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File: 163 KB, 744x952, ad875c1c1418febdb104ed42efb0e6c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15132163 No.15132163 [Reply] [Original]

Are any other people comparable, in terms of innovation and genuis, to those who once inhabited the British Isles, particularly prior to and around the time of industrialisation?

>> No.15132170

A shame our dreary little windswept island will never rise again short of systematic ethnic reassignment

>> No.15132187
File: 81 KB, 620x368, isaac-newton-2-620x368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from the demographic change you reference, dysgenics has gone too far amongst our own populace anyway.

>> No.15132280

I'm quite aware of that too.
Centuries of effectively eugenic selection for the well mannered, pius and intelligent down the swanny in a century or more.
But I find solace in remembering that our entire island's population was barely a few million souls up until the 19th century.

>> No.15132281 [DELETED] 

What happened to those who once inhabited the British Isles? Where did they go to? Why did they cease to exist in their native land? If they were genius, the people who wiped them out must have been even smarter, what did they produce?

>> No.15132293
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>But I find solace in remembering that our entire island's population was barely a few million souls up until the 19th century.
I hadn't considered this point too much. Perhaps I'm too pessemtsitc to believe that an untainted million (or two) could remain in England, let alone return us to such heights of renown and accomplishment. Only time will tell, I suppose.

>> No.15132314

The industrial revolution lowered infant mortality from 50% to 1%, created a surplus of resources and rapid urbanisation. These factors coalesced to enable the genetically weak, who would have under natural conditions died at birth or in infancy, to live on and propagate. Hence, the demographics of society began to shift from a time when the wealthy and more intelligent had more children (we see this in records of wills) to a time when the less geneticall fit and less intelligent lower classes were reproducing more than anyone else. Consequently, average iq goes down, per capita innovation goes down, genetic diseases increase in frequency, reaction times go down (marker of intelligence), colour differentiation goes down, crime goes up, etc. That's where they all went. They got outbred by less intelligent and less genetically fit people.

>> No.15132320
File: 471 KB, 863x1124, 84UJeGFva5shoXufWVwjhn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot my picture

>> No.15132322

How much do you think our shitty weather affected our genetic direction?

>> No.15132325
File: 329 KB, 1200x1505, Watt_James_von_Breda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what did they produce?
The majority of anything significant

>> No.15132356

It is thought that the 'little ice age',from 1303 to 1850, in England had a positive affect on the intelligence of Britons. The theory states that it created a harsher environment and thereby, increased selection pressures. Meaning, you would have to be more genetically fit to survive during such a time period (on average) than you would in say today's slightly warmer climate. Harsher selection pressure means a healthier populace and health and intelligence are inseparable qualities. In short, the weak and less intelligent would have not been able to reproduce as easily (keep their offspring alive and healthy) as the already genetically healthy and intelligent. The harsher the conditions are, the more this effect is seen. Its also a fairly ubiquitously accepted expalination, by evolutionary anthropologists, as to why northern Europeans have a higher iq than peoples from warmer climates. You need to think ahead and plan more to be able to survive in cold conditions than you do in a warm savannah of relative plenty.

>> No.15132380

So the great die offs of the 1300s that rapidly reduced our then growing population down to a third, what impact do you feel they had?

>> No.15132386

Read it and weep lads.

>> No.15132395

I'm not familiar enough with it to give you a response worth reading.

>> No.15132397

What are your favourite relatively unsung british intellectuals?

Always liked Alfred Russel Wallace, felt he got worked over pretty bad by the wedgewood mafia.

>> No.15132405

the german-celtic mix is too powerful

>> No.15132407

Oh I see. well from what I read on it long ago the subsequent ease of movement caused by the labour shortages allowing individuals to escape feudal restrictions created a massive free market that eventually led to the agricultural revolution..

>> No.15132410

Yes, check the map you posted.

