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15114098 No.15114098 [Reply] [Original]

What is it like to be very intelligent? I feel like the world is insatiably fascinating but I've always lacked the equipment to discern it; I always failed in school. I feel like an insect watching a sunset.

>> No.15114105

It'll make more sense if I explain it with a contrast. Going through life with low intelligence is like watching a comedy with no sense of humor.

>> No.15114228

As the world's second or third smartest man, I can tell you that seeing hypocrisy or any kind of value inconsistency feels like mental torture, so I tend to tune out of politics and other subject matter in which low-IQ humans and their hypocrisy run amok.

>> No.15114280

I am a midwit but I tested decently as a kid in the top 1% of intelligence. I would just say it was a let down.

At 12 I used to wonder what interesting things were going on people's minds only to find out most people are horribly boring. But when I got to Uni I lost my ego complex its good to have people smarter then you because then you at least have truly interesting people. I wonder what being 160 IQ is like that would probably suck since you would have no one to really mentor you.

>> No.15114291

you're not a smart man if you haven't realized that hypocrisy is the glue of a society that inevitably functions on imperfect communication. In fact, you seem to be just a mediocre autist

>> No.15114296

But yeah most people who are like 120-140 are in the danger zone. They are smart enough to feel superior to a lot of people but this feeds into their ego and makes them delusional.

>> No.15114307

>Going through life with low intelligence is like watching a comedy with no sense of humor.

>> No.15114317

I got tested with a 142 IQ and life is constant pain because almost everything I do is boring to me, and most people seem like little more than NPCs.

>> No.15114681

I see you as a mental midget trying to rationalize your low-IQ inability to behave consistently.

>> No.15114693

speak for yourself, you subhuman nigger

>> No.15114705

142 is vaguely in the respectable zone of NPC IQs.

>> No.15114787

Here’s the truth most smart people won’t tell you: the more you learn and know about life and the universe, the less confidence you have in the knowledge of what’s really going on, or what’s objectively true. The best way to simulate what being a genius is like is to take every fact, opinion, and assumption in your life and suppose that they are all completely false. If you feel an expansive emptiness, you’re probably on the right track.

>> No.15114796

when you're very intelligent everything is insatiably fascinating, life itself is insatiably fascinating, every breath is a gift

>> No.15115550

Ignorance is bliss and being very intelligent is kind of like the opposite of that.

>> No.15115566

I can sense the baldsoi energy from a mile away. I know that you spend your time on /r/politics screaming about muh whataboutisms when people act like perfectly reasonable legal philosophers and want to compare two morally relevant events to understand questions of culpability and response.

>> No.15115629

>find box of old schoolwork while cleaning garage
>test reports, grade reports, teacher notes, school counselor notes, therapist notes from public school
>grade 1 through 12
>"did not meet standard"
>"anon is behind"
>"anon is falling last in every class"
>"anon is a difficult student"
>"does not seem to respond to an education plan, discipline, or any guidance"
>"anon was despondent in therapy, was inconsolable, cried a lot"
>"we recommend having anon evaluated for depression and ADD"
>grade after grade, class after class
>"anon is failing"
>"anon is repeatedly failing tests"
>"exhibits attention seeking behavior"
>"frequently and loudly disrupts class"
>"anon was sent to the office 17 times this month"
>fast forward to age 24
>hideous tranny
>no progress made with mental illnesses
>bottles of spent spills from years of failed psychiatric care
>half-eaten edibles and fragments of psychedelics among squalor
>bank account $74
>all of my recorded memories in my phone are me staring euphorically and psychotically in the mirror while high
>walls of psychotic suicidal text and navel gazing incoherent poetry
>know absolutely nothing
>can't even hold on to a dishwashing or custodial job
>family doesn't want anything to do with me
I don't understand why I'm like this, and there doesn't seem to have been a point where I wasn't an abject failure. I don't even know where to begin. It's like I've always been here to make an example to others of what not to be. I'm a joke. I don't even know what to make of all of this. Why has it been like this all my life? Why keep living to see how much worse it gets?

>> No.15115788

I'm not 600 IQ, but political hypocrisy is one of my biggest pet peeves too and is why I not-my-problem'd politics.The left just doesn't give a shit about hypocrisy -- in fact, it seems to enjoy the emotional disequilibrium that brazen hypocrisy causes in well-meaning people -- and far too many on the right don't give a shit, either (e.g., rubbish anonymous sources and then "OH, WOW, SO TRUE, MUH ANONYMOUS 4CEL LARP SOURCES").

>> No.15115793

You heard Langan say that, didn't you?

>> No.15115795

What's non-NPC IQ then, big boy?

>> No.15115796

Surely you mean PC?

>> No.15115798

>very intelligent
If you can come up with a definition for "intelligent" then I'll tell you if I'm "very intelligent".
Otherwise, meh.

