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File: 121 KB, 672x766, 84D8DC99-750A-424A-8013-DF62742F3FFB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15097123 No.15097123 [Reply] [Original]

The people who used to say climate change isn’t happening is a very small and diminishing crowd that is incorrect, yet on the other hand we have an increasing amount of people who think these are the end of times. If climate change really is equivalent to a meteor that will wipe us all out, why is the world not reacting like it is?
All of the mainstream solutions for climate change are marginal reductions in emissions that won’t be signed on or followed by most other nations, globalistic tax incentives, and nimbyism.

>> No.15097137

>retards will bump the 100th AGW doomsday thread in 3 days, despite it being a plainly obvious propaganda raid

>> No.15097148

Welcome to “”science””
It’s a magical place where completely irrelevant agendas are strapped to the backs of half-truths and sent to conquer midwits.
Remember anon, 90% of the time if you ask a question, the answer is money.
>If climate change really is equivalent to a meteor that will wipe us all out, why is the world not reacting like it is?
The answer here is munny

>> No.15097177

Like many questions about society: it depends on how rich you are. Whether its about transhumanism or designer babies, it's the same answer.

>> No.15097180

But power is also a major driver and none of the nations of the world are doing what apparently is necessary. None of them are:
A). Sterilizing 95% of humans
B). Killing 95% of humans
C). Letting 95% of humans starve to death

One of the three, paired with abolishing all industry and world trade, would be needed.

>> No.15097347

Again, because you apparently didn’t understand the first time: THE ANSWER IS MONEY
They aren’t killing 95% of the population because it would cause them to lose their acquired wealth
They aren’t abolishing world trade because it would cause them to lose their acquired wealth
They aren’t abolishing industry because it would cause them to lose their acquired wealth
The answer to your entire thread is money

>> No.15097357

No, some nations will even benefit from it: Russia, Canada, Scandinavia and Argentina for example. Even some nations strongly effected by it, like Singapore, have the technological and financial means to adapt. The poorest nations are the worst impacted by it yet not in a apocalyptic manner activists think. The habilitization zone is changing which leads to massive social disruption which could lead to famines but it could have political solutions if the will towards for it existed.
Also a increase of 2 degrees is not uncommon in earth's history. Even humanity witnessed several temperature raises of two or more degrees in q century (End of the Younger Dyras) or even temperatures higher than today (Roman, Bronze Warm Period).

>> No.15097360

>look at me
>i have a price tag on my firehead
>i'm a paid shill
>it's all about money
>the bush fairytale is real
>the clotshot is safe and effective
>malthusianism is science
>global warming will kill us all in two more weeks

>> No.15097551

Don't forget your paycheck, Shell-Bot

>> No.15097557
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Reminder that big oil has been funding AGW doomsdayism for decades.

>> No.15097566

>the climate is really about muh colonialism, muh raycism, muh patriarchy

>> No.15097567

This is exactly what they're doing. It's just that they're doing it slowly so that you won't notice.

>> No.15097571

Do you not understand what an extinction level event is? How the fuck are they going to make money if everyone, including themselves, are dead anyway from climate change?

>> No.15097582
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Every large extinction event in earth history was caused by rapid climate change. This human caused climate change is more rapid then every natural climate change.

Ok, there is one exception, this large asteroid hit that killed all dinosaurs caused an even more rapid change.

>> No.15097581

Ummm sweaty, it's because all these evil and stupid capitalist people lack foresight and think of nothing but short term profit. But now it's different. Greta has enlightened them with her common sense and they are now acting for your benefit.

>> No.15097586

If the climate change doomsday fairytale is true, we all have a responsibility to make sure it happens because extinction is preferable to letting AGW believers live and breed.

>> No.15097588

Why does she seem like she will never be satisfied

>> No.15097598

Because she’s a career activist. She has to grift to make a living.

>> No.15097607
File: 17 KB, 720x242, epica_temperature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every large extinction event in earth history was caused by rapid climate change.
Yeah, because it got COLD AS FUCK. Do you see how the temperature spikes UP to ZERO before falling back down to minus 5 (or lower) for TENS OF THOUSANDS of years? Right now we are in a tiny sliver of interglaciation. We should be doing every thing we can to raise the temperature so the earth doesn't turn into a snowball again. Too bad we can't because CO2 makes hardly any contribution to the greenhouse effect.

>> No.15097624

Reeks of oil money in these threads

>> No.15097730

Agreed. Their money spent shilling AGW lies is palpable. >>15097557

>> No.15097776

>event in earth history was caused by rapid climate change
Ehm, a asteroid, a siberian hyper-volcano, supervolcanos in general are a bit more than just a rapid climate change. Dinosaurs lived on a planet that was 15 - 20 degrees hotter than today and biological life experienced rises and drops of more than 10 degrees within a century without the extinction events some activists dream of.

>> No.15097786

The bigger question is why she looks like a guy?

