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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 258 KB, 1076x655, Screenshot_2023-01-19_20-50-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15137905 No.15137905 [Reply] [Original]

I think the church was right to burn scientists.

>> No.15137911

>thanks jesus for mosquitoes
fuck off back to /x/

>> No.15137912

>I think the church was right to burn scientists.
They never did that, but if they started now I don't think many people would blame them for doing it.

>> No.15137914

>no no no we can play God just a little

>> No.15138005

they wouldnt burn their own
The church has a hidden affirmative action for their own people that eclipse even Jewish nepotism.

>> No.15138024

Why do you use electronics? Why do you use toothpaste? Why do you take Advil for headaches? Why do you participate in a society created by science when you reject it? Go live in the woods, read your bible and try to last a week

>> No.15138027

when did /sci/ turn anti-sci?

>> No.15138031

ya... there are some extremely arrogant fools in science, being funded by clueless billionaires
its just a matter of time before one of them has an 'ooopsie'

>> No.15138034

>Why do you use toothpaste?
I don't. It's bad for your teeth and it contains fluoride.

>> No.15138035
File: 181 KB, 1600x1200, 99793542-EF60-492E-AD04-1A3EE6B2BEA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its just a matter of time before one of them has an 'ooopsie'
>t. Rip van Winkel

>> No.15138041

They are fluoride free toothpaste products at drug stores. If you don’t use toothpaste in general though, then the next step is to sacrifice your phone to your god

>> No.15138043

FYI the monks used to be the scientists but it was making them rebellious so they were burnt.

Be careful who you choose to follow.

>> No.15138045

merely a taste of what's to come with these clowns
that was a farily benign oopsie compared to potential unanticipated repercussions of messing with dna and species that have been around longer than the dinosaurs.

>> No.15138047

>Why do you use electronics? Why do you use toothpaste? Why do you take Advil for headaches? Why do you participate in a society created by science when you reject it?
For the same reason drug addicts keep taking their drug. Why does your mindless horde automatically go to this piss-weak talking point?

>> No.15138054

>put rich scientist under house arrest
I find peace in the fact that science will certainly die while mathematics is eternal and pure

>> No.15138057
File: 463 KB, 878x620, 8BDF1B20-8952-46C4-B953-0B7C20F63D37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the church
Fuck that, we need to go full Ch’in Shih Huang on these psychopaths before they claw us down to Hell with them

>> No.15138185
File: 27 KB, 720x304, the-omega-man-zombies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't anti-sci to crush technocrats and to destroy dangerous technology.

>> No.15138188

>when did /sci/ turn anti-sci?
When the direct relationship between clown world and "science" became startlingly clear.

>> No.15138190

Last I checked society was built and maintained by engineers.

>> No.15138191

Last I checked, society was disintegrating because it's utter shit on every level.

>> No.15138192
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>> No.15138199

A society run by techies and "scientists" is collapsing under its own hubris, how shocking.

>> No.15138206

>A society run by techies and "scientists" is collapsing under its own hubris
Your assessment is way off. The agenda is dictated by financial profiteers and implemented by a bureaucratic class headed by subservient political figureheads, but this paradigm is obsolete because:
1. You can only justify so much based on a political/ideological pretext
2. The public expects some degree of coherence and consistency from ideology
Therefore the new paradigm is to blame society's failures on the political system and ideology and replace them with a "scientific" priest class who will run society based on pragmatic, empiricist principles (read: unconstrained by principles, may change their tune at a moment's notice when "the science" changes) without giving in to the whims and prejudices of the ignorant public (read: government policies need not accomplish anything intuitively desirable in the eyes of the public, nor make any sense in terms of the implementation).

>> No.15138208

Its dumb af because mosquitos reproduce so quickly, so most will become infertile but few will have some new new genetic mutation that will render crsispr modification ineffective and in long term might make it worse

>> No.15138228

seethe retard
before you know it humans will be genetically engineered to the point of being a completely different species.
All Hail Science

>> No.15138229
File: 395 KB, 1036x892, D3E0DDAD-193F-4B36-82E5-CB3BEF9E80F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs confirms

>> No.15138230

Based government Common Science W

>> No.15138239
File: 13 KB, 550x347, 1673552337411619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the contrary it is you who are seething. Imagine turning your offspring into space fairing monsters just to spite people like me.

