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15113853 No.15113853 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people say "PTSD isn't real" like they do ADHD? What actually causes it? Why do some get it when others don't? Are some people more susceptible?

>> No.15113904

the mental illness deniers are midwit tourists repeating what they heard someone else say

>> No.15113919

They're mainly schizophrenics and other psychotics angry about having to take their meds. They use "softer" mental illnesses as their entry route as a type of red herring.

>> No.15113934


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUDyxQi_SR8 you know too much...and no one would ever believe you, and you can't speak to anyone about it, and you wish you'd rather be dead.
post traumatic stress disorder.
the disorder, the world, it has consumed them

>> No.15113953
File: 124 KB, 726x750, soi_seethe_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your ZOGpharma placebos. That should help you calm down.

>> No.15113963

PTSD is cultural. People who fight to defend their own communities don't get PTSD. People in pre-modern warrior societies didn't get PTSD either. You get PTSD when your experiences in combat cannot be reconciled with your other experiences in life.

>> No.15113995

Basically becoming a soulless killbot for rapes and murders for Israel breaks a man's soul. Once broken, the soul never fully heals. Death is the only release and the damaged man knows this. Every day he wakes up with the shame and sorrow at not being able to end the pain himself. He is too broken to do even that. This is The Suck, welcome. You can never leave.

>Verification not required.

>> No.15113999

ummm, sweaty? dying for israel is a privilege, in case your dumb antisemitic antivaxxer ass didn't know

>> No.15114001

Yes, knowing that you were killing people for nothing takes a huge moral toll on your soul. This is the root of PTSD. If you were killing people for a cause your culture and community recognize as just, then you don't get PTSD.

>> No.15114006
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This is going to be true schizo post take on mental illness but I don't give a shit, here it goes.

Pretty sure everyone has mental disease, to the point where it's fundamental to the human condition of living on this planet.
According to the DSM mental illnesses can't really be diagnosed as disease unless it interferes in your life somehow.
Some people have managed to take their mental illnesses and find a way to make it work for them so they become successful, and that's the big trick. Everyone, EVERYONE on this Earth is in some way crazy, and the ones we say aren't crazy merely get called that because they have success in life. The real problem with humanity, and the source of many woes, is that those same people who are insane but are successful enough to have their denials about it humored and encouraged by the masses, they get to define how to measure success. Their success becomes metric that all others measure success by, and they become the role models for success. If you sit down and think about it, this really is just circular logic.

>> No.15114008

>According to the DSM

>> No.15114013

Nobody suggested pharma was the solution, just that mental illnesses exist. Your reading comprehension is really on par with 4chin

>> No.15114016

What do you really expect from a wojack poster?

>> No.15114022

Where do you think the 50 fake disorders you suffer from came from if not pharma shills?

>> No.15114024

We're talking about PTSD, not vax injuries. Go to another thread.

>> No.15114026
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I have PTSD from /sci/. Every night I remember that thread where everyone called me retarded for not knowing calculus.

>> No.15114029

>We're talking about PTSD
No, you weren't. You were chimping out because OP mentioned people calling out your fake disorders. ADHD doesn't exist. Cope harder, drug addict.

>> No.15114031

You are the only one in this thread trying to talk about something other than PTSD. Fuck off retard.

>> No.15114038

You were chimping out and updooting your buddy about "mental illness deniers". Your ADHD is fake, either way. :^)

>> No.15114040

>You were chimping out and updooting your buddy about "mental illness deniers".

>> No.15114043

Meds now.

>> No.15114047

it is classical conditioning mixed severe trauma. If every time you heard a bell ring someone bashed you in the head with a baseball bat then when it stopped you would still react to the bell as a kind of muscle memory. It is a survival mechanism that is good for you. Same way if you hear a horn getting louder crossing the street you are going to freeze and look for a car coming towards you because you can unconsciously tell it is coming at you fast based on how the tone is changing. Your body is reacting unconsciously when you are conditioned to something. BTW the (((CIA))) is well aware of this and "Satanic Ritual Abuse" is how they create "Manchurian Candidates" like Bobby Kennedy's killer Sirhan Sirhan (however it is spelled).

>> No.15114056


>> No.15114060
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I do not suffer from mental illnesses, and I am not in any medicine. But I don't deny that some people have mental illnesses

>> No.15114063


>> No.15114064

>I do not suffer from mental illnesses
>I don't deny that some people have mental illnesses
You fall under the definition of "some people".
You have a mental illness.
You deny having mental illness.
Therefore you deny that some people have mental illness.

>> No.15114071

Incomprehensible, please seek meds

>> No.15114075
File: 261 KB, 112x112, 1662517543223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when the namefag is already in my filter

>> No.15114076

Take your meds.

>> No.15114174

no they're not. they don't have schizophrenia and mes prescribed. they are just retards looking for something easy to deny to feel smart.

>> No.15114246

Why do people get PTSD from self defense killings? Do they think they deserved to die, given it was life or death?

>> No.15114295

They don't, unless they're in a society that vilifies them for it (e.g. Rittenhouse.)

>> No.15114297

I wouldn't call shooting unarmed civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan "self defense", i'm glad PTSD exists, you mutts need to suffer for the rest of your life.

>> No.15114299

You added that context, he didn't say that.

>> No.15114305

if you went to the desert you wanted to go to the desert to fight for your owners and own psychotic desires. i dont think they have a leg to stand on. i agree with >>15113963

>> No.15114363

He's just a vatnik schizo, ignore him.

>> No.15114376

have you learned calculus since then?

>> No.15114383

The notion of a mental disease doesn't make sense when the physical cause of that disease has never been identified. At best, you can argue for a cluster of symptoms that then constitutes some imprecise notion of a mental disability, but the question which symptoms you count as part of that mental disability ultimately remains vague and ill-defined. The other issue is that symptomatology necessarily relies on arbitrary thresholds. You can take the example of 'ADHD' and argue that it is a bona fide disease. But any argument that you might introduce relies either on unproven statements or on value judgments derived from some observation that someone has made before. And no one could really provide me with an argument as to why someone who scores sufficiently high in ADHD traits is deemed diseased whereas someone who scores high in traits related to homosexuality is not deemed diseased despite the latter's much more significant impact on overall reproductive fitness. The other issue is that any mental illness, at least if sufficiently large, starts being both an identity and a tool to acquire resources. Most cases of diagnosed dyslexia cases don't involve children with a marked weakness in reading comprehension or writing, but children whose reading/writing skills are in fact normal relative to their overall intelligence performance. The reason such children get diagnosed with dyslexia in the first place is because of the benefits of the label, e.g. more exam time, lowered scholastic expectations that protect at-risk kids from dropping out of school etc. But none of these are valid biological constructs.

>> No.15114395

Ultimately, even if some many people intuitively understand what I wrote, the issue still stands that at least some people profit of these labels including large players such as the pharmaceutical industry. So, I'm not expecting for these labels to disappear soon anyway even if they are scientifically invalid and medically pointless. But one should be wary. Labels such as ADHD, autism, depression don't identify valid medical diagnoses. They're at best markers of disability that are cunningly used by our society to deflect the problems back to the person and to redirect them to private corporations that can treat their 'illness' and consequentally earn profits.

>> No.15114471

I have been on tour to ME, I didn't get PTSD.