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File: 591 KB, 811x876, 1672993087655722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15103371 No.15103371 [Reply] [Original]

Ridden me this chud, if diversity leads to innovation and no ways of thinking, why aren't we making new break throughs in science? i thought diversity made us better?

>> No.15103384
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>only shill for big corporations
You do know that most researchers are post-docs at universities and get paid garbage right?
>if diversity leads to innovation and no ways of thinking, why aren't we making new break throughs in science? i thought diversity made us better?
Have you considered that you're beef is with bureaucrats, administrators, "activists," various public officials, and whatever garbage journalists vomit up, instead of the bulk of people doing actual research?

>> No.15103393

Are the homogenous Japanese and Korea then producing superior output per capita?

>> No.15103408

Outstanding advancements in onahole technology.

>> No.15103412

The global slave labor system requires maintenance of the status quo. Jews can fuck you but you can't fuck them, for now.

>> No.15103464

And the funding they do get is from outside groups who have an agenda to push. Many professors I talked to have said that the system is based off "gifts" or non-taxable avenues for funding. There is always an agenda and data is thrown out if it doesn't line up with the groups hypothesis

>> No.15103478

>system is based off "gifts" or non-taxable avenues for funding.
Its called getting research grants, because unless you're working in industry (and most scientists don't), your research probably isn't profitable in the short term. The fact that you seem to think this is secret insider knowledge show's how little you know.
>There is always an agenda and data is thrown out if it doesn't line up with the groups hypothesis
Most scientific articles punish work that's incremental or come to conclusions that are open ended, and most often end up in obscurity, only a few articles ever become prominent. Most of the time it isn't even worthwhile to fake data.

>> No.15103487 [DELETED] 

You're right on the first part. The second part is wrong. The joos just serve the status quo, always have, always will. They are not it's master.

>> No.15103551
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>soientists spend a year or two writing a study that maybe 5 people will read fully
>they can't spend a day to write a consise journalistic article the public can understand
Academia is so fucking cancerous it's unbearable

>> No.15103588

>>writing a study that maybe 5 people will read fully
Yes, most research isn't going to be grounding. And you're not going to know if you're going to have any interesting results until you actually do the research.
>>they can't spend a day to write a consise journalistic article the public can understand
Its rather presumptive of you to think that it would only take a day or that it would be a good use of time. Technical writing is difficult largely because it has to be very specific, trying to make a cliff notes version will involve involve cutting a lot of important details. Why do you think popular science media is so atrocious? The science journalists working at most newspapers often have little if anything in the way of a technical background themselves and thus they often poorly present things, and that's when they're not making things up. Not to mention that the lay public doesn't have much interest in research that has mundane results.
>Academia is so fucking cancerous it's unbearable
Yes, but not for the reasons that you think. Doing the boring "unremarkable" research is how you rule out dead ends and make steady progress. That's how its always been, big revolutionary advances have always been rare.

>> No.15103594

Modern science has been faked to benefit greedy faggots and jews for a long time now.

>> No.15103606
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the scientific society is working exactly as intended. what's the problem?

>> No.15103609

>You do know that most researchers are post-docs at universities and get paid garbage right?
Are you braindead? That precisely proves their vulnerability to outside influences. If they were wealthy as shit, they'd have less reason to accept outside funding.

>> No.15103631
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>Have you considered that you're beef is with bureaucrats, administrators, "activists," various public officials, and whatever garbage journalists vomit up, instead of the bulk of people doing actual research?
Have you considered that his beef is with the soience establishment you're shilling? Have you considered the growing hatred towards it and its shills?

>> No.15103957
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>> No.15104048

>all science must be "peer-reviewed" by anonymous authorities
>no disruptive ideas are published anymore
Gee willickers it sure is some mystery isn't it?

>> No.15104064

>no one knows why
list top 3 advancement before and after academicucks enacted peer review and laugh

>> No.15104111
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>and no one knows why
Why the disingenuity?

>> No.15104112

You mean science was more diverse 50 years ago?

>> No.15104405


>> No.15104784
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>no one knows why

>> No.15104833

>proportion of publications that send a field in a new direction has plummeted over the past half-century
>2023 - 50 = 1973

>> No.15104855

It is truly a mistery.