>> No.15132429
File: 171 KB, 2048x1053, the-lunar-society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a very quick skim read it seems like they just got very unlucky as many bad things happened at around the same time in England. There was a massive plague outbreak, a great famine and the warm period ended. If I had to make an uneducated assessment of the impact of these events I'd say its complicated. If you're talking about the short term well-being of the English, it was obviously disastrous. Lots of death, suffering, violence, disorder, etc. However, I don't think the case is the same for the long term prospects of the English. Had the population exceeded what the resources in that society could have supported, there would have been a collapse anyway, just later on. Also, like I said before, it's a reversion to harsher darwinian conditions which increases selection pressures and generally makes a populace healthier, more intelligent and better adapted to their environment, for only people with those qualities are able to survive and operate. Sounds awful, but it was probably the cause, or a cause, of the genuis and intellect in Britain in later centuries. All layman conjecture here though so don't take me too seriously.

>> No.15132430

Super concentrated Brit Brain juice was just speed put over the western world and diluted. That's it. Same thing that happened to Golden age Spanish.

I'm sure there must be some historical population model for this. Great civilizations spread too thin and dilute their golden geese.

>> No.15132434

> These factors coalesced to enable the genetically weak, who would have under natural conditions died at birth or in infancy, to live on and propagate.
Like Newton? That sort of selection has no bearing on mental achievement.
Today's international strategy is to grow populations to massive extent for small increases in "genius" yields.

>> No.15132441

possibly more the fertility mincing brain drain of cities.

>> No.15132447

Britain had its time on top, but that time is over. It was over about 1850 when Germany was on top, then after the end of WWII America was on top for a few decades. Now Jews are the true masters of science/math.

>> No.15132453

Coincidentally we now have the replication crisis.

>> No.15132487
File: 114 KB, 1920x1080, karen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in barns
>produce no art, sculpture, or poetry of note
>develop 10,000 variations of steam engines
Diagnosis: autism

>> No.15132489
File: 878 KB, 2218x2671, Portrait_of_Sir_Isaac_Newton,_1689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newton wasn't genetically weak. Genuis is a curious and poorly understood thing that is often accompanied by some mild illness. However, you can't use people like newton as an example against selection for intelligence. Firstly, genuis is thought to be the product of mutation between two intelligent (healthy) parents that produces a person with outlier high iq. His father was a prosperous and wealthy farmer of high social standing. Given the correlation between wealth and intelligence of 0.8 its fairly safe to assume that Newtons late father was an, at least reasonably, intelligent man. His mother was the daughter of a butcher (if I recall correctly?) an esteemed profession at the time which would have required intelligence to be successful in. She was probably reasonably intelligent. Neither were poor.
>That sort of selection has no bearing on mental achievement
This is absolutely absurd.
>Today's international strategy is to grow populations to massive extent for small increases in "genius" yields.
Well, given that we know about regression to the mean and the mean is falling rapidly (the flynn effect is in reverse) then that won't work. Average IQ has been falling by approximately 1.5 points per decade, measurably over the past 100 years, perhaps since 1850. If you look this up you'll find Google telling you the opposite, but it's not true. Given this trend you'd expect the average IQ in England to be around 85 in the next 100 years. Given immigration from the middle east and Africa, we can expect this date to arrive much sooner. Now tell me, what is the probability that you find a person with an IQ of 140+ (the rough boundary of genuis) in a country such as Trinidad where the average iq is in fact 85? Your theory purports that if we just let more low iq people fill the world and lower average iqs well get more genuises despite the fact that that the probability of genuis falls faster than populations grow. Farcical.

>> No.15132499

Also, he was born in 1643 for goodness sake. He was born under completely natural conditions. What, because he was born in a house and not outside its not natural? Don't be ridiculous. Even despite being premature by 3 months he survived without midwifery, vaccination, nutrient fortification in childhood, or any of the other survival enhancing things that modernity has afforded us. You must remember that during such a time surviving prematurity was unusual and among healthy children it was not known whether a child would survive (with a reasonable degree of certainty) up until the age of around 5. He survived past both landmarks under natural conditions.

>> No.15132504

>doesn't understand the magnitude of Britain's disproportionate contributions to humanity
Diagnosis: retard

>> No.15132506

Newton was born premature and showed signs of compensatory brain development

>> No.15132518

The problem isn't the total number of high iqs, the most important is the proportion of the population with the ability to be a good plumber or other technical field that can maintain the systems

>> No.15132538

You're just showing that you didn't read my response by telling me something that I've just told you. Prematurity can't be used as a sign of genetic weakness in Newton as we don't know the cause in his case. It can happen (and often does happen) for environmental reasons. Such as the mother exerting herself, feeling overly stressed, falling ill, etc. The fact that he survived such severe prematurity is perhaps evidence of genetic strength. Da vinci, edison, Einstein, napoleon, Darwin, etc all premature.

