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15099661 No.15099661 [Reply] [Original]

As I understand it human males are attracted to features like wide hips and narrow waists is because it indicates the woman can get pregnant but currently isn't, but in most species enlarged breasts are a temporary sign that a female is pregnant or breastfeeding, meaning she is already occupied with a child and isn't available to make another - so where did this attraction come from?

>> No.15099706
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works cited: autoethnography

>> No.15099968


>To resolve this paradox I suggest we bite the bullet. Humans evolved breasts as sexually attractive features precisely because they signalled infertility. A male primate who is not put off by, or even attracted to, breasts will stay with a female protecting her when she is in her most vulnerable state - during pregnancy and just after childbirth. For a female to select for such males improves her chances of successful reproduction. Moreover, in an environment where it is an advantage for males to stay with and support a female, a taste for breasts can keep the male investing in his own interest at the most critical time for support. In essence, permanent breasts had a pre-historic purpose of separating the men from the ‘fuckboys’.

>My theory of the evolution of breasts is that they are an adaptation for a slow life history rather than a fast life history. Breasts are K-selected. r-selected animals with a fast life history have short lifespans and mature quickly. K-selected species have longer lifespans, invest more in their children and take longer to mature. Fast life history is an adaptation to unstable ecologies where mortality is more random and uncontrollable so the best option is to have as many offspring as possible. By contrast in predictable environments, there’s an advantage to investing more in offspring to increase their chances.

>Breasts by selecting for stable, long-term relationships between males and females facilitate long-term investment in offspring. It makes sense that only humans would have permanent breasts. Compared to other primates we have a slow life history strategy. We live for a particularly long time, take a long time to mature and need substantial resources and protection to develop our large brains.

>> No.15099969
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>> No.15099975
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>> No.15100692
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I would like to conduct further research into this area

>> No.15100698

>why do permanently enlarged breasts exist
Women are supposed to breastfeed their whole lives. It's more efficient if the breasts stay thick, rather than inflate and deflate. See milk cow udders for reference. They're milked continuously so they're huge.

>why do men like them
They signal fertility. Little girls are flat, and menopausal women get floppy tits. Perky = she can have babies and feed them.

>> No.15100703

>To resolve this paradox I suggest we bite the bullet. Humans evolved breasts as sexually attractive features precisely because they signalled infertility.
Wrong, but the rest of the post is not far off from what happened. Source: I talk to God a lot, he told me what happened.

>> No.15100751

Because we think they're pretty. Same reason why birds have colorful feathers and large plums.

Simple as.

>> No.15101654

why are you gay?

>> No.15101659

Breasts do enlarge during pregnancy and shrink when breast feeding ends. In some women, the change is not very noticeable but in some it is significant and leads to premature sag. It is common enough that some insurance and even the US military, will pay for implants to restore the breasts.

>> No.15101743

Because boobs look like a butt. The butt recognition part of the brain is triggered by boobs.

>> No.15102695
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>> No.15102738

I have a totally different theory. Men are hunters and our eyes automatically lock on everything that moves. And nothing moves more nicely than big boobs bouncing around. There is an epic gif of a girl with big boobs and no bra making some dancing moves, can't remember the name at the moment. Anyway, it's all about the motion.

>> No.15102832

We work by sexual selection. Men are gynephiles, women are androphiles. Men are also attracted to long hair because they go bald due to effects of DHT. Our minds conform to material reality not reality to the mind.

>> No.15103681

I don't like boobs, but fat guys' moobs.