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File: 377 KB, 720x1066, over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15125215 No.15125215 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just no that important to people anymore?

>> No.15125219
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all the good stuff gets a cease and desist from blackops

>> No.15125221
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it's a bottleneck, all new technology is consciousness-based and hyperdimensional

>> No.15125225

We already figured out the "easy" science. In order to figure out more science, we need to be smarter than we actually are, and that's why we're stuck until we make AGIs capable of going beyond what humans can accomplish

>> No.15125230

Surprised they list astroturfed "gravity waves" there. The last time they announced that it was a hoax.

>> No.15125247

We have replaced meritocracy with diversity. Future scientific breakthroughs will be happening in Asia

>> No.15125319

>We already figured out the "easy" science.
They disincentivized fundamental research for decades now, everything has to have a direct and immediate application. Inevitably we are getting left with branches that are picked clean.

>> No.15125410


>> No.15125418
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>Why is the speed of science slowing down?
The speed of money laundering is backed up.

>> No.15125429
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>> No.15125431
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>> No.15125433
File: 943 KB, 1x1, TIMESAND___FractionalDistance.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fractional Distance: The Topology of the Real Number Line with Applications to the Riemann Hypothesis
Recent analysis has uncovered a broad swath of rarely considered real numbers called real numbers in the neighborhood of infinity. Here we extend the catalog of the rudimentary analytical properties of all real numbers by defining a set of fractional distance functions on the real number line and studying their behavior. The main results of are (1) to prove with modest axioms that some real numbers are greater than any natural number, (2) to develop a technique for taking a limit at infinity via the ordinary Cauchy definition reliant on the classical epsilon-delta formalism, and (3) to demonstrate an infinite number of non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function in the neighborhood of infinity. We define numbers in the neighborhood of infinity as Cartesian products of Cauchy equivalence classes of rationals. We axiomatize the arithmetic of such numbers, prove all the operations are well-defined, and then make comparisons to the similar axioms of a complete ordered field. After developing the many underlying foundations, we present a basis for a topology.

>> No.15125456

Go away bot

>> No.15125533

This is what happens when affirmative action becomes institutionalized. When elite institutions go from meritocracy towards nepotism.

>> No.15125536

Low hanging fruit gone. Stuff that can be discovered without mass funding and collaboration already discovered.

>> No.15125739 [DELETED] 

Financial interests, politics and morals don't allow for actual science. Definitely not dismissing the former -- there is no depth that would go untouched if there was no moral restraint -- but just saying, if the goal is to actually find out the objective truth about something then those 3 factors are overwhelmingly in the way.

And if you really want to go to the core of it all -- human nature. The greed of shareholders halting progress because it would impact their wallet, the denial of observable facts because it doesn't mesh with someone's ideals, and ironically but also often counterproductively -- ethical objections to 'means to an end' practices.

So idk, I think we're doomed either way. I don't humanity is on the right course at all, and maybe never has been. There probably isn't one. Maybe putting every last person on earth on a morphine drip for a final pleasant sleep is the closest we can come to fixing the human condition.

>> No.15125740

Science has never been easy.

>> No.15125745

Neither has nuance, evidently.

>> No.15125746

Capitalism cannot help but be exploitative and rapacious. Short term financial gain is the only goal of a capitalist society.

>> No.15125750

>putting every last person on earth on a morphine drip for a final pleasant sleep is the closest we can come
Sign me up, Scotty.

>> No.15125753

>I wasn't wrong!!!
Yes, you were. There was never any "low-hanging fruit." The reach of better, braver men extended their own grasp. Newton was never concerned with career suicide.

>> No.15125758

Because the limits of technology and that there is less and less to learn as time goes by.

>> No.15125802
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participation from too many low IQs seeking scientist status has been a big win for the universities financially, but it has also lowered the average IQ of scientists from over 130 to below 100 in the span of half a century.

>> No.15125821

Diversity, inclusion, equity (DIE). This kills scientific advancements.

>> No.15125842

If you were sent back in time, you would be inhibiting the development of calculus by complaining about infinitesimals and you would believe in phlogiston, caloric, electric effluvia and alchemy, opposing combustion, the kinetic theory of heat, Faraday's experiments and chemistry free of symbolism, and state confidently that all low hanging fruits in natural philosophy were already picked by the Greeks.

>> No.15125899

the low hanging fruit argument is bullshit.

>> No.15125903

There must have been an increase in dark neurons in the brains of scientists that cause a metric expansion of ideas, so that the speed of science appears to be slower, but in reality it is constant, the smaller ideas are simply getting bigger.

>> No.15125909
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>We already figured out the "easy" science.

No, "we" didn't. We simply lost our manifest destiny as a society and allowed retards into every bloody field of science, under the oh so clever delusion that all monkeys are equal. Equally retarded they are, that much is sure!

