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File: 169 KB, 1321x1176, yhbSfEY143ql.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15097564 No.15097564 [Reply] [Original]

football player drops dead of a heart attack on monday night football with millions of ppl watching.
>cringe vaxxxies desperately trying to explain it away as another """""coincidence"""""

>> No.15097708

>drops dead
meanwhile in reality
>currently alive

>heart stops out of nowhere!
>Massive hit directly to chest by 300lbs moving 15mph
Yeah prolly the vax

>> No.15097714

Why did the jannies sweep up the medical thread about this?

>> No.15097716
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hello, i see you newly discovered that you're an expert in cardiology this morning, very common occurrence on the internet today. quite a coincidence, completely unexpected

>> No.15097723
File: 70 KB, 640x572, 4chan mods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're censoring this topic because they are glow in the dark niggers and their ZOG masters have instructed them to censor this topic.

>> No.15097731

if he dropped dead after getting hit
it was probably because he got hit
football niggas are massive these days
It's far more devastating if a 300lb player gets hit by another 300lb player than if two 200 lb players collide.

>> No.15097732

In the entire history of the NFL, only one other player has died on the field.

A few others have died during their playing careers, but it's an insanely small number, and none have died from the same thing as commotio cordis despite tens of thousands of players and countless hits to the chest area. Throw in other contact sports, like rugby, soccer, hockey, and this becomes even more rare.
It's most likely caused by the vaccine, we'll have to see what the test results are.

>> No.15097743

What is the mechanism that the vax kills people by?

>> No.15097999
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Blood clot. Probably auto-immune in nature. mRNA enters your healthy cells and turns them into spike protein factories, leading your immune system to attack healthy cells, including heart cells (myocarditis).

>> No.15098018

What the fucking fuck is this schizophrenia bro touch grass immediately

>> No.15098045

I don't think the amount of mRNA in one vaccine is high enough to "infect" enough cells to cause cardiac damage. Even if the vaccine was administered directly into the heart, which it's not. It's applied to a muscle, so the infected cells are most likely muscle fibres and fibrocytes. An absolute minimum of the mRNA is probably flushed into your circulation by blood. Not a doctor yet, but this is what I'd expect. Tell me more if you have other information, please.

>> No.15098056

You know that person isn't paid by pfizer to post that? He's just trying to get views by making shit up lol

>> No.15098062

He's not dead. They'll keep him on life support long enough to make sure the autopsy report won't show anything interesting

>> No.15098068

I think you are lost, nigger. Twitter dot com is that way.

>> No.15098072

I laugh at the low IQs of chuds and their ignorance of baselines, as they wallow in their brainlet confirmation bias.

"To further understand the scale of the problem, a study, named the FIFA Sudden Death Report (FIFA-SDR), was commissioned by FIFA and carried out by Saarland University. It was published in 2020.[7] The report recorded worldwide deaths attributed to sudden cardiac arrest or other unexplained sudden death while playing (or shortly after playing) football during the period from 2014 to 2018. There were 617 cases during the five-year period. In the majority of cases where an autopsy was carried out, the cause of death was coronary heart disease."

>> No.15098088
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>the amount
A tiny amount of an otherwise harmless substance can be fatal if the immune system overreacts to it, e.g. anaphylactic shock from a bee sting allergy or a peanut allergy.

>Not a doctor yet, but this is what I'd expect. Tell me more if you have other information, please.
I'm not a doctor either. But I do understand economic incentives.


>> No.15098103


As a physician he should know not to diagnose people he has not examined. Those trying to use their expert authority to project unsubstantiated diagnosis are terrible horrible people.

>> No.15098173

you have to factor in some things that are not obvious because of the amount of lies being told.
1) intramuscular injections absolutely do not stay in the muscle. to a large extent, the viscosity of the drug determines how quickly it disperses and distributes systemically. vax are water based and low viscosity, meaning they enter the bloodstream or lymphatic system easily. yes, they will affect muscle tissue, but so does every other injection which acts systemically.
2) gene amplification is very real--that is, cells don't go back to reference DNA in the nucleus for every genetic segment produced. that would be way too inefficient. that means in certain cells there will be a lot of duplication of vax RNA/DNA.
3) the vax spike produced is toxic and inflammatory and includes some or all of the receptor binding domain. that means cells with ACE II receptors are subject to dysfunctional signalling with exposure to vax generated proteins.
4) endothelium is only one cell thick in most places. this lines the heart and blood vessels and is high in ACE II. damage to these cells is a big deal.
5) in animal tests, injection into the blood caused clear and rapid cardiovascular injury.

