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15139852 No.15139852 [Reply] [Original]

If consciousness is generated by the brain, then how come out-of-body experiences are possible?

>> No.15140003

The experience is not objectively out of body you pseud. It’s no different than seeing machine elves on DMT. Except those are real.

>> No.15140005

They aren't, you're dreaming of your room. Back to x

>> No.15140010

Fabricating false memories by accident is surprisingly easy

>> No.15140031

>The experience is not objectively out of body you pseud.
Is that why empirical studies of remote viewing showed that it was legitimately occurring?

>> No.15140039

They don’t lmao you retard

>> No.15140042

Well alright. I guess the CIA spent billions studying the subject and employing practitioners because they thought it was cute.

>> No.15140043

because brain is generated by consciousness
>become conscious
>suddenly have a brain
you can't disprove this

>> No.15140182

Out-of-body experiences might be caused by quantum teleportation.


>> No.15140188

wow great evidence I'm convinced now

>> No.15140190

>If consciousness is generated by the brain
it isn't
>how come out-of-body experiences are possible
they aren't

>> No.15140226

For me the real attention grabber is how many occur during brain death,/zero electrical activity in the brain.

>> No.15140236

consciousness comes from the soul. matter never becomes conscious no matter how "complex" it is. no AI is or will ever be conscious.

>> No.15140257

Go meditate 1 week each day for 15m and chances are easily around 20%, that you'll find that 'floating' feel ... or that while having closed eyes, it feels like your body is 30 feet below you.

It's just the brain doing weird stuff. It's not at all working perfect like a machine.

Once you feel it, you'll get all what the spiritual folks wrongly interpreted. Same goes for sleep paralysis or meditating into visual hallucinations. Literally for everyone achievable in 2 minutes.

>> No.15140296

Who told you consciousness was generated by the brain? You're a soul, energy, light. Not a brain. Your a soul having a human experience, not the other way around. Out of body experiences are like a field trip home, back where we come from. That's our reality.

>> No.15140319


You plan a life/lessons to learn/pick a purpose/career/ body
You're born
You're memory is wiped
You learn your lessons through struggling, evil, suffering, negativity, negative emotions
You help others learn their lessons
You help the planet
You evolve as a soul
You die
You have a life review, meet loved ones
You either become a guide, plan another life, or do something else.

Most of us will owe karma when we die, most of us are caught in a karmic loop that's why we're still reincarnating on the earth, we're either stubborn and its taking longer for us to learn our lessons or we owe karma or both.

Religion doesnt matter, race doesn't matter, there's no sin, there's nothing you can do wrong. But people say, if that was true then everyone would be killing babies and raping and pillaging. Well, it is true. Look outside, do you see everyone raping and pillaging? No, because every soul doesn't wanna plan a life where they rape and pillage. That would never happen if it was that persons soul plan. When you die, you'll just be a person without a body. You won't have any taste touch or smell anymore. And you still won't know what god is.

>> No.15140323

NDE's have nothing to do with the brain, That's the problem with science, it wants to find a PHYSICAL sensible explanation for everything. Science needs to grow a pair and realize everything isn't physical or sensible with your eyes and touch. You have an energy field around you and science tries to sweep that under the rug but ask these dumb ass questions.

>> No.15140367

Back to >>>/x/ nigger

>> No.15140370

You go back too. Science will not entertain your schizophrenia. Start a religion or something

>> No.15140372

Because out of body isn't actually going outside the body, but rather the consciousness generating a model of the body leaving your body

Its just induced hallucination

>> No.15140384

>random nonsense I completely fabricated because I am a child incapable of understanding the world without believing in stories that I made up myself like a literal actual child
yeah... me too

>> No.15140435

>If consciousness is generated by the brain
It isn't
>how come out-of-body experiences are possible?
Because we are not 'in' the body in the first place. We are given this vantage point through the VR technique of immersion. A thought has no position or momentum or any of these other physical observables. The physical world is a data stream rendered to mind/s. You can query different data streams/data bases and receive different experiencial data streams.. You do this when you day dream or dream etc. You can go out of body in the waking state as well. The more you look at it that way, the better you get at doing it. You can fly around and do a google maps type of situation where you peer down at cities. You can fly around in outer space. You can go to places outside of the universe, etc. I myself am not very good at this yet. Some people are and can go to past lives and shit. I can only sometimes be given the vantage point of flying around the world like the google maps situation.

>> No.15140507

Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M. McDonnel's experience with AP/OOBE:
Hemi-Sync Tapes:
Soviets AP Ability:
Edgar Mitchell AP'd while on the moon:

>> No.15140673

>then how come out-of-body experiences are possible?
They aren't. It's bullshit. Like healing crystals and praying the gay away.

