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15129003 No.15129003 [Reply] [Original]

What contributes to recovery from schizophrenia?

>> No.15129006
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only a successful exorcism, the demon must be found and destroyed

>> No.15129028


>> No.15129039


>> No.15129058
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>>15129003 Supportive family and social structure very helpful. Then again, that's true for pretty much everybody. Avoid stress if possible. Adherence to medication, if the medication is beneficial. Medication is not yet based on genetic analysis (will be one day), so effectiveness varies. Success rate is around 60%, but, mental health pretty is underfunded compared to the big 2 cancer and hearth disease.

>> No.15129075


Exercise might also help control it.

If you have it, I would just try to change things such as exercise patterns or diet or maybe even sleep (though I would be careful there) and look at what works.

>> No.15129079

Proper nutrition

>> No.15129087

Paranoid schizophrenia is caused by demons, The ones that cause you to hear voices.
They are not and never were part of you but are energy parasites feeding off your emotional energy that have attached to you.
The first step to recovery is realising that they aren't a part of you but are something other that can be expelled.

>> No.15129114

Apply here for treatment, faggot.

>> No.15130120
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>> No.15130495

alright anon, could you be a dear and go find the evidence that it;s caused by chemical imbalances in the brain?

>> No.15130505

>What contributes to recovery from schizophrenia?
LSD and Acid Rock music. Seriously.

Sounds counterintuitive, but it is scientific fact that they help to build new neural networks that bypass old malfunctioning ones.

Ever wonder why big pharma and government keep mushrooms and LSD illegal, when they are non-habit forming and safe, while all the other drugs are allowed that are much more dangerous?

>> No.15130510

Are you claiming the brain doesn't operate via chemicals?

>> No.15130533

are you actually retarded?

>> No.15130543

Think about what you're claiming. You think schizophrenia isn't a chemical imbalance in the brain. Let's break this down.
>Axiom: Schizophrenia exists.
>Axiom: The brain governs all behaviors.
>Proposition: Schizophrenia originates in the brain.
Proof: it has outward behaviors.
>Lemma: Schizophrenia is a mental disorder.
Proof: if it were normal, it wouldn't be a disorder.
>Corollary: Schizophrenics don't have normal brains.
Proof: if they had normal brains, they wouldn't be Schizophrenics.
>Corollary: Chemical imbalances in the brain cause Schizophrenia.
What part don't you agree with, or are too stupid to understand?

>> No.15130577

>Think about what you're claiming. You think schizophrenia isn't a chemical imbalance in the brain.
Because it isn't.
The psychiatric industry has claimed without evidence that it did for decades, however it has been conclusively disproven, yet they continue to push the chemical imbalance theory.
The only chemical imbalances are the ones their drugs actively cause. I'm sorry you lack the requisite knowledge at this moment in tome to be aware of this.

The reason I make the claim that it is caused by a form of mind parasite is because that is what the corroborated independent evidence and the testimony of sufferers point to.

>> No.15130673

Moving, socializing, eating healthy, drinking water, going outside, sleeping, pissing, shitting, bathing, brushing and flossing

>> No.15130742

Schizophrenics are the only valid proof that God exists.

>> No.15130766

First and foremost, realize that schizophrenia isn't real. Literally just that. Figure that out and you're cured. Just avoid the other kikes that are into this particular very lucrative roleplay and you'll be fine.

>> No.15130936


>> No.15131088

Can I just listen to the acid rock

>> No.15131285

The opposite of this post.

He is correct but chemical imbalance is not the only way the brain can go wrong, but that is what science is researching right now.

>> No.15131289

>Ignored the chain of arguments
>Makes own claim
Mark of brainlet.
>chemical imbalance is not the only way the brain can go wrong
Go ahead, what are the other ways?

>> No.15131321

Still waiting for that proof of yours that chemical imbalance causes schizophrenia.

>> No.15131341

>dude atoms lmao

>> No.15131345

what part do you not understand?

>> No.15131346

>house burns down
>molecules detected in the smoking ruins
Must be a chemical imbalance

>> No.15131353

if you assume that the atmosphere has some stable molecular configuration that's breathable (reasonable situation), then yes the smoke plumes detected generate an imbalance in the atmosphere. why is this so hard to understand?

>> No.15131366

Yes, brains have atoms how did you know?

>> No.15131367

Failed signalling cascades (intracellular - e.g. G protein-coupled receptors)

Broken Connectome (basically the neurons connect in a wrong way)
Furthermore theoretically schizophrenia could be influenced from parts of the nervous system outside of the head (although I don't see it) such as the sympathetic nervous system.

