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15133519 No.15133519 [Reply] [Original]

How intelligent are plants?

>> No.15133523

Fuck minimizing suffering. What's the most intelligent and sensitive animal I can legally eat?

>> No.15133532

You can eat me, babe.

>> No.15133593

probably whale or dolphin

>> No.15133628

since eating something requires consent which animals/plants cannot provide, the only possible food source is voluntary human sperm. I am willing to provide an adequate quantity, but I don’t exactly do this for free

>> No.15133635

pigs about as smart as dogs

>> No.15133640

a lettuce outlived a UK PM

>> No.15134187

Most mammals we regularly eat(cows and pigs) are much more intelligent than most people realize

>> No.15134199

Cannibalism isn't illegal everywhere.
Maybe they changed the laws though, dunno.

>> No.15134200

Plants ruthlessly kill each other when competing for resources. Should we be able to put them on trial for murder?

>> No.15134266

how can an animal bred to be dumb and docile be intelligent? All the really intelligent animals can be little fucking demons because they are intelligent.

>> No.15134269

>an animal bred to be dumb and docile
The average westerner

>> No.15134282

Inteligence and defence mechanisms are unrelated retard

>> No.15134301

I heard a while back that plants vibrate at 70kHz when cut.

>> No.15134340

my penis is very sensitive

>> No.15134350

Not what I'm talking about it. When did I mention 'defence mechanisms'? I have more in mind the behaviour of monkeys or elephants, full range from what we identify as sociable, self-controlled, and brutally precise violence and trickery. Dogs for example could be like that too but they are so stupid and submissive and bred for specific behaviours that they're not really. Domesticated food animals do not have anywhere near as much problem-solving and curiosity and 'measured aggression' I would call it, which all require intelligence to do. They're so nice.

>> No.15134355 [DELETED] 


>> No.15134378

>New study shows oxygen has feelings
>Breathing is racist, homophobic, transphobic etc.

>> No.15134410

Hey, I'd rather be a westerner than some backwards mongood Russian or as low IQ Muslim shitskin from Iran. The West isnt prefect but its as lot better than the shithole countries that poltards claim to be "based and redpilled".

>> No.15134586

Holy cow ...

And people are wondering why this board goes downhill. A person, awsnering this, is deliberately seeking out a science board. Nature is so beautiful.

>> No.15134610

And it's that highly technologized and urbanized western culture, which affords the existence of young adults growing up, completely disconnected, uneducated and unaware about basic nature knowledge.

You kind of got half way to a pattern, predators or animals having a harder time to get resources tend be to some degree smarter, because hunting is a more complex problem solving, though that doesn't mean there can't be effective survivorship without intelligence, hence while not that much smart animals running around. High Intelligence isn't as useful, as you might think. That just strengthens, what the Anon told you. It's all about different mechanism. Brutal trickery is just a coping strategy. Millions of organism have evolved different awsners in their pursuit of niche construction.

Easy stuff:
Why does a plant need pain receptors, if they can't even run away?

>> No.15135624

What does intelligence have to do with edibility?

>> No.15135847

If you were about to kill a pig and it said "no wait, i have the solution to fermat's last theorem" wouldn't that only mean that the pig was good & healthy and probably extra tasty?


>> No.15135848

pigs are more intelligent than dogs. dogs are fucking stupid.

>> No.15135867

If humans are so intelligent, should we stop killing them?

>> No.15135868


>> No.15136155
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Very little.

>> No.15136178

plants can heal you, ever hear people "say I need to go touch grass or kissing trees in movies, you can heal your heart, your depression by touch a tree. Just holding your hand on it an the tree absorbs the negative emotion/energy out of your body and sucks it back down into the earth. Bushes and plants and trees can talk, they have souls. A lot of us have been trees and plants in a past life, it teaches your soul how to be still and how to be rooted and ground in a physical reality. Every plant has a fairy on it protecting it as well. That's what fairies, gnomes, elves, leprechauns. They all take care of the plants and elements. They all have task to do just like an alien abducting a human is doing a task for something. Walking on grass barefoot heals your green/anahata chakra.

>> No.15136179

I type like shit but yeah, you get it.

>> No.15136205

this is the kind of nonsense that contributes to people being anti-science

>> No.15136211

Just bought a bigger pot and some peat mix for my pitcher plants so they can get bigger and I can feed spiders to them

>> No.15136264

Good morning sir

>> No.15137205

i'm smarter than >>15133532 so you can eat me instead.

>> No.15139219
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what ever happened to the "save the whales" movement? are the oceans now teeming with whales or was "save the whales" just a passing fad that nobody legitimately cared about beyond the benefit they could extract for themselves by falsely virtue signalling their devotion to the cause?

>> No.15139255
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I've thinking about it for a while. I've always held the view that the vegetarian/vegan agenda makes little sense because both plants and animals are alive and there's not really any reason to value their lives differently.

However, you could simply stop eating meat AND plants. You may still eat their produce, such as eggs, grains, fruits, milk, etc. So I guess if you care about not killing for sustainable, the rational choice should be to live off their produce. This is why vegan is kinda dumb, since it advocates against eating even animal produce.

>> No.15139314
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So imagine a neuron, it's a relatively rudimentary cell which produces singular signals, right? It can fire electricity and modulate the frequency of which it fires. A single plant in a field may not be sentient, but it instead acts as an individual "neuron" which propagates signals across every plant in the field. Plants demonstrate remarkable group communication, everything from acacia trees signaling they're being eaten to plants intentionally restricting growth around other plants which are their "immediate family". So it may be that instead when you look at a field of grass you're looking at a "brain" of sorts, but an individual plant isn't "sentient" as we would know it, as much as a neuron is sentient.

>> No.15139318

The UN implemented anti-whaling regulations that are mostly effective.

Now the issue isn't guys harpooning them, it's pollution and ship strikes.

>> No.15139322

>are the oceans now teeming with whales or was "save the whales" just a passing fad that nobody legitimately cared about beyond the benefit they could extract for themselves by falsely virtue signalling their devotion to the cause?
You know the answer already.

>> No.15139354

bitch survives purely on cum