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15126120 No.15126120 [Reply] [Original]

Do you talk to people who tell you they like ted talks?

>> No.15126134
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That depends on which Ted they like.

>> No.15126144
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>> No.15126158

Not in the past five years. TED has some interesting presentations in the early days but it drifted into being a social science platform for the wealthy and well connected to virtue signal to the masses. The presentation on SLA 3D printers seemed like science fiction but just a couple of years later, there were easy to use SLA printers on the market. Most of the presented social science theories remain unproven or have been discarded after being tried and failed.

>> No.15126167
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TED fucked up when they created TEDx and exercised no quality control over those events. They sold the TEDx license to pretty much anyone with an agenda to push and a need for a brand they could glom onto. TEDxCentennialParkWomen was a self-congratulatory and pity party event for women who live or work near a small park in downtown Atlanta. Most of the talks are word salad buzzword nonsense that makes Sam Hyde's TEDx talk sound rational.

>> No.15126200

I love history of tweking by black lady

>> No.15126239

I lose respect for them. TED talks are propaganda, all of them. Its one of those "red flag" words or statements when I meet someone for the first time that tells me to be weary/cautious of them. A few others are:

"It's 2022"
"We need to follow protocol"
"The Science says..." (and then they don't site their sources)

>> No.15126253

By the way, I forgot to mention that I also have some "green flags". Mentioning any of the following signals to me that you are an intellectual and an independent thinker:

"It's in two more weeks"
"We need to follow scriptures"
This blogpost says

>> No.15126259

Wonder what motivates a person to make this type of post and what they believe it accomplishes.

>> No.15126262

I just want to inform people about red and green flags to help them navigate this complex world.

>> No.15126266

Guess you're larping as me. The things that actually stick out to me as someone who is an independent and intellectual thinker is someone who is able to understand and make subtle distinctions between concepts. In otherwords: someone who is thoughtful and exacting and doesn't just believe whatever they read or see, but thinks critically and discerningly about it.

>> No.15126285

So you like trannies?

>> No.15126289

All the people who trigger your red flags will testify what you just said about themselves.

>> No.15126290


>> No.15126307

They may say they are, when they obviously are not. You average TED talk/NPR/CNN/FOX listener has a more fervent devotion to those programs, than Christians to Biblical Exegesis, in my experience anyway.

And by red flag, I mean I can identify and trace their programming when they use words or phrases like that. Its a sign to me, to be weary and not trust them, and to not reveal certain aspects of my beliefs or thoughts to them. There are many more phrases they use as well, but I just woke up and can't think of them. There really are only a few philosophical schools of thought, they aren't hard to identify and trace if you have studied philosophy seriously

>> No.15126312

I think nobody "likes" Ted talks, there are Ted talks about literally everything and sometimes you just stumble on an interesting one and watch it and fuck off. The format is pretty retarded though, it's a mini lecture which works in person but very limited in video form.

>> No.15126378

>They may say they are
And so may you.

>Its a sign to me
But wasn't it you who said:
>someone who is an independent and intellectual thinker is someone who is able to understand and make subtle distinctions
Which was just a retard's way of saying "nuanced"? Your filters don't seem very nuanced to me. By the way, did you avoid the word 'nuance' because it's used by the people you hate, which makes it a red flag? I don't know. Your posts are just funny on so many levels.

>> No.15126437
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Arent you forgetting something

>> No.15126468

>And so may you.
I know I don't take everything I read or listen to at face value, and I definitely don't believe something the news or government tells me just ebcause it's the news or government telling me it. I don't think it's a controversial statement to say that the most fervent democrat/republicans take their news source and political leaders ideas as gospel.
>Your filters don't seem very nuanced to me
Why's that?
>By the way, did you avoid the word 'nuance' because it's used by the people you hate, which makes it a red flag?
No I didn't. a subtle distinction of thought is different than a nuanced approach to a problem. For example: the distinction between listening and hearing. Hearing is to absorb sound generally. As in: In this bar, I hear a lot of comotion, conversation, glasses clinking, bartender shaking cocktails, whatever. That's different than listening, which is to intake and process the meaning or message of some one or thing specifcally. So at that same bar, I may hear general sound all around me, but I'm listening to my friend specifically, who's sitting next to me and telling me a story.

That is different than nuance. I worded it the way I did, and did not use the word nuance, because what I've just described isn't nuance. Believe it or not, people don't avoid using certain words because they are associated with groups. I would have used 'nuance' if the definition fits, but it doesnt.

The general tenor of your comment to me tells me you're more interested in quarreling and being 'right', by putting someone else down, since you made many accusations against me that weren't really true.

>> No.15126475

Holy mother of midwit pseuds...

>> No.15126476

>Ad hominem

Definition of mid-witicism

>> No.15126480

If we're gonna be honest for a second, shitting out references to reddit fallacies and caring about internet debates is a lot closer to the defintion of "mid-witicism" than dismissing tedious retards.

