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File: 239 KB, 566x379, B5FE61DB-C9A0-4163-9B69155EAE310B4E-601278946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15098569 No.15098569 [Reply] [Original]

But why did he have to be a jew?
His full name is literally Eliezer Shlomo Yudkowsky

>> No.15098573

His Bayesian analysis indicated that being born a chosenite would be the most rational decision under the current circumstances.

>> No.15098590

Von Neumann was a Jew. Lots of people who are right about things/smart are Jews. I happen to be a Jew as well, but I think I'd say it about anyone/anything.

I think Big Yud is right about a lot of things but he's also said/done some bizarrely ridiculous things, so it's hard to trust him in general. When it comes to AI it's probably better to err on the side of assuming there's a significant chance he'll eventually be shown to be right, whether it happens in 20 or 50 or 150 years.

>> No.15098594

Ashkenazi Jews are the smartest population group on earth and Hitler was gifted the US the atom bomb by chasing the cream of the jewish crop out of continental Europe
be better than Hitler

>> No.15098603

It's honestly really funny how Nazi Germany shot themselves in the foot by getting rid of/scaring away all their Jewish scientists and engineers. Especially because tons of German Jews were quite nationalistic and proud of being German. If not for the antisemitic components of National Socialism, tons of anti-communist Jews would've happily joined the fray and tried to help them win, just like they did in overwhelming numbers during WWI (which the German government suppressed after ordering a study on it).

>> No.15098615

>dumb JIDF shills reveal their presence
Good job, OP.

>> No.15098624

I'm a smart JIDF shill, actually.

>> No.15098632

יהודונים החוצה.

>> No.15098718

Sounds like you're just metabolically privileged

>> No.15098731

Holy shit get a life

>> No.15098926
File: 669 KB, 1742x2014, AI alignment bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientifically, what is the probability that AI will lead to human extinction and why is it >99.9%?


>> No.15099009

I would have to say zero.

I mean, unless you're some probability wanker and believe that there's a nonzero chance the sand in all the worlds beaches will forge into a great glass dragon.

Autonomy, utility, volition; It don't be like they think it do.

>> No.15099024

what kind of smarmy cunt made this

>> No.15099028 [DELETED] 

stop spamming the kike youtube "influencers" on /sci/

>> No.15099029

>Jews are smarter than most of us and must be destroyed
>Jews are smarter than most of us and must be socially manipulated into careers that serve our scientific needs

>> No.15099042

Average IQ in Israel is below the global average

>> No.15099056 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 220x293, hidous kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

semites originate from the only terrestrial passage between african and the rest of the world. semites have curly hair, fat lips and dark eyes because they have substantial african dna. africans in turn continue to interbreed with chimpanzees, so the african part of the semite dna is not even entirely human, they have chimp genes.

>> No.15099060

Dude ran a weird sex cult

>> No.15099420

Did he?

>> No.15099424

To be fair Israel has been "expanding", bringing in the kind of people the blow themselves up so they can fuck 72 virgin goats with Muhammad

>> No.15099486

>muh jews

Go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.15099487

Holy shit, try leaving the trailer park for once in your life.

>> No.15099489

I would if the Jews didn't keep hiking the rent