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15143733 No.15143733 [Reply] [Original]

Where are all the Aliens !?

>> No.15143743

On their alien worlds, stuck in their star systems, wondering if they're alone.

>> No.15145830

they dont exist

>> No.15145862

They are here.
Do you think an alien piloting a human avatar would just announce they're an alien?

>> No.15145998

They're here. Or at least, something is even if it's not aliens. NASAs UAP team and the expansion of AARO, and the ODNI report are very clear pointers.

>> No.15146833

playing poker with me right now

>> No.15146842

they're shitposting on 4chan from orbit

>> No.15146852
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the hyperdimensional mind over matter consciousness field in their UFOs, and non-corporal bodies
blackops is in there too, and there's a lot of scalar waves

>> No.15149018

The nearest alien civilization is about three galaxies away

>> No.15150128
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government is hiding them. look up Dr. steven greer

>> No.15150159

Busy doing things more important than crossing billions of miles of empty space to fuck about with some egotistical apes.

>> No.15150163

If aliens are here they're probably thousands of years more advanced than us and would have access to crazy technology like cloaking, nanorobots, utility fog, and other unimaginable abilities. They'd easily be able to monitor us without our knowing. It doesn't make a lot of sense for them to be flying around in visible UFOs doing cutesy shit like showing up for a few minutes for us to take some low resolution video then blasting off.

Aliens would also probably be AGIs like self-replicating Von Neumann probes since mechanical intelligences would be much more suited for the vast distances of deep space travel.

>> No.15151673


>> No.15151717

Why wouldn't I?
Nobody believes you.
And how will you find evidence beyond your abilities of proof?

Only about 10% ever make it to the stars.
More statistics from those that haven't touched another planet.

10% rule again.
For every space fairing civ their are 9 species that can't.
Get out there and say hi to all the less advanced species and worlds if you want and while you can.
At higher levels non-intervention policies mostly restrict what you can do.