>> No.15115817

You are describing the midwit.

>> No.15115822

>Going through life with low intelligence is like watching a comedy with no sense of humor.
spoken like a true pseud.
the purpose of a comedy is to laugh, therefore if you lack humor the purpose of the art is lost on you.
what's the purpose of life and what has intelligence got to do with achieving it?

>> No.15115828
File: 71 KB, 976x709, 31252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the purpose of a comedy is to laugh
>what's the purpose of life
Who said anything about purpose? I like how you have just enough intellect to realize that's not the relevant parallel of the analogy, but not enough to realize you didn't understand the analogy.

>> No.15115833

>Who said anything about purpose?
then tell me what's bad about watching a comedy without a sense of humor

>> No.15115840

Why do you think I used an analogy? You're so stupid it hurts.

>> No.15115846

>avoids the question
typical of a pseud who's being cornered into providing an explanation instead of vague handwaving and realizes he's been found out

>> No.15115851

>incoherent seething intensifies
LOL. Okay. Let me dumb it down for you. What do you think watching a comedy would be like for someone that has no sense of humor?

>> No.15115852

130 midwit here
Sucks honestly
I got into a very prestigious PhD program by focusing so much on my field that I neglected all my other responsibilities in life.
I am a barely functioning person outside of stem autism.

>> No.15115858

Sounds like most >PhD's I've met.

>> No.15115862

Are you the same guy from /lit/?

>> No.15115863

vague question, someone watching a comedy without a sense of humor could be
- captivated by the story
- captivated by the acting
- captivated by the cinematography
- bored
- annnoyed
- wasting his time
- any combination of the above

I wanna bet that you meant it would be a waste of time for the viewer, but since you're a pseud you failed to recognize that your scenario has a multitude of different outcomes and isn't the brilliant analogy you though it was

>> No.15115867

I think of myself as very intelligent. Don't care what anyone says about that. My life consists of perpetual boredom interspersed with periods of short brushfire fascination and obsession with random topics. The curse of the polymath is to be fascinated by everything but unable to truly study anything. As soon as the novelty wears off something it's boring and I want nothing to do with it anymore.

>> No.15115868

There are expected to be around 250,000 people in the world with an IQ of 160 alone, which is the max that can be measured in WAIS-IV and SB-5. Throw in the higher IQs and some of the 15x IQs, and you're dealing with millions of people, some of whom made the mistake of associating with barely qualifying Mensa faggots and who consider those in the rough 135-145 range to be the most intellectually insufferable people on the planet, vexed by poor reading comprehension, lack of circumspection in problem-solving, and other intellectual maladies.

>> No.15115873

LOL. You are hopelessly retarded. No wonder your intellectual insecurity levels are off the chart.

>> No.15115877

gotcha, thanks for confirming you had no actual argument to provide.
keep running your mouth over meaningless sentences, I'll check out of this empty thread

>> No.15115889

I'm glad it upsets you, dumb animal.

>> No.15115902

I dunno why some people on this board hate IQ & intelligence threads. I'm a NEET loser IQlet, and I will never stop finding it enjoyable to shit on delusionally WICKAHD SMAHT 120s to 140s.

>> No.15115911

why would I need to rationalize that, any troglodyte can behave consistently, it takes intelligence to improvise. Nothing smart about being obdurate.

no, I can just as well speak for you because you're completely transparent and predictable.

I can sense that you really stretched your abilities to make that post sound like a witty putdown, but it still reads like shit and has no relevance. Bad assessment btw, I neither have a reddit account nor would use 'whataboutism' as an argument.
If sperg retards itt are triggered by someone understanding what unwritten rules are, they're not in a position to answer OPs question.

>> No.15115923
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>that one aggressive ape chimping out at everyone ITT
Why are they like this?

>> No.15115953

you're a subhuman nigger.
any subhuman nigger can "improvise" by saying one thing and doing something else.
having firm principles and being a person of one's word is a white man's thing - you probably wouldn't understand.

>> No.15115973

>be bigbrain
>try to read Principia, Tractatus, etc
>take an hour to understand one page
>feel really stupid
Being very intelligent feels like being really stupid, with the added horror of knowing most humans are even stupider than you.

>> No.15115977
File: 38 KB, 477x316, whyteman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not smart but at least I'm too stupid to lie.
Congrats, "white" "man"

>> No.15115986

>doesn´t understand that in order to learn something quickly you first have to put in a good chunk of time to learn the fundamental concepts by heart
>very intelligent
very intelligent people actually know how learning works, pseuds like you on the other hand think that stuff just comes down from the sky

>> No.15115995

actual 115 midwit here. I have great reading comp and worked as writer, now I am in law school. I am just smart enough to know I am exceedingly stupid.