>> No.15132543

The Irish

>> No.15132544

No I'm a different respondent.

>> No.15132548
File: 473 KB, 1920x1080, enriched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If they were genius, the people who wiped them out must have been even smarter
it doesn't follow though

>> No.15132553

Britbongs have a very particular view of what constitutes a contribution to humanity. They view the Roman Empire as having made good bridges and roads for example, as that's what they are most impressed by. They are a brutish, practical people.

>> No.15132554

Yes, for a functional static society. If you want advancement you need genuises. The top 5% of any given population, in terms of intelligence, are more important than the rest. There wouldn't be an systems to maintain without them and you'd get nowhere. The US army won't accept you if your IQ is below 73 and they want anyone they can get so that's saying something. They set this limit because they say that people below that level can't follow instructions and be taught to do things. Basic system maintainance can be performed by people above this number and average iq people but like I said, you'll get no new systems.

>> No.15132555

You have to be older than 18 to post here

>> No.15132564


>> No.15132571

Your post reads like it were written by a 15 year old

>> No.15132572

How so?

>> No.15132580 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 608x443, 117 bottom 95% low iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15132581

The edgy rant about how the industrial revolution caused dysgenics and IQ decrease by the lower class over-breeding, using terms like "genetically weak", really screams it

>> No.15132592

Wasn't that my point?
The further right you can shunt the bell curve the better because it increases average technical competence and innovation potential at all levels which reduces total dependants and creates increasing surplus effort for the genius iqs to capitalise on?

>> No.15132594
File: 9 KB, 268x188, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument though is it, josé?

>> No.15132598

I thought it read like he'd mainlined some dutton vid.

>> No.15132602

Edgy? Are you knew of these freaks who believe that race and sex are social constructs and and talking about genetics is what you call "edgy" so you have to revert to your only recourse which is insult because you have nothing to say? Why is Sci a reddit colony?

>> No.15132609

Come back when you learn to speak English, kid

>> No.15132612

Someone asked me where all the british genuises went and I think his amalgam of Woodley and Rushton theories is the answer so its inevitably going to sound like him.

>> No.15132615
File: 10 KB, 230x220, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, good one

>> No.15132616

Whatever happened to Woodley?

>> No.15132625

>Comes to a foreign website to post in broken English, insults his hosts, and is proud of it and has his wojaks saved to own anyone who criticizes him
Absolute parasite. Kill yourself.

>> No.15132635

I don't care about your worthless opinion, carlito

>> No.15132645

Still going

>> No.15132651 [DELETED] 

its funny that seeing your intelligence estimated at only 17% above average has you feeling insulted. you must estimate your own brainpower at a much higher percentage above normal. unfortunately for you, your estimates seem off as an unbiased, randomly selected sample of your writing identified you in the bottom 95% of all brains, which invalidates all your opinions according to your own logic. Why don't you stay quiet and allow people smarter than yourself some space to do their thing?

>> No.15132653

But you use this website every day and talk to americans every day

>> No.15132657

What IQ do you consider to be good enough to talk here? You've tested me and I've ranged from 100 to 140.

>> No.15132665

>Signs of a Flynn effect in rodents?
good to see he's still trooping on, I was worried for him back during all the social media purges

>> No.15132668

>its funny that seeing your intelligence estimated at only 17% above average has you feeling insulted.
It's funny that you didn't recognise what was insulting about your reply. You posted it because you feel that your iq is above 117 and therefore, you're superior to a stranger on the internet based on an AI that supposes that it can quantify a person's intelligence on seven sentences of writing that you actually take as a reasonable measurement. And I'm the stupid one? LOL
>Why don't you stay quiet and allow people smarter than yourself some space to do their thing?
Also, what the fuck is this lol

>> No.15132671

You are definitely 15

>> No.15132674 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 617x447, IQ Kang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15132676

He is obviously entering in every post he makes to make sure it tests high iq

>> No.15132694 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 620x449, 1673782143597206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15132698

No surprise 4chan endlessly spouts off worthless takes and conspiracy. America's just a bunch of worthless pig nosed european wanabes, and I say this as a first hand witness.

