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File: 18 KB, 147x208, feynman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15113654 No.15113654 [Reply] [Original]

>I adopted the attitude that those bar girls are all bitches, that they aren’t worth anything, and all they’re in there for is to get you to buy them a drink, and they’re not going to give you a goddamn thing; I’m not going to be a gentleman to such worthless bitches, and so on. I learned it till it was automatic.
>Then that night I was ready to try it out. I go into the bar as usual, and right away my friend says, “Hey, Dick! Wait’ll you see the girl I got tonight! She had to go change her clothes, but she’s coming right back.”
>On the way to her motel she says, “You know, I won’t have time to eat these sandwiches with you, because a lieutenant is coming over…” I think to myself, “See, I flunked. The master gave me a lesson on what to do, and I flunked. I bought her $1.10 worth of sandwiches, and hadn’t asked her anything, and now I know I’m gonna get nothing! I have to recover, if only for the pride of my teacher.
>I stop suddenly and I say to her, “You… are worse than a WHORE!”
>“Whaddya mean?”
>“You got me to buy these sandwiches, and what am I going to get for it? Nothing!”

>t. Richard Feynman, The Great Explainer, Nobel Prize and member of the Manhattan Project

When my professor of a father told me Feynman was based, I didn't believe he was THIS based.

>> No.15113677

>What has weirder behavior, quarks or whores? If I told you it was quarks you might be inclined to believe me because everyone thinks they know what a whore is but nobody really knows what a quark is. Well, the reason I'm asking you this is obviously because it's a trick question and whores are trickier. Quarks at least follow some sort of rules, and no matter if they're switching color and flipping-flipping-flipping back and forth there's at least some underlying principles to their behavior. Whores are without principles, and that's why it's a waste of time to try to understand them.

>> No.15113686
File: 76 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummmmm, sweaty? You're not Chad so it's not okay for YOU to be like that.

>> No.15113723

>jewish shills promoting jewish personalities
all day, errrry day, for years on end without letup

>> No.15113922

aren't jews supposed to be feminist leftists ?

>> No.15113992

> feminist leftists
You mean... like Feynman?

>> No.15114003
File: 279 KB, 1240x1606, dbmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe at the time
today there may be a couple more people mad at him

>> No.15114009


>> No.15114019

Dude, are you a joke? You think making "sexist" comments meant that he somehow isn't a feminist? The fact that contemporary feminists have mainstreamed batshit insanity does not in any way change the fact that Feynman absolutely was a feminist. Politics has rotted your brains.

>> No.15114020

What a chad

>> No.15114062

Yes? What? “Do you think being sexist means you aren’t feminist?” Literally please listen to yourself bro.

>> No.15114119


>> No.15114139

>>I adopted the attitude that those bar girls are all bitches, that they aren’t worth anything, and all they’re in there for is to get you to buy them a drink, and they’re not going to give you a goddamn thing; I’m not going to be a gentleman to such worthless bitches, and so on. I learned it till it was automatic.
A normal man, upon realizing this, would simply stop associating with whores at bars.

>> No.15114162

>le epic sexism

>> No.15114185


>> No.15114187

My ex-girlfriend in university unironically got mad at me for reading Feynman and whenever I had an argument with her she'd accuse me of playing psychology tricks that I'd gotten from Feynman, lmao.

>> No.15115001

Lol's this man sounds pretty addicted to whores

>> No.15115016

This is your brain on /r9k/

>> No.15115038
File: 131 KB, 1000x871, CCB13EAB-C7B0-4749-934D-8008C4748BA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d be shitting myself if I started getting veiled-threatening letters like this. Were times better back in 1971, or am I just a craven pussy?

>> No.15115054

99% of straight men are irredeemably cucked moralfags

>> No.15115447

>in the change of a woman's mind
based, i'm stealing this

>> No.15115476

You're a pussy.

>> No.15115729

>Were times better back in 1971, or am I just a craven pussy?

>> No.15115857

He's completely right about slags you find in bars.