Indeed, they have a black budget and don't have to justify their actions to anybody.

Prove it.

All you mystic mumbo jumbo shitstains can fuck off.

>> No.15140781

Did you ever had one?

>> No.15140782

Because you're just dreaming of being outside your body, just like you could dream of being a rat, a female, or a bodyless entity.

t. lucid dreamer

>> No.15140785

Wrong. I've had an OOBE and it felt 100 times more real than normal waking reality.

>> No.15140810

Ooooooh! He had*one* 1 ONE OOBE!
Oh well, I guess my several hundreds of lucids, astral projections and oobes, which by my experience are all in fact just lucid dreams with different expectations, must have deceived me then.

How can I ever recover from finding out that my whole experience at mastering and analyzing the nature of dreams could be invalidated by just a single anon saying he had an OOBE, which probably didn't even last 15 minutes?
I'm devastated.

>> No.15140873

The only thing cia thought was cute about that was the ability to launder dark money to mossad.

>> No.15140876

You're as arrogant as you are naïve. If my consciousness wasn't outside of my body, then why did it feel more real than any dream I've ever had?

>> No.15140877

Does that mean you don't matter or you aren't conscious because by those standards, if you are conscious you can't matter and if you matter you can't be conscious.

>> No.15140930

Because for once you paid attention and basked in awareness. When you're aware things become more detailed, more vivid. Which is especially true in dream, where actual attentino can increase details of what you're observing or fish up correlated memories.
That's basically the first step to get any dreamwork done.
Maintaining awareness is the second challenge, and it's where meditation helps.

>> No.15140936

Yeah well I was still outside of my body, regardless of how many fancy terms you use to wrap it up in some conceptual fantasy that makes sense to you.

>> No.15140942

And they soon dropped it as soon as they realised it was all nonsense.

>> No.15140952

Obes are objectively out of body and sleep paralysis "hallucinations" can be seen by many persons at the same time.

There is more to sleep than it looks

>> No.15140955

Nope, never happened. Stop believing in magic.

>> No.15140959

No, they can't not the same hallucination anyway, oobe and sleep paralysis varies by the person.

>> No.15140965

If one person is having sleep paralysis and the other is also having both will see the same thing.

Sleeping and walking consciousness are the same thing on a different degree, sleeping being below freezing, sleep paralysis & obes at the threshold and dreams at the end of rem sleep when you are unfreezing your consciousness so their memory is also connected to walking memory.

>> No.15140971

>dless of how many fancy terms you use to wrap it up in some conceptual fantasy that makes sense to you.
Ahh, you took the words from my mouth :)
You can keep your Dunning Kruger opnion, to yourself and let people with above-room-temperature IQ do the discussion.

Imagine the amount of retardation required to think you were actually outside your body, and not simply dreaming it.
Being outside your body would necessarily require:
a) a proxy interface to get the actual visual data to feed you, and that interface should coincidentally be the same as what you physically see for no discernible reason
b) these interactions to be physically measurable, because otherwise there is no such proxy
c) born blind people to be able to see and not just rehash what they can from their acquired experiences

Of course none of that happens, you can only "see" the content of your experiences, sometime rearrnged in weird and creative way, but nonetheless.
You never leave your body, you merely dream you do.

Although mostly nonsense there is still the undisproved possibility for a mechanism like Sheldrake's morphic fields, that enables similarly arranged structure, like neurons and everything else, to fire in a similar way with a small chance.
Coincidence to happen a little often than expected, maybe there's a mechanism to optimize some sort of feedback. An intelligent creator might have reason to implement such a system, but certainly not for granting us psychich powers.

>> No.15140975

>both will see the same thing
No some people see demons some see aliens some see abstract things or light being or complete nonbeings and are just stuck because there is a vast variety of sleep paralysis experiences.

>> No.15140978

I was outside of my body whether you want to accept this or not. I know I was because I was there.

>> No.15141633

Better start memorizing some large semiprimes

>> No.15141723

People like you have a connection missing in your brain somewhere

>> No.15141996

If consciousness is generated in the brain how come I can be in a new place every time I play down in my bed for an extended period of time?

>> No.15142435

not a single experiment has ever managed to successfully prove the existence of remote viewing

>> No.15142437
File: 470 KB, 1159x769, physics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's tesla, gateway process, and ufo physics
>hyperdimensional mind over matter consciousness field

>> No.15142446

Maybe our methodology was flawed