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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 112 KB, 879x485, virginorbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15111220 No.15111220 [Reply] [Original]

LauncherOne edition. Will Virgin Orbit launch it before DEMO-1? ABL already scrubbed into the 10th lmao

>> No.15111225
File: 74 KB, 970x640, BnZwVi9KXAata7taKLCGM8-970-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much text in OP

>> No.15111233

Was about to make an ABL vs Virgin themed thread, but then I saw that ABL slipped into tomorrow and felt I had to mention that.

>> No.15111234


>> No.15111237

We can have an ABL edition tomorrow, if it doesn't slip again.

>> No.15111240
File: 47 KB, 710x710, RainCube_spacecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15111242

Tianwen-1 might be kill. And if that’s the case then there’s no way to communicate with the Zhurong lander

>> No.15111244

The fermi parasnoff
smermy fartbof

>> No.15111245
File: 2.98 MB, 1280x720, tianwen mars.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was quick.

>> No.15111252

unabl strikes again

>> No.15111255

I hope NASA let's them use their orbiters

>> No.15111264

New KSP2 footage: https://youtube.com/shorts/LJo06FXTFZ4

>> No.15111265
File: 1011 KB, 1170x1854, 9241C0BC-3FF6-4B0F-9B94-D098DCEEDCF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was due to perform some aerobreaking tests right before this. Looks like it got too cocky and lowered its orbit by way too much and now they can’t establish a lock

>> No.15111267

2012 tier graphics

>> No.15111268

Mars Express is the backup satellite, although it's probably on its last legs too and pretty low bandwidth

NASA probably could help them with their orbiter, but can't because politics

>> No.15111269

That's progress.

>> No.15111270

In other world, a definitive step-up from KSP1.

>> No.15111271

it looks amazing, cant wait

>> No.15111272

>aerobraking test with an orbiter
For what reason?

>> No.15111273

Blows my mind how, despite all this time since the very first KSP build and all the delays for KSP2, someone hasn’t just made their own orbital video game that runs way smoother
KSP2 is going to suck i’m not even excited for it anymore

>> No.15111278

>KSP2 is going to suck i’m not even excited for it anymore
What happened?

>> No.15111280

He's a doomer, don't bother

>> No.15111282

Oh shite I just realized andrew jones published an article about it on space news like 5 hours ago

>> No.15111287

sold to take 2 , that's what fucking happened. if the devs are running it like shit on their rigs it will never run good on anything

>> No.15111297

Wow even with passive and active anti-dust contingencies (can’t think of a better word ugh) the rover has been in hibernation since May of last year and dust might have killed it
And the orbiter seems to have fucked off into its own orbit? This is weird. Well even if the mission is dead now it’s still a really good run for a first attempt from China.

>> No.15111312

these guys plan a sample return before US

>> No.15111313

Perseverance and Curiosity will last until the first human landing.
There is pretty much nothing that could kill them.

>> No.15111317

For how long does their nuclear batteries last?

>> No.15111318

Considering the Voyagers still work I have little doubts. Curiosity might lose its wheels though

>> No.15111320

jpl intern here, we're killing curiosity in may and no you did not hear it frum me

>> No.15111329
File: 559 KB, 1024x1024, _mars.nasa.gov_msl-raw-images_proj_msl_redops_ods_surface_sol_03706_opgs_edr_ncam_NLB_726499495EDR_F0991256NCAM00354M_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15111339

They have started methane heat exchangers and Ship hasn't even been stacket yet...

>> No.15111352
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'tis merely a flesh wound

>> No.15111360

Propellant has been warming up for a long time. They're chilling it with nitrogen and putting it back in the storage tanks.

>> No.15111371


>> No.15111375

everyday astronaut said the word "pooped" in his new video

>> No.15111382
File: 90 KB, 780x734, a75f65ac092a6d7ac1dcbed9f01259e1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best space moments of 2022
>starship on the thumb

>> No.15111390
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>> No.15111411
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>> No.15111418
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>> No.15111419
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>> No.15111420

I want to learn sciences from scratch but I have no experience. Please can you provide some tips for me?

>> No.15111433
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>> No.15111434

What should I read?

>> No.15111441

How about that sticky on the front page? (>>5942502)

MIT OCW. Kahn Academy. Harvard and Stanford put the syllabus for a lot of their courses out for free.

>> No.15111443

KSP2 should have looked like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTc7SIfwC5c

>> No.15111470

I have bad eyesight, apologies. Thank you.

>> No.15111485

>How much would such a constellation cost?
A lot.
But with boost cost dropping and a somewhat serialized production of the mirrors and sunshield parts itr would be cheaper to make than the one-off JWST.

>> No.15111497
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>> No.15111504

>There is pretty much nothing that could kill them.
expect a cat

>> No.15111530

I don't think KSP 2 will suck but as others pointed out it will probably run like fucking ass when rendering large structures. Besides, it will be a while until mods like RSS and Principia start popping.

>> No.15111531
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 91e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dream chaser has no windows
why does everything needs to be so lame?

>> No.15111536

it has no crew

>> No.15111539

Where they are going you don't need eyes to see.

>> No.15111541

Will the crewed versions have windows?

>> No.15111542

Looks like something you'd see in MoMA.

>> No.15111546

First for fuck Branson, don't destroy my fucking satellite

>> No.15111549

Do you hear the voices too?

>> No.15111553
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>> No.15111554
File: 724 KB, 1170x1425, 1A12523D-D906-4E54-B286-6DD580FE0F3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who remembers this gem

>> No.15111559
File: 768 KB, 2459x1382, fheavy.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Falcon Heavy is rolling out for USSF-67 mission

>> No.15111560

Astronauts be like
>fuck, I’d rather fly on a DC without windows than fly on a Starliner!

>> No.15111567

Guys, How long has it been since the last Starship launch-landing?
I just feel like they're gonna stall for another Year.

>> No.15111570

I skimmed it, here are his opinions
>Honorable mentions: Tiangong completion, SpaceX launch cadence, Super Heavy 14 engine test (lol), end of longest-duration X-37B mission, Perseverance/Ingenuity progress, Vega-C debut (lol), Chinese solid rocket and LM6A debuts, Angara 1.2 debut, Sag A image, Axiom 1
>8: Boeing OFT-2
>7: Firefly Alpha
>6: KPLO
>3: DART
>2: Artemis 1
>1: JWST

>> No.15111572

Lol Cygnus is going to use 4 Falcon 9 launches before switching to the Antares 330. Think NG and Firefly can get Anteres 330 running by 2024?

>> No.15111577

>Firefly needing to develop a whole new engine and first stage ready for operational missions by the end of next year
Hmm, I wonder

>> No.15111584

I'm just pissed off that all the new shit isn't coming at launch, it's literally just gonna be ksp1 with prettier graphics until god knows how long.

>> No.15111591

>Artemis 1 above DART

>> No.15111599

Orbital flight when?

>> No.15111600

>with more mature quantum computing we can achieve visible light interferometry and hence arbitrary aperture size
Quantum computing doesn't make any difference for this task. The problem is that visible light detectors (CCDs) only record intensity information of light. To do interferometry computationally you need both the phase and intensity information, and with CCDs the phase information is gone. At radio wavelengths there is the advantage that a radio antenna can measure both phase and amplitude simultaneously, nothing like that exists in the visible.
The only realistic way to do useful interferomtery at visible wavelengths is with direct recombination, like the VLTI and other ground based interferometers. This still requires combining the light with matched path lengths down to a sub-wavelength accuracy. No one knows how to build a formation flying constellation with such tight tolerances, although ESA is pushing the state of the art with Proba 3. For small numbers of telescopes it's possible to use delay lines for fine adjustment but it doesn't scale to large numbers. The maximum baseline (related to the resolution) will be set by the precision. Note that even with all these things solved interferometers are niche instruments, they have very small fields of view and nobody knows how to build one which could replace general purpose telescopes.

