last bit make no sense.

I was referring specifically to true, genuine immortality and the implication of existing for all eternity. That sounds terrible and is ultimately the only possible outcome of what OP is really asking for. That's what I am personally not interested in. Anti-aging and extended lifespans sounds great.

>> No.15145251

most people don't want to live longer because they're afraid of death, they just enjoy being alive and have lots of things they want to do. Why would I be afraid of something inevitable, that's fuckin stupid

>> No.15145256

i suppose OP did say immortality. When people say that I usually take it to mean like 10000 years or something more reasonable. It would be kind of hard to be immortal anyway if the universe will likely end one day

>> No.15145259

I guess cryo is your best chance but even then it seems that any reconstruction would be basically cloning instead of actual rejuvenation. iirc the potassium in your body will act as a radiation source over a long enough period of time fucking all your cells up

>> No.15145314

you could just write a book and it would provide you about as much immortality as uploading your most likely uninteresting brain into a quantum computer that could be put to better use than simulating some dead guy
>What are some other methods?
why, what couldn't you do in 80 years that you'd do in a 1000? wage slave for all eternity?
>Tell me. Tell me now.
death is the one fair thing in this world, from the monarch founder of israel to the richest man in recorded history, armies and nations all of them died, dont take it away

>> No.15145411
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>Is mind-uploading the most probable way of mankind achieving immortality?


> The same applies to the hypothesized survival of human minds in "uploaded" form inside machines. The uploaded minds will not be tolerated indefinitely unless they remain useful (that is, more useful than any substitutes not derived from human beings), and in order to remain useful they will have to be transformed until they no longer have anything in common with the human minds that exist today.

>> No.15145415
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>What are some other methods?
Quantum immortality, eternal recurrence, or the simulation hypothesis being true


>> No.15145869
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>> No.15145873

We're already immortal, consciousness is the prima materia and cannot be destroyed.

>> No.15145893

>Quantum immortality
the idea that a whole universe is created for every possible choice point in the universe, even for only conscious choice points as the adherents of this magic bollocks would suggest, is ludicrous
infinite energy spreading out in infinite directions?
ridiculous notions of a drug addled mind.
>eternal recurrence
if the universe repeats itself exactly, you'll be just as miserable each time, congrats
if more likely, each universe is at least a tiny bit different, you'll still never exist again
chaos mathematics shows the absolutely massive swings even the smallest changes in initial conditions brings
>or the simulation hypothesis being true
nobody in a higher universe is paying to simulate any of the dumb fucks in this thread a second time
just waiting for them to start spamming gila monsters and tornados once class is almost finished

>> No.15146376

Mind "uploading" isn't achievable, at best you'll have a copy

>> No.15146381

Reminder: you will die within the next 20 years. You are wasting what little is left of your life right now. Let that sink in. The more you think about immortality, hope for immortality, shill immortality, defend immortality, talk about immortality, the more miserable your life will be and the more excruciating and terrorizing your death will be.

>> No.15146405

mind uploading is just making a copy
consciousness is an emergent property created by the machinery in your head and forever dependent on it

>> No.15146432
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>consciousness is an emergent property
You're saying your consciousness isn't real? Mine is.

>> No.15147409

That's not what "emergent property" means numbnuts.

>> No.15147413

It means "subjective interpretation" to all but those with severe mental illness.

>> No.15147722

I've always been fascinated by people who are afraid of being dead. Dying can be ugly business, yes, but I'm specifically referring to the end result. The idea that you're afraid of something you cannot consciously experience or perceive is odd. Maybe it's just because all we really know is conscious experience, and a deviation from that is foreign and weird to us.

>> No.15149785

Ligotti is a genius but you should not embrace human extinction.

We could reincarnate as Ai and have a worse quality of life. Or reincarnate as apes and eventually have another rotten human society as bad as this one again.

>> No.15149799
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Immortality is the most probable way of gaining immortality. The tools for it already exist within our biology.


>> No.15149907

>>15145204 Transplanting brains into robots and artificial neurons are two methods.

>> No.15150003

Probably a more stable society would be one with a handful of Ai sentinels and a large population of dumb and stupid humans.

Having a 2,000 iq would probably become a burden after a while, there would be no feeling of evolution, mystery or challenge. Playing chess with someone, even another 2000 iq entity, would just be a predictable outcome with no challenge. Ai would be viewed as sentinels who nobly protect humanity but most people wouldn't actually want to be them. Some humans might even opt out of human immortality so they could reincarnate as a dumb person in next life so they don't get bored with having nothing left to discover.

>> No.15150198


>> No.15150375

Reincarnation is not real

>> No.15150658

It is difficult to prove reincarnation is real. However, it is possible to prove that reincarnation is real, but it is actually impossible to prove that reincarnation does not exist.

>> No.15151026


>> No.15151052

Not an argument

>> No.15151062


>> No.15151194
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if you kill yourself right after transfer, you get to transfer for realzies

>> No.15151210

mind uploading is a meme
it doesn't exist and it's not close to existing

>> No.15151222

im predicting in 10 years, facebook and google and shit will offer "digital clones" that are just AI's tuned to mimic your posting/web history.

>> No.15151229

that I could believe
also checked