Generally speaking other ways the brain can go wrong (besides protein production errors) are physical syndromes such as *frontal lobe disorder* (massive disinhibition among others - see otto moll as an extreme example (car crash -> mass murder)) or also (hypothesis by me - I don't know this, *strongly uncertain*) neuronal firing rate synchronization problems such as in *bipolarity* (Again, this is my personal idea.)
You see there are lots of ways the brain can go wrong without chemical imbalances.

All which I have written above is hypothetical and not generally scientifically believed (other hypotheses preferred usually). I am not a neurobiologist or similar.

>> No.15131372

meds. now.
correct. unless you can explain how the brain operates outside of physical atoms (for which there is a plethora of evidence), then schizophrenia (originating in the brain, and being an abnormal occurrence) must de facto be a chemical imbalance in the brain. one of the strong pieces of evidence supporting this is that medications can alter the mental state of schizophrenics and radically change their behavior back to normalcy.

>> No.15131386

The fact that neither you nor the entire psychiatric field has ever presented any actual proof that schizophrenia is caused by chemical imbalance despite their entire business model hinging on the idea that you can fix schizophrenia through the use of drugs to restore so supposed chemical imbalance.

>> No.15131390

Correct, in theory a different space-temporal organization of atoms might affect what a brain is. For instance replacing every atom in the brain with helium changes it to a cloud of helium gas. By analogy you could also diagnose schizophrenia by virtue of wrong atoms existing where they should not and a lack of correct atoms at correct places. Its all atoms dude.

>> No.15131393

>correct. unless you can explain how the brain operates outside of physical atoms (for which there is a plethora of evidence)
Aww baby, you're so new to this topic it's funny, go read Ian Stevenson's work on individuals who seem to remember past lives then come back.

>> No.15131400

sigh. please be specific. which axiom, lemma or corollary are you specifically objecting to?
so you agree that schizophrenia is a chemical imbalance in the brain/
>Ian Stevenson's work on individuals who seem to remember past lives then come back.

>> No.15131408

I'm short circuiting your logic circuits and politely requesting you find the evidence that supports the idea that chemical imbalance causes schizophrenia.
The psychiatric drug market is founded on this theory so you surely must be able to find the papers that conclusively prove it right?

>> No.15131412

>politely requesting you find the evidence that supports the idea that chemical imbalance causes schizophrenia.
if there's something you disagree with, please cite specifically what.

>> No.15131414

I don't see any citations.
I take it that means you have none. Why is that?

>> No.15131421

Logic doesn't need citations, retard.

>> No.15131430

It demands that you supply the evidence you based your precepts on otherwise no matter how advanced your logical reasoning is it will simply be wrong.

>> No.15131439

>It demands that you supply the evidence you based your precept
what the fuck do you think an axiom is retard? further bad faith arguments (or pure stupidity, idk which it is and idc) will not receive more responses.

>> No.15131451

You seem to be the one acting on bad faith.
I simply raise the topic of evidence and you deflect.
I have no interest in whatever logical hole you get yourself into all I want is real world evidence that supports your view.

>> No.15131463

Ventricles are enlarged in schizophrenic patients.

>> No.15131478

Why? Do you have criticism of his work? What causes you constantly resort to meds anyway?

>> No.15131490

You're a schizo m8. Take your meds.

>> No.15131501

Are they not paying you shills properly anymore?

>> No.15131508

Are these shills in the room with you with now?

>> No.15131511

You must know better than I do.

>> No.15131755

Everyone in the occult knows that a single laugh can dispel most influences.

>> No.15131769
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Willingness to learn you are not infallible

>> No.15131776

Thank you for having criticized my hypotheses thoroughly. I have now done further research to be able to judge the accuracy of them.

>Protein kinase
I wonder where that comes from...

I am sorry to tell you, but maybe you are wrong in suggesting to me to take medicine based on behaviorist dogma.

Nonetheless I still do not believe in my hypotheses myself even though the dopamine hypothesis seems off to me.

>> No.15131782

Was that all you could find? doesn't seem like strong evidence.
I could point you to a couple of people who either describe their own symptoms or the symptoms of others. All of them are quite clear that it's an external consciousness to their own causing their problems.