>> No.15111601

Oof forgot Beta is supposed to be the next rocket.....

>> No.15111612

What's that

>> No.15111620

>quantum computing

>> No.15111621

anyone knows what the f are they launching? Regular spy sats shouldn't be that big to require a FH unless it's many of them or something new.

>> No.15111625

yes, unironically.

>> No.15111626

It sucks. But I guess better that than launching an unfinished product as V1 and the abandoning it.

>> No.15111629

There have been some historically huge spooksats launched in the past.

>> No.15111634

Oh shit the SpaceX double header is still on, but Vandy Starlink is only 30% favorable.

>> No.15111637
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>> No.15111650
File: 144 KB, 800x572, an-illustration-of-the-satellite-dishes-present-in-the-signit-signal-reconnaissance-satellites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of frustrating, The biggest things I can find are the KH11 (KH12, KH13?...) and Orion/Mentor, but all of these are launched by the NRO on ULA rockets I think. I guess it could be just a bunch of stuff from SIGINT, early warning, killsats, recon and who knows what.

>> No.15111654
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Full stack soon

>> No.15111658
File: 599 KB, 1736x4096, FmC6rz-XEAMu4MQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15111670
File: 10 KB, 480x360, do-a-barrel-roll[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The missile that planey jet is carrying looks pretty heavy. Won't it be really unbalanced in flight?
Plus when it's dropped it could cause an unintentional barrel roll.

>> No.15111677
File: 39 KB, 661x401, 747-438-Qantas-Perth-18-07-11-Greg-Wood-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The airplane is a lot heavier than the rocket, and that particular spot in the wing is a hardpoint built for carrying large external loads. It's most frequently used to ferry spare engines.

>> No.15111711
File: 83 KB, 735x962, da2ba3c80630ff50c12b6d7ac9a875d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15111719

there is no Z button on the SNES

>> No.15111720
File: 1.86 MB, 4096x2732, FmDpX-CWIBcvWrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artemis 3's SLS

>> No.15111724


>> No.15111728

maybe they can just add a little window like 1 inch x 1 inch

>> No.15111737
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[115_04_17_47], take=[2023-01-09 14.45.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the same time as full stack, Falcon Heavy is headed to the pad for static fire

>> No.15111740

Thanks for the insight. Wouldn't an advantage of a space based interferometer be that the multiple telescopes could be connected rigidly and there would be no need for delay lines that change length like on the VLT. ESA also has the LISA mission which will use interferometers floating inside "shells" to protect them from external disturbances. couldn't that also be useful for formation flying?

>> No.15111742

uh >>15111554

>> No.15111747

these bad boys are listening in on Ukraine as we speak.

>> No.15111748

NASA presentation

>> No.15111752
File: 655 KB, 1100x1100, content_M012728826S.map.1100x1100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KPLO/Danuri image of Shackleton at <2m resolution

>> No.15111763


>> No.15111778

LIVE (too live)

>> No.15111781

>not playing the Stones "Start me up"
shameful, but still rockin

>> No.15111782

Stack happening

>> No.15111787
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[6_21], take=[2023-01-09 15.21.55].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is sign language so hilarious

>> No.15111792
File: 469 KB, 1296x3056, flailing hands9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because recently these retards have started being extra expressive when signing, but it always looks silly.

>> No.15111795
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, karen space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We never should've ended the black arrow program. Now we're permanently planecucked

>> No.15111798

it's your fault, you decided to launch from cornhole

>> No.15111799
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>> No.15111801
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>> No.15111803

So what exactly is the bail-out contingency in the even the thing fucking blows up or the release mechanism fucks up and it shears the whole wing off?
I guess it’s only programmed to actually fire once it has a clear separation confirmation but still

>> No.15111812
File: 115 KB, 1886x841, 1673299969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rotating to align with the booster now

>> No.15111814
File: 101 KB, 768x1024, 1669091747494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what exactly is the bail-out contingency
In a decade or so Phillip Glass composes beautiful music to play over footage of your death.

>> No.15111818
File: 2.35 MB, 3982x3982, FmD5PPtX0A0Sukl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15111819

There is no bailing out of an airliner. It would be harder to fuck up the rocket drop system, however.

>> No.15111821

gridfin viewed from the bottom diagonally

>> No.15111829
File: 3.53 MB, 3000x2253, E8CD4532-CA8B-49A4-A426-4488B3167AD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America wins 2026 World Cup
>Artemis III delayed to 2026
>2026 is the 250 year anniversary of the USA

How based would it be if we brought the World Cup to the moon in 2026?

>> No.15111834

Hydrobreaking into the ocean surface have fun

>> No.15111835
File: 134 KB, 904x608, astronaut smug coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should leave it up there and make the other countries go get it themselves if they want it so damned bad.

>> No.15111846
File: 1.88 MB, 498x331, contact-movie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have they built a second one just in case this one blows up? /tv/ here btw

>> No.15111848

A second what?

>> No.15111855

A second one, in case the first one blows up.

>> No.15111857
File: 2.33 MB, 800x450, musk happening.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15111859

There's no way that's real

>> No.15111860


>> No.15111865

dragon undockng

>> No.15111869

I still find it hilarious that the grid finds won’t fold. It looks cool having them spread eagle with the starship flaps right on top of them

>> No.15111870

That's from the film Contact starring Jodie Foster and it's great.
Is there a second one?

>> No.15111871

if youarent watching this what are you even doing with your life

>> No.15111873
File: 383 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[3_21_57], take=[2023-01-09 15.52.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15111874

Yes look good.
Second one of what?

>> No.15111876

I'm watching the Virgin plane take off

>> No.15111877

It just dawned on me. Is this upcoming “rescue” dragon going to be Expedition 69?

>> No.15111879


>> No.15111880
File: 605 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[37_35], take=[2023-01-09 15.53.10].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15111882
File: 351 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[3_23_30], take=[2023-01-09 15.53.41].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15111883

Second plane if the first one blows up. They have a backup right

>> No.15111887

i hope it scrubs and they drop the rocket and the pilot fatally dies

>> No.15111888

>Spacex launch cadence an honorable mention
A single company hits greater than a launch-a-week cadence and this is somehow less significant than OFT-2? Shit, I would put B1051's last flight higher than Starliner yet again falling to meet expectations.

>> No.15111889


Cape Cornwall

>> No.15111890

Not sure. If the plane blows up people die and the FAA cucks them out of launching for three years.

>> No.15111892

Tim’s probably trying to go out of his way to not seem spacex-biased at this point considering the fact that he has secured a Starship flight lol

>> No.15111894

Orbital's Pegasus has done without a backup plane for decades. Its tri-motor is now the last of its kind.

>> No.15111896

Estronaut is a horrendous Bezos lover, it's sickening

>> No.15111899

It’s really the NTSB that cucks them, a la the virgin galactic failure. But yeah

>> No.15111902

We're rolling bongs

>> No.15111903

I'm chatting with a girl. I sent her this and she said it's interesting

>> No.15111905

NTSB is also currently in charge of the New Shep failure investigation. Even though it was unmanned they strong-armed their way in on the basis that is “also carries humans”. They suck.