>> No.15097792

Maybe you should learn what a geological timescale is before you talk. The next glacial period will come in about 16 000 years. We'll worry about that then.

>> No.15097793

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

>> No.15097810

>Too bad we can't because CO2 makes hardly any contribution to the greenhouse effect.
Based retard

>> No.15097813

The scientific consensus is that Co2 does not contribute to weather change.

>> No.15097841

>why is the world not reacting like it is
1. Everyone's actions affect the climate so there's a free rider problem where everyone would like everyone else to do the necessary work.
2. Climate change and climate policy affects people differently, possibly creating winners and losers. It's like trade which is good in aggregate but might hurt some people, which is why countries promote protectionism despite it being bad for the larger economy.
3. The biggest consequences of climate change will likely mostly affect people who are not born yet and therefore have no political power. You care about yourself more than your descendants, so you naturally weigh your sacrifices much higher than the benefits to your children.
4. Climate change will likely not kill off humans, but it may put an end to the age of abundance we're living in. Some economists estimate a reduction of output equivalent to the Great Depression, forever. Ironically, capitalism is the cause of climate change but climate change will itself render capitalism nonviable as a system.

>> No.15097845

The consensus is clear, if on the other hand you want to doubt the scientific consensus you have every right to that.

>> No.15097860

>Climate change will likely not kill off humans, but it may put an end to the age of abundance we're living in. Some economists estimate a reduction of output equivalent to the Great Depression, forever. Ironically, capitalism is the cause of climate change but climate change will itself render capitalism nonviable as a system.
It's interesting given that we're witnessing a sixth mass extinction, the effects of which we can't even begin to project. What happens if all the bees die off, which pollinate 50% or more of the crops? What happens to essential species that kill off bugs, mosquitos, and other pests? Or some bacteria essential to every life of earth? These aren't just issues for environmentalists and those who care about the natural world, but it's a function of economy as well, and yes capitalism and overabundance.

>> No.15097861
File: 195 KB, 321x294, Thisisfine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Climate change doesn't have the potential to make humans go extinct.

It however has the potential to very easily destroy society and civilisation as we know it.

If I put it simply, climate change is moving the area that is fertile and capable of sustaining large numbers of people. It won't move our settlements that are located in the areas that used to be most fertile, but that's no longer true because of climate change.

This will lead to migration of a size we haven't seen since the beginning of the medieval. That will cause global wars (though it probably won't be nuclear). In the end, the vast majority of humans will perish, and cultures will disappear, shuffle and get replaced...

In a long run, the survivors will repopulate the earth in the new fertile areas, hopefully, they'll recover all the knowledge we have today and humanity will go on. Maybe even better, than now. That, however, is not an argument to embrace climate change, as it's quite likely that none of us sitting here and reading 4chan would be among the survivors.

>> No.15097863

Scientific experts agree that Weather Change is not caused by CO2. Read the IPCC report.

>> No.15097882

Ok, you're being autistic. Never mind.

>> No.15097930

Correct, it's climate change that's the issue. The weather changes all the time

>> No.15097944

>it's climate change
Climate Change and Global Warming are alt-right dogwhistles chuds use to discredit weather science. The scientific termonology is Weather Change.

>> No.15098610
File: 151 KB, 740x415, global climate change scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>climate change isn’t happening
The only correct thing you said.

>> No.15098614

>Reminder that big oil has been funding AGW doomsdayism for decades.
Yep, it helps them boost prices.
AGW/Climate Change is a hoax that only idiots have bought into.

>> No.15098616

>A.I. bot posted this

>> No.15098618

>put an end to the age of abundance we're living in
Running out of oil/gas/coal/petrol products will cause the end of modern civilzation. Not any minor temperature changes.

>> No.15098621

>It however has the potential to very easily destroy society and civilisation as we know it.
excellent! am all for that.

>> No.15098622

>It's interesting given that we're witnessing a sixth mass extinction, the effects of which we can't even begin to project. What happens if all the bees die off, which pollinate 50% or more of the crops? What happens to essential species that kill off bugs, mosquitos, and other pests? Or some bacteria essential to every life of earth? These aren't just issues for environmentalists and those who care about the natural world, but it's a function of economy as well, and yes capitalism and overabundance.
All of these things are occurring due to known factors which are not related to CO2. Primarily the overuse of toxic chemicals on the majority of the world's arable land.

>> No.15098629
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>> No.15098635

>It however has the potential to very easily destroy society and civilisation as we know it.

I think you could argue that from the point of view of non-human life this would be a great thing. Idiots like greta are calling for civilization to be dismantled to prevent climate change which would accomplish what they claim to want.

>> No.15098667
File: 18 KB, 474x314, freeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you not understand what an extinction level event is?
The climate is not causing that, unless it gets to be an ice age again, which might happen if CO2 levels get too low from humans causing them to drop.

>> No.15098823

>Idiots like greta are calling for civilization to be dismantled
Greta is Ted-pilled?