>> No.15138242

>Imagine turning your offspring into space fairing monsters
it's called progress, chud. humanity is a failure. the choice is between antinatalism or shedding our vile, filthy humanity and becoming one with science

>> No.15138246
File: 34 KB, 474x398, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15138248

the bird is christianity and the fish is the average chud. "humanity" is over. AI has already replaced your precious artists. get on with the times, retarded poltard.

>> No.15138250

How very insecure of you. But guess that's why you need a skydaddy to hold your hand anyway. It's a scary world!!

>> No.15138252

What a mentally ill attempt at a retort.

>> No.15138256

>waaah help me jesusman, I'm scared of new things

>> No.15138258

See >>15138252. I don't believe in any god. I'm just amused by how ill you are.

>> No.15138262

>be ai
>need human artists to produce art so you can learn to do art

Yea what cunt. AI will never amount to anything until it begins to merge with suitable human minds.

>> No.15138264

AI has already replaced all human artists, it has replaced most human lawyers and it passed the Turing Test. you're a delusional and coping polchud

>> No.15138269

cope as you wish, but we all can see you got btfo'd and cannot handle it so you seethe & babble.

>> No.15138272

I'm not even the anon you replied to. I'm just observing your illness.

>> No.15138273

I mean... Like... You're trolling right.

Can you show me an AI artist that can produce art without referencing the work of a human artist? No. AI art is the result of AI creating a kind of collage mesh of human artists work and then modifying the texture so all the layers look like the same piece.

It's creative and elegant admittedly but it's still trickery.

>> No.15138276

it doesn't matter. AI has already replaced all human artists. it draws better than any human artist and it can follow instuctions properly unlike stupid art apes. most "professional" art produced nowadays is AI art for a reason. AI is replacing humanity and i fucking spit on humanity's grave

>> No.15138278

I want to argue with you because you are clearly insane but then I just got a notification that Spiderman 53 is currently in production so maybe humans are also talentless, uninspired hacks.

>> No.15138283

you can't argue with the facts. AI consistently outperforms human artists and that's why they've all been replaced

>> No.15138289
File: 173 KB, 400x388, 26a523n6v4j61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y-you're b-bad man! m-m-mentally ill bastard!!

>> No.15138291

Now you sound more like a bot shitting out completely random responses.

>> No.15138293

fluoride is good for your teeth

>> No.15138356
File: 548 KB, 604x663, 1670650012417823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you participate in a society created by Europeans when you claom it's inherently racist and built upon the exploitation and oppression of minorities? Go live in the Africa with your "indiginous knowledge" and try to last a week

>> No.15138375

2020 was when it became I Fucking Hate Science!-tier

>> No.15138381

>dude if we just show them they're hypocrites then we win
No. They want you dead and gone and this is about power not logical arguments.

>> No.15138858

I can use electronics and burn people at the same time

>> No.15138890

Population size is still highly correlated with geopolitical power. Doesn't make a lot of strategic sense for the elite to be importing millions of low skill migrants while also exterminating their productive citizens.

>> No.15139098

Which is applied science.

>> No.15139100

>An English degrees is word science

>> No.15139128

You dont get it, we need world peace. The only way to have that is by flipping order on its head.
This is why jesuits actually believe.

>> No.15140099

It's when the balance tipped against science worldwide, but it was a long time coming.

>> No.15141823

when the enemies of the west realized that this a cheap way to weaken their opponent. empower the fools of your foe's population and they will burn down their own country for you.

>> No.15141879

Even if they did, scientists are an offshoot. They'd re-evolve again.

>> No.15141883

If you're enemy kills you being a derivative of the same thing, they kill theirself. Reworded, if you kill your enemies, they win.

>> No.15141928

This. Empowering the Scientists and their compliant techie cultists was the easiest way to destroy the West.

>> No.15141991

They already mutated to bypass this and give super strain of malaria

Thanks bill gates and other science believers
Nature always win

>> No.15142409

/sci/ was never pro-sci, it was pro posci. Most of the morons on this board couldnt even tell you the steps in the scientific method or use grade school level logic. Real scientists had to come in here and clean this shithole up by purging the donkeys. The donkeys of course see this as "anti-science" because they are fucking stupid, hence the need to expose and spurge them as the hacks they are