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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 113 KB, 403x340, mario_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15106239 No.15106239 [Reply] [Original]

He came up with a hypothesis, carefully thought through its implications, considered all the evidence he could gather from bare observation of nature and then implemented the most radical real world approach based on that hypothesis. Isn't this exactly what you guys always want people to do (taking things to their most radical conclusions)? Isn't this also exactly what a good scientist does on a daily basis?

Why'd you hate on him?

>> No.15106671
File: 181 KB, 1108x1009, no_death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15106726

He decided that he was God, and based on that conclusion he decided to destroy the entire universe and all life within it by killing himself. That makes him the most malevolent human being ever to exist.

>> No.15106836

Based yet bluepilled

>> No.15106942

Who is this guy and why does he keep getting posted?

>> No.15106962

its like someone took a lego head and put in on a max steel body.

>> No.15106964

>Isn't this exactly what you guys always want people to do
You mean for obnoxious fags to kill themselves? I... I guess.

>> No.15106970

>That makes him the most malevolent human being ever to exist.
Wrong. That makes him the most benevolent human being ever to exist. Learn antinatalism, retarded chud. It's settled science.

>> No.15106987

He lacked epistemic humility
Not really his fault since his brain was fucked, but whatever

>> No.15107228

I honestly think he just needed some pussy.

>> No.15107241

You are literal all midwits. Proove him wrong. Engage with his arguments.

You can't because you're too stupid.

>> No.15107243

Saw a few minutes of one of his youtube videos and did not understand anything, so are any of his schizo ramblngs worth watching?

>> No.15107270

>spending your time larping as that which you hate
you're pathetic.

>> No.15107570

With a cold mind I think his death was darwinian, whatever mental issues he had, if genetic, were not passed to a new generation. sad, nevertheless.

>> No.15107682
File: 14 KB, 480x360, inmendham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15107688

>spending time being it unrionically
Just kill yourself already. You're a waste of life.

>> No.15107822

This guy has the best take on it and it's sad to hear but needs to be heard. Young kid totally ruins his life with bunk physics and goes schizo because of it.

>> No.15107921

understood less than when watching marios videos in and off itself. Amazing

>> No.15107929

Hello, sorry to bother you anons but if any of you could tell me if this is genuine and coherent I would appreciate it
"There is a quantum element to consciousness. This becomes evident if you have a passing interest in quantum mechanics and mathematics. The equations of schrodinger and the observer are viewed from the wrong paradigm, what is the mystical observer who's eye makes the cat dead or alive? That is where you find consciousness. The works of Lemaitre mathematically as well as the wonderful Dr. Penrose gave me real understanding, In Platos cave the shadows watching the observer and what give it consciousness. "
The context is sentience in AI. I don't have a math and STEM background and can't even begin to tell if that is bullshit or not so am asking you anons?

>> No.15107933


>> No.15107940

I don't understand your reply and made a thread for my question which is not really related to the naked boy you are discussing

>> No.15107941



>> No.15107982 [DELETED] 

Unrelated, but my mom was a product of IVR like Montano, and she also turned out to be unusually brilliant. She got a perfect 1600 on her SAT, studied engineering at a prestigious university, then finished an MD/PhD in four years.

Makes you wonder what kind of sperm they're handing out at these places.

>> No.15107984

Somewhat unrelated, but my mom was a product of IVF like Montano, and she also turned out to be unusually brilliant. She got a perfect 1600 on her SAT, studied engineering at a prestigious university, then finished an MD/PhD in four years.

Makes you wonder what kind of sperm they're handing out at these places.

>> No.15108622

If I tell you will you stop spamming this shit?
Do you want the real answer or the science woo answer?
Science woo: go read Penrose and jerk off to binaural quantum sissy hypnosis beats
Real answer: neural activity is too large and warm to be effected by quantum phenomenon. This isn't even debatable. Even pretending that some non-negligible quantum effect bubbled up into reality in an appropriate location and time to change neural activity, it would be random noise and completely meaningless.
"Sentience" is a suitcase word.

>> No.15109357
File: 40 KB, 200x200, dutton jolly heretic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Edward Dutton's explanation for why IVF-conceived people like Mario turn out the way they do.


>> No.15109367

What's your opinion of Justin Riddle's theories of quantum consciousness?


>> No.15109684

Interesting, but it sounds like the type of IVF Dutton is talking about involves using IVF to make a naturally infertile couple able to conceive. In Mario's case (and my mom's case), sperm was donated from a supposedly healthy and fertile donor. My grandfather was infertile and his sperm wasn't used at all to produce my mom.

The problem that Mario (and my mom, to an extent) suffered from is that they were freakishly intelligent compared to the rest of their family.

>> No.15110038
File: 274 KB, 2467x1850, IVF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of the problem with IVF is that the sperm and egg are chosen basically at random. In natural conception, only the strongest sperm can make it to the egg. With the standard IVF procedure, they just pick a sperm and an egg that look reasonably healthy, and inject the sperm into the egg. Since you don't have the same degree of sperm competition, the sperm is more likely to have high mutational load. If you were to squirt donor semen into the woman's vagina and conceive the kid that way, or create a new IVF procedure that more closely resembles natural conception, it would theoretically be less dysgenic. Another problem with sperm donation is that the two parents aren't necessarily genetically compatible. With natural reproduction, the parents select each other based on assortive mating.

>> No.15110081

>Since you don't have the same degree of sperm competition, the sperm is more likely to have high mutational load.
Agreed, however, it seems to me that IVF isn't nearly as bad (and in some cases appears to be eugenic) when healthy donor sperm is used.

Personally I'm hesitant to chalk Montano's issues up to IVF. While he may have had autistic and psychotic tendencies, these are also common traits of geniuses, and he was certainly intelligent. I also don't buy the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Montano seems to be lucid and clear-thinking in his videos (as well as capable of high-level math), which doesn't match your typical expression of schizophrenia, even if his conclusions were abnormal.

I think that if he had access to a more intellectually stimulating environment with people who were able to communicate with him on his level and challenge his ideas, he would still be alive. Not having anyone in his immediate family or community who could grasp his ideas and discuss them likely contributed to his depression, psychosis, and ultimate suicide.

>> No.15110650


Locality is fabrication. Temporality is fabrication. Matter is fabrication. Everything is pure appearance.