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15100888 No.15100888 [Reply] [Original]

>Bullying is found in all societies, including modern hunter-gatherer societies and ancient civilisations. It is considered an evolutionary adaptation, the purpose of which is to gain high status and dominance, get access to resources, secure survival, reduce stress and allow for more mating opportunities.
What do you think about this study, /sci?

>> No.15100903
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It toughens you up.
Young millennials and zoomers are all faggots since the jew teachers banned bullying and gave everyone participation trophies.

Older generations like Biden were toughened up by bullying from bad dudes like CornPop.
Biden had to take a 6ft length of chain to that boy to straighten him and his rusty razor out!

>> No.15100906

>It toughens you up.
It doesn't toughen the victims up, according to the study. The victims suffer. The bullies seem to do better.

>> No.15100917
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So it's good for some people at least. Need to bring it back and make bullying popular again.

>> No.15100926

The point is that bullying is primitive, probably a strategy which is very old. We didn't start bullying other people recenctly. Some people will bully more than others as a strategy, even if it's not conscious. They still do it.

>> No.15100948

Back to basics that actually work is usually best.
Primitive diets, etc. are usually best so bullying is based AF it seems.

>> No.15100949

>bullies have even been found to be healthier and stronger than children not involved in bullying
>pure bullies (but not bully/victims or victims) have been found to be strong, highly popular and to have good social and emotional understanding.
Interesting shit.

>> No.15100962

I mean primitive in the sense that it's nothing new. Bullying works. It gives some people an advantage. It's not the only strategy that works though. The most popular and successful people are not bullies, according to that study

>> No.15100971

So bullies are better adjusted than nerds/fag/etc, and sorta midtier in the social status, and the ones who are too Chad to be bullied are still at the top.
Funny they had to do a study for that. Any high school kid could tell you exactly same thing.

>> No.15100988

I agree in a sense. I guess it just goes against what many people say in regard to bullies. Some people say that bullies either feel bad and are basically messed up in some way, but they're not, they actually do better than the victims. The study states that victims need help and that bullying is largely ignored. Bully victims need help, not tough love, but help.

>> No.15101001

>Bully victims need help
Nothing an axe handle, hammer, piece of pipe or a gun won't fix. Bully dead, everyone happy.

>> No.15101003

Everyone will be bullied at some point in their life

>> No.15101013

You can definitely beat bullying but I guess this is statistics. Some people will fight back, but many victims won't. I wish more did but it must be hard.

>> No.15101018

The key to beating a bully is being assertive. I wish we could teach kids who were more vulnerable to bullying to be assertive and not take their shit.

>> No.15101019

>Rape is found in all societies, including modern hunter-gatherer societies and ancient civilisations. It is considered an evolutionary adaptation, the purpose of which is to pass on your genes.

>> No.15101052

>they laugh at your pitiful attempt to resist or seem tough
>they bully you harder

Thanks Dad.

>> No.15101071

Bad parenting results in kid getting bullied instead of becoming the bully

>> No.15101091
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This kinna excites me!

>> No.15101103

my dad always told me to punch them in the neck with no prior warning

>> No.15101107

Bullying is simply a form of social pressure, just more direct and aggressive

>> No.15101108

>they kick your shit in

>> No.15101116

i think the intention was that a healthy punch punch to the neck doesn't leave you in a good position to do anything like that

>> No.15101119

firstly, you've never thrown a real punch before
secondly, its not going incapacitate
thirdly, they probably have friends that will also kick your shit in

>> No.15101122

i started a fight with a bully but he won since he was twice my size. It still did the trick because i managed to get some good hits in and everyone knew i was too much trouble to fuck with

>> No.15101145

these arent fucking hardened criminals its advice for a fucking playground fight, its just supposed to hurt a lot

>> No.15101150

Someone neck punched me I'd fucking stab them 100 times then cut off their balls, stuff them in their mouth, and force them to swallow while I raped them.

>> No.15101175

They tend to regulate actual playgrounds enough to keep fighting down within schools. Once you hit middle school and kids have started puberty, you'll start seeing children built like adults that can do real damage to one another.

>> No.15101205

Maybe bullying is sort of a form of eugenics. I say that because the most outcast, bullied group on the planet is the Jewish people, so perhaps bullying has something to do with the evolution of intelligence, maybe it prevents autism or something.

>> No.15101359

If you don't fight back then maybe you deserve it.