>> No.15125912

>Future scientific breakthroughs will be happening in Asia
This is already happening. just wait until the CCP starts implementing soft eugenics and applying it to their 2 billions population. China will be unstoppable.

>> No.15125917
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>soft eugenics

Can only have two outcomes ... either a mindless insect hive or the bloody slanteyes breeding out the small shred of European they still carry. My bet is on the former. Gods, we don't have enough napalm for this ...

>> No.15125968
File: 71 KB, 839x1039, ed dutton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It’s Official: Leftist Researchers Lie. That’s Why Universities Are Doomed"

>> No.15126051

This. Detractors might say, but we're living in the most advanced age yet, surely that must prove it wrong. Yes, we are living in such an age because we're making use of breakthroughs that happened years ago, sometime even a century ago, and marginally improving them. This brings about short time progress and advancement, but once you hit a limit of this, it is already too late since the breakthrough needed to have happened decades ago for you to make use of it.

>> No.15126097

At one point, stuff that high schoolers learn in grade 9 was not known to the brightest polymaths. Three hundred years ago, you could learn everything you needed to know. Now, you need to study for a decade before you can even make an incremental advance in some niche that no one cares about but your PI because he doesn't know how to do anything besides write the same grant application over and over again.

>> No.15126110

>far right website
Oh yes I see no reason for them to be biased.

>> No.15126160

>>15125215 It's not, it's getting harder as low hanging fruits get picked and is moving to other fields, for example less physics breakthroughs and more microbiology ones. It probably also needs more structured direction/guidance that it didn't need before.

The speed is not speeding up, not slowing down albeit it's very inefficient and most science is on currently relatively irrelevant research questions, bad quality, and so on.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_in_science

>> No.15126251
File: 184 KB, 584x774, YqARbS9dGVVNIJeHP_V-zgUmPlAthKW_T0XEnxiHwvE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of the metaphysical presupposition of naturalism/materialism/physicalism. This/these is/are the false presupposition held by most in the field and these beliefs are wrong and can only go so far.

>> No.15126264
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We've finished, we discovered all the science already.

>> No.15126272

Because the stuff left to discover is really hard

>> No.15126291

Do they ever define their meaning of the phrase "scientific breakthrough"?

>> No.15126299
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*It's speeding up

Another thing that would be valid is that various fields and topics are neglected when there could be so many low-hanging worldchanging breakthroughs. Two particular examples are policy-studies (as well as science related to policymaking etc) and UFO research.

>> No.15126323
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As several post mentioned most of the low hanging fruit being picked is the issue.

There are plenty of areas in science to be explored such as geological, biological and genetic analysis of deep sea ecosystem of earth. An actual complete geologically complete assessment of Antarctica and the layers of Earth's core. Manned and automated missions and stations to the Moon, Mars and Europa. Continued satellite observations of the Sun to figure out how its surface and corona works.

We still haven't even found a way to efficient low cost way to convert sea water to drinkable water.

But these kind of tasks require heavy funding and most importantly multi decade commitments that aren't hindered by politics. You can't have projects that are constantly in danger of being halted because politicians want to rearrange funding or pursue pet projects that meant for appeasement.

>> No.15126473

Bell labs was an anomaly

>> No.15126853

It isn't, theres all sorts of low hanging fruit type discoveries that are still being made.

>> No.15126919

As far as I understand a good chunk of inventions runs head first into the energy storage problem. We don't have anything much better than lithium batteries and petroleum based shit. There is some work done on better alternatives but it's kinda slow going due to a lot of people not being willing to invest in it or being opposed to change.

Computers may be actually better off in this regard with work being done on synthetic diamond based processors and data storage.

>> No.15126931

Rate of original sci posts slowing over time : Study

>> No.15126934

Imagine putting commas in years. This graph must have been made by some anglo nigger.

>> No.15127191

>>15126934 I made a screenshot of a page and the guy who made it coded it instead of making an image (on my request for such a graph). I'm wondering why nobody is building upon it, not just to remove those commas and why this and better diagrams & overviews haven't been done by now.

Everybody only seems to care about writing one study at a time about some highly specific/niche research question, but not communicating, integrating, applying and improving science etc.

>> No.15127224

It is 100% simply because we have de-prioritized scientific breakthroughs culturally. We're now more concerned about interracial sex, drag queens reading to children, and the art of shoving things up our assholes. Don't complicate it. It's legitimately that simple.

>> No.15127228

We had this discussion a few days ago. Mods killed it, not sure why. This means you have to go to external archives, where it was caregully explained.