>> No.15104877 [DELETED] 

this post is extremely low quality

>> No.15104880

Your "scientists" are on a leash the same as those faggots and trannies.

>> No.15104889

Besides research grants, you also get additional funding from private companies to enact research they want done depending on how sough out your work is. It is hard to survive on just research grants and many of the labs I saw on campus were all part of larger groups working towards similar goals since the funding is better if you work with other lab groups. And I didn't say to fake data, I said to throw out data that doesn't fit the narrative the lab is trying to push. Happens all the time. It all comes down to funding.

>> No.15104902


They are incentive to produce papers and citations, not tread new ground. It is a game they're playing.

>> No.15105033

Good thing for fringe science

>> No.15105528

This is due to the culture and standards around modern science especially gamifying of infamous standard of peer review process
Any smartass or with a brain knows that reward is better with gamificiation of peer review process by reinforcing popular flavour of the month and year theories for your meta analytic popularity for higher and better fame and grants rather than going against the herd of popular meta info
Going with herd leads to positive reward for the researcher even if science was bad compared to going against the herd leading to negative non reward or punishment even if science was excellent
modern science shuns and ends any researchers who go against the herd mentality of "established" science theories etc which was case in political related science such as recent covid things etc
Another way why peer review is gamified is due to niche and no of reviewers in the field thus smartasses can do social psychology bs to change the outcome
The problem mentioned above is common in Jewish culture literally science is approached as business endeavor instead of intellectual endeavor
Weakening of standards is very obvious no need for explanation
Real science is no longer done in actual public academia for this reason real science is done in private well funded labs and societies which doesn't have any issues of public crap which is also the reason why I stopped contributing to this public soicence
Get skills get gud
Join private societies and labs youre welcome

>> No.15105673

Hi Moishe, don't fall for the bait next time, OK?

>> No.15106463
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>> No.15106487

All of this but also we have retarded governmental bodies like the FDA that constantly want "long-term studies" of any medical effect but would approve of the most poisonous shit in the long-term like Canola oil and HFCS in every food product we consume. It's retarded how we needed decades of Cervical disc replacement research when Europe and other parts of the world did it earlier and had good results.

>> No.15106584

This simply isn't true. Real discovery leads to real benefits. What would you value the invention of the semiconductor transistor over continuing down vaccum tube road?
The gamification is a direct result of subpar retards entering the field. They are incapable and fall back on regular social games like the retarded nigger cattle they are.

>> No.15106587

God rewards those who entertain him with discovery and the old Christian scientists knew this(examples being Franklin putting a key on a kite in a lighting storm. Newton sticking needles in his eyes ect ect) Now that the new age "scientists" are atheist and obsessed with safety Gods bored.

>> No.15106601


>> No.15106709

>they can't spend a day to write a consise journalistic article the public can understand
The public is retarded. Doesn't matter how much time you take to write it there is not a simple enough way of communicating that is capable of making them understand in one article. Talking about these niche subjects requires pre-knowledge that Johny Average simply doesn't have.

>> No.15106742

Why is someone poking their balls out around a corner?

>> No.15106858
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>muh culture war bullshit
It's not like science has gotten harder and research jobs have gotten more precarious and bureaucratic. Nope, it's le current thing's fault.

>> No.15106864

>it's not like i'm coping desperately
>trust me
>i-i-i-it's climage change
Same people, same kind of excuse, same uncompelling narrative getting the same scathing replies. Why do you bother?

>> No.15106873
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Ever notice how Current Thing(tm) is always correlated with Negative Consequences(tm), suggestive of Negative Consequences(tm), consistent with Negative Consequences(tm), but never, ever responsible for Negative Consequences(tm)? Statistically speaking, you'd think it would be responsible for some negative consequences at least some of the time, but I guess the Current Thing(tm) is infallible. :^)

>> No.15106880

One word: neoliberalism

>> No.15106896

Good thing someone taught you one world. Otherwise you might have to actually think.

>> No.15106898
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Disruption is not allowed.

>> No.15106945

Gold standard was abandoned in 1971.