>> No.15098177

Why is that doctor using a diagram of a baseball player? He does know that shoulder pads are akin to armor and protect the chest too, right?

>> No.15098199

>I don't think the amount of mRNA in one vaccine is high enough to "infect" enough cells to cause cardiac damage.
Have you not been reading up on the rates of myo and pericarditis after vaccination, especially in young males? They can claim "mild" all they want, but inflammation of the heart is never a good thing.

>> No.15098205

>"To further understand the scale of the problem, a study, named the FIFA Sudden Death Report (FIFA-SDR), was commissioned by FIFA and carried out by Saarland University. It was published in 2020.[7] The report recorded worldwide deaths attributed to sudden cardiac arrest or other unexplained sudden death while playing (or shortly after playing) football during the period from 2014 to 2018. There were 617 cases during the five-year period. In the majority of cases where an autopsy was carried out, the cause of death was coronary heart disease."
Okay, and what was the rate in 2021 and 2022? Having a baseline means nothing without current data to compare it to.

>> No.15098262

They refuse to report it because of how high the numbers are now.

>> No.15098269

It's about 10x higher

>> No.15098358
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>>Massive hit directly to chest by 300lbs moving 15mph
Happens every day in practice, to most every player on most every snap.
Average similar hits the average NFL player gets a year in practice and games combined = 10,000-15,000 (NFL statistics)

>> No.15098361
File: 148 KB, 1100x675, Coincidence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the entire history of the NFL, only one other player has died on the field.
Very condeming of the "vaccine".

>> No.15098372
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>It's about 10x higher

>> No.15098457

This is only the beginning.
Next season will see even more on-field deaths.

>> No.15098485

>3) the vax spike produced is toxic and inflammatory and includes some or all of the receptor binding domain. that means cells with ACE II receptors are subject to dysfunctional signalling with exposure to vax generated proteins.
The vax spike protein is a modified version of the spike protein that cannot expand on contact with anything, as it would produce an immune response to the extended spike proteins. You are a retard and don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.15098492

>This is only the beginning.
>Next season will see even more on-field deaths.
I might actually watch football for the first time ever if that happens. Always said football needs more violence, such as landmines and swords, but clot-drops would make it somewhat watchable as well.

>> No.15098501

>don't know what you are talking about
no you obviously don't and are obviously not even in the medical research field with that idiotic and amateurish answer you gave.

>> No.15098510

>The vax spike protein is a modified version of the spike protein that cannot expand on contact with anything
It's already known it doesn't remain in the closed position. You're stating the 2021 narrative, a lot of which has already been proven false, but unfortunately people are sticking to it anyway. Once the protein is cleaved, in can go wherever and interact with cells. That doesn't change the fact that the pseudouridine allows for the mRNA to last for a very long time, and the LNPs allow cell entry regardless of ACE2. Any cell that expresses the spike protein is going to be targeted for apoptosis. That's not a good thing if the cell is part of the heart, or lungs, or kidneys, or endothelium.

>> No.15098549

>targeted for apoptosis
As is any virally infected, via flu, covid, or otherwise.
>That doesn't change the fact that the pseudouridine allows for the mRNA
>THE pseudouridine
Pseudouridine is the most common modication to RNA, I am not sure what you are getting at here
>It's already known it doesn't remain in the closed position
I have yet to see this discussed anywhere
The fact you can breathe with your nose astonishes me

>> No.15098559

>It's already known it doesn't remain in the closed position.
source: your ass
or rather: shit, this is yet another antivax researcher who found circulating spike and embarrassed himself by not realizing that the vax spike (2P) has been modified to be conformationally stable, meaning the circulating spike is actually viral spike from a COVID infection, so how do we save his 'stellar' research? oh, I know... we utter a simple negation: "no, it does NOT remain conformationally stable." simple does the trick!

>> No.15098841 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15098857
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>less than 5 seconds between the hit and him falling over
If your heart got magically deleted from your body right now it'd take longer than that for you to collapse

>> No.15098869

why every time?