>> No.15132709
File: 72 KB, 720x453, Screenshot_20230117-233046_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stephen hawking. How very accurate your tarot card are.

>> No.15132720
File: 301 KB, 720x451, Screenshot_20230117-233641_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isaac newton's a 'midwit',apparently

>> No.15132728
File: 90 KB, 648x402, Screenshot_20230117-234009_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrance tao must be from Africa

>> No.15132729 [DELETED] 

not a significant scientist, not meaningful body of work, just a popular media celebrity, but the ifls soigoys sure do love him. that iq test sure does seem to have gotten under your skin.

>> No.15132743

No, I'm aware of the fact that I'm probably hovering around average on the iq scale. However, your assertion that this is even close to an empirical metric is comedic at best.

>> No.15132746
File: 319 KB, 946x573, writingtoiqsnapshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bottom of the page says that you needed to put effort and thought into every word for the test to be accurate

it could just be a coincidence but I actually do have 145-150 iq so this test seems accurate

>> No.15132751
File: 147 KB, 720x447, Screenshot_20230117-234643_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is roger penrose

>> No.15132754

>the bottom of the page says that you needed to put effort and thought into every word for the test to be accurate
Also, if thus is the criteria for accuracy then you're assuming that everyone you test on here is putting effort and thought into what they're typing and almost no one on here is. It's 4chan.

>> No.15132761

Yeah, but every sentences structure in that paragraph is fairly simple and the vocabulary is mostly simple as well. Not saying they accurately scored Roger, but its just testing a small sample.

>> No.15132765

i'm not the guy youre in a flamewar with
totally different dude. just playing devil's advocate.

>> No.15132818

Thats why we conquered the world while everyone else was faffing about with cave paintings and weed.

>> No.15132819
File: 162 KB, 720x455, Bullshitometer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I've just typed into this thing myself and it's produced a random number thats quite a way off 117. Huge variance shows its inaccuracy. Its like the vocabulary test you are made to take as a child; if you see the pattern you win. I had a score of a 21 years old at 9 but it didn't mean a thing because you can't measure intelligence like that. I'm not insecure about my intelligence as he says anyway. It's over in that department. It's just a bullshit model that he likes to use to make himself feel better I suppose? It's pretty sad but whatever keeps the rope away I guess.

>> No.15132835 [DELETED] 

>we conquered the world
not you, kid
stop taking credit for other people's achivements, intellectual property theft is a crime.
they had an impressive empire, you do not. there is no evidence that you still have it within your genetic background to achieve similar success, that aspect of your ancestry seems to have been bred out of the gene pool

>> No.15132844

OP here, not the one you're currently responding to; I agree. Though some remnants are left.

>> No.15132845

The Greeks of antiquity, for one.

>> No.15132856
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Arguable, but fair I suppose

>> No.15132858

Technology strangled us. We ended up smelling our own farts too much. Creativity deadened by tech.

>> No.15132881

the ir*sh are the least accomplished people in history

>> No.15133137

Zamn :(

>> No.15133180

i see future engineers, philosophers, and doctors in this picture.

>> No.15133274

>(2019). How intelligence affects fertility 30 years on: Retherford and Sewell revisited – with polygenic scores and numbers of grandchildren. Twin Research & Human Genetics, 22:3, 147-153.

So if the the problem of iq decline is primarily caused by when a woman starts having kids, wouldn't this position feminism feminism as an accelerant, as it seems to empower women by robbing the smartest of the opportunity to be mothers?

>> No.15133722

chinks are low iq

>> No.15133756


>> No.15133771

Irrelevant ancient history. Not only is brutish history dead but brutish peepol themselves are going to go extinct. Already we see the worst low IQ englanders reproducing at much higher rates than the intellectual elites, these too will dissappear through breeding with pakis and bahamians.

>> No.15133777

You only beat abos, indios and assorted cave peoples. The only impressive british imperial achievement was worming itself into hindu society until they basically coup'd themselves in power as the strongest faction among dozens of divided groups.

>> No.15133850

Beat the Germans twice, and the French a bunch!

>> No.15133923
File: 539 KB, 609x1017, p2rn76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proud of destroying millions of lives in europe, currently overrun with african and asian foreigners just like the rest of europe. proud history of participation in white genocide.

