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15102301 No.15102301 [Reply] [Original]

Where are all the Aliens !?

>> No.15102304

aliens dont exist
no i wont explain how I know this to be true

>> No.15102372
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, greer aliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The laws of physics are almost exactly like The Matrix.

The only question is if our matrix is naturally occurring or a technological construct.

Mind over matter physics is considered to be fact.

Manifestation, levitation, teleportation, telekinesis, and other abilities.

The brain is an electromagnetic quantum computer.

There are higher dimensions that interface with consciousness.

There are considered native beings in these higher dimensions, interdimensional beings, demons.

We can enter the higher dimensions using astral projection, and physically using UFOs.

There are considered to be extraterrestrials with similar technology to our own.

Artificial intelligence and synthetic telepathy are considered to be advanced and active.

UFOs are powered by zero-point energy and propulsed by electromagnetic gravitics.

They are considered to have mind over matter physics domination systems.

>> No.15102375
File: 660 KB, 320x240, alien interview.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grays are considered black project synthetic lifeform robots composed of nanobots

>> No.15102382

>stop with the im special hooman shit
if the universe is infinite, there's infinite types of lifeforms thus some of them invented things like ships traveling trough wormholes, time-travel and stuff, they could easily be here already

the real question is why they dont want to contact us

>> No.15102397

the big advanced civilizations that would leave obvious signs of their presence that we couldn't have missed are sufficiently far away that the technosignatures aren't visible to us due to speed of light limit. other than that who knows, we haven't looked very hard.

>> No.15102407