>> No.15131888


>> No.15131908
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>> No.15131922

oh god... psychiatry grad student checking in

oh god so much to write here, where to start...

ok, neurology first... ( and human development).

ok so our brains, have these nerves that go from the stem outward, called pyramidal neurons.. theyre kind of the main workhorse of our brains, when we're born we have wayyyyyy more than we do than when we're older..

there's a process happening throughout our lives called pruning, where basically our brains decide kind of by how much we're using them, which neurons to keep, and which we can do without (you do a lot of math at young age, you're not getting rid of the ones that are good at processing math)... also, at the same time, while pruning is going on, the ones that are being kept are having a process called synaptogensis going on, where basically theyre growing additional branches, getting more efficient, strong, etc...

ok so schizophrenia, lot of things can contribute to, but one of the big ones is like, you keep too many of the fantasy / sensory ones (or the ones involved there grew too many spines at synaptogensis)

ok so, also, as we're developing, the frontal lobe of our brain is growing (logic, future planning part of brain) theres a pathway there, mesolimbocortical pathway if you're a neurology nerd, stuff can go wrong there, that can contribute to schizophrenia.... multiple psychotic episodes, or really long ones, you can lose gray matter, can make it worse...

good news and bad news, if you catch it early, and stay on your meds, thats how you keep from losing gray matter, and the things that are contributing to the psychosis can be slowed to practically a halt... ignoring psychosis, or getting off meds cuz you think you're "better" is the worst way you can land at permanent untreatable psychosis...

longstory-short, get on meds, stay on meds* there is no "cure"

>> No.15131936

Exceptional trained normie detected. How did Big Pharma convince you be their salesman?

>> No.15131944

>grad student

>> No.15131970

Any good introductory literature?

>> No.15131975


ehh, worked as a nurse for 10 years, saw tons of 17 year olds go from normalish to punching their sisters in the face because they were trying to hit the dragon that was coming at them so got interested in wtf was happening

>> No.15131979


not so much on schizophrenia, but mental health in general i really like the boy that was raised as a dog as a first book... if you're more interested in the neuro stuff, stahl's essentials of psychopharmacology is super good as far as textbooks go

>> No.15131984

drugs like meth strip away your psychic defences and leave you vulnerable to deoms

>> No.15132022


Medicine is always making advances, just as recent as the 1940s pneumonia was diagnosed symptomatically just like schizophrenia still is.. did you have a cough and a fever, pneumonia, lets throw random antibiotics at it until we get it right, until we learned how to do sputum cultures and identify different types of bacteria... the argument that schizophrenia cant be detected with a specific biomarker is because it's still at the point in medicine where its purely treated symptomatically, there are dozens of symptoms that can fall under the umbrella of schizophrenia.

The medications fall under a family of "antipsychotics" but each has wildly different levels of affinity to receptors, and which receptors they target, hell, most of the newer generation barely bind to dopamine receptors any more, because more schizophrenia these days deals with what are called negative symptoms, which the newer atypical class are more targeted towards

>> No.15132188

This. Doubly so with psychedelics.

>> No.15132202

Can you determine if a brain is schizophrenic or not based on an autopsy? Is there any other diagnostic test which can detect the difference between a control brain and a schizophrenic brain (for example via medical imaging or measuring neurological electromagnetic waves)?

>> No.15132207


>> No.15132229

I have abused of psychedelics (LSD, DMT)

LSD is known to be schizogenic

I have developed schizophrenia, was 3 times in a psych ward in a year

>> No.15132232

go back to rdeitti

>> No.15132240

There's a recent push for what certain groups are casually calling plant medicine.
many people have been possed by pstchic parasites because of it.
Fuck Terence Mccenna and the rest of his trippy glowbuddies.

>> No.15132768

Thank you.

>> No.15133615

300mg luvox
4mg brexpiprazole

>> No.15133731

The chemical balance part at least is retarded. A brain is not just a soup of chemicals, the detailed structure is what really matters.

>> No.15133741

neurotic meds cause chemical imbalance, lol
order your schizophrenia today!

>> No.15133748

these meds are lobotomia, since you claim there is no "cure" what they do? lobotomize and zombify you, laughable

>> No.15133814

Cool, so you saw crazy people. Doesnt mean you can cure them. Crazy is crazy and meds dont work, psychiatry is useless.

>> No.15134051


>> No.15134056

You jest but that's possible. You can induce all sorts of illnesses with the right medications. This isn't to say medications don't treat illnesses, because they do. But if you take something like antipsychotics when you're not psychotic, you'll suffer some wicked side effects.

>> No.15134078

Good point, so often people seem to believe that we're at the endgame, that we discovered all we had to discover and that there's only small details with diminishing returns awaiting

>> No.15134186

You might find this documentary worth a watch


>> No.15134202

Also Jerry's channel is a treasure trove of fascinating stuff.

>> No.15134204

like here he says they literally just made up the chemical balance theory in the 70s at around 15-16 minutes in

>> No.15134211

Not watching that conspiracy shit. Which axiom or corollary or prop or lemma do you disagree with and why?