>> No.15127947
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>> No.15127954

a) it doesn't
b) internet made making science outside of academia more feasible
c) academia publishes more and more anyway

>> No.15128002

While he's correct that the social sciences are bullshit, he fails to account for the fact that 90% of their studies are leftist nonsense, so they aren't particularly overreprented in being false.

>> No.15128320

Scientists are low IQ these days. In the 20th century they didn't let low IQs into science, but now we've got affirmative action, so the low IQs can abuse that to force their way in, with the inevitable deleterious consequences

>> No.15128581

academia had to be eliminated in the sake of privately funded science with open access and no incompetent peer-review wall. Modern day technology demands a new system, which is yet to be developed,

>> No.15128668

My experience has been that research has been utterly decimated by the type of people in it. It's entirely grant chasing and citation chasing.

There is never a single conversation about interesting or promising areas of research. Just people talking about their resume of well cited papers, doing derivative study of derivative study to play it safe for more funding and more citations.

The 'best' researchers today retire with 400,000,000 referenced papers and not one scientific finding.

>> No.15128682

* I should add my experience is in medical research. So it's not the bad state of something like anthropology, it's a ""hard science"" area where people believe more serious work is underway, it isn't.

In some ways it's even more insidious. The official, government grant side is as I said: teams only concerned with funding and their CVs aiming for the cheapest, most foolproof studies to reproduce eternally.

But there's a private research side that's even more odious. It gets all its funding from desperate sufferers of terminal or chronic disease, starts research in a more frontier medicine area but then drops it all and absconds with the funds when the flow slows down.

>> No.15128703 [DELETED] 

People are lead deficient. They can only rehash, mess up and overcomplicate what already exists. Rarely they may be able to add to (but that only leads to further bloat, rather than genuine improvement), but coming up with anything new is completely impossible, because their neocortex doesn't work, so they can't obtain knoledge impirically, it's completely impossible.

>> No.15128710 [DELETED] 

>>>15125215 (OP) #
>>>15125225 #
>People are lead deficient. They can only rehash, mess up and overcomplicate what already exists. Rarely they may be able to add to (but that only leads to further bloat, rather than genuine improvement), but coming up with anything new is completely impossible. Their neocortex doesn't work, and empiricall obtaining knowledge without it is completely impossible.

>> No.15128711

People are lead deficient. They can only rehash, mess up and overcomplicate what already exists. Rarely they may be able to add to (but that only leads to further bloat, rather than genuine improvement), but coming up with anything new is completely impossible. Their neocortex doesn't work, and empiricall obtaining knowledge without it is completely impossible.

>> No.15128717

I will add 200000 5G patents.

>> No.15128826

>>15127947 misinfo. Both those statements are wrong and this crap was posted by Breitbard news. There is an issue there but people need to use real numbers and facts, not fake news.

>> No.15128866

Nah they can't into eugenics. Similar to COVID they will botch it badly. Genius are able to think outside the box. Do you think the CCP or chinese society would tolerate it?

>> No.15128903
File: 139 KB, 850x538, Sources-of-computing-performance-have-been-challenged-by-the-end-of-Dennard-scaling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me again how THE NIGGERS are responsible for the end of Dennard Scaling

>> No.15128905


>> No.15128954

When you turn academia competitive you just incline people to work towards having good looking metrics rather than actually breaking new ground.

>> No.15128980

Netx subtract fraudulent papers from that list and see where it take syou. Retraction Watch is a train crash in slo mo that never ends.

>> No.15128983

Cosnider this:
far right "researcher" emits another fraudulent paper
far left "researcher" emits another fraudulent paper
Now which one will be investigated and who will get a passby thei peers?

>> No.15128986
File: 117 KB, 564x705, ba0ed7e579f4c88ed8bb2fac2cba5d2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 200 years science will be teaching your great grand-children to do this

>> No.15128990

Except that the far left researcher is still more likely to produce actual science than whatever passes as "science" in far right circles.

>> No.15128991
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>> No.15129000
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>> No.15129005

>In 200 years science will be teaching your great grand-children to do this
In 200 years there will be no children and no science. You got fooled by the psychopaths and their priest class once again, but this time there is no recovery.

>> No.15129008

>far left researcher is still more likely to produce actual science
There's not a single instance in history of a "far left researcher" producing anything of lasting value. inb4 you bring up people laboring under totalitarian communist regimes where being anything but a "leftist" would have meant death or at least expulsion.

>> No.15129022

science made the magic that sent these pixels im typing rn to your screen faggot

>> No.15129069

>>15128980 You need to distinguish between quantity and share of papers, it's a miniscule percentage and not really relevant to those numbers.

