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File: 72 KB, 1807x304, 2023-01-19 00_13_21-Turtles all the way down - Wikipedia — Mozilla Firefox INDIA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15134443 No.15134443 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15134449

what did they change

>> No.15134463

they forced their .m mobile shit on all platforms

>> No.15134475


>> No.15134485


>> No.15134487

Jews going all out again, just gotta wait for someone to revert the changes with a script or something

>> No.15134491
File: 100 KB, 511x788, 1671912789647218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe this shit will finally force me to abandon that glownigger site completely and find beter sources to read the encyclopedic material at

>> No.15134503

Those shitty Wikipedia reader sites are unironically more readable now.

>> No.15134505


>> No.15134513

>wikipedia still doesn't provide more pictures in the article about boobs
What a disappointment.

>> No.15134515
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, 1673537606032719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There has never been an interface change that has improved the interface, except Windows 7 Aero

>> No.15134523

It's to hide the edit history and talk buttons.

Now why might they want to do that do you think?

>> No.15134585

Can't you see?
Boomers and minorities.
Be happy they are including mentally stunted creatures you biggot.

>> No.15134627

Fuck Aero

>> No.15135353


>> No.15135365

mucho gracias

>> No.15135375

This is why I don't fucking donate to Wikipedia
I hope they fire the web devs
probably an over paid female trying to pretend her job matters
fucking shit
need an alternative
anyway to turn it back or access wiki from my command line/terminal?

>> No.15135379

>defund wikipedia
holy based lmao

>> No.15135380

Wikipedia at this point is just another begging bowl funding stream

>> No.15136357
File: 312 KB, 1365x618, 1672741139974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need a script, you can literally change it in the settings to any past layout

>> No.15136367

what improvements?
i don't follow Wikipedia

>> No.15136368

>Now why might they want to do that do you think?
is this for all sections,

or just one?

>> No.15136370

Who cares? Let wikishills die.

>> No.15136553

I just want my contents table back.
What the fuck?
I don't want to click extra shit and hunt through collapsed lists.

It would take literally ZERO extra work to leave a toggle for the old style.
The only potential downside to that is the egos of the devs that made this new shit would be hurt by everyone not using their new shit.

>> No.15136560

Well ok, but weeds like you need sorting out as well.

>> No.15136595

its been like that for a while in the french wikipedia, it looks like shit

>> No.15136600

>It would take literally ZERO extra work to leave a toggle for the old style.
Here's the toggle: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Preferences

>> No.15136608

they changed it so that niggers and women can understand it too

>> No.15136609

I wonder how with all the mobile development going on just the ''convert website to mobile form'' button is more user friendly than a customized website for mobile. This is almost every time the case. I imagine ios and android devs being some of the worst devs out there. Well Android studio is java so plenty of India around there I guess.

>> No.15136676

>Please log in to change your preferences.

>> No.15138065

>one woman
>is blonde
>wears head stuff
>surounded by negros
Idk guys... i think i hate this site even, even more now!

>> No.15138071
File: 52 KB, 307x240, WP20Symbols_community1_light_background.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does she look angry?

>> No.15138211
File: 525 KB, 1920x1200, wikishit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im literally trying to understand how they fucking thought this was a good idea
the archwiki had the same change too and i was fucking disgusted

>> No.15138217

There's some weird movement to reduce everything to the most primitive and subhuman form possible.

>> No.15138225
File: 119 KB, 180x626, F06370AE-C594-4D27-BB7D-FF89D1D1A8A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eliminated the sidebar of 95% useless bullshit
wtf I love tranny web developers now

>> No.15138231

most of the internet is mobile now chud mobile first design is more democratic

>> No.15138240

How do we get out of this situation? Download old wikipedia on PC?

>> No.15138251

You're blowing this out of proportion

>> No.15138259

It's only 100GB with all the media and 30GB with text only. Nice offline info storage and protection against undesired changes in the future.

>> No.15138261

>protection against undesired changes in the future.
This also means outdated information.

>> No.15138485

It's a jewish site, it's almost certain that they know it looks bad and that's the entire point

>> No.15138495



>> No.15139196
File: 365 KB, 1024x935, Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until they replace the logo with something flatter? There's a lot of gradients there, and that's not very UX.

>> No.15139386

if you make an account can change the layout back in preferences -> appearance

>> No.15139387

actually that's already the flatter version the older version was pretty different

>> No.15139444

It's like every website is trying to minimize the amount of useful information that you can see without scrolling.

>> No.15139715
File: 480 KB, 750x1018, sangger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15139736

>account required
But why though?

>> No.15139925

I did. My bad.