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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15135640 No.15135640 [Reply] [Original]

why did he go schizo

>> No.15135695

It’s stressful having such a high IQ, being so driven that your mind is larger than life. Our brains follow the laws of physics and are therefore constrained, but it’s not uncommon for powerful minds to push these constraints to the limit, resulting in catastrophic cellular processes because all that entropy has nowhere to go.

>> No.15135697

i like being dumb :)

>> No.15135700

That sounds like something a lizard person would say

>> No.15135710

nu/sci/ hates this fact but first of all he was an esoteric spiritual chad

>> No.15135729

He did a lot of work on the characteristics of the elements, including taste testing. Probably gave himself heavy metal poisoning over time

>> No.15135739
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The Angloid ladyboys got to him

>> No.15135742
File: 76 KB, 900x714, newton_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Greatest mind in mathematics and physics of all time
>Goes full schzio after cashing out on classic physics and calculus
Holy shit he really did nose deep into /x/ hahahahah.

>> No.15135750

Schizophrenia can often be the perfect engine to drive Genius, though it is likely to crash.

>> No.15135767

There's a theory the chemicals he was using during his alchemy experiments were what drove him insane. They tested his corpse recently:
> remains of desiccated hair were later found to contain four times the lead, arsenic and antimony and fifteen times mercury than in normal range samples

>> No.15135768

Where's the lead supplement schizo to test Newton's diet?

>> No.15135838

He was Christian

>> No.15136011
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>> No.15136160
File: 83 KB, 823x385, alchemy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was delving into Alchemy and Kabbalah, the sort of occult stuff Christians of the day would have burned people at the stake for.
Have some shame and stop promoting your brain dead religion.

>> No.15136204
File: 74 KB, 736x1068, christina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. This is black.
>2. This is green.
Early greentexting

>> No.15136212

When you are active you find treasures and it feels like destiny or an unknown force is helping you, he just tried to unlock that power.

>> No.15136218

Alchemy is real. The history we are told is a lie.

>> No.15136241

He always was one. Sometimes order can be found in disorder

>> No.15136242

too much pattern recognition can be a bad thing

>> No.15136313

>Probably gave himself heavy metal poisoning over time
Remembered the time reading he passed a kidney stone on his own, without anything and anyone

>> No.15136416

genius is close to madness no cap

>> No.15136418

he got mercury poisoning

>> No.15136478

He didn't, you just got filtered.

>> No.15136485

what no pussy does to a nigga.

>> No.15136510
File: 65 KB, 540x810, B95ZZyrIMAAX2Px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face it every truly Greats goes schizo sooner or later.
You either have /sci/ midwits coping they went mental or /x/ midwits making a religion out of them.
Well, if OP pic went this deep into Alchemy guess we know where he stands on the subject of consciousness.

>> No.15136512

That's preposterous, he never met Freddy or listened to his music.

>> No.15136540

He saw as much reason in doing nothing as doing something, i.e. he sees a lot of angles, as a pioneer would need. He probably therefore had a mind happy in its own world but also desperate for something in the outside world to reflect that inner world as relief for his mind. If that relief never comes from the outside world then the mind will burn up, slowly strangling itself, leading to blindness therefore allowing for decay of his better intelligence, which allows him more to accept a poor outside world he finds himself in. Then eventually the mind becomes *even* with the poor environment he is in. And is then able to enjoy what is poor material to others, therefore looking schizo.

Therefore a mind on fire needs something greatly enthralling from the world around. How a mind ends up on fire, is usually from strong euphoric backgrounds where bars were set very high. Naturally we like to have some new things, so when this happened to isaac, and struggled to find another great thing in the environment for his now high bar mind, the process I mentioned above started.

So in short: he had it all, then failed to find new great things, his brain rotted, so he then found it easy to get glee in odd small things, this entertained him for possibly long enough till death. Otherwise if something truly great was found again, he may of had his brain on the recovery and started to appear more as he was before.

It can be hard after you find great things, to drop a gear and re-appreciate the things around you properly. As the desire for that high pertains. It's like jumping in the deep end without any methodology to help you back to safer waters. You might be able to swim in those great waters, but how long for?

It's called getting giddy and hurting yourself in the process. Clearly euphoria is a drug to recklessly chase for all brains. You can't blame them, why would you want to feel shit. The pursuit of knowledge in this case led to disregarding his own health.

>> No.15136548

A better explanation is that you are worthless talentless schizo, stop hopelessly analysing people's biography that lived hundreds of years ago

>> No.15136551

You're worth as much as dog shit under someones shoe.

>> No.15136554

But let me guess, you tell yourself otherwise as does your relations who want something from you. Loser.

>> No.15136558

Funny, because that would be the universe as a whole. For all that it is, all we have is our shitty little life's.

>> No.15136565

The fucking dweeb ran away. What a faggot.

>> No.15136566

>Isaac Newton
>worthless talentless schizo
Did you graduate highschool?

>> No.15136572

>The worthless talentless children on 4chan thinks I'm bullying and trashing Newton
Do your homework kiddo and stop wondering what Newton did in his basement

>> No.15136575

Oh fucking die man. It would only give me an erection.

>> No.15136578

You are projecting a lot in these posts.

>> No.15136579

What wrong with wondering you fucking melt.

>> No.15136581

Normally when somebody says "meds" it's an insult or a joke, but in this case I think you legitimately need to see someone.

>> No.15136637

>what wrong with wondering
What didn't get the memo? That aren't what science is about anymore.
The official slogan is >'shut up and calculate'.
People in the academia nowadays are literal bots waiting to be replaced by AI
Why people go into physics these days is beyond me.

>> No.15136664
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>> No.15136732
File: 81 KB, 564x789, b3373f72cb54a1b854e861a141965d1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's there to seethe about.
I dodged a bullet years ago when I heard that slogan and went instead into programming now making bank.
I know for a fact fags like you are gonna get btfo in the next decades. All your perceived "talents" and "worth" easily replacible by the right codes and models.

>> No.15136757

No gf to hug on cold nights to keep warm will turn anyone mad given enough time.

>> No.15137081

But... but I thought newton being a hecking christian validated my metaphysics....

>> No.15137096

Only on 4chan Network™

>> No.15138882

He's a lovecraftian character

>> No.15139290

>into occult
> discover gravity in 1666

what does he know?

>> No.15139336

That's not schizophrenia, that's a four headed angel as described in the bible.

Do you have any more information about this aspect of him? I never realised.