>> No.15101391

>Bullying is found in all societies,
Just a tip of a tip of an iceberg. When you look at any human action you literally observe a pattern that has been developing for millions of years, every tiny single movement is a million year history caught in a moment of now. We all live tranquilized with an illusion that surrounding world is our habitual, civilized, humanized comfy playground and people are some sort of superior intelligent beings, where as in objective reality everything and everyone you observe around at the very present moment is a solid ultimate representation of a million year pattern of actions, expressions, etc., an this same pattern(take bullying for instance) has been happening billions of times over and over again, played like a looped sequence in an abstract 3d model of reality, one and same pattern of ''bulling", put on millions of species over and over again. When you see it, you feel it's something so ancient, it takes you back to the caves and further, it's like watching an old 'dance', where every move has been sharpened for ages.

>> No.15101407

Me Grug. When me bully me gain high status and dominance, get access to resources, secure survival, reduce stress and allow for more mating opportunities. Unga bunga

>> No.15101408

stupid idea. bullies are always second-lowest in status. alphas are in charge and unthreatened, that means they watch out for their bros and try to help them. no faggot bully gets pussy because of it. even in a motorcycle gang there are alphas who don’t bully, and ratlike bullies who get no pussy

>> No.15101412

I eat big macs all day doing nothing but watch porn and play Heroes of Might & Magic 3, guess that means I’m from a lineage of kings. Stupid fucking subhuman retard

>> No.15101464

That's a good one. I mean, if someone neck punched me, I'd definitely make them regret it. But I'm not sure I'd go as far as stabbing them 100 times and mutilating their genitals. That's a bit extreme, don't you think? But hey, to each their own. I'm just glad I'm smart enough to come up with more subtle ways of exacting revenge.

>> No.15101500

Bullying is an attempt by that person to assert physical dominance. If they are bigger and stronger the only way you can win is with a weapon. But then you get in trouble and are seen as the bad guy. It's a lose lose. The only legal thing to do is to try to fight back pitifully, maybe get in some good hits that they will remember so they are hesitant to try again because they remember the amount of effort evolved and see it as not worth it. Everyone will see you as weaker, people might feel sorry for you. It's either that or go to jail.

>> No.15101516

So nothing happened to the bully to dissuade, but now he and his posse wants revenge too.

>> No.15101576

The way you grab your burger with your hand, like an ape, looking around to make sure no one's taking it away from you, the way your body gets tense as you blink your pig eyes and take a bite, the way you moan and chew your fastfood pos meal, while "stroking" your 2inch manhood failure, that will never be used to reproduce since your entire lineage is a joke of life, etc. etc., it all shows you're not much of a desperate delusional degenerate, bearing a miserable existence of a fucking ape that is so useless, it's been dumped even by its fella degenerate tribe relatives

>> No.15101634
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>the jew teachers banned bullying and gave everyone participation trophies.
>teachers banned bullying

>> No.15101653
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>> No.15101675

The victims become schizophrenic and scapegoated. That's why schizophrenia is still selected for in evolution. Religion used to hold scapegoat ceremonies, instead we have schizophrenics offering themselves for symbolic sacrifice

>> No.15101690

Life is not a cartoon, and the kid who hits the bully always faces the social/instututional/legal consequences

>> No.15101701

fuck a bully

>> No.15101777

Yet another attempt to argue away the unnatural, increasing agression in society, as well as the complete removal of any legal opportunities to deal with the problem.

>> No.15101829

Checked. Winners win, losers lose. This isn't revolutionary.

>> No.15101834

I think the idea that humans have always been atomized is a sign of how degenerate modern American society actually is.

In any pre-modern society, if my kid came home with a black eye and said another kid hit them, I would be on my way to go kill a male relative from the other lineage to avenge my families honor. The idea of humans sinking or swimming on an individual and not a group level is something which was only socially possible with the development of a modern state and industrial economy.

>> No.15102028

I know. I was one of those kids. I was suspended, put in in-school restriction and almost expelled because I fought back against my bullies. Never started any of those fights once. I hate fighting. But it's really fucking important for a man to defend himself.

>> No.15102285

>increasing agression in society
>violent crime trending downwards for over 100 years

>> No.15103222

Bullying creates inefficient and socially and emotionally crippled workers.
You are a cog in the machine and bullies make shitty cogs out of victims.

>> No.15103363
File: 69 KB, 452x363, soy smug 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm just glad I'm smart enough to come up with more subtle ways of exacting revenge.

>> No.15103387

I think an important thing to keep in mind, is that bullying does not only exist in humans. Other animals use it to establish and maintain pecking orders and breeding rights. Since humans are mostly free from natural selection, we're mostly affected by sexual and artificial selection. The being the case, it's reasonable that a mechanism of behavior so widely observed in nature, is still practiced despite our increased intelligence, and our ability to contemplate morality.