>> No.15098911

I didn't vaxx and I don't have weird heart issues. Prob just a coincidence tho

>> No.15098921
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>> No.15098948

Go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.15098949
File: 351 KB, 937x405, Antivaxx_schizos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another schizo antivaxxer thread on sci

Yeah, I'm thinking somebody needs to have sex. You incel losers have really taken over this board. The mods really need to start doing their jobs.

>> No.15098957 [DELETED] 

You're not a real scientist

>> No.15098969
File: 85 KB, 680x680, 1650334703086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suddenly the shills swarm in to call everyone they don't like all the usual tired insults

>> No.15098991
File: 91 KB, 720x540, 296182757_3121918001402413_376397921946247092_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why contain it?

>> No.15098992 [DELETED] 

Musk fired literal thousands of glownigger propaganda agents when he cleaned house at twitter. Those glowniggers have all subsequently been reassigned to duties on other social media sites.

>> No.15099001

They seem very poorly adjusted to imageboards. It's really easy to sideline them or frustrate them with very low-level bants.

>> No.15099035 [DELETED] 

newfags gonna newfag

>> No.15099065
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>> No.15099071

'shill' is an /x/ and /pol/ word, not a /sci/ word
you're outing yourself as a low-IQ newfag retard
reminder that rednecks aren't white

>> No.15099239

The word 'shill' with its modern meaning goes back to 1911, long before any of those boards existed. You're just mad you got called out and now are thrashing about for any deflection you can make up. Quite pathetic.

>> No.15099241


>> No.15099253

nice snarky post
still not getting vaxxed
thanks for the "herd immunity" though goyim

>> No.15099264


>> No.15099278

>...or shortly after playing....
>our definition of "shortly after" is any time within 6 months after playing

>> No.15099298

Why can't you into probability? This is literally 9/11 tier with schizos unable to comprehend that something crashing into something else, with great force, can cause bad things to happen.

>> No.15099308

what crashed into wtc7?

>> No.15099314


many such cases

>> No.15099318

wtc7 was vaxxed

>> No.15099385
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>> No.15099398

Imagine if there was 10 years of research before deployment, so the masses weren't responsible for doing big pharma work for them

>> No.15099404

Why can't you? Let's take the middle value of 12,500 hits per year * number of NFL players (1,696) = 21,200,000 hits per year. Never has a hit caused a player to go into cardiac arrest during the century of play. The closest is a played who died while running down the field during a play in 1971 but there was no contact. There likely has been over a billion hits during the existence of the NFL and this is the one and only hit to cause a cardiac event?

>> No.15099409

>a cardiac event?
No "cardiac event" short of a shotgun blast to the chest floors you that instantly if you were perfectly fine 5 seconds ago.

>> No.15099412

You're telling me if I could time a punch within 20ms of accuracy I could kill someone with one hit?

>> No.15099494

It was caught on fire by fall ash from the main buildings.
Now take your meds. Nobody wants to listen to the insane ramblings of a low IQ white trash schizo.

>> No.15099510

you need meds

>> No.15099665

Musk fired thousands of glownigger propaganda agents from Twitter and those glow in the dark niggers were all subsequently reassigned to work on other social media networks. They can't think for themselves, or they're not allowed to, thats why they only repost canned, preselected, preapproved messages from their boss's playbook. They're not permitted to think or act for themselves, thats not their job, they are only here to spam "take meds" at everyone who disagrees with the official ZOG narrative.

>> No.15099750

>vaxxxie vaxxxie
>heart attacksie

>> No.15099775

The problem with this metric is not considering that Covid itself causes these problems, which is way simpler and way more terrifying answer than 'evil juden are giving the sheeple blood clots lmao'

>> No.15099781

>literally everything is a conspiracy against the jews
>i cannot discuss science outside the context of "is this good or bad for the jews"
go back to /pol/, you aren't on this board because of your interest in science, you're here to repost propaganda and political talking points.

>> No.15100128

>The problem with this metric is not considering that Covid itself causes these problems, which is way simpler and way more terrifying answer than 'evil juden are giving the sheeple blood clots lmao'
But rates of myocarditis and elevated risk of death back in 2020 in the younger age groups were not significantly elevated. Rates didn't go up until 2021, which is a year after the virus hit but coincides with the vaccine roll out. Young males appear to be at the most risk of vaccine adverse events to the heart, but there risk doesn't appear to be elevated with viral infection. So there's multiple ways to tease out whether the virus or the vaccines are to blame.