>> No.15106957
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i was just thinking about this. its because we have become scared of radiation. we consider experiments that end in death or irreversible corruption of biology as failures. when in reality life is much more than health. observation must continue beyond a single lifetime or a single species. only when an entire ecosystem has been compromised can we begin to understand the potential of the modern man.

>> No.15106985

care to define it?

>> No.15106995

unironic schizophrenia

>> No.15106999

Neoliberalism is the political ideology of being a bad rich person that does things I don't like. It's typically exemplified by chuds, capitalists, fascists, christians, white men and other right-wingers.

>> No.15107020


>> No.15107026

Absolute retard. Stick to stuff you understand, like licking your own eyeball, and eating snot.

>> No.15107028

It's cute when a chud like you tries to argue semantics.

>> No.15107033
File: 274 KB, 1425x1542, nobel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing. So many Nobel laureates in homogenous Asian countries, and almost no in western diverse countries.

>> No.15107038
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We see the same picture here.

>> No.15107098

Real shit is not being valued in modern soicience culture and academia only to get valued years or decades down the line
This happens too often it has become an actual pattern problem at this point
Ive experienced this more than twice on two different field cs and biology
During the world war era and era's where scientific process was at peak compared to now all due to private crap over public crap

You recognize that influx of subpar retards in the field but you have failed to recognize that these subpar retards dominate the modern science peer review process "board or head of x "
Science needs strict filtering and gatekeeping more than ever before to counter the influx of retards from the current societlal culture of "diversity" "inclusion" this obviously reduces the quality of researchers in the field
Difference in skill between public labs and private labs is clear af things that takes 1 week - 1 month will get resolved within 2-3 days its insane
Humanity is going to rot with this type of bs instead of progressing at good pace
Science has become a new religion of scientism and that needs to stop
I doubt anyone even bothers to stop it when majority of retards control the head and peer review board til then its waste of time dealing with these social parasitcial hyenas in public field
Hell if you prune off majority 90% of the scientists nothing would've changed cuz majority of them are useless its time to go back to fostering the minority who can get things done instead of dealing with current crap

>> No.15107123

Most of what we've made advancements in is detrimental in some form or another. The research done to prove that is drowned away and hushed as conspiracy until something is developed to "fix" it. It'll later come out 10, 20, 50 plus years later that the "fix" was somehow even worse than the original, everyone's pp is microsized, and fertility is dead.

>> No.15107173

>blitheringly mad anon cant write a coherent post
why are you on /sci/?
its weird how activist culture just up and died after OWS. like people used to protest the war in iraq and afghanistan, but now everyone is pro-war.

Id bet that since 2011, the deepstate has been tasked with disrupting all activism. They probably had spooks go through the ows crowds with cell tower spoofs, and then they datamined and joined their ranks to tear them apart.

anytime anyone talks about activism anymore political extremists flood and control the discussion, be them agents or pawns, someone preventing real protest and organization from occurring naturally like it used to.

>> No.15107178

>muh political extremists and glowies are preventing me from LARPing as a great reformer and begging my masters for some crumbs
The utter and final state.

>> No.15107186

Where did you infer a first person PoV? Where did all of the activism go anon? You're telling me that suddenly everyone in western culture just gave up because they saw the banks and world governments get away with destroying the economy?

Or you have no point and are just a faggot retard lol

>> No.15107195
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>Where did all of the activism go anon?
OWS LARPers were mostly Democrats who stopped caring about Wall Street the day Goldman Sachs' brown pet stepped into office, and then about being anti-war as soon as their savior started bombing innocents. As for real activism, it's alive and well; it just rarely gets covered by mainstream journalism (in contrast to OWS), for completely obvious reasons, except when it gets so disruptive it can't be ignored.

>> No.15107208

>>15103371 But we are. And obviously sooner or later scientific breakthroughs will get harder and harder to make as fields become more sophisticated and have picked up most low hanging fruits and big discoveries. There are lots of issues with science and things to improve (see metascience).

