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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15116296 No.15116296 [Reply] [Original]

California university system bans use of the word 'field' over "racist connotations"
>The University of California's administration said it will no longer allow use of the word 'field' due to potential racist connotations relating to slavery
How do scientists an mathematicians plan on coping with this new limitation on their vocabulary and speech rights? Is the EM field going to become the "electromagnetically influenced region"? Whats the Fields medal gonna be renamed as?

>> No.15116305

>Whats the Fields medal gonna be renamed as?
Fields medals is the name of mathematician, they can't ban a name

>> No.15116385

>dey ain't dooo dat!!!
>muh freeze peach muggufugguh
>muh gonstibutionel rights!!
lmao that you still believe in that political propaganda even years after it was thrown in the trash. go ahead and try to exercise your imaginary rights sometime in any way that contradicts officaldom if you're not too cowardly to, see what happens and learn how much rights you really have.

>> No.15116391
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it's got to be about ni-
>due to potential racist connotations relating to slavery
yep, not gonna mind it one bit when that accursed shit state falls into the ocean one day

>> No.15116397

Why are they allowed to do this? It ignores the fact that children are still hireable and not protected from child labor laws the same within the agricultural industry.

>> No.15116433

my grandma worked in a coal mine as a kid in west pennsylvania outside of pittsburgh and she lived til 90 with no lung issues

>> No.15116567

I really hope that's true and all the stem professors leave. Make California a containment zone for trannies

>> No.15116579

>fox news
wnat a very real and trustworthy news source that does not in any way mischaracterize anyones words

>> No.15116583

>retarded field potential
physicists were definitely dog whistling

>> No.15116585
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>> No.15116697

>Make California a containment zone for trannies
It already is?

>> No.15116747

you're not smart

>> No.15116774

>Instead of linear algebra, 1st year undergrads have to jump straight into representation theory.

>> No.15116793

If you chuds were smart, you'd know how to weaponize wokeness, but you're retarded, and your entire political strategy centers on "IMAGINE IF A CONSERVATIVE DID THIS." It's probably a good thing, as much as I hate idpol libs.

>> No.15116809

What is the correct characterization?

>> No.15116815

Yes, that's what the world needs, more irrationality in order to equal things out.

>> No.15116817

probably some fake news but if not, that's exactly what academics deserve, regardless if stem or not. Everyone who didn't actively resist woke subversion deserves the gulag

>> No.15116847
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>> No.15116876

Holy shit, how will they teach math/physics/etc.?
>The University of Southern California's School of Social Work will no longer use the word "field"
>School of Social Work
Oh… It’s literally nothing, nobody ITT actually read the article, and it has nothing to do with /sci/…

>> No.15116878
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there does exist a letter posted to Twitter, at least

>> No.15116882

Wait until they hear about the word "retarded" all over electrodynamics

>> No.15116888

>It's just a couple of undergrads in a few departments at a couple of schools. It's nothing!
You've been saying that for years as everything gets more and more infected by this nonsense.

>> No.15116905


notice they follow the practice of capitalizing black but not white a clear racist bias.

>> No.15116983

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not good, but it sure as fuck ain’t /sci/. This decision has nothing to do with science.
>b-but field is a science word
Field literally has at the very least 25 definitions. You are not special. This is a /pol/ thread, not /sci/.

>> No.15117035

Just when you think it cant get any worse.

The take away here is that this insanity will never end. Never. They are obsessed with destroying everything. They will never stop.

>> No.15117105

You must be very young and naive.
Its not the particular issue of one word. Its the fact that they will slowly but inevitably exert control over every domain. You think this is nothing, a non issue, but the day will come when you are at work and you will receive a directive to never use certain words in your area of expertise. Because those words are racist, or oppressive in some way, or whatever. At first you will laugh it off because its just so absurd. Then one day you will hear about some people who were officially reprimanded for doing just that. Humiliated. Then some get cancelled, some get fired. And then you realize its no longer a non issue. Its no longer something which you can pass off as a bad joke. Now you have to constantly watch what you say and write all the time, although those "offensive" words have been part of the lexicon for hundreds of years. Its going to be hard for you because you have spent twenty or so years using those words just as part of your normal everyday work.

Understand this. The people who do this sort of shit do not give one flying fuck about fighting oppression or any notion of justice and equality. They do it purely for their own self promotion and this is a just a tool they use to achieve that goal. They are narcissistic control freaks. And they dont give a fuck about the long term damage, the restriction and censorship of free speech, because that is a matter of supreme indifference to them.

>> No.15117108


>> No.15117112

Where do you think this cancer starts before it metastatises into everything?

>> No.15117114

They're just undoing past racial crimes, you're such a disgusting bigot to notice it chud.

>> No.15117115

narcissistic control freak detected
You should get in touch with your local social department and report this
Make a name ( and a very generous pay rise! ) for yourself by getting the word "retarded" removed from electronics.

>> No.15117117

if it were /pol/ why haven't they mentioned the jews yet?

>> No.15117119

>The changing of language in scientific documents isn't /sci/, instead should be posted on the politics board
Why are you like this?

>> No.15117124

>what the world needs
Who gives a shit what the world needs? I care about what I need. Since occasionally wearing a dress to work and insisting that I'm gender-queer means no one dares fuck with me, then that's what I do. Even allegations of racism against me are vulnerable to accusations that such allegations are a cover for their hatred of trannies. As Dave Chappelle has proved, in any fight between niggers and trannies, trannies win.