>> No.15129430
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>> No.15129440

Science has almost never mattered
look at the societies that every great ancient scholar has came from: subjugated and raped by barbarians retards
>engineers, smiths, and artisans create useful tools, weapons, and machines
>further sullies the world
>science creates nuclear weapons
>world fully sullied
>science creates mind control
>world subjugated
Science has been constantly a force of evil

>> No.15129448

I can already hallucinate right now

>> No.15129508

I will simply not enter the gay vortex. Sorry.

>> No.15129623

Define far left researcher and far right researcher. Give examples. Give proof

>> No.15129635 [DELETED] 

Based off the context of the image and my own knowledge I'm guessing Tesla was probably talking about "non-physical" things like electro-magmetic waves and magnetism.

>> No.15129640

Based off the context of the image and my own knowledge I'm guessing Tesla was probably talking about "non-physical" things like electro-magnetic waves and magnetism.

>> No.15129681

You really have no idea what's in store for you, fatboi

>> No.15129734

No, but if you were a ornithologist, getting new data that few people ever knew on say, the habits and biology of birds, required you to just sit in a blind watching them for extended periods of time, while following flocks from region to region, and then dissect and document the internal structures of said birds.
Today, if you want to say anything new about birds you're doing some very complex DNA analysis or some other non-trivial examination that requires far more technical effort.

>> No.15129735

>You need to distinguish between quantity and share of papers,
There are many ways to calculate this these days.
>it's a miniscule percentage and not really relevant to those numbers.
I am really looking forward to see how this can be documented. Now that eth Altzheimer scandal is unfolding, we see at least some of the perversion has been severely damaging.

>> No.15129742

Nah, the COVID response shows that underneath it all, the Chinese government is genuinely dedicated to Marxist ideology. Even to its direct material deficit.
Just that way, they'd never engage in eugenics for its anti-Marxist meaning.

>> No.15130912

>Future scientific breakthroughs will be happening in Asia
Asia is a huge continent.
Look up Retraction Watch database, China figures prominently.
Japan has seen some fraud, but culture is not conducive to being different.
Korea is mostly into industrial R&D.
SEA is too poor.
Islamic parts of Asia, well, no
India tried but cannot hack it.

What is left then?

>> No.15131697

That prediction is false anyway and RetractionWatch numbers are not this relevant and extensive nonconformist culture is not a requirement for many breakthroughs to occur.

>> No.15131698

Capitalism doesn't define human behaviour, that's human bahaviour that defines capitalism, in other words; you need to be 18 to post here

>> No.15131803

>That prediction is false anyway and RetractionWatch numbers are not this relevant and extensive nonconformist culture is not a requirement for many breakthroughs to occur.
Nothing here was correct. Nothing.

>> No.15132675

science was never meant to be “a major breakthrough a day” type of shit.
+ what drives science nowadays is money and you don’t get investment money for unguaranteed results, which is how a lot of things were discovered back in the day (best example of that is high-temperature supraconduction: the guy had plenty of money to run experiments on shit like YBaCuO which everyone thought was a dumb idea).
anyways, the glory of academia and engineering etc is gone. engineers are stuck in a kind of endless loop where they endlessly invent stuff to either better or worsen the state of the world, and try to balance it out. of course, either is part of a much bigger problem : mankind is going at a frightening speed towards a wall that innovation won’t break, and neither will it stop our course. we’ve crossed a lot of limits that we shouldn’t have, and our way of life will eventually kill us all, except for a few select ones that none of you who read this post will be a part of. our civilization is bound to perish because we’ve decided to let go of the brakes and close our eyes.
on that note, i hope y’all have a good life and enjoy as much of what mankind has to offer, since there’s still plenty of time before everything is gone

>> No.15132692

Standard cope that every civilization at its point of stagnation and decay repeats.

>> No.15132980

>the Chinese government is genuinely dedicated to Marxist ideology
Marxist ideology doesn't exist by definition, it's whatever the praxis defines it to be at some point of time in a given place, the only common denominator is power seeking by psychopaths

>> No.15132984

Shut the fuck up you moron, go read on time preference and socialism, go read some Austrian school to clean your bullshit, or just have a business yourself and try to apply the bullshit you believe in to see how far you go

>> No.15135007

Very few ever recover.

>> No.15135077

too many midwits clogging the system

>> No.15135085


>> No.15135140

More research points are needed for the next level. Do you not even vidya?

>> No.15135155
File: 1.43 MB, 498x368, 1668440749755401.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Basically make it impossible for 99% of White Men to enter a higher education.
>Stream in countless minority groups to be indoctrinated by a Woke, Communist """education system""".
>Make women the breadwinners of the household.
>Male suicide across all races keeps growing.
>Productivity stagnates.
>Economy enters long recession.
>Encourage faulty Woke pseudo-science to run rampant.
>"Hurr durr why is science slowing down???"

>> No.15135377

Stay away from the kids, and take your devil rainbow magic with you, tranny.