Check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_in_science

>> No.15107209
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>As for real activism, it's alive and well;
yeah post an image of the canadian nazis that were immediately forgotten as soon as the war started, really backs you up.

how long did they shut down ottawa? less than a month? OWS went on for over a year, through the same time reddit and 4chan shut down SOPA and PIPA. Activism was so strong websites used to work together, now everyone is so sucked into their in group that they dont want to do anything. If the powers at be didnt trigger this change in our culture then so be it, but you gotta admit this 'culture' does nothing but work against the average person like the truckers.

>> No.15107210

>yeah post an image of the canadian nazis
And there we go. I posted it because I knew it would trigger this reaction.

>> No.15107225

and I said that because I knew youre a small minded simpleton that wouldnt notice my image or even read my post

youre part of the problem, me quoting the msm shouldnt send you into blind rage

>> No.15107226

Your post has exactly zero substance and your hypocrisy is amusing. You asked where your OWS LARPers went and here's your answer: >>15107195. Good luck trying to save face.

>> No.15107231

>how long did they shut down ottawa? less than a month? OWS went on for over a year,
You know what? I'll bite. If your "activism" is tolerated for over a year and covered in a favorable or at least fair light by every establishment outlet, your "activism" is serving the etablishment. When your activism threatens someone, the government cracks down on it, the paper calls you a terrorist and a nazi and the banksters freeze your accounts.

>> No.15107232

good luck learning how to read

>> No.15107233

You are lower than filth and anyone who isn't a corporate-serving golem like you can see it. My point stands. The glowies didn't make OWS LARPers vanish. They simply dispersed when their figurehead won the elections.

>> No.15107264
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By design

>> No.15107359

Japan created an anime just to try to teach people how to build a time machine.

They are on an entirely different level man.

>> No.15107368
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>Scientists no longer make advancements in science, only shill for big corporations
Government too, since government is owned by corporations and the rich leftist 1% now.

>> No.15107394

I think science in terms of the basic direction of where the funding goes, is there to maximise profit instead of maximise human potential.
Like, nuclear fusion should be getting 10x the funding it's getting now at the very least.

>> No.15107493
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Nonwhites haven't evolved the cognitive ability to purposefully innovate yet.

>> No.15107504
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>> No.15107506

The rich have always been in control of the direction of humanity. Science used to be a privileged only community

>> No.15107526

Lol, pretty odd choice of metric, considering Nobel prizes are a small fraction of scientific achievement, and 40% of the prizes are the retarded categories of literalure and peace. Not to mention it's a Western prize in the first place, with a natural Western bias.

But sure, let's go with that. The Nobel prize was first awarded in 1901. Western society was largely homogeneous until the 60s, which is coincidentally when Western science started falling apart, meaning you are padding the present failures of "diversity" with generations-old successes of homogeneity. Since then, we've basically been held together by previous momentum, which is quickly disintegrating as the left rabidly tears down everything that previously made Western science successful. Now the East is adopting all the standards of meritocracy, objectivity, and standardized testing that once characterized the West, while we are tossing them in the trash. Why don't you go ahead and check back in on those charts in 20 years.

>> No.15107531

>Based Steins;Gate enjoyer
El Psy Kongroo

>> No.15107537

we get all our technology from ayys

>> No.15107559

Even now nearly all of the "western" Nobels are won by homogeneous White teams and Asians. It's not like we're seeing an upswing in mulatto Nobel Prize winners.

>> No.15107702

And not for lack of trying too. They're trying to give any woman with a pulse the prize in Physics these days

>> No.15107713
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it is amazing how fucked up science™ is. If you believe any mainstream bullshit, you are by definition a member of a religion

Real science is no longer allowed because the realities do nothing for the current people in charge. Still blows me away how easy it was to create NPCs

>> No.15107759

El Psi Congrue

>> No.15107809
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>Still blows me away how easy it was to create NPCs
They were always there. Just exposed more now.

>> No.15107879

This has been deboonked: there are female scientists now.

>> No.15107901
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>> No.15107951


>> No.15108494


>> No.15108533
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>disruptive science
There's only been three real "disruptive" level science finds recently. Dinosaur fossils, Germ Theory and Quantum Mechanics.