>> No.15134066

You mad Froggy?

>> No.15134089

>not you, kid
>stop taking credit for other people's achivements
That also means we're not responsible for any of the historical crimes of the British empire. Noice.

>> No.15134129

merchants staged the glorious revolution of the dutch faggot william, then forced a central bank on the country which fomented endless war.
Bonnie Prince Charlie was our rightful king

>> No.15134132

That's correct. We dindu nuffin.

>> No.15134134

Nobody cares because you are going extinct so whatever you say doesnt matter.

>> No.15134148

I thought that was just a conspiracy theory?

>> No.15134287

Is that sarcasm? You make a funny?
You are going extinct but you make funny. Ok.

>> No.15134578
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>> No.15134584

I can't say, chap.

>> No.15134699

Watch this and Weep

>> No.15134827

Seen it already

>> No.15134839

Industrialization is spelt with a |z|, you mong.

>> No.15134843 [DELETED] 

you're not responsible for anything, you're irresponsible, thats why your race is going extinct, because you refuse to accept responsibility for your own circumstances.

>> No.15134856

Britain is such a minute blip of a country. It was never an empire. Now Russia. It has the most real estate of any country in the world. Now that’s an empire.

>> No.15134871
File: 256 KB, 720x639, Screenshot_20230118-212155_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piss off

>> No.15134893

>What happened to those who once inhabited the British Isles?
The påeople that built Stonehenge were replaced by a different culture, whose skeletons show a 7x increase in death by violence. Historians bend over backwards in order not to call this a replacement following an invasion.

>> No.15134898

By End of this Century Britain's IQ is projected to be 85.
Read At Our Wits' End by Edward Dutton and Michael A. Woodley

>> No.15134899

This is just one part of history you weren't taught in school.
I can't think of a book or source to recommend though.
Consider also the french revolution.

>> No.15134904

Our racial suicide is the product of false altruisms such as that of "tolerance". In conjunction with this, we foster a hatred of our own traditions, culture and people amongst ourselves. A people fated to absorption into the growth of rapidly reproducing others.

>> No.15134906

So what you're saying is we failed to deal with the jewish question in time?

>> No.15134909

Looks interesting

>> No.15134913

A dying society it is. All the experiments in last 60 years have failed.

>> No.15134915

All experiments except for reembracing christianity.

>> No.15134919

I suspect that our reprieve takes only two potential forms: a collapse and consequential reversion to harsher conditions, or a breakthrough in genetics/eugenic sciences. I am highly doubtful as to the likelihood of the latter as eugenics is a now a dirty word and the chinese have sullied human genetic research.

>> No.15134922

What will that do? Has it helped the millions of Africans or Latin Americans among whom it is most prevalent today?

>> No.15134925

higher birthrates.

>> No.15134928

The Chinese are probably the only ones pursuing it.
> Chinese eugenics will quickly become even more effective, given its massive investment in genomic research on human mental and physical traits. BGI-Shenzhen employs more than 4,000 researchers. It has far more "next-generation" DNA sequencers that anywhere else in the world, and is sequencing more than 50,000 genomes per year.
> The BGI Cognitive Genomics Project is currently doing whole-genome sequencing of 1,000 very-high-IQ people around the world, hunting for sets of sets of IQ-predicting alleles.

>> No.15134934

Don't forget all the chinese government backed labs that were subsidised to sell cheap genome tests to western countries...

>> No.15134941

Map by: british bastard
Scoynce part: add marker when a brotbong finds a birds fart tone, but add only a marker when a german finds a new element or something other significant

>> No.15134952


>> No.15134967

I find it amusing that many anecdotal truisms and wives tales are credited by science. I often wonder if this cycle, of collapse and reconstruction which we are destined to repeat ad infinitum, resembles the process of starting an engine .Perhaps, as we rise and fall to varying degrees of civilisation in growing magnitudes of advancement, we grow closer to a point of stable prosperity or equilibrium.

>> No.15134979

It makes more sense when you investigate the role of the what one could call the spirit world and demons. Notably how every collapse seems associated with a rise in gender ambiguity, debt and infanticide. But even though they are real it might be too /x/ for here.

Hugh Newman for one unearthed thousands of reports of giant skeletons found in britain some over 14ft...