>> No.15100427
File: 230 KB, 800x712, uHBSI5iLceIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BREAKING NEWS: Genuine cardiologist rules out MSM diagnosis

>> No.15100432

Well there goes the normie programming. I wonder what the new cope will be.

>> No.15100452

every single time someone gets a booboo you blame it on the vax

>> No.15100456

hold your horses, glownigger HQ is working on it, they'll deliver their new narrative soon enough. have they ever failed before? why do you doubt them?

>> No.15100468

this, whats more likely, that the evil vaxx gives everyone heart attacks, or that after 2 years of not leaving their house, facing an aggressive viral infection, not excercising, the highest obesity rates in the world, and food so processed it might as well be synthetic the chances of heart attacks go up?

Everything I see so far is just

>> No.15100565
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>massive hit

>> No.15100579

this isnt the first time this happens right?

>> No.15100594


>> No.15100615

Yes. You don't even need millisecond timing, just a good punch

>> No.15100629

i need a cabin in the woods with good hunting and fishing

>> No.15100655

Doubt. The loss of pressure is instant.

>> No.15100682

The normies will just keep regurgitating the same thing even long after its provably wrong. They don't have critical thinking ability.

>> No.15100688

>Now take your meds. Nobody wants to listen to the insane ramblings of a low IQ white trash schizo.
turn off your computer so we don't have to

>> No.15100711

As you're doing right now, normie
>noooooooo I'm one of the speshul ones!!!1

>> No.15100728

>n-n-no u
How come you keep your mouth shut in real life? Isn't everyone on your side? :(

>> No.15100734

Are you a bot? I didn't even repeat anything related to this incident. If you're an actual person, you are actually more of an NPC than chatbots.

>> No.15100736

Just like you, normie.

>> No.15100766
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>> No.15100800

Actually yes, this is the first time it has happened in NFL history.

>> No.15100819

whatever it was, science has already debunked anything vaxx-related causes. carry on.


>> No.15100902
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>> No.15100905
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Just one of millions so far.

>> No.15101178

>As is any virally infected, via flu, covid, or otherwise.
Sure, but I'd rather have my sinus cells dying than the cells in my heart.

>Pseudouridine is the most common modication to RNA, I am not sure what you are getting at here
You're not? How about the fact that they modified the mRNA in a way that makes it last for months (we don't actually know how long, but the minimum appears to be two months), when we were told the mRNA would be degraded in hours? You'd think clinical testing would have been done to know just how long the mRNA would last in vitro, but screw safety protocols.


>I have yet to see this discussed anywhere
It's been discussed since very early on. What do you think happens once the protein is cleaved?

>by not realizing that the vax spike (2P) has been modified to be conformationally stable
But it's not.

>meaning the circulating spike is actually viral spike
The fact that the nucleocapsid wasn't present implies there was no infection.

>> No.15101200

As for a source here you go. Free floating S1 sub unit which has been cleaved and is now free to interact with ACE2 receptors. No nucleocapsid detected, indicating it's of vaccine origin.

>Temporal profiling of SARS-CoV-2 antigens and antibodies were acquired using Simoa assays as previously described [6, 7], providing data on 15 markers to monitor antigen production and immune responses on each participant (Supplementary Figures 2–14). The Simoa antigen assays for spike, S1, and nucleocapsid were previously validated in plasma from pre-pandemic healthy subjects, pre-pandemic patients with respiratory infections, COVID-19 negative patients, and COVID-19 positive patients [7]. Authors detected S1 and N in 64% of COVID-19 positive patients, and S1 levels were significantly associated with disease severity. Here antigens S1 and spike were measured to probe mRNA translation, whereas nucleocapsid antigen served as a negative control (Figures 1A, B, C, Supplementary Table 5). After the first 100-µg dose, the mRNA-1273 vaccine produced detectable levels of S1 antigen in plasma in 11 participants, and spike antigen was detected in 3 of 13 participants. Nucleocapsid antigen was undetectable or at background levels in all participants after both injections, as expected.

>S1 binds to ACE2 through its RBD

>> No.15101219
File: 44 KB, 741x576, Died Suddenly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just died suddenly OP.

