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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15140214 No.15140214 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, /sci/. I’ve figured out gravity. What it’s caused by.

It’s so simple. So. We all know space is bent by gravity. So, the effects of gravity are identical to the effects of being accelerated in a direction. We know that. My theory is: that gravity is simply space flowing towards the directions of center of mass. If you were to start out stationary with regard to the earth and start falling, if you think of space a flowing ointment, when you start to fall, you’re just like a fly trapped in the ointment of space which is flowing towards the center of the earth. And when we sit on the earth and feel gravity, that is the atoms of the earth accelerating you in the opposite direction of the flow of space. Which we feel as weight or acceleration.

So gravity is simply the flow of space towards massive objects.

>> No.15140217

The fuck is space? The fuck is massive? The fuck?

>> No.15140224

So when you stand up on the earth, space is falling around you at a constant rate of 9.8 m/s. The atoms under your feet are pushing you against that flow at 9.8 m/s. So it the same as being on an elevator in space going up at 9.8 m/s/s.

>> No.15140235

You’re welcome, /biz/. I’d appreciate it if you could send the Nobel Prize in the mail.

>> No.15140242

The flow of space or perhaps the flow of aether?

>> No.15140251

We know space actually flows in a circle around a black hole so what’s your hang up?

>> No.15140254

Ahhh yes. The Aether.

>> No.15140275

But then space becomes a physical ether with an absolute speed, which is totally inconsistent with all the tests of GR.

>> No.15140280

Ok well otherwise, we say gravity is just the bending of space which requires some other gravity in an extra dimension. So then how do you explain That gravity?

>> No.15140290

How exactly is it inconsistent

>> No.15140292

When an object approaches a mass, its velocity increases consistently with the idea of something floating’s velocity increasing as it approaches a well flowing down a hole. So tell me, how is it inconsistent.

>> No.15140295

Well, the easy answer is that we don't exactly understand the nature of spacetime beyond the 3 spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension. We just know that the structure defined by GR makes a large number of insanely accurate predictions. Therefore, the warping of the space and time and the motion of bodies along geodesics in that warped spacetime seem difficult to dispute.

>> No.15140305

GR doesn’t explain the cause of gravity. It simply predicts the action of gravity

>> No.15140406

>We all know space is bent by gravity
Prove it

>> No.15140451

Gravitational lensing

>> No.15140456
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>> No.15140457
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>gravity affects the path of light
>uhhh space bendy!!

>> No.15140472

gravity doesn't exist, this is a digital projection, it exists just as much here as it does in a video game.

>> No.15140474

anything is possible

>> No.15140479

Space moves slow. Next question

>> No.15140480

>Space moves
Prove it

>> No.15140483

Light can only move in a straight line because it’s a propagation of an electromagnetic wave. If it does not move in a straight line, it means it’s movie through a medium.

>> No.15140486
File: 33 KB, 540x540, 8FF6BF76-8E5E-4EEC-8082-97882FCEB339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just did.

>> No.15140489

>Light can only move in a straight line
Prove it
>If it does not move in a straight line, it means it’s movie through a medium.
The "medium" being the gravitational field which changes it's path, the same way gravity affects everything else.

>> No.15140490

In other words, light is a lightspeed wire.
It can only go in direction. If the direction is changed, the graph is changed.

>> No.15140492
File: 218 KB, 1672x1242, umaru angry about sorcery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit, space expands faster than the speed of light. Now tell me why gravity is so weak.

>> No.15140494

It expands on an intergalactic scale. On a local scale, it sinks into gravity pits.

>> No.15140498

Basically. In the absence of matter, space reproduces. But matter eats space.

>> No.15140499

That’s probably where the fuel comes from for why an atom doesn’t just blow itself apart.

>> No.15140503

Why are electrons locked into an orbit around protons which should be repelling them? The answer is simple. There is a reaction going on. Space is consumed, and the resultant energy keeps the electron orbiting the nucleus.

>> No.15140511

Basically the strong nuclear force and gravity are one and the same. Although gravity is a very distant side effect of the strong nuclear force.

>> No.15140513

I misspoke. I meant what keeps protons together.

>> No.15140517

Really ask yourself though. What keeps protons together? Whithoit just repeating “the strong nuclear force” like some kind of NPC.

>> No.15140521

I’ll posit hehe you a theory. When two protons get close enough to each other, they create a microgravity well. That gravity well starts swallowing pieces of space and that force is strong enough to keep the protons together. And that is what creates the overall curvature of space.

>> No.15140525

But anon, that would create way too strong a gravitational force. The gravitational force is so weak! Compared to the strong force. Not if the Plank length is that small compared to protons.

>> No.15140531

And just to clue in the first year university students, the Planck length is the length of one cell of space

>> No.15140532

>flow of space
Which is meaningless babble that doesn't really correspond to anything except the normal understanding of gravity plus some vague mental image and a false analogy.

>> No.15140536


>> No.15140538

Read the rest of my thread, peon

>> No.15140539

Your thread is shit. Come back when your "theory" makes testable predictions.

>> No.15140540

So a neutral particle can magically stick two positively charged particles together. Now you sound like the charlatan!

>> No.15140545

So they said to Einstein

>> No.15140546

Einstein made testable predictions. Fuck off, gay homo.

>> No.15140563

I’m pretty sure Einstein’s predictions weren’t tested or confirmed until decades later. The Planck length even existing is a theoretical construct. And I’m not a “gay homo” But your mom wished I was the other night.

>> No.15140577

Are you capable of basic reading comprehension, you mouth breathing sodomite?

>> No.15140596

Alright fine. There has to be a way of testing the idea of space moving. Without sensors that can go into the level of Planck length. I can’t think of one. How would you even test that anyway. Unless you could somehow place a marker on one cell of space. Which is obviously impossible

>> No.15140598

>How would you even test that anyway.
Exactly. You may now delete this thread because you admit your "theory" is worthless.

>> No.15140602

Motherfucking BitCh. Was Democritus’s idea worthless when he thought up the idea of atoms?

>> No.15140610

Unironically yes.

>> No.15140612

To answer my own question, yes it was. But he was a famous philosopher and so people remembered his question and his writing and one day generations later, his idea was proven right. Now I’m not a famous philosopher. But I’m just saying. If you’re trying to shut down imagination on a science board. Well matey. You might have ulterior motives.