>> No.15135005

>a rise in gender ambiguity, debt and infanticide.
I would guess that this is due to people alive under such conditions being mostly unhealthy genetic detritus who should not have survived past infancy, under Darwinian conditions, and are thusly unnatural abominations who behave as such.

>> No.15135012

A while back I came across this old British history book it was refarded as the standard until modern history took off.
>Cambria triumphans, or Brittain in its perfect lustre shewing the origen and antiquity of that illustrious nation. The succession of their kings and princes, etc
by Percy Enderbie and Dedicated to King Charles the 1st

very much worth a glance over if you have an interested in it.

Could be part of it but freemasons and other satanic groups are basically gnostic tranny cults obsessed with sacrifice and gender ambiguousness. so the whole thing could be a complex feed back loop

>> No.15135013

Poor germ

>> No.15136214

As a population grows the average relatedness of its members inevitably declines, this might be part of the cause of decline. especially if the higher iq groups feel more inclined to match with higher iq groups froup other populations than the population that produced them creating loyalty conflicts and dysgenic mixing.

>> No.15136598

>the people who wiped them out must have been even smarter
Oh if only you knew

>> No.15136846

I guess this puts the argument of IQ as an evolutionary advantage to rest

>> No.15136850

It's advantageous up until it isn't at which point it's a huge liability.

>> No.15136886

It wasn't excessive intelligence that made Britain misgoverned.

>> No.15136962

Quiet simply Britain got lucky in that it had a moat around it to protect it from europe and then had all of europe and the mediterranean sea to shield it from africa and the muslims and then it had all of russia to shield europe (a shield for a shield=double protection) to shield it from the mongols and all these peoples from central asia.
Imagine how fucked a place like Iran gets to be in comparison. Cant catch a break.
Brit wars are when one of their boats gets sunk. They started their serious decay around the time flying got going so they could be bombed in modest amounts. All of their enemies can easily navigate to britain on motor boats or jet planes. Their natural defense is fucked.
Brits had 1000 years of peace to develop, all of their wars in british soil were tiny and had no effect on the development. Like some king would lose his throne so his cousin becomes the new king.
Its good to be the only island with steam engines, isnt it? All those BTUs go to your head and you might believe fairy tales of your innate superiority

>> No.15136977

Much like how japan developed due to its isolation.
Divine winds sinking mongol ships and other lucky breaks.

Britain had the advantage that no neighbour could just march an army into the middle of the coivilisation.
The reliance on this natural boundary may be their undoing.

>> No.15138874

Ancient Sumer?

>> No.15139163

According to OP picture I would say France ans Germany had more contribution to the universal zeitgeist than angloids who just seems to have developed mechanics and child slavery

>> No.15139190

If you had a look at what most patents look like you'd understand why.

>> No.15139197

Wrong thread?

>> No.15139224

No, most inventions tend to be the sort of thing you'd look at and think "someone invented THAT ?".

Actual technological innovations like the steam engine, turbo-reactor, photo camera, nuclear bomb etc are quite rare. If you consider the Volkswagen Beetle and Mercedes Benz 770 to be different inventions you are counting it wrong.

>> No.15139339
File: 445 KB, 720x733, norman supremacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Normans who conquered England in 1066 might have had Ashkenazi-tier intelligence.


> How did they do this? My impression is that the method seems to have been by superior organization supported by superior technology - especially technology in relation to what might be termed engineering or architecture.

> It seems, as a rule, a small minority can only successfully dominate a majority by superior technology; and superior technology implies superior intelligence.

> My understanding is that once the Normans had defeated the Anglo-Saxons natives in one locality, they would force the natives to build a castle; from which the minority of Normans could then dominate the surrounding population from a position of safety; then the military force would move on to subdue the next region, and force these new natives to build the castles which would then become the instruments of their own suppression.

> Thereby, local and piecemeal superiority was swiftly converted to national and overall superiority. Once a network of castles were dotted over the whole of England, then the Normans could not be defeated.

> In a nutshell, it looks to me as if the Normans were simply more intelligent than the Anglo Saxons - and not a little, but a lot more intelligent.

> Presumably at least one standard deviation more intelligent than the Native English (i.e. if the native IQ was called 100, the Normans must have had an IQ of 115 or more).

