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File: 34 KB, 413x384, sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1511060 No.1511060 [Reply] [Original]


I shed a tear.

>> No.1511070
File: 7 KB, 251x189, 1280211385610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i too

>> No.1511074
File: 5 KB, 209x139, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1511077

I'd thoroughly advise people who haven't seen this before to watch it.

>> No.1511086


>> No.1511090

Its funny because its very obvious.

Also, this speech and others with similar themes is the reason why COSMOS will never be on TV again.
Its also why it will never be shown in schools.

>> No.1511091



>> No.1511093


I hate conservatives =(

Its my opinion that this should be shown in science class in every school in the entirety of the world.

>> No.1511094

>its very obvious.
exactly just like everything sagan has ever said or written.

pointlessly obvious.

>> No.1511098

why? wouldn't the time in science class be better spent i dunno... learning science? as oppose to sentimental and romantic drivel.

>> No.1511101

Theres no point in learning something if your just gonna loathe it

>> No.1511106

Like how you loathe apostrophes?
And I loathe spelling?

>> No.1511109

Don't feed the troll

>> No.1511112

>implying that
>Its my opinion that this should be shown in science class in every school in the entirety of the world.
>is a troll statement?

>> No.1511113

Cosmos was obviously meant for younger people and it serves to show how interesting science can be. Also consider when it was made. No shit the things he talks about are obvious to you, you learned them in school before ever even hearing about cosmos.

I still enjoy the flair with which he presents stories like the one where the crabs evolved patterns that looked like human faces.

>> No.1511117


This is vastly superior. His most inspiring I have seen.

>> No.1511121

Troll troll, troll your boat...

>> No.1511122

Please explain how that is troll

>> No.1511125


>> No.1511134


Saw that one too, loved it. OP here btw.

>> No.1511159

I don't know about you guys, But In most of my high school science classes until it became voluntary, Most people didn't want to do science. I personally think this sort of thing school be shown to students at about the ages of 8-12 or so, to try and inspire them towards science. What really disappoints me is, in my school there are 2 physics classes, 2 chemistry classes and 3 biology classes for my year level(12) but there are 5 art classes, 7 PE classes and 4 transitions classes. With approximately 200 people in my year level. His Ideas are aimed at trying to convince young people into scientific subjects which are often neglected. Science should be the most important and respect subject to study. Skill required vs fame is amazingly sad. I could be in 1 porn video and I would probably be better known than a theoretical physicist who creates some amazing theory.

>> No.1511172

but indoctrinate kids with propaganda in science class?

this video has/speech has nothing to do with science
it is simply emotion inducing propaganda in order to convey a certain value system.

The earth revolving around the sun has nothing to with human worth. One is an objective fact while the other is
a subjective opinion.

Sagan got very butthurt when people would treat religion like science.
This is treating science like religion, and that's a good way to discourage rational thought.

>> No.1511177

Oh man, you are so full of shit. If you like something sincerely and you want to share is that propaganda? Are you some anti-marijuana fanatic that you scorn Sagan so much?

>> No.1511179

Theoretical physics is useless, become a pornstar, you can have sex all the time with hot chicks and get paid for it.

>> No.1511180
File: 70 KB, 500x500, 1277242117746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1511185

Why do you cry? It actually makes me feel better about myself and my problems. Because in the end all of my worries and problems don't matter. All the shit that happens, it makes no difference.
I feel relief.

>> No.1511188

>Are you some anti-marijuana fanatic that you scorn Sagan so much?
Well, let me remind you Patrick, that marijuana actually destroys lives, contrary to popular belief. One day, when you least except it, you find yourself overdosing on weed and die. All that for what? Nothing. Your life ends as a drug addict, being the shame of the family, the one who no one will ever talk about.

>> No.1511189

>Theoretical physics is useless

>> No.1511190
File: 43 KB, 800x600, 633553695829349661-MAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U mad christfag

>> No.1511194

>Implying you don't need to smoke OVER 9000! pounds of marijuana (assuming 30% THC yield) to consume enough THC to overdose from pot

>> No.1511195

>One day, when you least except it

>you find yourself overdosing on weed
>overdosing on weed
>Implying that is even possible

>> No.1511196
File: 15 KB, 319x158, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overdosing on weed and die
>weed and die

>> No.1511201


I feel sorry for you, to not understand how the universe works how I do.

Yes you can say science without religion is lame, you may think scientists are people devout without souls or feeling, you may think you are more important because you understand the universe the way your religion has taught you.

Scientific understanding is a religion in its own.
Religion without science is blind,

I feel sorry for you.

>> No.1511203

I find this film even better:


>> No.1511209

>Religion without science is blind
>without science is blind
>science is blind

>> No.1511211
File: 125 KB, 780x591, paleblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw thread, made this.

>> No.1511213


don't be childish

>> No.1511219

That was...beautiful, OP.

>> No.1511222

>hurr durr what is context?

Confirmed for worse tripfag than Josef.

>> No.1511225


you are either trolling or stupid. I'm am very scientifically literate. I enjoy logic and empirical investigation of concepts and the world. Hence why I don't like the idea of BS designed to induce a certain emotional response being intertwined with science or using it as propaganda to convey Sagan's value systemt.

That's why I hate Sagan he didn't promote science he promoted religion under a different name.

You don't teach children to be rational by appealing to emotion.

>> No.1511233

>bickering in a pale blue dot thread. what would carl say D:

>> No.1511259

What the fuck is wrong with you guys? What's up with all that girlish bawing for nothing? There's nothing to cry of here, don't try to be the one special guy who sheds tears about obvious science. If you're fucking serious, then I'm afraid to tell you that you will never become a true scientist. No one would ever want to work or be in touch with a such dumb emotional faggot like you guys. Our planet is small relatively to the universe, didn't you know that already? Then you must be a fucking idiot, or otherwise -- as said earlier -- you must just be wannabe scientists who get touched by Sagan's poetry (which is nothing special).

>> No.1511261


>> No.1511264

Yes I envy you guys, I'd love to be like you and your friends.

>> No.1511265


>> No.1511269

I feel you man

>> No.1511274


Confirmed troll. Carry on and ignore.

>> No.1511409

>Theres no point in learning something if your just gonna loathe it

This is why all science textbooks should contain political-philosophical rants about atheism. This is guaranteed to raise students' interest and trust in science and is not at all illegal.

also, BUMP