>> No.15111907
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>> No.15111922

Feel like Branson should be playing Tubular Bells instead of The Rolling Stones.

>> No.15111924

ah, they saved it for the actual takeoff, nice!

>> No.15111933
File: 173 KB, 828x760, IMG_6016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why build one when you can build three for thrice the price?

It doesn't really speak well of their launcher's rapid cadence capabilities if they have to triple their fleet to meet a minimally diversified set of clients.

>> No.15111935

how long until launch?

>> No.15111936
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>> No.15111938

2 weeks

>> No.15111939

that's a long plane flight

>> No.15111940

another launch

>> No.15111942
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[116_00_54_20], take=[2023-01-09 16.11.33].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dragon departing

>> No.15111943

Just realized there's going to be a ton of UFO ''sightings'' in here in Europe tonight kek

>> No.15111945

Just you fucking wait. Branson has a roadmap for launch superheavy lifters from planes. It will be glorious, I hope you've invested

>> No.15111955

Just weld a couple of 747s together, simple as.

>> No.15111956

I'm bloomin'

>> No.15111960
File: 917 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[115_06_14_31], take=[2023-01-09 16.18.25].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15111961

Hypothetically speaking, what would it take for SeX not to be successful? What would be some event or circumstance that would determine its demise even if they're on a great ascent trajectory with plenty to still offer currently?

>> No.15111962

Yeah he won't be touring that Starbase again

>> No.15111964
File: 191 KB, 1000x449, hadden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make two, at twice the price!

>> No.15111966

hilarious i could see cosmic girl from my house haha!
UK space port is actually just an old large military air base called St Mawgan that i used to go to air shows at. i saw the frecce tricolori do a pass under the tail of a C130 tailplane with 2 airmen sat on top of it. they were clearly insane, and caused the rammstein air show disaster a few months later

>> No.15111967
File: 58 KB, 680x1069, 642d9629e83bb5898472436bf0b62a99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America wins 2026 World Cup

>> No.15111969
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>> No.15111970

why aren't there a lot of UFO sighting here in Europe when they launch from Florida

>> No.15111971

What would happen if the UK restarts the black arrow program?

>> No.15111973
File: 134 KB, 740x867, 1644967935121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europe sinks
>.t doomer europoor

>> No.15111974


>> No.15111976

no need to, just buy in the stuff these days

>> No.15111977
File: 2.65 MB, 720x900, 1667905153329496.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They still haven't launched anything from that contraption yet, and I don't think I'm going to get tired of it any time soon.

>> No.15111978

>SpaceX is reusing rockets for the 15th time, no one else is reusing.
Isn't the new shepard reusable? Also RL didn't reuse an electron so far but they're trying.

>> No.15111983
File: 69 KB, 970x640, 1573591269199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Expedition 69

>> No.15111985
File: 552 KB, 1080x1731, ed14-0186-098_xombie_awaits_launch-med_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new shepard
Yeah this one is fully reusable too

>> No.15111987

so will they be destacking SS again?

>> No.15111990

yes, thats all they do now
stack, destack, move it back to the hangar, move it to the tower again, stack it, destack it, elon tweets that launch is in 2 weeks, repeat

>> No.15111991


>> No.15111994
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>> No.15111997

WDR and possibly static fire

>> No.15112000

>Wouldn't an advantage of a space based interferometer be that the multiple telescopes could be connected rigidly and there would be no need for delay lines that change length like on the VLT.
Yes, but that's only practical for a hundred meters or so. And at optical wavelengths you would still need delay lines. A limitation of such a system is that for good imaging you want lots of different angles and separations. Rails are only really possible for a very small number of telescopes. On the ground this is done my observing at different times and altitudes.
>ESA also has the LISA mission which will use interferometers floating inside "shells" to protect them from external disturbances. couldn't that also be useful for formation flying?
LISA is useful for demoing some elements (measurement and gentle thrusters) but it is a passive interferometer. It doesn't have to keep the separation at any precise value, just measure how it changes.

>> No.15112001

Musk getting assassinated for wrong think, and spacex forcefully merged into boing.

>> No.15112006
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>> No.15112007

Years of Starship failures requiring tons of capex. Starlink not being able to reach profitability with F9 alone. Forced abandonment of SS and Starlink due to said reasons. That would tick my not successful box even if they continued F9 services.

>> No.15112010
File: 103 KB, 600x600, 1375435917533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spacex forcefully merged into boing.

>> No.15112013
File: 52 KB, 976x840, 1642288152356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking launch it already

>> No.15112017

They only do this shit if it’s actually to everyone’s benefit. This would just fuck everything up. The gooberment also blocks mergers and acquisitions of multi-billion $ companies if they think it will be detrimental. Oh lockheed wants to buy aerodyne? Nope!

>> No.15112019
File: 1.63 MB, 1626x2200, alfonso-de-la-torre-alfonsodelatorre-xfd-3-superfalcon-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I wish SpaceX would tinker around with aircraft.

>> No.15112025

Shut the fuck up retard, they should focus everything into their rockets.

>> No.15112030
File: 460 KB, 1800x1435, YF-23_top_view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15112031

God I wish SpaceX would tinker around with tonka trucks

>> No.15112035

God I wish SpaceX would tinker around with fleshlights

>> No.15112038

When Starship can fly to orbit and land anywhere on Earth (with legs installed), you dont need an aircraft.

When it can carry 100 ton anywhere around earth in 30 minutes.

When it can stay in orbit for years carrying 100 ton

When it can be refueled in orbit to stay up indefinitely

The possibilities are endless.

>> No.15112043

>There are four SpaceX rockets on launch pads right now
>Three different types of launch vehicles
>Two of them are launching tonight

>> No.15112045

Based shlad

>> No.15112047

Japan already had a rocket launch with Tenga themed livery, believe it or not

>> No.15112049

based nips

>> No.15112053

NASA wishes they could

>> No.15112057

I believe you mixed the two anons here.

>> No.15112059
File: 128 KB, 1322x742, komm-keine-panik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish SpaceX would tinker around with EVAs or gigantic (space) robots.

>> No.15112060

FH is literally 3 F9s sticked together and SS is an ornamental rocket

>> No.15112063

>FH is literally 3 F9s sticked together
It's not that easy.

>> No.15112066
File: 465 KB, 2459x1382, FmEA6n9X0Bkj1j0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15112068

soulless vs SOVL

>> No.15112069

This is literally true for once. Commonality between side boosters and regular Falcon 9s was only recently achieved, and the center core is unique to Falcon Heavy.

>> No.15112071
File: 229 KB, 1280x960, 1557666607050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when Windows 95 could make a grown man cry.

>> No.15112072

All three are just V2 derivatives it’s not that big of a deal

>> No.15112074

why do you think Tesla called their robot Optimus?
it's just the beginning

>> No.15112075
File: 414 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[1_50_47], take=[2023-01-09 17.06.22].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go

>> No.15112076

a couple minutes until the Virgin Orbit drop and launch

>> No.15112077

s0i vs s0iless

>> No.15112081
File: 13 KB, 600x800, 1641234190708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15112083
File: 200 KB, 1500x961, 1673305602023505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drop ready
>target: esa headquarters

>> No.15112085

Is there seriously no footage?

>> No.15112087

It's night time you git.

>> No.15112088

Shame they didn't bid for the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent.

>> No.15112092

Oh, nevermind, here's four vaguely rocket shaped pixels and some elevator music, thank god.

