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15100886 No.15100886 [Reply] [Original]

What happens if I took the mRNA vaccine, is there a cure

>> No.15100913
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No cure. The longer it has been since you had it, the less likely it seems it will kill you though, so that's some good news if you took it months ago or even further back.

>> No.15100919

It probably doesn't even matter. All the evidence points towards clotshot bots spreading some kind of disease that causes autoimmunte disorders. If you've been in proximity to a clotshot bot, you're getting depopulated along with them.

>> No.15100924
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>clotshot bots spreading some kind of disease that causes autoimmunte disorders
Well the virus and the clot shots were both made by combing covid virus with HIV. "Autoimmune" checks out.

>> No.15100929
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Don't know about AIDS but do a blood count. If you're low on neutrophils and high on lymphocytes, you have whatever it is clotbots are spreading. I know I have it now.

>> No.15100946

Damn that sucks bro. How close proximity were you to a vax-sheep?

>> No.15100947
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>> No.15100953

Aren't people dying of the vaccines being cremated to prevent further spread??
What makes me wonder is will the toxins in them survive the cremation and be lofted into the air??

>> No.15100954
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I live with them.

>> No.15100956

Epin trowlen but do a blood test and check your white blood cell counts. The memes are real.

>> No.15100967

Separate rooms/bathrooms? Shared kitchen obviously.
Do you keep your dishes separate or wash them before you use them?
Cook your own food, or let the vaxxed cook it for you?
Curious if it is airborne.

>> No.15100974

>Shared kitchen obviously.
>Do you keep your dishes separate or wash them before you use them?
>Cook your own food, or let the vaxxed cook it for you?
Sometimes I cook, sometimes they cook. It could have been contaminated food, or dishes, or just airborne, shaking hands... I don't know. Could be anything. Could be all a pure coincidence, except for the funny timing and the fact that other people are reporting the same.

>> No.15100979

If the vaccinated are shedding airborne toxins, that is really bad. That might explain why governments stopped vaccinating at around 60% compliance rate, since if the majority are vaccinated and shedding toxins, then they will eventually infect everyone that isn't super rich living in isolated compounds and government areas.

>> No.15100982

you gave some dumb, horrible people more money and power

>> No.15100983
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Pic related: my last blood count. Maybe medsfags would have a better explanation for it. My doctor didn't mention it at all, bizarrely.

>> No.15100985

Cremation destroys prions.

>> No.15100987

Damn. I'd find a new doctor for starters. One who hasn't been paid off by big pharma to push the clot shot and actually questions "the science" like a doctor always should.

>> No.15100997

>Cremation destroys prions.
That's good to know. Was skeptical, but just read that temperatures are 1400-1800F for 2+hours, so that sounds slightly above what prions are able to survive thankfully. Guess that is why governments are requiring clot-shot victims to be cremated.

However, I wonder about any chemicals actually in the vaccine surviving cremations.

>> No.15100998

I should. She's been generally pretty useless even before this.

>> No.15101006

>However, I wonder about any chemicals actually in the vaccine surviving cremations.
The dangerous non-biological ones like graphene and PEG-cholesterol crystals are carbon-containing and burn easily.

>> No.15101009

A woman doctor? kek good for checking for a hernia if they are cute, but nothing else.

>> No.15101583

Just like to post yet another reminder that 6 months ago any mention of this on /sci/ would have you guys seething and crying about muh scitzo /pol/ boogeyman.
Will any of you re-examine your methods and at least attempt to get control of your hubris? Or are you all gonna pretend that you were saying this all along like everyone else seems to be?
>inb4 ad hominem cope

>> No.15101629

>i took the first does of pfizer in novermber of 2021. i haven't had another shot
i dont know what comes next but the only adverse side-effects ive had is internalizing the fear the skeptics produce
i was working with the public at a liquor store for the entirety of that pandemic. at its very start i was delivering packages while in college. i caught a predicted flu-like sickness in March 2020 but did not suspect covid on account of no loss of taste or smell, very familiar sickness.
i lost my sense of smell and taste two months after my first and only does of the vaccine. i haven't given a shit about it since because it let me drink like a son of a bitch with no taste or smell of the vomit. don't worry OP. it'll take more than a flu to end this human-race.

>> No.15101668

oh a hello fellow migapedes i didn't expect to see you guys this far away from r/pol!

>> No.15101691
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>> No.15101694

you're an embarrassment to reddit mate, and that's going some. Now go home

>> No.15102413

unironically, bloodletting, so go donate blood every month.

>> No.15102420

>What happens if I took the mRNA vaccine, is there a cure
yeah, but it will delete God's signature from your dna

and thus you go directly to hell

or at least that's the word on the street

>> No.15102599

>Step 1 - No more injections
>Step 2 - Live a healthy life style, get sunshine (supplement vitamin D otherwise), eat a nutritious diet, be physically active
>Step 3 - Consider temporarily supplementing things like aspirin and proteolytic enzymes (lumbrokinase, serrapeptase, and/or nattokinase) to degrade clots and rogue spike proteins
That's what I'd do.