The reason there's been a decline is because there wasn't many fundamentally different aspects of reality to discover. The fact those three were found within a few centuries apart from each other is more or less a fluke of timing and technology.

Do people think we should be able to find new discoveries equivalent to quantum mechanics at every corner?

>> No.15108560
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>why aren't we making new break throughs in science?
What kind of breakthroughs are you expecting? Just go back in time 10 years and many fields will already start to look a bit primitive.

>> No.15108572

pol knows why, kek

>> No.15109016
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>> No.15109614

finally got around to reading this paper. dunno what everyone is chimping out over. the authors laid out a critical piece of information:
>even though the prevalence of disruptive works has declined, we find that the sheer number has remained stable.
the problem is not that the progression of knowledge is stagnating, as is being interpreted. the problem is rather obvious: academia is oversaturated. the decline of "disruptive" papers is a consequence of the volume of papers increasing. it's necessarily the case that with a higher abundance of papers that the rate of good quality papers will decrease.

>> No.15109640
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>Scientists no longer make advancements in science, only shill for big corporations

>> No.15110544

science is not about asking questions it is about making corporations money and giving politicians power

>> No.15110547

That is a critical piece of information. Now that I know that more soience turds than ever are being published, it makes me feel a lot better about the rate of scientific breakthroughs simultaneously diminishing. Your operators truly picked the best for this shilljob.

>> No.15110667


>> No.15110670

But you just told me the science marketerinooo is oversaturated. Why would I want to be a scientist? The demand for groundbreaking research just can't keep up with the supply of groundbreaking researchers. :^)

>> No.15110872

>>15110544 Not true; there is bias/priority put on the former though, which means govs and so on with less profit motive should fund more and better as well as create incentives/requiremente to do important but less/un-profitable R&D.

>> No.15110940

>the rich leftist 1%
lmao even

>> No.15111010

Completely off topic but can anyone recommend books on how proper science should done and another that explains the horror of modern academia? I'm just a /sci/ tourist that mostly shitposts in /lit/.

>> No.15111026

I should probably add my intent: I have witnessed numerous people within my social group citing 'science' and 'peer reviewed' without any understanding of the process. Then I realized I don't know enough to argue against it myself. These are family and friends so my goal isn't to annihilate them or anything. Just plant seeds of doubt so they start questioning the dogma of our time.

>> No.15111085

Not sure about books, but there are endless examples of individual failures of the scientific process, peer review, "consensus," and so forth.

The replication crisis
Leaded gasoline
Thalidomide, Vioxx, OxyContin
Mercury used as an antiseptic
The inventor of handwashing being institutionalized for defying medical consensus
Most of sociology
The fats vs carbs debate, high fructose corn syrup
The cause of ulcers (considered to be stress by "settled science")
Electroshock therapy, lobotomies
ADHD meds, SSRIs
Giving chemical castration drugs to kids is safe and acceptable. Genital mutilation surgery is healthcare.
Amyloid beta hypothesis in Alzheimer's
And so many more

>> No.15111090

One book that might be worth reading is "The Blank Slate," which documents how partisan hack ideologues took over the study of gene-environment interactions in the 60s and declared all humans to be "blank slates" with no genetic propensities.

They were completely wrong in every way, but used aggressive censorship, threats, and political influence to destroy anyone who opposed them and set the field back decades.

>> No.15111111

Communists have been funded by the rich since Marx. You are one of those well known "useful idiots" being duped into supporting your own enslavement

>> No.15111133

I do my best to write articles that gradually build up from a sort of undergraduate-level explanation to the difficult details, but I completely get that you can't do that for every single fucking thing that every single researcher publishes.

At a certain point if you want to get shit done you have to assume that the people your research is intended for are going to have at least some fucking idea and interest in the topic to begin with and aren't going in cold turkey.

>> No.15111145

can't argue with those digits

fuck commies, mccarthy was right

>> No.15111164


>> No.15111180
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>> No.15111181

Hey, looks like you missed your dose of Lexapro this morning. Better take two to compensate

>> No.15111192

I think this general kind of attitude is why nobody gives a shit about science as a field.