>> No.15112095

wtf is with this dudes eyes on the stream

>> No.15112097

the stream is nice however the some units are not metric

>> No.15112098

>no speed or altitude telemetry

>> No.15112100

One eye on the rocket, one eye on the telemetry

>> No.15112101

>target: esa headquarters
They are already considering the possibility of forming an international committee to discuss whether or not they should go ahead with evacuating the building.

>> No.15112102

I didn't even notice they launched since I had the page in background. Incredibly anticlimatic.

>> No.15112104
File: 870 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[1_59_59], take=[2023-01-09 17.16.16].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15112106
File: 837 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[2_01_34], take=[2023-01-09 17.16.51].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15112107

how to get this job?

>> No.15112108

another fucking Vega

>> No.15112109

>that altitude graph

>> No.15112110

singles and it fails

>> No.15112111
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[115_07_13_48], take=[2023-01-09 17.17.43].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15112112
File: 20 KB, 306x490, xxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We good

>> No.15112115

brachistochrone tragectory

>> No.15112116

Out to Pluto now

>> No.15112117
File: 143 KB, 2048x1151, IMG_6018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, really good.

>> No.15112119

checking stack

>> No.15112120


>> No.15112121
File: 52 KB, 337x567, 1673306405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's fast!!

>> No.15112122

dubs and it's a success

>> No.15112124

New sign language guy just dropped

>> No.15112125

barbiecue roll

>> No.15112126


Doesn't he mean Barrel Roll?

>> No.15112128

someone post Bezos Champaigne webm

>> No.15112130

Uhh Why's there a police officer in the mission control centre

>> No.15112133

Check the public's rocket watching loicenses

>> No.15112136


>> No.15112142

He is the launch control officer. He will shoot everyone there if Virgin Orbit's lisence gets revoked.

>> No.15112143

Lock the doors.

>> No.15112144
File: 16 KB, 358x357, 10371626-0-image-m-9_1551290974772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15112145
File: 2.03 MB, 1394x753, VirginLaunchControlimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15112148

me bottom left

>> No.15112150

Are we going to tenerife?

>> No.15112151

me taking the photo

>> No.15112152

>10 millions billions feet
How far in space would that be? Another galaxy?

>> No.15112156
File: 72 KB, 969x1024, 1648115327274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like LUNCH control officer LMAO

>> No.15112158

Now show me the Chad Launch control room

>> No.15112161

Notionalise Virgin Orbit now!

>> No.15112165
File: 224 KB, 1920x945, 1673307079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15112168

Why is there a cop?

>> No.15112169
File: 243 KB, 405x720, 1673307057010431.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"""spaceport""" cornwall is some warehouse
>mission control is a geography classroom
The absolute state

>> No.15112170

to suppress rioting by rocket hooligans

>> No.15112172

not even close to andremoda

>> No.15112179
File: 107 KB, 728x546, martin-marietta-x-24-wallpaper-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lifting bodies can be pretty too

>> No.15112183
File: 113 KB, 1415x2048, 1672337100030947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15112185

i don't think they have the tv license to be watching at those screens.

>> No.15112186

China should invest in higher quality cameras. Their rockets are actually pretty, but you only ever see them in 140p lmao

>> No.15112190

that pic looks really good though

>> No.15112193

work at spacex but have an office like nasa's

>> No.15112194

Why does this booster setup look so janky in KSP but so cool here

>> No.15112195

super heavy launch vehicle with only storable propellants

>> No.15112196

Ariane 4 looking good

>> No.15112197

it's over

>> No.15112198


>> No.15112200

test post

>> No.15112202

Yeah that was my point!

>> No.15112203
File: 448 KB, 1280x720, 1459878957082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, we completely fucked up

>> No.15112205


>> No.15112207
File: 203 KB, 606x557, 1269612803711.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15112210
File: 108 KB, 479x821, 1673308180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The timeline LMAO.

>> No.15112213


This mission had Vega C energy I told you so >>15112108

>> No.15112215
File: 1.69 MB, 1920x1080, Start Me Up Livestream _ Virgin Orbit 2-30-8 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Launcher One anomaly
not going to space today

>> No.15112214

It was that 90 degree turn at 4 billion mph that did it.

>> No.15112217

So how are Virgin Orbit shares doing

>> No.15112219
File: 776 KB, 1170x1100, 1646409943048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15112220

fucking freefall

>> No.15112221

Optimism: Gone

>> No.15112222

Will ABL nail it tomorrow?

>> No.15112223

Absolutely fucking over for VO

>> No.15112225

These tiny meme rockets seem to fail a lot more than larger ones

>Falcon 1
>Launcher One

expect the same of Spin launch and ABL

>> No.15112229

I don't expect anything of Spinlaunch

>> No.15112230
File: 223 KB, 871x872, 1572671608974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15112231

How is the success rate of Electron so far?

>> No.15112235


>> No.15112238

i don't actually want these missions to fail, but it's so funny when they do and I check the comments here

>> No.15112237

dude angry astronaut is going so hard

>> No.15112239

gay rocket
literally a lipstick

>> No.15112242


>> No.15112243
File: 206 KB, 479x382, ngmi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never trust an englishman to deliver your payloads

>> No.15112244


>> No.15112245
File: 368 KB, 1880x1382, FmEYFc7WIAIXNJQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15112247

Maybe they just forgot how rockets work.

>> No.15112248


>> No.15112250

Spaceport Cornwall is being raided by norfman. They are demanding Branson give them a free Virgin cruise each.

>> No.15112251

Even worse that the Vega incident. These guys looks like it wrote a tweet that it reached orbit. They don't even know where their rocket it

>> No.15112255

He's there to arrest every single employee for fucking up

>> No.15112257

Still looks ass, assuini. Try uploading the unmodified image next time.

>> No.15112261

Hdr-addicted fag

>> No.15112262

>Virgin Orbit $VORB stock plunging in after-hours trading, -23%.
>Was up ~3% when the company tweeted that it made orbit.
There it is

>> No.15112263

For the abysmal coverage that we got, I dont care

>> No.15112267

>So how are Virgin Orbit shares doing
They have failed to reach orbit.

>> No.15112268
File: 17 KB, 300x328, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nine small satellites from military and commercial customers in the UK, the United States, Oman, and Poland were lost in tonight's Virgin Orbit launch failure.

>> No.15112269

They were literally talking over the time of launch. What the fuck was that

>> No.15112270

pointy end goes up or you are not going to space today

>> No.15112271

The best VO stream was that one that wasn't public and it's all downhill from there

>> No.15112272

good. next time maybe get a proper rocket like the falcon 9 or electron.

>> No.15112276

Virgin can't get their rocket vacuumed

>> No.15112279

Can't get it up

>> No.15112286

I unhid the chat for a moment and holy crap all the spamming. It's like the faggots didn't know the chat was there and never set it to slow mode.

>> No.15112287

another bong space failure, stick to fish&chips Harry

>> No.15112290

>we're removing our previous tweet about reaching orbit.
>after it had pumped our stock


>> No.15112292

Are these 2 Falcon 9 launches really be only 35 minutes apart?

>> No.15112300

Yes. It is intentional.
The tranny confirmed they were doing this in 2023.

>> No.15112303

That's what the flight plans say

>> No.15112304


>> No.15112306
File: 2.01 MB, 1280x720, vdronestack-noaudio.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drone footage

>> No.15112307
File: 18 KB, 326x306, siiip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15112308


>> No.15112310

>timing the drone movement with the chopsticks
nice use of fraudulons money

>> No.15112314

doomerism aside, holy shit it looks so cool and futuristic, we are gonna make it bros

>> No.15112315

As someone with a deaf gf, I can say usually ASL isn't this expressive, but there are a ton of regional dialects and if you're talking to a bigger audience than just people in your region, you need to go over the top

>> No.15112317

Link for original?