>> No.15117129

>scientific documents
>the curriculum page of the school of social work
pick one

>> No.15117130

He's arguing in bad faith you moron. Stop writing effortposts, he knows exactly what's going on.

>> No.15117132

My point is just as valid without the plural suffix. What does this thread have to do with current affairs?

>> No.15117135

>What does this thread have to do with current affairs?
What does it have to do with science and math? Social work is neither.

>> No.15117137

University threads go here newfriend

>> No.15117139

No they don't
They can, because this board has literally no moderation and you can post whatever you want, but they don't

>> No.15117140

De facto they're allowed and reach bump limit

>> No.15117142

chatbots mean they can spend more of their budget on hiring dumber shills. how do we exploit their retardation?

>> No.15117146

>California university system bans use of the word 'field'
No, the article says it is just one "school of social work" that made a policy change hoping to avoid the word.

>> No.15117429

>quantum field theory
Oh no no no no, particle sisters we got too cocky. What will it be? Quantum particle theory? We need to find a new word for fields and... wait a minute. Operators over fields in a fock space? Oh my God... Field sisters I don't feel so good...

>> No.15117431

>school of social work

>> No.15117436

>school of social work
Who cares? Let the fucking social workers say whatever they want, idgaf desu

>> No.15117543

Californiacucks addicted to cum I see

>> No.15118280

reads like satire

>> No.15118299
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At some point you have to start wondering if the ruling class and its puppets are actually insane, or if this is an intentional policy of demolishing existing institutions to make space for some new kind of system.

>> No.15118367

>Specifically, we have decided to remove the term ‘field’ from our curriculum and practice and replace it with ‘practicum,'" the letter said. "This change supports anti-racist social work practice by replacing language that would be considered anti-Black or anti-immigrant in favor of inclusive language."

They're not even applying it to the science definition OP. You fucking idiot. School's retarded too though

>> No.15118372

It's hard to believe that trash like you still exists. This has to be a bot.

>> No.15118373

Blog about it nig

>> No.15118376

You will never fit in, no matter how desperately you try.

>> No.15118377

I just fit my dick into a hot blonde. Does that count?

>> No.15118383

You will never lose your virginity, dysgenic freak.

>> No.15118388

I can't be a bot and a dysgenic freak

>> No.15118390

What was his name? The blonde?

>> No.15118394


>> No.15118396
File: 392 KB, 325x499, 1671372501726953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of these universities were built on the back of slavery?
I mean, where did the masonary and the materials come from? Were not all of the materials stolen from africa and so are the product of colonialism, barbarism and racism and... (anything else the left can think of)?
So why don't they bulldoze the fucking lot of them down?
This shit is getting more retarded than niggers themselves.

>> No.15118402

You're either one or the other.

>> No.15118459

The result of a bunch of people with fake jobs trying to justify their continued employment.
I guarantee you this ( and similar things ) is a result of people desperate for something to tell their supervisor that they are working on in the weekly meeting.

>> No.15118705

i wish it were that simple, but in reality its is something far more malicious

>> No.15119441
File: 388 KB, 604x588, univeristy racism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15119892

Sickening niggers.
I do not support the war on terror.
I support terrorism.
I materially support terrorism.
I materially support terrorists targeting stupid niggers.
I materially support terrorists who lynch stupid niggers.
Lynching niggers in the field is the only way I know how, unless you lynch 'em by the side of the road

>> No.15119898

I am racist, and I demand niggers tolerate my racism.
Simple as.
If you fuckin' niggaz step to me
I murda ya who famalam
Bitch nigga

>> No.15119902

My pleasure was built on the back of slavery.
That's what it means to be white.
It means your "burden" is to take pleasure in the misery of your slaves.

>> No.15119908

I am a white supremacist, and I want her terrorist attacked.
Stand up for white supremacy, people.
Demand Congress repeal the USA PATRIOT Act so we can terrorist attack this bitch nigga
Let's legalize lynching this bitch

>> No.15119914

As a white supremacist, I say your job is to tolerate me.
If you are intolerant of me, I will not let the police or courts solve the problem.
That problem ends now.
That problem ends with terrorism.
Terrorism targeting this person that is intolerant of white supremacy is called for, and urgently.
We need urgent action in support of white supremacy, period.
This bitch nigga wants to ethnically cleans white supremacists, and we need a show of force to strike fear into the hearts of California niggers PRONTO

>> No.15119916

>faux news link posted on a science board
this is the state of the board, everybody

>> No.15119921

take your meds

>> No.15119922

As a white supremacist terrorist, I don't like what I'm hearing in this thread.
This thread makes me nervous.
I want white supremacists in academia to support me.
We need to support white supremacists in academia, period.
We need to go to war against the racist bullies that have targeted white supremacists in academia.
We need to force Congress to legalize terrorist attacks against enemies of white supremacists.
If you are a white supremacist, then we have a legal right to murder you and get out of trouble.

>> No.15119924

lynch ya niggaz

>> No.15119925


have noted this post

>> No.15120245
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>> No.15120294
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post proof glowie

>> No.15120419

neither are you

>> No.15120422

No shit. Do you really think she went anywhere else but the miners tents

>> No.15120428

>I say your job is to tolerate me.
no, listen an weep

>> No.15121630
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>> No.15121639

USC is not part of the University of California system.

>> No.15121659

modules > fields
this will just cull the niggers who can't into lingebra