If the only things that the scientific establishment produces are pop sci garbage and obscure, incomprehensible technical material, there simply can not be an informed public discourse on scientific issues.

>> No.15111198

playing devil's advocate here - maybe the onus is on the public to become more informed and read up on basic science, not on scientists to dumb everything down to be comprehensible to the lowest common denominator

>> No.15111207

The issue is that there's a missing middle.

Things are either toddler level simple or PHD level complex. What needs to happen is science being presented in a way that's sophisticated and nuanced enough to allow genuine intellectual discourse, but not so inaccessible that it's only available to professionals.

Academia doesn't do this so most people just ignore them. Rightfully so, fucking losers.

>> No.15111302

Worse, McCarthy underestimated the problem

>> No.15111310

everyone knows why.
its because modern science is a relgion, and any ideas outside it are mocked as pseudoscience or ignored. And it is also a degree circlejerk.

>> No.15111311

The anus is on your lips.

>> No.15111445
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checked and helicopter pilled

>> No.15111453

>canadian nazis
1 $ has been added to your account

>> No.15111496

I'll that the top house any day over what """capitalism""" gives me.

>> No.15111544

In capitalism, most people don't own a house, they rent it. Meanwhile, politicians' houses are the same amount of lavish in both communism and capitalism.

>> No.15111556
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based and Austrian School pilled

>> No.15111569

>Former President Jimmy Carter lives in a $167,000 house and shops at the Dollar General
>Published Wed, Aug 22 2018 2:38 PM EDT
that mansion is probably worth over $200k by now

>> No.15111574

Now show me where the bankters who own you live.

>> No.15111582
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This is where Gerald Ford was living for two decades before he became president.

>> No.15111586
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>Communists have been funded by the rich since Marx
Sure, seems legit. This clearly proves the rich capitalists are actually leftists communists! Never once in history did the rich fund the right nor ever tried to crush leftists, right?
McCarthy wasn't actually rich, he was just your average guy who became president by sheer luck against all odds.
I bet you think you're very intelligent, don't you?

>Reject modern propaganda, censorship and brainwashing!
>Embrace OLD propaganda, censorship and brainwashing!

>> No.15111588
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This is Bernie Sander's "modest lake cabin"

>> No.15111618

"Capitalism" is a word invented by Marxists to caricature free markets. It doesn't exist.

With free markets and private property, most people own houses. This has been the case everywhere in history with free markets and private property. It only ceases to exist with central planning, zoning restrictions, interest rate manipulation, and other bureaucratic hurdles which steal your time and labor.

>McCarthy wasn't actually rich, he was just your average guy who became president by sheer luck against all odds.
>McCarthy became president

Lol, Marxist retards are the best. Though it would be funnier if you knuckledragging morons weren't dragging the rest of us down with you.

>> No.15111638

"Free markets" is a term invented by Capitalists to caricature freedom. It doesn't exist, golem.

>> No.15111663

>McCarthy wasn't actually rich, he was just your average guy who became president

>> No.15111680

Just admit that you are a lazy retard with no useful skills. You want the state to take other people's labor and give it to you because you're so worthless. Somewhere deep inside you probably realize that once the state has that power, they will stick your dumbass against the wall like everyone else, but you don't even care. Just as long as the people with talent and fulfillment end up as empty and miserable as you

>> No.15112425

Jan Schon was a researcher at Bell Labs who won a bunch of physics prizes and was a rising star in condensed matter physics until one of his papers in Nature raised suspicion. Eventually it turned out that he'd been fabricating all of his data for years and all of his results and "discoveries" were faked.

>> No.15112430
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>Completely off topic but can anyone recommend books on how proper science should done and another that explains the horror of modern academia?
The physics community has been adhering to the wrong emission model for light for over a century now, with no indication of changing.

>> No.15112431

kek nathan, the nature article isn't talking about you retard. you don't even understand what a disruptive article means.

>> No.15112432

The USA has no representative government anymore. Just a collection of fraudulent criminals extorting and laundering money as a sort of gay mafia.

>> No.15113080
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>> No.15113120


This. So much this.