>> No.15112318

How many times have they stacked now?
It's boring at this point

>> No.15112319


>> No.15112321

It's so smooth it feels like CGI.
Am I finally reaching the future or will this all eventually end like Apollo?

>> No.15112322

Fueling in 30

>> No.15112323

Like 5 times maybe.

>> No.15112326


>> No.15112329

Love to see smallsoi launchers get fucked. Reminder that Electron, the most accomplished and reliable smallsat launcher, is not profitable.

>> No.15112334
File: 2.70 MB, 1112x535, glowies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glowies spotted

>> No.15112339

Why would you shoot a man before launching him into orbit?

>> No.15112346

someone should make a compilation of isolated rocket engine sounds with maximum crackle

>> No.15112351

I don't say it often, but I will say it now:

>> No.15112356

>will this all eventually end like Apollo?
Worse. After Musk's fraud is exposed in about two weeks, space exploration will be banned, until we fix our problems here on Earth.

>> No.15112358

>the sync of the drone with the starship rotation
I'm not usually a musk guy but this shit's cash

>> No.15112361

>fix our problems down here on earth

>> No.15112370
File: 1.66 MB, 1725x894, virgin comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many months (weeks?) until VO is bankrupt or acquired?

>> No.15112374

Tim Dodd the Everyday Astronaut likes to do the monkey holding its hands over its eyes emoji

>> No.15112378

Can't wait for them to be bailed out with bong tax payer money, kek

>> No.15112385


>> No.15112391

don't care, he's going to the moon, (you) are not

>> No.15112396
File: 630 KB, 1170x1715, 4A0CF193-EAAC-44A0-88C7-894D129C4C00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks so weird here

>> No.15112399

How does the other SLS looks like here?

>> No.15112403
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, startmeup-69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britain has so little interested in doing so you could use it to could use if for practical testing of vacuum-optimized engine bells. They were interested in "the first launch from British soil" for PR reasons, and even then they didn't care enough to try and get some of their regulatory gestapo out of the way. VO has a questionable launch model (with a now questionable rocket), is hemorrhaging money, doesn't have anything like a dedicated customer, and everyone knows all of this.

At this point the only thing keeping them from beating Astra as the first major newspace venture to go bankrupt is large, steady infusions of cash from the rest of the Virgin ecosystem.

>> No.15112406

Everyday Flybystronaut

>> No.15112407

The absolute state of western space industry right now if you subtract SpaceX

>> No.15112411

sooo.. Virgin Orbit is actually an american company?

>> No.15112414

spinlaunch centrifuge or big fucking linear accelerator?

>> No.15112416

Linear accelerator but neither on earth.

>> No.15112417

Linear accelerator if you want something resembling a sane launch profile. Giant mad science fidget spinner if you want to have GSE that's not built for a single launch inclination.

>> No.15112442

I think Astra has a few months of runway. Meanwhile, Branson could write off VO as a lost cause tomorrow.

>> No.15112450

all gimmick launch companies need to die.

>> No.15112454

Astra could jettison everyone and everything related to Rocket 4 and stabilize as a satellite component manufacturer. At that point they'd just be Apollo Fusion with different branding and management but at least their revenue would match their expenses. VO doesn't have any options like that. If they can't convince people that LauncherOne works they don't have a company.

>> No.15112457
File: 1.89 MB, 2180x1245, moon_ayys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to fuck around with https://www.google.com/moon/
>see pic related
wtf? is it a bad photo, or ayys?

>> No.15112459

Their gross margin is positive, the problem are the fixed costs. I hope they get to make Electron profitable by increasing the launch cadence and with the reuse program.

But desu, they should focus on using Electron as a marketing opportunity and as a way to sell space hardware/software. If they can break even the program is worth it. The real money should come from Neutron, Photon(s) and space systems.

>> No.15112463

If they do that, management & their SPAC partners are going to get sued to oblivion by investors. Due to all the money they received, just producing spacecraft engines as a minor player is not an option, they need to keep trying to be a launch provider and either make it (unlikely) or go bankrupt trying.

>> No.15112472

booster landing used to be a gimmick

>> No.15112476

No it was a hard challenge with great, obvious payoff.
"Uuh strap it to a plane I guess" and "swing it really hard lol" are just stupid gimmicks.

>> No.15112480

>come back to see how starship is going
>its just sitting there
>they stacked it again
holy fuck just hit the launch button already

>> No.15112489
File: 152 KB, 4958x2672, 1642539044722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long March 9 design here is probably outdated by now.

>> No.15112492

Saturn V cargo is such a cool sight to see

>> No.15112493

People more reasonable than felon chud are handling it now.

>> No.15112496

Tumblrface Starship. That shit is all out of whack. Next time he should just trace an image.

>> No.15112498
File: 129 KB, 1920x1080, FmE1dn_X0AAe0mS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15112499

I honestly don’t know who thought the old CZ-9 concept was good

>> No.15112506


>> No.15112543

Who dafuq rendered this? this looks like the CGI from a low budget anime

>> No.15112545

Is there a similar chart for Ariane rockets?

>> No.15112556


>> No.15112558
File: 200 KB, 1957x1410, 1627805817854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really comprehensive but I did find this. Ignore the baseduz, of course.

>> No.15112561

why are you so sure?

>> No.15112562

Thank you elon

>> No.15112576

lunar starship looks terrible :/

>> No.15112584

No over-design, no gimmicks—just reliable, regular launches.

>> No.15112594


>> No.15112606

Will the ABL launch be streamed or is it just another gimmick?

>> No.15112611
File: 528 KB, 3277x2048, FmD7SFnXoAAAgI1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but does the anon understand what this means

>> No.15112619

raptors are some of the sexiest engines ever made ugh

>> No.15112621

No streams, streaming is a gimmick

>> No.15112624
File: 189 KB, 624x1104, B9E5E875-B924-4643-AD9A-36820B4C4BC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out Atlas V and Vulcan are the same height. Neat

>> No.15112625

Vulcan was designed to use the preexisting Atlas V GSE with a minimum number of modifications. It's like how the Delta III was designed to be the same height as the Delta II.

>> No.15112627

No shit it’s just a frankenstein blend of an atlas and a delta

>> No.15112629

Wtf happened on the Virgin Orbit launch?

>> No.15112631

Weather is pretty bad at vandenberg; the Starlink launch got pushed back to 12:50 AM EST

>> No.15112634

they're going to go build one for the Kims and get assassinated by the Unification Church

>> No.15112635

Tory Bruno wanted you to think reusing the first stage was a gimmick because it highlighted how overpriced ULA rockets were.

>> No.15112637

Something fucked up badly with the second stage. It hard to tell exactly what because a lot of the telemetry in the stream was complete garbage and because launching in the middle of the night meant that we didn't have a clear view from the onboard cameras.


>> No.15112640

what a stupid requirement

>> No.15112642

It saves money and time

>> No.15112645
File: 3.34 MB, 1920x1080, tory bruno headpats usui clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure it does lmao

>> No.15112646

1. Why wouldn't there be a cop
2. If you were smart, there'd be one near you too

>> No.15112647

>Virgin Orbit stock at $1.93
It’s over
>RocketLab stock at $4.22
It’s semi-over
>Astra stock at $0.45
It’s over

>> No.15112648

I hate cops

>> No.15112650

Damn time to pick me up some Astra stock

>> No.15112660

I really want Starship to be successful but not monopolize the market at the same time.

