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15099313 No.15099313 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to travel on an airplane without getting covid? Also none of that mask bullshit, I’m not a bugman.

>> No.15099331
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viruses don't exist. you are stupid shill.

>> No.15099332

I traveled back and forth to Florida, via Washington DC, and didn't get COVID. I am quintuple vaxxed

>> No.15099334

you are samefag. VIRUSES DON'T EXIST. see, I can also use all capitals.

>> No.15099348

I've flown internationally about 18 times since December 2019 and I never got covid
what a silly thread

>> No.15099416
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No, you must mask up, for your safety and the safety of your fellow passengers.

>> No.15099423

Masks reduce chance of transmission. I'm sorry it won't make you look cool in front on your republican friends

>> No.15099574

Agreed, I'm not wearing their masks, I refuse, nobody tells me what to do. What I do do though is wear a piece of fabric over my mouth and nose attached to my ears with elastic because if I'm sick and don't know it then I don't want to accidentally sneeze on someone who might die from my sickness

>> No.15099584

> I am quintuple vaxxed
So stunning and brave.

>> No.15099772

where do you have to go thats so important? weere you flying to visit mommy & daddy during the school break? were the christmas presents they got for you satisfactory?

>> No.15100299

There's no covid, faggot.

>> No.15100435

still, viruses don't exist. only shills use word "covid"

>> No.15100438

"vaccinated" is not scientific. there's no way to prove that someone is "vaccinated".

>> No.15100500

theres no covid faggot

>> No.15100507
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>> No.15100558

nobody has ever definitively proved transmission occurs on airplanes. planes also exchange cabin air every couple minutes, which is far better than any hospital. same for subway trains which also have a high rate of air exchange, yet everyone was terrified of going on one because it's an 'enclosed tube'.

>> No.15100742
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there is no covid faggot

>> No.15100752

Put on your best Bane mask.

>> No.15101106

Not sure how I'm supposed to fuck that

>> No.15101121

took supps similar to Zelenko week leading up to flights and had zero problem

>> No.15101125

Doing a blood panel to see if someone is missing all their IgG3 antibodies is a pretty scientific proof of vaccination.

>> No.15101141
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>Is it possible to travel on an airplane without getting covid?
Probably not since all airlines were forced by the Democrat controlled government to mandate that all stewardesses and pilots have the jab, so they are all spreading the virus and other toxins now.

>> No.15101156

>nobody has ever definitively proved transmission occurs on airplanes
It's absolutely been proven for international flights. The longer the flight, the greater the risk.
The argument that it's safe to fly was simply to protect the airline industry.

>> No.15101197

airplanes don't exist, moron

>> No.15101201

No, stay at your shithole trumpist town my retarded friend.

>> No.15101215
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The whole thing was a PSYOP. It's the common cold virus.

>> No.15101216
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>> No.15101243

>Still gets it anyway

>> No.15102077

still, viruses DON't exist, virology is a hoax

>> No.15102168

>Pfizer x 3
>Natural immunity
So either they were previously infected and still felt the need to get three injections, or they were infected despite being vaccinated.

>> No.15102211

Anyone with 3 shots can never get natural immunity. Even if they had it to begin with, the proper immune response is destroyed by overvaxing.

>> No.15102421

>Can I get shot without dying?
>And none of that bulletproof vest bullshit
This is you, OP. If you want to avoid consequences without taking simple steps to prevent them, you're going to suffer the consequences. Enjoy.

>> No.15102430

That implies that cloth face diapers have any effect.

>> No.15102866
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she rape ur lungs

>> No.15103022

Would be fun to sit next to her. hehheheheh She'd be institutionalized by the time I got through with her.

>> No.15103401

LMAO you think you can just fuck with someone on an airplane where dozens of other people can see what you do and say. One complaint to a flight attendant and you or she gets moved to a different seat. If you've been a really big douche, you'll get arrested upon landing and will face federal charges.

But we both know that you're just a keyboard warrior with a three-inch fat roll hanging over your four-inch cock, and will never do anything to anyone because you're a stupid coward.

>> No.15103933

Not that anon, but I assume just some sniffling, sneezing, coughing, and rubbing snot on the seat would drive her nuts.

>> No.15104300

it's a fact, viruses don't exist

>> No.15105086

>you'll get arrested upon landing and will face federal charges.
>Ooogah booogah boogah the fat TSA bitches gonna get you!
Ooooooooh sooooooo skeery! KEK!

You seem to have dick on your brain. You the local troon that's always spamming on here? You will never be a woman, and now you won't even get any cock, since gays hate troons.

>> No.15105391

This. Just behaving in a normal but unsightly manner in front of these hypochondriacs sends them into fits. It might even cause her to have an attack of the spins.