A disruptive article would be a new model of string theory that adds a new dimension for each hair in the ass of a bonobo. Linking consciousness to climate change. How quantum effects are affecting BIPoC and LGBTQ+ communities. New shapes of Blackholes that look like the bulge in the pants of my wife's boyfriend.

Something that makes us dream big again. Something that makes us wonder. Something awesome and profound that completely scrambles your perception of reality. Science, motherfucker!

>> No.15113450

>Technical writing is difficult largely because it has to be very specific, trying to make a cliff notes version will involve involve cutting a lot of important details.
Utter crap. Read any thesis, the outright complexity of the verbs and nouns used is an integral part of the game. It very easy to translate scientific thoughts and ideas into bite-sized nibbles for the unscientific.

Academia has been well and truly cucked by a generation of worthless opinions written in complex speak with little or no merit.

I recall laughing at the moronic chemists getting PHD's for synthesizing new compounds of Uranium or Plutonium in my day. Thats not a breakthrough. Its not worthy of a PHD.

Little did I suspect that things would get much worse.

>> No.15113463

Excellent reply. Says it all.

>> No.15113641
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Nobel prizes are hoax bribes. Better daughter prostitute than son Nobel prize winner

>> No.15113699

>Write concise non dramatized accounts of scientific research
>Normies don't read it even if they can understand it because they have short attention spans and it's boring

>> No.15113705

If your so-called science is that borning, maybe you don't deserve that grant. I think the government can put my tax money to better use with something like Slava Ukraini.

>> No.15113721

>Germ Theory
this one was disruptive but has issues

>> No.15113746

>Trilateral Commission
Were the System Shock devs trying to tell us something?

>> No.15113797

Not everything useful is interesting.

>> No.15114758

>nooooo, i deserve free money
>gibes me dat grant money fo free muggagfugga
>i needs it
>no i will not work to get money
>gibes me dat fo free
>u owes me muh reparations
>gibes me dat grant money, gibes me muh welfare, gibes me muh foodstamps
why do the self identified soience experts all have such inflated senses of entitlement?

>> No.15114931
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Chinese with their insectoid way of thinking can't innovate and society's niggerification only affect white societies.
It's all over.

>> No.15115164

Cope and seethe impostor

>> No.15115316
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>> No.15115393

it's mostly because academia became an assembly line for mediocre thinkers. I'd blame government funding more than corporations. Most "researchers" spend more time writing for grants than doing science.

>> No.15115559

I tried to do medical research and spent a year on a project and it turned me off it forever.

It's all some insular world of funding chasing (50% of your time). The funding usually comes from government in some token "we think it would be good to fund science in x area" system. You lose staff whenever you don't get consistent funding for them so you're always just chasing the next grant.

Best way of getting the good departmental output rankings you need to won funding is to always go for safe options to keep mindlessly churning out 'good quality' studies where the study quality is the aim, not whatever is being tested. Usually you just play it safe and do the smallest variation of other successfully published studies ensuring it will be published and no-one will ever read it.

Adding to this is that most involved care for nothing more than increasing their citations. It's not uncommon to see pajeet doctors with thousands of citations on studies theyve never done anything on other than irresponsibility shunted a patient to the team. They then get more weight and reputation and they continue doing it more.

Basically it's devolved into a weird useless ecosystem populated by low IQ managers and dishonest self promoters. If you went in trying to earnestly work to advance science you'd get no support then no funding.

>> No.15116063

Lead was removed, people are retarded.

>> No.15116225

We discuss this regularly, enough for someone to make a wiki entry about it.

>> No.15116294

Protip: When an article says 'noone knows why' it's means the answer wasn't in the top 10 results of google.

>> No.15116327

>What needs to happen is science being presented in a way that's sophisticated and nuanced enough to allow genuine intellectual discourse, but not so inaccessible that it's only available to professionals.
That is possible, you can describe complex things using laymen terms. But the descriptions would become very longwinded as no jargon shortcuts are allowed. It would also require 1000s of pages describing everything in excruciating detail on the off chance that there is somebody out there who doesn't know a particular definition. It's hard to write a treatise on calculus when you have to spend the first 70% of the book on explaining what addition and multiplication is and why the x in the algebra is not any specific number. You might think this is a joke but that is pretty much as far as most people get in math. Now imagine this for every single scientific subject.

