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15140073 No.15140073 [Reply] [Original]

How does coffee cause global warming?

>> No.15140078

Anything that makes Whites happier and more productive causes the planet to degrade and must be banned.

>> No.15140079
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How does OP cause cocks to enter his mouth?

>> No.15140082

Large-scale monocultures, fertilizer usage, coffee bean harvesting, drying, roasting, packaging, and transporting.
Mainly transporting across the world is what releases CO2 into the atmosphere. If people opted for fruit or leaf-based drinks made from locally-grown plants in accordance to their local environment, then we'd be able to significantly cut down on beverage-stuff-related CO2 emissions.

>> No.15140083

CO2 increases the productivity of leaf-based beverage production so that seems counterproductive.

>> No.15140614

Dumbest post of the day

>> No.15140907
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>more productive

>> No.15141207

I buy preground coffee, and when it stops smelling fresh, I throw it away and buy a new bag.
The fact that there are probably people out there putting a little less coffee in their latte to save the planet is hilarious

>> No.15141217
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>> No.15141223

consumption => demand => production => CO2 => global warming
but it doesn't matter because global warming is fake and volcanos produce more CO2 than humans

>> No.15141229

Being able to focus makes people realize the trick oil companies have pulled to increase the prices.
Caring about the environment justifies investing less in exploration, exploring less means restricting the supply, restrincting the supply means gradually increasing prices.

>> No.15141300

>volcanos produce more CO2 than humans

>> No.15141313

a facebook screencap somewhere proves that a single volcano outputs more than 10 000 gorrillion times more CO2 than all human activity combined

>> No.15141341

like I said, whether or not this tidbit is true is irrelevant because global warming is fake

>> No.15141365

depends on where you are because ships are the transportation that uses the least energy to move shit, because they float, no friction, you know?
so for an example in a coastal city it could be better to get coffe shipped as the co2 release per tonnage is lower than transporting it by truck or gasoline car

>> No.15141380

no, humans produce like 50 times more than volcanoes
volcanoes also have a process where the co2 get turn into rocks

>> No.15141398

How about sending other tidbits that convince you GW is fake? They might turn out to be as solid as the volcano one.

>> No.15141844

It does, but at the expense of the minerals/vitamins etc that are absorbed. The faster the plant grows (faster than normal) the fewer nutrients it can absorb.

>> No.15141857

>study says

>> No.15141858 [DELETED] 

>read article about study
>no link to study
>not even a title
It's not even just a NYP problem. 90% of news articles do that. Why do I have to play detective just to check their sources? I have journalists.

>> No.15141887

you could grow coffee in other places in the world as well. everything is stripped own to the bare profit.

yeah. and idk that coffee is really relevant compared to other things. shipping things across the world is used so much because it is the most profitable. we have a global economy, not national ones. but it also means shipping large and heavy things all over the world where they barely exist at all locally made.

>> No.15141889

>read article about study
>no link to study
>not even a title
It's not even just a NYP problem. 90% of news articles do that. Why do I have to play detective just to check their sources? I hate journalists.

>> No.15142523 [DELETED] 
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I don't drink coffee, therefore I am not responsible for global warming and can continue to drive my truck guilt free & tax free.

>> No.15142538

That's just a lie promoted by the people who want you cold and starving.

>> No.15142606

Welp, if globohomo is telling me to drink less coffee for "the climate" then that tells me I shouldn't cut back at all.

>> No.15143099
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>How does coffee cause global warming?
It's racist! Especially a latte coffee! Cultural appropriation tryn to whiten dat shit up yo!

>> No.15143354


>> No.15143358
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Everything causes climate change, you midwit.
Every time you breathe you're polluting the environment with dangerous CO2 that will contribute to the greenhouse effect.
The only way to stop global warming is to kill everyone.

>> No.15143359
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Go be Canadian somewhere else.

>> No.15144601
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what about tea, does tea cause global warming or is it only coffee?

>> No.15144815
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>who never criticizes china for pollution

>> No.15146037
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>> No.15148056
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>How does coffee cause global warming?
According to big oil and governments, everything causes "climate change" now.
They just want to raise oil and petrol prices mate, so they can sell it for more of a profit and so government and crooked politicians can get more taxes to pocket and buy beach houses at Martha's Vinyard.

>> No.15148116

>China is still categorised as a developing nation
Yeah that's one part of it.

They also dump tons of toxic waste into the ocean just because "fuck it".
They also clearcut ancient forests and build a waterpark on top of it.
The CCP also refuses to stop lying through their teeth for one second and actually report what China is contributing to the impact on the environment.

>> No.15148121

The only future for humanity is to exterminate the Chinese, or at least overthrow the fraudulent Chinese government.
Several countries should get together and curbstomp those mofos into the dirt and erase them.

>> No.15148267

But is it good for you?

>> No.15148866
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Don't care, I'm never gonna stop feeding my addiction

>> No.15148972

Anything healthy for the human body will be replaced with bugs or a onions replacement.

>> No.15150026
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>oh no the world is coming to an end because muh global warming
>t. iq under 80

>> No.15150038

>If people opted for fruit or leaf-based drinks made from locally-grown plants in accordance to their local environment
Yes. A lot of problems would be solved if we just closed the goddamn borders and expelled all nonwhites. If it means no coffee and no curry I would do it 1000x

>> No.15150043

>asks about coffee
>no boobs in image
OP youre going about this all wrong

>> No.15150976
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>A lot of problems would be solved if we just closed the goddamn borders and expelled all nonwhites.
So true.
But government wants to CREATE problems, so they have something to campaign on and stoke fear in the masses, and make everyone believe that only government can save them.

Government is a scam.

>> No.15152018

tea is actually a lot worse for the environment than coffee is

>> No.15153237

It would also cost 10x more. No thanks.

>> No.15153408

I tapered off caffeine usage starting two months ago, and two weeks ago I quit caffeine altogether. My verdict: it's actually a chenical jew that makes you as productive as a normal person for 2 hours a day for the price of being less effective than your usual self the other 22 hours, with less restful sleep and worse overall quality of life. Also I never get coffee breath anymore which is a huge benefit.
If you take a bit of caffeine you're probably fine, but if you're daily crushing multiple coffees and/or energy drinks I recommend that you too taper off dramatically, and maybe quit for a while.