Nothing to see here. Nothing to see there.

The only thing anyone can guarantee is it was not the vaccine.

No way.

It was safe and effective!

Don't ask questions or you might be labled an insurrectionist racist supremeacist homophobic cis-male bully!

>> No.15101232
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>> No.15101242

>Young males appear to be at the most risk of vaccine adverse events to the heart, but there risk doesn't appear to be elevated with viral infection
The biggest issue is that modern society does not care for young men, so this is considered an acceptable sacrifice instead of an unacceptable safety standard.

>> No.15101254

holy wowzers vaxxies we just got btfo

>> No.15101300

Notice that the shills instantly stop responding when studies are posted.

>> No.15101381

>Sure, but I'd rather have my sinus cells dying than the cells in my heart.
Every respiratory disease will affect your entire cardiovascular system, retard.

>> No.15101389

American football is too dangerous for the spine, heart and brain, time to cancel it

>> No.15101420

I gave a kid a concussion once. He cried after. Made me feel like a god lol

>> No.15101422

Let that sink in... Terrible.. Horrible, people... Accept it, let it pour over you like rain in the night and wash away your retardation, watch it as it flows into the sewer.

>> No.15101473

Reminder that mortality of professional athletes incresed by 1700% after the injections.

>> No.15101476

Myocarditis is x800 after the injections.

>> No.15101551

>Why can't you? Let's take the middle value of 12,500 hits per year * number of NFL players (1,696) = 21,200,000 hits per year

What kind of fucking math is this? There aren't 21 million hits in the NFL every year. There are 272 games in the NFL season, excluding playoffs. There aren't 77,000+ hits in every game. That's fucking absurd.

>> No.15101587

but I don't want to have a heart attack

>> No.15101838
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>> No.15101840

based mental illness

>> No.15102154

>Every respiratory disease will affect your entire cardiovascular system, retard.
That's false, anon. You can have a generalized inflammatory response, but that doesn't mean the virus is actively reaching the blood stream and infecting other areas. For example, the rhinovirus doesn't do well at warmer temperatures, so it tends to stay in the upper respiratory tract. SARS-CoV-2 is better at infecting the lungs, but even then, I provided a study where only 64% of the infected had detectable viral particles in their blood, and this was using severe patients (mild cases appear to have a much lower rate, but that's from another study). The vaccinated, however, had detectable S1 sub unit in 84% of people. So when you're talking about a systemic inflammatory response to an infection, that can be subdued with proper treatment, but there's not much you can do when your vascular system is actively being infected and then destroyed.

>> No.15102719
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Football player man is officially deceased. They kept him on life support until something more attention getting came along to take over the news cycle and then they let him die

>> No.15102753

Wow that's such a great source you have there!

>> No.15102897

Doesn't that only occur in the incredibly young due to their bones not being fully developed?

>> No.15102942
File: 216 KB, 500x552, 1575184420242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no a vaxxxie died, how horrible and unfortunate.

>> No.15102952

Safely and effectively removing vaxxed goylems from the premises.

>> No.15102964

>NFL never practices!
That might be true, since they suck at football.

>> No.15103021


It kind of is happening though lol. An NFL athlete had a random heart attack midgame in prime time.

>> No.15103283
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>> No.15103290

kek I love redditors.

>> No.15103740
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Ah yes, mister internet physician immediately diagnosed him with an extremely rare disease, despite knowing nothing about his or his family's medical history. Of course. It couldn't possibly be anything else.

>> No.15103751

"I cannot rebut your argument, so instead, I will point out that you used a word I don't like."

>> No.15103787

Then why don't hundred or even thousands die in combat sports? Kyokushin karate in particular is literally just two guys standing infront of eachother and punching eachother in the chest. Never heard or seen footage of a heart attack in that.

>> No.15103821

>he randomly dropped dead because he was stressed out!!!
>are you sure you remember what actually happened when you got sick???
LMAO I love how redditors will lie to your face and gaslight you into believing your own lived experience isn't real.

>> No.15103998 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15104282

I meant for athletes, I still think it's weird but I'm not convinced it's the jab, I'm swayed more by the idea that global factors like air pollution, water contamination or processed fats and sugars could cause this, maybe even drug use, prescription or not.

>> No.15104285

Have you ever reflected on your own desperation to ascribe all the "weird" things going on to anything besides the most obvious cause?