>> No.15112661

Starlink launch pushed to tomorrow probably. Due to weather

>> No.15112664

30% favorable weather

>> No.15112667

I realised I'm a Musk contrarian.
I was really annoyed by him when people were treating him like the greatest genius on Earth and calling the "IRL Tony Stark" and generally fanboying over him.
Now I'm somewhat positive about him since so many people started hating him for the most bullshit reasons.

>> No.15112669

I’ve always liked him, although the Twitter stuff and it’s consequences were a mistake

>> No.15112670


>> No.15112681

Keen observers have found that all of Ship 24’s Raptors don’t have any “remove before flight” tags. SpaceX Nigga believes Ship 24 is done with static fires, although it will be destacked eventually

>> No.15112682

I've been musk stan for about as long as i've known of him, almost 10 years. you learn to take the based with the cringe

>> No.15112684

For how long have you guys been following Elon? Anybody here knows him since the Falcon 1 days? I think I first heard about him in 2015-16 with the first Falcon 9 landing attempts. Really thought there was some kind of race between SpaceX and Blue Origin at the time, just by the way the media portrayed them. But I've been following him and SpaceX religiously immediately after the Falcon Heavy maiden launch.

>> No.15112685
File: 83 KB, 1132x565, ntp_at_earth_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA doled out some 2023 NIAC seed money for new tech.


>> No.15112686

shut up newfag

>> No.15112687

Too early to tell if its a mistake. Everyone told him starting SpaceX was a mistake. Everyone told him starting Tesla was a mistake.

Give it time.

>> No.15112688

I first heard of SpaceX in 2014 when they first tried to land a Falcon 9 and failed. Despite being a huge space fan at the time, I didn’t really care all that much and I still shilled Atlas V for a while until 2016ish

>> No.15112689

Same. F9 landing attempts were what drew me in.FH was awesome sight to see. The most powerful rocket by a private company no less.

>> No.15112690

>although it will be destacked eventually
Gotta get those lifting hardpoints removed and tiled over.

>> No.15112691

>Ariane 5 reached 7100 m/s at core stage separation
What the fuck? It’s almost a SSTO

>> No.15112692

People who are dumber than you will always be eager to give their opinion as if they are not.

>> No.15112694

>the Twitter stuff and it’s consequences were a mistake

You probably think twitter is in dire straights too.

>> No.15112695

Yep. I do wonder why they don’t bother with a final static fire with Ship 24 anyways

>> No.15112697

Maybe they figured if they'd benefit from finding out what makes the ship explode in flight.

>> No.15112700

It makes me wonder if SpaceX would scrub a Starship launch if tiles come off during the final countdown for whatever reason

>> No.15112701

first heard of spacex when i was 14 and saw a cgi falcon heavy launch. thought it was more nasa vaporware. when dragon docked with ISS i started to pay a little more attention, but didnt yet understand the significance of commercial space. hell, i didnt even fully appreciate the first booster landing, didnt watch live. wasnt until 2016/2017 when I saw Elon's talk at IAC Guadalajara it kinda changed my life. I dont think I'd ever been more inspired. I followed SpaceX like a hawk ever since, the lead up and launch of Falcon Heavy, F9 block 5, Crew Dragon, the whole tank watching saga from inception till now

>> No.15112703

You forget about solid boosters.

>> No.15112704


Oneweb livestream @ twitter.

T-2 mins

>> No.15112705

>IAC 2016 and 2017
Dude, same. The first time Mars became real for me, too

>> No.15112709
File: 48 KB, 400x400, 1653326067031948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15112710


>> No.15112712

It's over for Starlink

>> No.15112713

>it looks like a flying crown

>> No.15112716

Kek remember the guy who awkwardly begged musk for a job during the q&a

>> No.15112717

>One americlap

It's over

>> No.15112718

they trimmed the Q&A off the original video. my fav was the mars poop toilet guy

>> No.15112719
File: 672 KB, 1347x735, f9.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15112722

They really have Falcon 9 launches down to a science, and the commentary / visuals are insanely good. Just absolutely incredible footage almost every week.

>> No.15112723

Beautiful jellyfish this time.

>> No.15112725


>> No.15112726

I actually want to kill Nic Ansuini and kiss the Cosmic Perspective girl (and shake hands with the guy)

>> No.15112727

that q&a was pure agony to sit through in person

>> No.15112729

Haha how will we POOP on mars?? like shit haha! Will it just get everywhere? Poop everywhere haha just like burning man!

>> No.15112730

25 metal chair scoots to orbit

>> No.15112733

Elon can't keep getting away with it

>> No.15112737

hello /sfg/gots
looking for the 'THROOOSTER' soijak meme. It's a rare one from this general, last saw it dec 2021 but I failed to download it at the time. if anyone has it would make me very happy

>> No.15112738

is Kuiper using a larger fairing onits Atlas V launches?

>> No.15112739

>No essays, just questions please

>> No.15112740
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enjoy your space tunes

>> No.15112744
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>> No.15112745

>buy astra stock after a RUD
>sell right before next launch

>> No.15112749

They’re both 4.6 meters in diameter on the inside

>> No.15112751




>> No.15112755

Falcon 9 gives me so much hope for Starship. Seeing SpaceX make such a well oiled machine from F9 is inspiring in a way

>> No.15112757


>> No.15112760

lol I made that one. What a day that was when Russia almost destroyed the iss, good times, miss you rogozin.

>> No.15112764

I think the first time I became aware of Musk was around the time of the submarine bullshit.
For SpaceX, I'm not really sure when I started following them, it kind of just happened eventually. I started following rocket launches during 2021 as I was waiting for the JWST launch.

>> No.15112765

F9 first test launch for NASA

>> No.15112768

I wonder what /sfg/‘s live reaction to Soyuz MS-10 (the one that failed on ascent) would’ve been

>> No.15112774
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Starlink factory opening near Austin area soon.

Video related

>> No.15112777

/sfg/ existed then, it was sort of just a “ummm woah oh shit. The LES works at least”
It was way more subdued than a modern /sfg/ would react honestly

>> No.15112779

makes sense since this general gets increasingly more deranged with time

>> No.15112780

sfg didnt exist in october 2018. there might have been a launch thread or reaction to the accident, but proto sfg didnt start to form until a month later

>> No.15112786

Some early JWST TRAPPIST data dropped. Very preliminary results but TRAPPIST-1g was found to have no signs of a Neptune-like hydrogen atmosphere.
This is good for the prospects of life, but note that there is also a chance is just has not atmosphere at all and is an airless ball


>> No.15112788

Record your answers here so we can see who was a faggot in twelve months.

>> No.15112792

idk, perhaps with some convoluted ideas on how dragon could've performed better, had it been ready to fly back then, mentioning several times that it's a superior system by always having its LAS attached all the way to orbit. cue some mocking to pockocmoc and anons getting frustrated on how fucking old and stagnant their industry really is.
had it happened recently, the entire thread would' be filled with "it's over" posts lol

>> No.15112794

Are you sure? I remember being on a 4chan thread when it launched. And it was 100% a space related thread so it almost certainly had to be a /sci/ launch thread maybe? Idk everything has started to blur over the years and I honestly can’t remember when I exactly started following /sfg/ religiously. It was after the name “sfg” was set in stone and stuff had started to happen at boca chica, but before starhopper’s flight. It was also after piss airlocks had already become a meme.

>> No.15112799

Why does SpaceX want to unstack Ship 24/B7 before the 33 engine static fire? Don’t you want to see how the Starship on top is affected by/affects the full engine complement?

