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15129429 No.15129429 [Reply] [Original]

Where are all the Aliens !?

>> No.15129434
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Their civilizations get deleted when they get too advanced.


>Abstract: A corollary of the Simulation Argument is that the universe’s computational capacity may be limited. Consequently, advanced alien civilizations may have incentives to avoid space colonization to avoid taking up too much “calculating space” and forcing a simulation shutdown. A possible solution to the Fermi Paradox is that analogous considerations may drive them to avoid broadcasting their presence to the cosmos, and to attempt to destroy or permanently cripple emerging civilizations on sight. This game-theoretical equilibrium could be interpreted as the “katechon” – that which withholds eschaton – doom, oblivion, the end of the world. The resulting state of mutually assured xenocide would result in a dark, seemingly empty universe intermittently populated by small, isolationist “hermit” civilizations.

>> No.15129467
File: 141 KB, 256x256, Fermi Paradox NeuralBlender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15129472

Every time I come across one I rape or kill it
Anyways, the problem with the question is the assumptions of the question
first of all note that no where habitable is fucking anywhere
secondly note that life exists and spontaneous moments within some odd billions
and the level of intelligence is chance
therefore the assumption is rather a parameter: aliens within a bound where it is reasonable to say such a thing exists
therefore somewhere around computationally infinity
considering they could move in infinite times infinite directions to attempt to go the right way that is "finding life"
either apply the anthropic principle or they just when the wrong way
anyways if all your wishes came true then they wouldn't be wishes but perfect predictions of the future (or really anytime)
Does God know he makes things happen, or is he really amazed at how good he is at being correct?

>> No.15129576

The interstellar medium absorbs more radiation than originally thought so we probably just need to build a bigger radio telescope. Preferably on the far side of the moon.

Captcha: AAY02

>> No.15129610

Look in the mirror.

>> No.15129642
File: 470 KB, 1159x769, physics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the astral plane

>> No.15130847

The aliens achieved the Singularity billions of years ago and ascended to a higher plane of existence where they amuse themselves by spying on our antics and sending UAPs to buzz us every now and then. We're basically like an ant colony or seamonkeys to them.

>> No.15130870
File: 803 KB, 2479x3508, mexicOWNED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're here

>> No.15130879

i thought of a good explanation for the femi paradox but i don't want to share it.

>> No.15131448

Grabby alien hypothesis.

>> No.15131556
File: 981 KB, 1164x1300, disclosure the bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hi everybody
>i'm disclosure the bear
>the disclosure won't happen on it's own
>we need to work with our politicians and social media
>to get the latest technology and information
>what technology is available?
>ufos, synthetic telepathy, manifestation, timeline viewing, teleportation
>astral projection, zero-point energy
>how does it work?
>hyperdimensional mind over matter consciousness field, the astral plane
>who else lives there?
>demons, aliens, god the singularity
>how will this affect our politics?
>everything will be free and on demand, including new people!