> (One SD seems to be the usual (minimum) difference which allows one group to rule another - whether the difference is between classes, castes or races.)

> And I am not sure, but I think that Norman cultural achievements are also at least consistent with higher intelligence than the native Anglo-Saxons.

>> No.15139347

Sorry I read it as patients instead of patents.

>> No.15139380

What about the Norman conquests of Italy?

acording to clark's research their surnames increased through the centuries

>> No.15139594

If you've not seen Industrial Revelations before it's a very worthwhile watch.

>> No.15139879

>a small minority can only successfully dominate a majority by superior technology;
False, there are other methods such as superior organizing or the use of immoral behavior such as reading other people's letters, and doing all kinds of things that your competition doesnt do due to taboo, fear or laziness. It isnt only about technology

>> No.15140067

Another good old series is Adam Hart Davis's local heroes

>> No.15140107

>superior organizing
Doesn't superior organizing ability imply superior IQ?

>> No.15140710

>Doesn't superior organizing ability imply superior IQ?
No, it implies having a different culture, different social circumstances. It can overlap with a higher IQ but that isnt necessary. I know you want to force a narrative but you need to prove all these assertions you are saying like they are obvious.
Basically, a group of people can be either organized or disorganized regardless of their IQ. Technology isnt just whatever technology you can make since you can also get technology through trade

>> No.15141154

>the higher iq groups feel more inclined to match with higher iq groups froup other populations
i intuitively like this hypothesis. a good historical example would be trans-national intermarriages between royal houses in europe. nowadays it seems the uppercrust is also drawing from non-european pools trying to breed themselves into hyper-vigor super-mulattos. the odd thing is though that nowadays is the forced mixing of the common folk which provides the root genetic pool. it seems, as you say in your post, that the high iq elite has grown so distant from the local people that they want to mix them into brown retards ruled by brown nobles. the future is ancient egypt it seems.

>> No.15141722

The future is a dysgenic mess where to get a simple organ transplant or blood infusion you need a highly complex algorithm to find the needle in a haystack compatible with anyone then of course Haldane's rule amongst others will solidify infertility.

>> No.15144295

>that the high iq elite
I'm not entirely sure I'd call these peoiple a high IQ elite.
then again we have traditional inbreeding to retain wealth and power.

>> No.15145349

The art map really puts into question the rest of the maps
Though I guess this was always just a poorly disguised /brit/pol thread

>> No.15145408

>Basically, a group of people can be either organized or disorganized regardless of their IQ.
But what causes them to be organized or disorganized in the first place?

>> No.15146234

Maybe religion or a big chief?

>> No.15146249

Like hundreds of factors besides IQ. IQ isnt even correlated with organization, in fact organization correlates on NPC frequency in a population, blind faith in leaders, fear of independence and gullibility.

>> No.15146261

Trust in the system, if you cooperate you will gain more than if you act delinquent. And this is an entirely rational choice, sometimes it's smart to break the rules.

>> No.15148180

What is dutton's working theory for what drove british innovation? I remember him talking about local vicars having an disproportionate research output?

>> No.15149772

I might have the link somewhere

>> No.15149925

Uh, being in the safest, most isolated part of europe yet close enough you can still partake in italian culture?
Tell me again how many jihadists and mongols britain had to fence. Oh, some war with France? Fought in France? You tell me.

>> No.15149933

How much of britain's coast, trading and fishing fleet were raided for slaves?

>> No.15151690

Why does the system seem inevitably to get captured by insane people?

>> No.15153260

prehellenic mycenean greeks?

>> No.15153725

Very little, compared to continental europe and almost nothing compared to eurasia as a whole, and what little happened was as follows:
ONE big invasion by Rome 2000 years ago.
One war with normandy that ended after exactly one battle (Hastings), with no consequences for the population as a whole (just a change of king). That was 1000 years ago.
A few fishing villages were culturally enriched, which was of no importance to the country as a whole.
This is the total compendium of british military suffering in the past 2000 years. As you can see, it was pretty much continuous peace after the roman invasion. The normandy invasion was no more destructive than common internal british scuffles.
Every other british war was outside of England, mostly in France or attacking the other british kingdoms like Scotland.

>> No.15154626

What happens if you plot this data by specific religious affiliation/. Meaning which specific sects or branches of christianity or whether they were masons etc, etc