>> No.15112801
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only 1 thread in the archive that I found for that event. there were plenty of disperate spaceflight threads over the years, but there was no real general formed until tankwatching started up. used to have shitloads of launch threads too for pretty much every launch, but spacex ruined that lol. now only reserved for special launches

>> No.15112806

Yes, /sfg/ historian documented the origins. Dont have his copypasta on hand, but it didnt have "sfg" in the name until Jan/Feb 2019. before that it was briefly "sg"

>> No.15112814

Well this was a bunch of nothing but it was good to get some information about why it took so long. I doubt the innermost planet has an atmosphere at all and don't have high hopes for the next two, but I still hope for something on the outer ones.

>> No.15112821

It seems likely that TRAPPIST-1 doesn’t have habitable planets, sadly.

>> No.15112832

Scares me how fucked my memory is these days ugh. Im glad historyanon did that deep dive and cataloged a bunch of stuff for book keeping purposes before all the archives shat the bed. Crazy that MS-10 was pre-/sfg/, it feels like it JUST happened

>> No.15112834

I will still hold my breath, this is not much results.
Even if they are uninhabitable, they could be interesting for the sake of studying the development of terrestrial planets and the modeling around it.

>> No.15112837

2020-2021 didn't happen

>> No.15112838

I toured SpaceX HQ in December 2016. I can’t believe it’s been over 6 years since then

>> No.15112841

SpaceX made what was once considered rare launches into routine. So its both a good and a bad thing.

They took away the mystique factor of the rare launches and made it look easy. They also forced others to adapt to new launch industry such that we now have many competitions.

>> No.15112847

For real though

>> No.15112857

I see taking the mystique away as a good thing. I wish so much I lived in a sci-fi world were spaceflight is completely casual
In the other hand, I fear the trivialization will make people stop caring about it, like what happened with Apollo.

>> No.15112871

Nahhh that’s like saying the normalization of the ICE would make people stop caring about automobiles or aeroplanes. If and when rockets can be utilized more and more for industry and military purposes, they will only see more and more demand. How fast this will all take is a HUGE guess. Maybe musk will really have do this as a one-man-army funding a mars colony completely with starlink revenue within our life times. On the other hand the next 50 years could see a race between china and the US trying to have an up-mass war with the space force putting their own personnel in LEO and the Moon for territory. Who knows. It will happen though. Earth has a LOT of resources, but none of them are infinite. And technology is only advancing faster and faster. Our technology in the next 200 years might look unrecognizable to us

>> No.15112878


>> No.15112886

Apollo stopped because its cost wasn't sustainable. The whole point of SpaceX is to make rockets cheap and to make space a profitable market, it can't disappear anymore

>> No.15112905
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>> No.15112909

Probably don't want to destroy 24 too in case everything goes wrong.

>> No.15112917

Apollo was cheaper than the space shuttle

>> No.15112944

Did mine. Next Spaceflight was very useful.

>> No.15112947
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>Nova-C was selected in May 2019 for NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services as one of the first three landers of this program
>DOGE-1 and EagleCAM will be deployed as secondary payloads. The DOGE-1 payload has a mass of 40 kg and was paid for with Dogecoin.

>> No.15112958

no cheating anon

>> No.15112960
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>> No.15112966
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>> No.15112988
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>> No.15112998

What a dumbass

>> No.15113014
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Isn't one of them a Falcon heavy? Big if true

>> No.15113015

2 F9 (Oneweb/Starlink)
1 FH
1 Starship
2 Dragons

>> No.15113025


>> No.15113047

Are there any good RS1 pics for the next thread?

>> No.15113078
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Good morning /sfg/!

>> No.15113089

benis rogget :DDD

>> No.15113092

Orbital rockets only. Carnival rides need not apply.

>> No.15113094

It saves ULA money and time, not the customer.

>> No.15113095
File: 91 KB, 850x489, Quantized Inertia Horizon Drive Space Propulsion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hurts /sfg/

>> No.15113099

If ULA wanted to save money and time they'd learn how to propulsively land a booster

>> No.15113100


>> No.15113108


>> No.15113109

Just to put this into perspective for the fuel

1 kg of uranium 235 costs ~$15million.
100 kg costs $1.5 billion.

You need ~44kg to generate 10KWe on KRUSTY and it would weigh ~1500 kg.

>> No.15113110

it just werks

>> No.15113134

fuck why has no one made that yet

>> No.15113139

Hell no. Their entire business is based around building tanks and selling launches. Why do you think their entire "reuse" concept is based around recovering the one part they don't make in house?

>> No.15113143

Because they're coping. SMART ultimately wont save them money, nor time

>> No.15113161
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Vulcan was designed at a time when propulsive landing was deemed impossible/impractical. ULA was under the impression it would take 10 reflights to break even. In reality they were quite wrong, as a F9 now only requires 2-3 flights before it turns s profit. SMART is far more complex of a solution, adds failure points, and does not scale. Now we're at a point where the efficacy of propulsive landing is without question, and SMART reuse is the unproven method. Based on the fun RL has had trying to reuse Electron, the challenge would be greater with Vulcan.

>> No.15113166
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based on this they expect to save 35% of the cost of the booster, but of course that doesnt factor in time to manufacture cores. and saves 0% of the second stage (but depots bro!). spacex current bottleneck with F9 is second stages. I shutter to think how much Centaur V costs in manufacture time. I dont think it is possible for Vulcan to reach a high cadence or lower costs without propulsive landing. Therefore I predict that ULA will give up on SMART and attempt booster droneship landings with Vulcan before 2030

>> No.15113178

Sweet dreams YF-23

Fuck lobbiers this is why America xan't have nice things

>> No.15113186

Looks more like he's grabbing her by the hair, getting ready to slam her face into the desk.

>> No.15113189

>you knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in

>> No.15113194

They could still do that though, the development of KSP2 can't be going that well if they can't even get the new features out after delaying the game.

>> No.15113203

Well it was restarted
I just hope base ksp 2 has all the features of the latest version of ksp and looks good on top of this

>> No.15113209
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>pre-Dec 2018
Various unconnected launch threads
>17 Dec 2018
Initial catalyst, quadruple launch thread, first boca chica pics
>21 Dec 2018
First suggestion of "spaceflight general"
>21 Dec 2018
SpaceX GPS launch thread, staged from previous launch thread
>22 Dec 2018
First collective OC
>23 Dec 2018
First Starship/BFR discussion thread, starting relatively unbroken thread chain
>18 Feb 2019
First thread with "spaceflight general" in subject line

>19 Apr 2019
First suggestion to use /sfg/ in general name instead of /sg/
>19 Apr 2019
First thread using /sfg/ in subject line
>1 Aug 2019
First post of SLS is real copypasta on /sfg/ (or /sci/ in general)
>03 May 2020
Creation of 4ASS
>09 Jun 2020
First appearance of PROOONT-anon
>10 Aug 2020
First Krystal post
>07 Dec 2020
First appearance of the Zubrin sniffer

>> No.15113211

sfg is little baby when there are still very active old-school aerospace forums from the late 90s/early 2000s

>> No.15113213

yeah but /sfg/ has no boomers

>> No.15113216
File: 98 KB, 793x811, energia shuttle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you were born in the 20th century you are a boomer

>> No.15113221

thank the god i don't believe that i was born in 01

>> No.15113224
File: 244 KB, 1656x1041, STS063-318-026-xx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a boomer in sovl

>> No.15113227

Fuck I forgot all about Zubrin sniffer. And I wonder what happened to the Zubrin mention count.