>> No.15116334

This is also why i am positive about the effect of AI in science. It is perfect for jobs like this as it can generate massive amounts of text at any level of complexity without getting bored or tired. Of course now you still need to find a way to get the midwits motivated enough to actually start reading.

>> No.15116396

Honestly yes.

>> No.15116400
File: 400 KB, 711x774, EAT THE BUGS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science has gone as far as it needs to. Your masters have all the means to enslave you and dictate your life as much as possible, while they live in luxury and get to use up all the natural resources doing so while you live in a pod and eat tarantulas and grasshoppers
This is what you get for blindly trusting "the experts", and what said experts will get for selling out

>> No.15116462

> moon landing

>> No.15116465

don't trust government, idiot

>> No.15117888

Our great leader are probably never going to eat that filth.

>> No.15117926

of course not, they will eat all of the remaining meat while you dig in the earth for worms and sleep in pods
it's already become quite obvious that people will put up with literally anything, even if it comes at a cost to them, as long as they have their entertainment, shelter and food. the last step is getting the cattle to get used to their new truffle

>> No.15118303

I'm happy they're accelerating it. They'll find out that wealth doesn't mean shit when human body is so fragile.

>> No.15119234

There is not much money in research, and that is part of the reason why academic politics is so brutal.

t.former postdoc

>> No.15120118

I don't work for McDonalds, I am an unaffiliated burger technician who happens to be paid by McDonalds corporation on completion of my work shift.

>> No.15120171
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they don't have to write for normies, anon, just anyone with a respectable IQ. If 2-3% of the population who aren't in the broadest denomination of that science field can understand, there would be a significant difference.

>> No.15120185

Youre a fucking beta male. I bet you tried veganism you dumb fuck.

>> No.15120348

>And you're not going to know if you're going to have any interesting results until you actually do the research.
This is what kills the field. Even if you want to actually do research, the people with the money only care about results. So in practice you cook up something that looks like a result, and a result of the kind your sponsors want, regardless of the truth.

>> No.15120362

I've never tried veganism, I don't know why you bring it up. Projection perhaps?

>> No.15120805
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>> No.15121645
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>> No.15122254
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>There is not much money in research, and that is part of the reason why academic politics is so brutal.
Makes it easier for just a little money to buy them off and corrupt the "research".

>> No.15122257

The after picrel is kinna hot yo. Like a streewalker $20 blowie look.

>> No.15122271
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>> No.15122314

Because postmodernism deconstructs everything including BASEDENCE it’s no fucking wonder basedence lacks investments.
Without investing into it people end up doing something else.
It also doesn’t help that people study useless sociology and humanities instead of things that matter.
Like I said the problem is with the postmodernist mindset. Get rid of that, get rid of wasteful shit and things will get better.
Unfortunately for that we need more than a pandemic. We need something of a magnitude of the world war 2 to change that.
Pandemic didn’t work. Another war in europe is necessary.

>> No.15122319


>> No.15122339


>> No.15122345 [DELETED] 

very cool take meds now

>> No.15122557
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>> No.15122584

a lot of people would still be too retarded to understand it, but there are still a lot of people who aren't scientists in the field but can still understand things that would disperse the info further to dumber normies

>> No.15122631

very cool take your lexapro

>> No.15122657


>> No.15124158

are niggers secretly high iq? is ebonics the true language of science? if they are high iq and the choose to hide their power level then the lower iqs would never find out

>> No.15124164

take meds

>> No.15124328
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the real laws of physics are all electromagnetic and consciousness-based
any progress would result in a domino effect
Einstein is taught as fact for a reason

>> No.15124332
File: 255 KB, 1024x679, hyperspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a pretty good look at the point where science left off, in the public domain
even then, this wasn't disclosed until much later
it was either technically inaccurate, released prematurely, or for a specific psychological operation, but it's a good start and it points in the right direction
this is how UFOs work
>The Gateway Process Physics Manual

>> No.15124344

The priest is well-read and has studied books literally for a living, chude.

>> No.15124570

take SSRIs