>> No.15116003

>hypocrisy is the glue of a society with billions of retards who can't maintain consistent morals and standards

Why don't you go ahead and give us an example of how "imperfect communication" requires hypocrisy from otherwise intelligent people.

>> No.15116019

I was at university studying math at the time, so the fundamentals were being drilled into me on a daily basis. It still takes a good amount of time to grasp any work at the top of a given field. If you think you understood it quicker you either are a genius (unlikely) or you didn't really understand.

>> No.15116033

In the midwit/NPC discussion, the composite score is a red herring. It is all about the ratio of verbal IQ to spatial IQ.

Midwit = verbal IQ 120-140, spatial IQ < 120. NPC = verbal IQ 100-130, spatial IQ < 105.

The verbal IQ is necessary to give both the midwit and NPC their abilities to "intelligently" rationalize why they believe everything they are told. But they don't have enough spatial IQ to pinpoint the inconsistencies in their worldview.

>> No.15116037

>studies high level maths (calculus, abstract algebra, measure theory)
>thinks those are the "fundamentals"
the principia is the fundamentals of the fundamentals. no amount of maths degree is going to help you unless you specifically chose a curriculum specializing on the foundations of maths.

>> No.15116079

Verbal IQ allows you to do symbolic logic though. Why can't someone with high verbal use it to test their assumptions and then trust the results?
>calculus, abstract algebra, measure theory
Was in the UK, where undergrads are made to do proofs by contradiction from day 1.

>> No.15116145

>Verbal IQ allows you to do symbolic logic though.
Yes, good catch. Verbal IQ can be used to reason deductively from a set of axioms. However, the people I described are very bad at formulating those axioms. In some sense spatial IQ is your connection to the physical world. Spatial thinkers almost by definition have to put objectivity and empirical observation at the forefront of their axioms for the world. In contrast, verbal IQ is more of your connection to words and language, which will prioritize words, news, and other human-constructed ideas in the construction of initial axioms.

It is interesting to note that people with high verbal IQ but low spatial IQ can make very good pure mathematicians, because they almost never have to worry about starting from "incorrect" or "useless" axioms.

>> No.15116160

brown hands typed this

>> No.15116166

You sound very impressed with yourself.

>> No.15116187

>Midwit response
Lol, it is so easy to spot the "verbal thinkers." They never focus on the argument, but always on some kind of metainformation.
>What is your source
>That sounds like something "x group I don't like" would say
>Wow, you must be "x quality I don't like"

>> No.15116203

High IQ simply means perfect moral excellence. The number on the test doesn't really matter

>> No.15116457
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got 150 iq, had an average score of 5/20 in school
stopped going when i was 15, been a neet ever since, everytime i try to be genuine and open up people think i'm a retard and don't understand what i'm trying to say, so i don't talk to anyone unless i'm forced to
being intelligent is useless compared to being good at socializing
yea also you don't have to worry about being bad at school, that shit is for training monkeys anyways

>> No.15116461

>the less confidence you have in the knowledge of what’s really going on
Basically this.

>> No.15116483

These days even that is getting rarer. PhD programs are dropping academic standards left and right for muh diversity. When I was in grad school they were passing kids who scored in the 10s-20s out of 100 on their exams.

>> No.15116576

>it is so easy to spot the "verbal thinkers."
Precisely. They think verbal waffle with basic-bitch polysyllabics is a substitute for actual intelligence. This poster is a great example: >>15116145

>> No.15116592

>never going to be smart because I spent entirety of youth shitting about on the interwebs instead of studying
Gen Z is beyond screwed, they're heading towards an idiocracy-style catastrophe

>> No.15116606

>142 IQ and life is constant pain
kek, you're barely conscious
>Midwit = verbal IQ 120-140, spatial IQ < 120. NPC = verbal IQ 100-130, spatial IQ < 105.
specific enough to be a sperg, arbitrary enough to be a midwit
what great mystery is this?

>> No.15117197
File: 300 KB, 2048x1345, C577CE13-DF80-4390-805E-0C71BB1B843E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have taken the ADHD meds retard. Prolly bought into “but it’s meth tho!” Lie. Instead you took psychedelics and fucked your brain under the guise of “it’s natural bro it won’t hurt me” now you’re fucked. You still have a chance to get on them provided you don’t have a criminal possession charge If you do well, you’re fucked.

>> No.15117203

>should have taken the adhd meds retard
Every symptom he listed matches what I was going thru before I got on my add meds. Went from having one night stands with fat chicks on tinder and living with my parents to having a beautiful wife and kids while running a hospital. Shit changed my life.

>> No.15117211
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Based XKR enjoyer. That yours? I also enjoy blue automobiles.

>> No.15117214
File: 420 KB, 500x471, 1568189275330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I was rich bros