>> No.15104290

I'm convinced it's all that plus the jab

>> No.15104311

Medfags that dismiss any problem you have as simply just stress or anxiety need to be hanged

>> No.15104431

>most obvious
I think you meant "the thing I want it to be because I believe it"

Thisis the same logic religious retards use to justify their belief
>the earth is perfectly made for humans! therefore my specific middle eastern iron age monotheistic foreskin hating religion is correct!

>> No.15104432

Vax and roids are probably synergistic risk factors.

>> No.15104455

I was thinking roids too, the effect of the quarantine, plus covid, plus the jab, plus the use of perfomance enhancers, cant be good, im surprised more athletes dont drop dead.

>> No.15104511 [DELETED] 


>> No.15104618

many such cases.

>> No.15104814
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this is suspicious

>> No.15104836

It appears the settled science has changed.

>> No.15104860

but loss of bodily control and consciousness is not, you can shut off your neck veins entirely with your fingers and you get a few seconds before things start to go grey, and a few seconds after that you lose control of your arms and can't hold your neck veins shut anymore. Try it, pussy. Were you never a teenager?

>> No.15104932

So you don't reflect on your utter desperation? They managed to brainwash all remnants of humanity out of you? Okay. Now explain why it would be bad to hold you and other vaxxdrones personally accountable for the damage.

>> No.15104965

~5 seconds is the exact time it takes for you to lose consciousness if your heart stops, dummy.

>> No.15104975

Because people don't know how to give one good punch in combat sports, or the opponent is good at not taking the brunt of it. Killing someone unarmed is easy enough but why do you think there are rules the sports, even ufc

>> No.15105004
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>within hours of an injury dozens of doctors with 0 (zero) knowledge of the patients condition or medical record diagnosing him based on a video of him falling over
is this the science I've been hearing so much about lately

>> No.15105015

>Because people don't know how to give one good punch in combat sports
The whole purpose of martial arts is to learn how to kill or injure your opponent.
Doing that is more difficult than most people think. It aint like Hollywood, where the hero punches everyone out so easily. Only antifa wimps get knocked out like that.

>> No.15105017
File: 64 KB, 787x900, science trust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the science

>> No.15105065

I disagree, this is hilarious.
Deagel's 2015 forecast was -70% depopulation by 2025, so we still have two years of crescending giggling in front of us.

>> No.15105093 [DELETED] 

How long do you think it will take for them to go from blind obedience to extreme buyer's remorse and anger?

>> No.15105097

Do you think normies will ever switch from blind obedience to anger, or will they be depopulated without ever admitting/noticing it's happening?

>> No.15105122

normies (like the system they created) have zero capacity for true introspection. if any such event would happen they would be meek as a lamb until the literal final few weeks when the ghost town reality became impossible to ignore. then they would sperg out in sudden bouts of violence until they expired.

>> No.15105128

>Do you think normies will ever switch from blind obedience to anger
When the narrative really starts to collapse, normie anger and violence will be directed against "antivaxxers" (and anyone else who tried to warn them) first, and external boogeymen (China or Russia) next.

>> No.15105130

>or the opponent is good at not taking the brunt of it

>> No.15105242

A chilling prospect, but it does sound likely. I can see people justifying violence against purebloods because "if we're dying, we're taking you chuds down with us."

>> No.15106462
File: 863 KB, 2040x1456, vaxxed_cartoon_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ben Garrison published this cartoon in 2015.

>> No.15106485

This proves that vaccines are truly safe, and truly effective.
Racist are always wro-ACK

>> No.15106818

this nigger >>15099071 really is implying that other boards aren't infested with shills (bots), huh?

>> No.15106926

>That's fucking absurd.
Because you can't into math, or logic for that matter.
How often is a hit between players counted as "hits suffered by a player"?
And in how many games do these hits play out?
Now apply your mental faculties and you have your answer why your sorry excuse for math doesn't add up.

>> No.15107841

>I can see people justifying violence against purebloods because "if we're dying, we're taking you chuds down with us."
Great! Makes it easier to commit violence in self-defense.

>> No.15107846

It's a shill bot. Of course it will try to convince you it is not. Is how China/USA programs them to be.

>> No.15108237

Have we ruled out the possibility that recent heart-related deaths have been the work of an unknown killer.
Possibly operating from Japan and utilizing a book of some kind as his instrument?