>> No.15126484

>caring about internet debates
"If we're gonna be honest here for a second", you care too since you are replying and partaking in the same debate. You are debating that what I just said was actually midwiticism. "If we're gonna be honest", you're behaving in the same manner you are condemning

>> No.15126488

>you care too
I... guess? I'm not sure what level of caring is implied by calling you a faggot, but I care at least on that level.

>> No.15126494
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>internet debates
boring. can we all agree this japanimation voice actress has nice tits and ass and we would stalk her IRL like anno did

>> No.15126608

I like some of them.

>> No.15126616

same could be said of your own post, retard
the point of coming to an internet forum is to post

>> No.15126621
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>you vill NOT heckin' wonder what motivates people to post posts
>what if someone wonders why you post post???

>> No.15126690

TED talks are usually very nice. But when someone says they watch TEDx Talks then i drop that person from my life immediately

>> No.15126703
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Whats the difference between TED and TEDx, exactly?

>> No.15126829

TED was started as an event for "thought leaders" to come together and share the latest in technology and design while enjoying some entertainment. TED stands for Technology Entertainment Design. It was a very exclusive event its first few years but eventually they started posting videos of the presentations online and gained a much larger audience. Being invited to give a TED Talk was a signal that you were considered the be a thought leader and what you said was important.
Because so many people wanted to give TED Talks, they licensed out the name to regional and topical events under the TEDx name, with a suffix for the area or topic. Events like TEDxMedical or TEDxSingapore took place, and initially the quality was near that of TED Talks. But then they started letting almost anyone who could pay the licensing fee to put on their own TEDx event and there was no real quality control over those events. Whoever the organizer wanted to invite was who got to speak at TEDx.
Sam Hyde famously lampooned this drop in quality with his '2070 Paradigm Shift' TEDx talk at TEDxDrexelU (worth noting: Drexel is where Lex Fridman was awarded all of his degrees).

>> No.15126929
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>Being invited to give a TED Talk was a signal that you were considered the be a thought leader and what you said was important.
They invite Chris Poole, he was never a thought leader of any sort. Are you oldfag enough to remember when moot used to post on /b/? He was a lost little child begging for people to tell him what to think, never had any influence over anyone. He used to complain that when he posted anonymous nobody would ever reply, a total wallflower

>> No.15127015
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TEDx can be useful though.

Jojo Mayer would have never gotten a traditional TED talk because he comes from the arts, but his point about what drum machines can and cannot do has heavy bearing on the modern fears of AI. Drum machines have existed for forty years, but there will always be drummers. He explains why quite articulately.


>> No.15127033

>Get a TED talk
>Fuck around and do nothing for 20-years, can’t even create a viable farm with farm stand
>Meanwhile, the rest of the world is busy creating billions of pounds of food Year after year

>> No.15127043

4chan was and still is hugely influentual when it comes to internet culture, slang and forming opinions, which is then spreading out into the real world.

>> No.15129461
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>> No.15129528

>4chan was and still is hugely influentual
4chan is an intangible inanimate object. Giving "4chan" credit for being influential is just a means for you to take credit for other people's efforts on this site. Some of the individuals who post on 4chan are influentual, you are not one of them, you don't contribute a damned thing when it comes to internet culture, you don't create memes, you don't shoop, you don't know how to do either, you will never bother trying to figure it all out, but you will always give yourself credit because you enjoy taking credit for other's efforts, which is in turn because you own efforts on an individual level are unimpressive and boring.
if you has something of your own to be proud of then you wouldn't have to bother with dishonestly attempting to assign credit to yourself for other people's efforts and successes.
taking credit for other people's work is intellectual property theft. there are some top grade posters on 4chan, they are a tiny fraction of the population here, the overwhelming majority are lazy and dead boring, meritless noncontributors.

>> No.15129697

TED had plenty of unconventional musicians, like this theremin playing cutie.

>> No.15132134
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moot is a faggot, i have his gay buttsecs pics

>> No.15133453

>do you talk to people

>> No.15134100

They're bunch of sophists.

>> No.15134105

Here we see the NPC trying to reconcile his belief in the importance of a priestly "thought leader" class, with 4chan's complete lack of support for such structure.

If one gets a lot of (You)s, one has effectively already "done your part". What the NPC emitted only applies if you constantly make zero effort posts that engender no goodwill or interest.

>> No.15134193

TED started in 1986 and became an annual event in 1990. It wasn't until 2006 that they started letting the public know what they were up to. M00t gave his TED Talk in 2010, by which time it had ceased to be a private event for exchanging ideas and instead became a forum for attention whoring. Once they started posting videos of the talks online, the content had to be made safe for midwits and normies, and the spotlight attracted egomaniacs like blacks to Midnight Basketball.

>> No.15134195

>TED 2022 was held in Vancouver. There was criticism after Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol, flew 9,200 miles (14,800 km) to speak about climate change and the need for reduced carbon emissions.
Seems to be the rule, rather than the exception, with that crowd.

>> No.15136063
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god dang who is that cutie

>> No.15136074
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Never mind that. ITT we can compose a new TED talk direct from the 4chan superintelligence.