In order to better understand this behavior, I think it's best to start by establishing that geography has a significant impact on culture. I.e, a group of people settle in an area, determine what the most comfortable existence they can establish is, and then create a culture that justifies that existence, while demonizing detracting behaviors, and encouraging behavior that supports the aforementioned culture.

How does bullying factor into all this? While no one likes the idea of being bullied, harassed, etc, we all enjoy upward social mobility, or at the very least, stability in regards to our current social position. By degrading others, especially in social settings such as school, a bully is able to publically announce their social standing, as at the very least, being above that of the person they are harassing. Most people never do anything to prevent the bullying of another, because that action introduces the opportunity for downward social mobility, with little in the way of possible rewards. Although we all like to believe we would do something heroic when we see wrongdoing, most psychological and sociological evidence points to the contrary.

>> No.15103398

It is also unsurprising that most bullies tend to not be extremely successful, and the most victims suffer longterm negative consequences. The type of person attracted to bullying will typically be a person that cannot establish a high social standing with physical ability or intelligence, so by demeaning others, especially those with traits they lack, they are able to create a level of social standing (albeit temporarily) usually unobtainable to them. Regarding the victims of bullying, this attitude of "it toughens you up", is just ridiculous. While we can always expect negative social interactions to be a part of our experience as a social species, being harassed and abused is not to be expected, as it is maladaptive behavior.

I think it's also important to make a distinction between bullying that exists to elevate the social standing of the abuser, and the natural "demonization" of behavior that is seen as culturally inappropriate. As I mentioned before, all cultures seek to encourage some behavior and prevent others, and to the end, social settings have an unspoken code of conduct which is to be followed, or one will face social consequences. And these consequences tend to be focused on ostracization, instead of intentional physical or psychological abuse. As an example, if you were at store, and a person walked in dressed as an actual clown, most people would be uncomfortable around them, and treat them differently as a result, since they're violating social norms. This type of bullying is useful for society, as it promotes social cohesion, a sense of normalcy, and shared values, whereas the aforementioned type of bullying, has not postive consequences

>> No.15103504
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I wouldn't subscribe to your theory if you were GROWING ON MY ASS

>> No.15103610

>What do you think about this study
Psychology isn't science

>> No.15105050

>That's a bit extreme, don't you think?
I thought it was letting the dude off easy. I would do worse than that to anyone who sucker punched me.

>> No.15105055

>The idea of humans sinking or swimming on an individual and not a group level is something which was only socially possible with the development of a modern state and industrial economy.
^That is why society is crumbling and humans are devolving into weaker and weaker animals.

>> No.15105061
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>the kid who hits the bully always faces the social/instututional/legal consequences
That is because the "system", "government", "laws" are designed to stifle and enslave the individual, and make you a mindless cog hivemind thinker.
Reject their rules.

>> No.15105325

People who get bullied tend to murder the people that bully them.
Bullying is a quick trip to an early grave.

>> No.15105327

When you bully someone, you turn that person into a murderer.
The person who is going to murder you.
It's quite simple, really.
Bullying is about creating murderers.

>> No.15105406

People bullied me, and now I'm gonna murder 'em.
Big murder.
Big time murder.
Got it all planned out, too. Police won't find out.

>> No.15105411

Your responses are very funny. I want chat gpt to have this way of expressing

>> No.15105546

>if my kid came home with a black eye and said another kid hit them, I would be on my way to go kill a male relative from the other lineage to avenge my families honor
this is actual ghetto nigga logic. You should move to the projects, they love killing people over respect over there

>> No.15105550


The "aut" in autism is derived from "auto", meaning self. It's a mental pattern that focuses really heavily on the shit they like with very little regard or understanding of what others may value. It's clear that this kind of behavior just isn't conducive to a cohesive and successful social group, so they must be bullied and stigmatized to keep their ideas and values out of the mainstream.

If you let autists have any sort of influence or power they will divert countless resources to literally staring off into space and putting microchips in people's brains. The ones that aren't smart enough for that are making up escapist fantasy worlds and stories that disconnect people from real world issues.

It shouldn't surprise anyone that these types of entirely self-motivated people are filtered out by bullying.

>> No.15105556

>bully gets hit in the back of the head with a blunt weapon when his back is turned and is hurt severely
>knows that's likely to happen again
>finds someone else to pick on

Bullies typically are just after a feeling of power and looking for someone to victimize. If they think they're actually at physical risk then they'll target someone else. They don't actually want to escalate things in blood feud when it's just pointless sport to them.

>> No.15105557

nigga you be soft. no wunnda you aint being respected.

>> No.15106087

Women also bully but they don't do it direct and aggressive. Bullying is simply about enforcing social norms. Adults don't need to bully because they have developed techniques for modifying other people's behaviour without antagonizing them.