>> No.15134240

The hard truth is that most people with debilitating mental illnesses don't make it. Your brain is constantly working against you to throw you off the horse and to break your back. You can take that shit when you are younger but eventually you will get thrown off one too many times, and nobody will be there to help you get back up.

This is why you don't see a whole lot of successful older people with severe mental illnesses. They are all wards of the state living in group homes and or have committed suicide.

>> No.15134420

>>Axiom: The brain governs all behaviors.
>>Lemma: Schizophrenia is a mental disorder.
consciousness studies have brought serious challenges to the validity of these
Now watch the documentary about the medical industry and get back to me

>> No.15134423

>consciousness studies
Such as?

>> No.15134432

Stevenson was posted earlier, you could start there.

>> No.15134436

Which studies in particular?

>> No.15134469

Start wherever you want.

>> No.15134474

That's not very scientific. You're trying to cite studies, so cite them.

>> No.15134490

meds never worked

>> No.15134573

Does it even matter? We both know you aren't actually going to look into it.

>> No.15135019
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Like most mental disorders, its not a disease of the brain, but a complex disease of the gut that affects the brain. So if you fix your gut by proper nutrition (for your type of gut disease) your brain will recover.


>> No.15135057

Unironically Jesus Christ.

t. Clinically diagnosed schizo

>> No.15135104

Nice copout.

>> No.15135115

On the contrary. I actually already did look into it. All these "studies" are written not in any kind of journals but some kind of stupid Magnus Opus of Stevenson. Furthermore, as far as I can tell, the dumbass trusted the kids at face value and never tracked down which people they allegedly were reincarnated from. Which is why I was requesting specific studies from you (recall that you're the one who said "consciousness studies"). So I'll ask one more time. Which specific studies do you have in mind?

You want to know what i think? You just watched a few videos from Ian Stevenson and others and took it as gospel because you thought it was cool. You never actually looked into it which is hilarious ironic.

>> No.15135258

>as far as I can tell, the dumbass trusted the kids at face value and never tracked down which people they allegedly were reincarnated from.
He mentions several times how they endeavoured to find as many of the previous identities as possible, succeeding more than one might expect.

I watched a couple of his lectures then two books and spread out into related research such as sheldrakes ideas about morphic fields and psychic dogs, with a dabble in CIA funded research projects on refining remote viewing for military purposes. It was perhaps a mistake to point to him as linked directly to consciousness research but he explores a number of points that seem to indicate the existence of a soul. his suggestions of illnesses and behaviour transmitted between incarnations raises some odd questions.

No I didn't exhaustively double check all of his claims only some, and I wonder what journals parapsychologists should report their results in?
None the less all of it seems to point away from the current accepted dogma of strict materialism being the be all and end all of our lived reality. I feel that limiting these afflictions to "chemical imbalances of the brain" is foolish, and downright retarded in light of all the evidence connecting them to psychic phenomena.

Do what you want it's a big topic and I don't feel particularly motivated to go over it again just to find something you won't snub your nose up over because it doesn't fit your specific level of autism.
Marzinsky will leave you with more puzzles than answers but he'll expose you to the corruption resulting from the current mafia driven system.

>> No.15135277
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Or found and bartered with.

>> No.15135290

There are many causes.

For me was time. You never recover because there is no cure.

You LEARN how to live with it and separate the logic from the "voices" (that arent really voices for me but invasive toughts that hijack my mind over and over and over and over and over )

I am fine now... After 8ish years

>> No.15135372

What do you think caused it for you? Do you engage in religion?

>> No.15135617


>> No.15135653

just KissYourSister it's your only option at this point

>> No.15135658

Take your meds schizo

>> No.15135689

Spoken by an anon that's never interacted with a true schizophrenic
I had someone come in yesterday asking for help, seemed benign at first but then he kept talking about his 'technologies' that he sells to people around the world for $3 each, with apparently 5 million buyers. Whilst showing me Microsoft's T&C's as proof that he has 60 days to unlock his Google account before he's banned from ??? and can't access his money anymore. Carrying around 3 phones with no access to the email addresses he has signed into them and a billion different phone numbers to boot, asking me if I can somehow bypass Google's verification for one of the numbers he no longer has.
That's the third time I've seen it first hand. I 100% believe it's real and that people suffer from it big time.

>> No.15135698

Do you think multiple sclerosis can contribute to schizophrenic moments? I've met someone who has been diagnosed with MS and their actions reminded me of someone else who was schizophrenic.

>> No.15135803


>> No.15135953

How many are you on?