>> No.15113226

I checked the unmanned spaceflight forum some anon linked here the other day.
So many people in the thread about the future Uranus orbiter wondering if they will be alive by the time it arrives there as if any other option was impossible. I find their lack of faith disturbing.

>> No.15113230
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> thinks his curse is a blessing

>> No.15113235

hard to count when the archives got all fucked up

>> No.15113241

I don't know if it's still the case but back in the day I used to find those places insufferable because of the prevailing opinions that private spaceflight won't amount to anything and that we should only focus on unmanned probes because manned planetary exploration is a waste of time and money. Though I'm sure by now those old boomer mindsets are in the minority

>> No.15113242

yeah, the shuttle era fucked up boomer brains for good

>> No.15113244

Would private moon landers open the possibility of long lasting manned lunar missions? Just a somewhat cheap lander filled with supplies for the astronauts. (I'm imagining this as a no-Starship scenario)

>> No.15113247

That’s the ultimate goal, yes

>> No.15113254
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How long lasting though? getting through the lunar night is tricky

>> No.15113255

Could a nuclear reactor be enough to heat a permanent station?

>> No.15113263
File: 189 KB, 1094x728, Star trails earth orbit from the International Space Station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That has its own issues which is why the poles are attractive for their near permanent sunlight

>> No.15113267

Well, I guess that with the tilt in relation to the Sun there are some parts that would get extended sunlight through the year, I have no idea how much.

>> No.15113295
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are you guys gonna meet me on the south side of rio grande? it's only 2 miles from the launch site from mexico. they dont abide by the american exclusion zone, normally gotta be 5 miles away if on the american side

>> No.15113317

I think I started following him in like 2013-2014, kind of inspired me to switch from physics to engineering, but its been a while so kind of fuzzy on that

>> No.15113326

I do remember hearing about one of the failed Falcon 1 launches on the news. Didn't really start following him until F9 started to get underway.

>> No.15113333

This is odd, before a few years ago the only newspace company I saw on the news in my country was one who did high altitude flights back in the 2000's, I don't even know which one it was.

>> No.15113335

I wonder, how different versions of starship would look like, if they were designed for
'special cases'. Once they would have a stable working base starship that would make sense to make some different subtypes, just like ironman had different suits (please don't onions-jack me for marvel reference).

For now there is lunar starship, and maybe some special mars lingering in the distance, but how many different uses it could sustain, and what modifications you would make?

Or maybe making different starships variants would be useless if you could construct or ship, purpose build ships on orbit?

>> No.15113338
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I hope a deep space one ends the age of gravity assists.

>> No.15113352
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I remember reading about Musk on /b/ of all places, around 2011/2. People were mocking him for his pursuit of vertical landing of orbital boosters, saying that if it was possible, NASA would've done it already. They were calling him a scam and a fraud back then lmao. Have followed SpaceX and Musk ever since. I watched all the attempts to land the booster live, and am not ashamed to admit that I shed some manly tears when it actually landed. It's been a wild ride.
Ngl seeing my shitposts documented gives me a surreal feeling. I was really frustrated that we had no place on 4chan to discuss SpaceX in detail pre-2018.

>> No.15113359

>seeing my shitposts documented gives me a surreal feeling
You can remember what you posted years ago?

>> No.15113360

Not all, but some.

>> No.15113361

Apollo was cheaper than Shuttle it never should've stopped

>> No.15113362

What even is the point of image limits?

>> No.15113364

Saving server space I guess?

>> No.15113366

i cant remember 99% of my posts but if you show me a link to one i can almost always confirm whether i authored it. weird

>> No.15113368

It gets all deleted in a few days anyway
Feels more like a relic of the 2000s

>> No.15113371
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>> No.15113372

I remember browsing some old forum archives and finding a post that I agreed with. It was mine.

>> No.15113375

>Scares me how fucked my memory is these days ugh.
I can't even remember if I joined here in 2021 or 2020

>> No.15113381

There is parts on the poles that get sunlight through the whole year with a handful of consecutive days at most interruptions.

>> No.15113382

something similar has happened to me too lol

>> No.15113406

So, Starship is stacked. What now?

>> No.15113408

Destack :)

>> No.15113409


>> No.15113418

no I don't want to get killed by the Cartels and I don't have a throwaway gun I'm willing to just chuck in the river to get back home

>> No.15113422
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>> No.15113431
File: 151 KB, 1481x834, 78A20658-BFA6-465D-978A-7A381251DA14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Booster 7 has been through hell goddamn
>Propellant tube crunched
>Spin prime explosion
>Doing 1 trillion billion million static fires
She deserves a spot in /sfg/ Valhalla

>> No.15113435

lived in az my whole life and cartels are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. those students had it coming though

>> No.15113461

How about a steel upper stage? Carbon is expensive especially for an expendable vehicle?

>> No.15113465
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>> No.15113468

Ariane 6 doesn't have enough perfomance otherwise.
A64 can only do 21 tons to LEO

>> No.15113479

Kind of sad that 20ish tons to LEO has been considered the pinnacle of rocketry since the 70’s
>Saturn IB
>Titan IV
>Atlas V 551
>Delta IVH
>Titan IV
>Long March 5
>Ariane 5

>> No.15113484
File: 162 KB, 1200x1200, D5A399AA-45EE-49A4-A22F-92FDE508CDD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Falcon 9 Block 5 (expended) and Ariane 5 have the same LEO payload
What the fuck?

>> No.15113491

what surprises you?

>> No.15113492

What were you expecting?

>> No.15113503
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It's like the first rocket to be reused before it was even launched.

>> No.15113504

Hydrogen fueled rockets (especially upper stages) are optimized for higher orbits. That is why Ariane 5 mostly does comsats to geostationary orbits.
Proton's hypergolic upper stages get around that using lengthy five burn, five orbit trajectories (and a drop tank), making maximum use the Oberth effect to squeeze enough performance out of the energy-poor fuel.

>> No.15113508 [DELETED] 

Back to angar

>> No.15113510
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touch booby

>> No.15113513

It's all you need except for Starshippy things or giant singlemanifest space station / spooksat launches.

>> No.15113524

one simple stick vs amalgation of random ass SRBs

>> No.15113525

them are naughty thoughts, anon

>> No.15113527

F9 is so fucking based. It has legs where the lesser rockets have SRBs

>> No.15113528

Ariane 5 is not optimised for LEO, used to be some proposals for a heavier Aestus upper stage for LEO use but ME was prefered, then it was cancelled.
Ariane 64 particularly in the block 2 version should be able to reach ~25 tons however

>> No.15113540

20 t class has been the norm in large part because Shuttle and Proton set it
That and GTO sat never grew above 6-7 tons

>> No.15113546
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>please don't onions-jack me for marvel reference
I absolutely will
you had no reason to bring this up
you could have liked it to various types of trucks or freight wagons

>> No.15113559
File: 69 KB, 650x1000, cheers56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a few more weeks bros

>> No.15113564

ICBMs are best when they are solid fuel. No time to dick around with fueling when you need to launch on warning and ampoule types have too many disadvantages..

>> No.15113568





>> No.15113571
File: 421 KB, 600x635, 6E0D26F4-4462-44C9-909F-3DC926CC35BF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proton is so fucking weird
>Lol let’s put a bunch of fuel tanks around out oxidizer tank!!!!

>> No.15113586

I followed (and still do) a very well known spaceflight blog in spain that was posting about him in 2008, as far back as I can remember.

>> No.15113648

>this looks like the CGI from a low budget anime
Because it is lol