>> No.15106094

The point of resisting is not to win but to train you to not fear adversity.

>> No.15106097

He's an american, they all think like ghetto niggers. Usually the harder they scream they are white, the more ghetto they think. Kind of ironic.

>> No.15106106

That's not how it works. Bullying victims either stand up for themselves or cower in fear. Those that choose to kill are usually the latter. But because of their fear of the bully they channel their anger to bystanders who can't fight back. That's the school shooter mentality.

>> No.15108264

99 percent of bullies bully others (like with many other things in life) to get some sort of reward. Reputation, respect or pussy. If they think that they won't get any such reward or if they think the risk and effort is too great they likely won't bully you. If you fight back, sure you might get your teeth kicked in but you also show that bullying you is too much of a hustle. Why risk losing the fight and spent effort beating you when they can target someone who won't fight back? Similarly why bully when you get no benefit. Bullying someone that is generally well-liked and respected won't get you any "cred" it will make you loook like an asshole. Similarly bullying someone people emphatize with like let's say a disabled kid is a surefire way to get everyone to hate you.

The remaining one percent are total psychos that can't be reasoned with. They will bully you just because they can with little to no thought process. Such people often don't last long. They either get expelled, get their shit kicked in by someone stronger, be reduced to someones pet dog and never move up in life and they are also statisticly will likely end up in jail. The best way to avoid such people is to just work your ass off to enroll or join a place that doesn't accept them.

Also bullying doesn't just exist in school anon. Adults bully eachother all the time just in different, less physical ways.

>> No.15108353

It's more everyday agression, that is becoming normalized. Notice how this is being argued to be not bullying, not something that gets you beaten up, but normal behavior among good friends, and you are probably asocial if you disagree:


>> No.15108373
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>> No.15108434


>> No.15108464

People who get bullied almost never have the courage to do anything crazy, that’s why people bully them.

>> No.15108471

I'm from the South lol. We had dueling up until the 20th century.

If you're willing to allow your families honor to be insulted, you're a weak cuck, and people like me will bully the absolute shit out of you.

Incidentally, this is the most evolutionarily natural behavior.

>> No.15108988

Bullying doesn't turn people into murderers. It does turn them into people who fantasize about murder though.

>> No.15109098

I have ptsd from bullying in highschool. Nothing physical, but they were very good at turning me into an outcast. The sad thing is that when I go and check on my main bullies now, they're just failure/burnout wageslaves. I sit back and wonder what the actual point of it was a lot, they weren't successful, and the only conclusion is that they just did it out of some kind of perverse joy.

I'm a fairly successful STEM grad, but thankfully I've learned to control my anxiety in social situations. Though there still is that nagging thought at the back of my mind that everybody just hates me.

>> No.15109202

Good emotional understanding is needed to properly insult other people.

>> No.15109212

Why do you psychos push this lie? It doesn't toughen you up. I was bullied in elementary school and it made me more antisocial and shy than I was before.

>> No.15109213

That's why the USA has so many school shootings?

>> No.15109223


>> No.15109260

I don't see as many school shootings in countries like Finland or Serbia.

>> No.15109818

You put it perfectly lol.

>> No.15109850

The best part is when you fight back and learn youre not allowed to win.
>"you nedd to calm down"
>"you have an attitude problem"
>"take the L"
>"you lost, get over it"
>"it is what is"
>"theres nothing you can do"
There is always something you can do, you can confront your opponents, you can fight them, and you can win. They just cant stsnd it. People who dont understand boundaries and cant keep their hands to themselves always jock out then pretend to be the hero. Meatheads get what they fuckin deserve.

>> No.15109853


>> No.15109871

If you do fight back people dill immediately pivot to saying youre dangerous. Ultimately bullies are narcissists who think thfy are justified. Its not a cult of perdonality, its a cult of abuse, and if you win the fight they start with you theyll say , "oh god now hes on the lose" the acculturation process is tainted with this bullshit. It even happens in the military, its called Election Through Insubordination. Imagine a crew training to sail a vessel, and they all decide they dont like the guy in command. The engine crew disobeys orders, they all do really, but they surprise him with it. Make him look like an ass. Then the next time this group of narcs selects one of their own as team leader and make him look great.
Its not just corruption,
Its not just bullying,
Its a false flag strategy played at every level of every battle they fight. Libel, slander, fake witnesses, fake situations, fake information, fake references, fske outrage. Everything is a lie with these people, they will stop at nothing to fabricate the situations they want.
If you win, then theres really someghing wrong with you. Thats all theyll say. Its always your fault for winning. "Why are you so confrontational?" they cry, with crocodile tears. So fucking hit them.