>> No.15108300

Your speculation doesn't apply to the professional athletes we're watching have sudden heart attacks.

>> No.15108306

Since December 6th


- Damar Hamlin, 24, Bills, HEART ATTACK
- Uche Nwaneri, 38, Jaguars, HEART ATTACK
- Jake Hescock, 25, UCF Knights, CARDIAC ARREST
- Demetrious Johnson, Lions, AORTIC DISSECTION
- Coach Mike Leach, HEART ATTACK
- Franco Harris, Steelers, SUDDEN DEATH
-Max Mitchell, Jets, CLOTS

I cbf updating this but just know if you take a bump to the chest and you have undiagnosed myocarditis (more likely from the vax than the virus if you are a young male) you could just lmao off this mortal coil, and that that is a good thing. Also you have rapidly declining IgG3 and increasing IgG4. Good luck.

>> No.15108562

>I believe
>others are unscientific
Can't make that shit up.

>> No.15108672

Enough with the antisemitism.

>> No.15109018


>> No.15109419

I wonder if they're quoting that bullshit hypothesis where the vaccinated were somehow harmed by anti-vaxxers by convincing that they vaccine they received was dangerous, which somehow willed myocarditis into existence. If only they'd been more positive, the vaccine wouldn't have been dangerous!

>> No.15109527
File: 55 KB, 828x810, Scamdemic meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, I need to find some CNN and other "news" articles with that narrative. Will make great memes.

>> No.15109546
File: 201 KB, 1920x1986, bad vax issues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15109551
File: 39 KB, 800x800, rfr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picrel is a decent short-list of what the leftists/globalists/Democrats/Labour/WEF are doing.

>> No.15109569 [DELETED] 


>> No.15109646
File: 281 KB, 1x1, protocols.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15109698
File: 29 KB, 500x554, Tainted Meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15109814

Neither are you, thats why everyone you tell to get vaccinated doesnt listen. Fancy that.

>> No.15109857

Okay, lets unpack those untruths in your post right now...
>dropped dead
He didn't die.
>heart stopped out of nowhere!
He was tackled, in the chest by another grown man who weight almost 300lbs at around 20 mph.

>> No.15109869


>> No.15109902

correction, it looks like he did pass away several days after the accident, still doesn't have anything to do with the vaccine, though.

>> No.15109953

Good thing he was vaccinated! It could have been worse!

>> No.15109958

>20 mph.
KEK! sure thing

>> No.15109987

>He was tackled, in the chest by another grown man who weight almost 300lbs at around 20 mph.
He wasn't tackled, he made the tackle. The man that hit him was a receiver weighing around 200 lbs.

>> No.15109993

Enough with the antisemitism.

>> No.15110006

at least 4 of those guys on the bus are known controlled OP to my knowledge, maybe the rest too....

>> No.15110090
File: 252 KB, 542x657, 1673228934819241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel revels what demographic ZOG is targeting for elimination with the "vaxxx"

>> No.15110125
File: 110 KB, 720x561, 1673229426738283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15110143

oh no... someone on twitter said something... we lost...

>> No.15110531

How many more sportsball people have to perish before we just get vaccinated and stop this terrible disease in its tracks? #stopthespread

>> No.15111305

conversely, can i effectively murder all of the sportsballers by never getting vaxxx'd?

>> No.15111697

they said that if you didnt get vaxxed you were putting vulnerable people at risk

and then they all got vaxxed and then they all caught the virus anyway lol. the best part is the vax doesn't seem to be working so good because the latest ONS and aus data shows in recent months the vaxxies are parking it far more often than ordinary humans

>> No.15111710

Thank you for highlighting the important words in that tweet. Otherwise the target audience wouldn't know what the important parts are.

>> No.15111714

I was never a dumb teenager to try this shit.

>> No.15111771

2001: Big Brother
2021: Rogan Kishibe

>> No.15111944

>He suffered from commotio cordis, look at this image!

>Projectile, smaller sphere (hockey puck, lacrosse ball, baseball) - aka not a football player's entire body
>Thinner, more compliant chest wall - aka that of a child, not a football player

Did this guy really think that was a good image for his defense? It argues it happens to children when hit by a small, hard object. That's not at all similar to what happened.