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File: 172 KB, 1200x508, planet of the apes apes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15127521 No.15127521 [Reply] [Original]

Could we ever engineer sentient apes? Could anything other than homo sapiens develop sentience naturally millions of years into the future?

>> No.15127530

Yeah why not?

>> No.15127564

all we need is their dna and we can clone them so yeah, we can also alter the dna, we could make talking monkeys, or monkeys with blue eyes and blonde hair.

>> No.15127568

>Could we ever engineer sentient apes? Could anything other than homo sapiens develop sentience naturally millions of years into the future?
honestly with todays tech we could probably already do that, if there was any kind of incentive, how crazzy would it be to have a caste of docile apes to serve us, no need for androids, just get an ape to do house chores and stuff, amazing, they could also be used to do some blue collar work, like sweeping and collecting garbage in the city streets, if we ever do it, they would have the same rights as pets i guess, if they misbehaved they would simply be put down like a dog

>> No.15127582

>>15127521 See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_of_the_brain#Genetic_factors_of_recent_evolution
The second question is for the wrong audience, of course that could occur *on Earth*...a better question would be how to make society/civilization more aware of that.

>> No.15127612

In it's decades long history as a scientific topic, genetic engineer has so far produced "roundup ready" crops and nothing else of note or value.
During the same period of time, traditional selective breeding has developed literal thousands of valuable and desirable new varieties of plant, animal and fungal life.
The standard pleb's idea of genetic engineer is appealing because it promises to do what time consuming selective breeding does with press button efficiency, but so far the selective breeding antique tortoises are outpacing the stylish genetic engineers by miles and miles in every sector of productivity other than job titles, pretentiousness, demands for research gibes investments that will never pay off, and publication of irreproducible scientific experiments in peer reviewed journals.
Selective breeding does take some patience, but it pays off eventually, genetic engineering tends to only accrue debt. Look at what the bigbrains were doing with airplanes and integrated circuits and antibiotics half a century after those were invented and compare that to the progress of the genetic engineers and you'll see what a dead end the topic is.
Selective breeding doesn't require more than high school science education to do, so people who want fancy Dr. PhD titles and people who want to stay in school into their 30s are not attracted to the topic, but it always be the most potent and efficient way to generate new forms of life

>> No.15127775

Basically this.

The hubris of man - thinking he can match what it took nature billions of years of produce, in its unfathomable complexity - is baffling.

>> No.15127968
File: 459 KB, 2630x1502, simulatable consciousness Quant herm page 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could we ever engineer sentient apes?
No. You can't engineer sentience. Sentience simply is. It's a primitive of consciousness, like freewill.You CAN use the constraints and ruleset of the virtual (physical) reality that we are immersed in to harness non-physical/platonic abstract computation, as has been done with what are called 'physical computers' (all computation is non-physical and the computers that man has made are user created virtual content which are a representation/on icon of real, non-physical abstract platonic ideal form computation), ie what has been produced in the past century in terms of computer tech. And so you can do many interesting things which mimic some of the content and procedures that real consciousnesses do such as the AI tech, but you can not create a freewill awareness unit in that way. This is like asking if sentience can arise in the video game avatar guy you are controlling. The sentience is non-local to the virtual space. It can't be IN the virtual space anymore than you (the consciousness) are 'in' the video game you play on your computer.

>> No.15128150

>sentient apes
They already are.

>> No.15128203
File: 44 KB, 860x459, nig chimpski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selective breeders in Africa already have a head start on the project too. As it turns out, African semen demons still routinely interbreed with chimps.

>> No.15128589

>They already are
He is talking about man made ones.

>> No.15128620

lot of patents for gene sequencing have ended so $100 per genome is a reality now. combine that with a deep learning model and you can probably go pretty far with selective breeding especially if preimplantation genetic testing is used. real bottleneck is waiting till the baby monkeys get old enough to run through a battery of IQ (or w/e) tests to see what works and what doesn't. but in the next few years we are in the world where a mad scientist with a few million dollars of capital can probably bring about apes as smart as retards in our lifetime lmfao

>> No.15128630

good post

>> No.15128823

>>15128203 This is said to be a hoax, however guardian.ng is not an onion-like news site, just a small apparently unreliable one. Why haven't they taken this down, I'm sure somebody must have notified them. Can somebody clarify?

>> No.15128875
File: 212 KB, 461x367, 50-cent-w-gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could we ever engineer sentient apes?
We have them already and they are quite destructive.

>> No.15128884

Could this explain the distinct traits which make black people look like monkeys ?

>> No.15128886
File: 46 KB, 498x665, 1673851156744033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15128917
File: 126 KB, 1080x1228, f44ddb922cf219450668642d0e547e25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15129025

the atlanteans did, they are called niggers

>> No.15129044

He's going to get tortured to death and all the people that hang out with him too.