>> No.15115864

Unfathomably based

>> No.15115870
File: 29 KB, 351x500, 1595472027552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually said this

>> No.15115871

not even genuine morals, just mindless adherence to current zeitgeist out of cowardice.

>> No.15115944


>> No.15116109


>> No.15116139

imagine spending this much time thinking about women

>> No.15116149

He was literally an angry incel who couldn’t even pick up a bar hoe after buying her food.

>> No.15116342

>He was literally an angry incel
I thought he was known for slaying.

>> No.15116361

>can I get free shit?
The motto of women alone in bars. If you catch them in groups, it might be different. Some women will pay for their own shit to avoid the problem of being obligated to put out for shitty bar appetizers and cheap drinks though.
Slaying his wallet evidently.

>> No.15116367

>Slaying his wallet evidently.
i read his second autobiography and in his youth recollections he never came across as being this retarded. is op's qute verifyable?

>> No.15116376

>The problem is that the facts are against any excuses. Feynman pretended to be an undergraduate to get young women to sleep with him. He targeted the wives of male grad students. He went to bars and practiced a technique that isn’t so different from the reprehensible “game” of thepick-up artists (PUAs).[1]This is all public record, including anecdotes in his own words from his sorta-memoirsSurely You’re Joking, Mr. FeynmanandWhat Do You Care What Other People Think?[2]
He seems like he was a cunt. This is why you never meet your heroes, I guess.

>> No.15116377

>is op's qute verifyable?
It's a real quote, it's however placed out of context. It happened in a bar he frequented, and the bar owner said he could teach him to get chicks, in another way than he usually did, by showing them some simple physics experiments or similar. He should imagine that all women are whores, this will enable him to have the right mindset, because woman hate needy men. He recounted how he had trouble doing this, but forced himself to imagine it, regardless of how he thought about it. He said that the tactic worked, and that he did manage to get on with the ladies, but it felt wrong, and he disliked he had to imagine that stuff, so he quickly gave up on the advice of the bar owner, and went back to doing it the usual way.

>> No.15116381

>He went to bars and practiced a technique that isn’t so different from the reprehensible “game” of thepick-up artists (PUAs).[1]This is all public record, including anecdotes in his own words from his sorta-memoirsSurely You’re Joking, Mr. FeynmanandWhat Do You Care What Other People Think?[2]
This is wrong as accounted here>>15116377
He did try the technique, as an experiment based on someone's advice, to see if it worked, but quickly gave up on it as it felt wrong and disingenuous. You can read the book where he recounts this himself.

>> No.15116384

that was later when he was a world famous professor and surrounded by little whores looking to shag some authority figure for street cred

>> No.15116392

>that was later when he was a world famous professor and surrounded by little whores looking to shag some authority figure for street cred
Nope, by the time he was trying the tactic he recounted in the book, he was already a world-famous professor.

>> No.15116405

>]This is all public record, including anecdotes in his own words from his sorta-memoirsSurely You’re Joking, Mr. FeynmanandWhat Do You Care What Other People Think?
>He did try the technique, as an experiment based on someone's advice, to see if it worked, but quickly gave up on it as it felt wrong and disingenuous. You can read the book where he recounts this himself.

Huh, must've missed it I only remmeber something endearing about going to dances in his high school years and being shy. but thanks for clearign it up.

>This is why you never meet your heroes, I guess.
so it's a little of that but also a lot of being a scientist through and through.
>hey, gotta try operating like an incel at least once, amirite?
what a weird dude.

>> No.15116432
File: 140 KB, 272x375, IMG_0696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 weeks later
>Don't bug me, man!

a true hero

>> No.15116816

>Professor Richard P.(for Pig?) Feynman

>> No.15116857

his fame originates with nepotism from the jewish media, he was just another jewish media "scientist" spokesperson along the lines of carl sagan, greta thunderburp and black soience man

>> No.15117609
File: 39 KB, 280x396, you cannot defeat me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people on /sci/ right now
>that underestimate [math]\mathbb{THE}~\mathbb{PHENOTYPE}[/math]