>> No.15099321
File: 10 KB, 235x156, science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It’s a magical place where completely irrelevant agendas are strapped to the backs of half-truths and sent to conquer midwits.


>> No.15099325
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 1654606514854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no Climate Change

>> No.15099365
File: 276 KB, 800x439, rice_vs_CO2_level.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compared to water vapor it makes little
and CO2 is already at such a concentration that any marginal addition will make an insignificant contribution to further warming. adding more CO2 WILL affect plant growth but that's about it.

>> No.15099426

>None of them are:
>A). Sterilizing 95% of humans
>B). Killing 95% of humans
>C). Letting 95% of humans starve to death
Have you seen the news? (A) is happening, (C) is being prepared

>> No.15099433

Shouldn't they be going all out for several self sufficient space colonies just as a backup? You know, a couple on Mars, s few space stations near useful asteroids, one on the moon?
Instead it feels like there's a big push to kill of space colonization altogether.

>> No.15099440

kek this redditor fell for all the space memes at once
useful asteroids LMAO

>> No.15099443

>fell for all the space memes at once
nothing about black holes though

>> No.15099452

Better than useless asteroids, n'est-ce pas?

>> No.15099471

Economics always beats political will. You will only see space colonies of economic drive of some ressources or production methods are found in space. Helium-3, freefall industry and asteroid mining could be one of those. Ideology also plays a role, military competition for example.

>> No.15099536

why are they hiding thier actual intention behind a different intention and then shielding blowback against thier not so hidden sub-agenda by claiming we're also against the fake container (which we arnt)

>> No.15099538

>the entire planet is going to end unless you give us a trillion dollars

>> No.15099547


>> No.15099556

are we seeing the ego-death of the government?

>> No.15099575


>> No.15099610

>compared to water vapor it makes little
Citation needed*

>CO2 is already at such a concentration that any marginal addition will make an insignificant contribution to further warming
Citation needed*

>adding more CO2 WILL affect plant growth but that's about it.
Citation needed*

>> No.15099751

>>compared to water vapor it makes little
>Citation needed*
everyone knows this

>>CO2 is already at such a concentration that any marginal addition will make an insignificant contribution to further warming
>Citation needed*
i read it in a paper a few years ago

>>adding more CO2 WILL affect plant growth but that's about it.
>Citation needed*
see the picture. if you don't know this then you're actually retarded

if you still believe in "climate change" you're either underage or a retard. They were shilling this shit 20 years ago. Al Gore said we would be underwater by now. It's still gets cold as fuck every winter and yeah that is climate-not-weather when there are fuckhuge blizzards EVERY year

>> No.15099765

there are always some wacko christtards out there who think the world will end and Jesus will return in their lifetimes. They're always wrong. Climate change plays on the exact same fears.

What we KNOW is that it will get fucking cold sometime in the next tens of thousands of years, maybe sooner. An ice age can suddenly happen over the span of a century. This is the event that will kill a large chunk of the globe simply because agriculture will be made impossible in vast swaths of what is now arable land (like much of Russia and Canada).

>> No.15099766

>everyone knows this
Then it should be easy to show that water is responsible for the increasing warming trend

>i read it in a paper a few years ago
Then it should be trivial for you to find and link that paper.

>see the picture. if you don't know this then you're actually retarded
That picture is of plants growing in highly controlled conditions and is not evidence that all plants benefit from increased atmospheric CO2. CO2 is not the limiting growth factor plants in the vast majority of wild plants.

Would you like to try those citations again?

>> No.15099776
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>> No.15099793

I've been banned for saying the L... word but this problem is thanks to them.
Cimate change is real but politicians and not biologists run the circus, have you ever heard biologists giving scientific opinions during these 30 years?
No, just Dwakins, a clown with the anti-religious agenda and his show got censored cause he likes eugenics.
So...these l.f.... use our money for retarded projects instead of culling nigerians, madagascarians(?) and the people living close to African rivers and lakes.
In the future these 200 million people will adquire motorcycles...make the co2, water, co and methane math

>> No.15099874

This would however take many species along with the civilisation, as we would literally hunt everything that moves for meat.

>> No.15099897

>I've been banned for saying the L... word

>> No.15099903 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 283x304, oh jannie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy ur b&

>> No.15101048 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 246x265, Screenshot from 2023-01-05 14-23-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, enjoy YOUR b&

>> No.15101070 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 284x320, everyone's getting banned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, please.
There's enough b& for everyone.

>> No.15101089 [DELETED] 

>Then it should be easy to show that water is responsible for the increasing warming trend
It's not possible to show something that doesn't exist without fraud.

>> No.15101602

Brainlet here, would like someone to please educate my stupid chud self.
>during the Jurassic period CO2 levels were way higher than they are now (without any human intervention)
>and average global temperature was about 8 degrees celcius higher than now
>and this was a period in time where megaflora and fauna were able to thrive
>and that is the case any time in history where CO2 & temperature levels were high
>and conversely when those levels in the past are low flora and fauna really struggle
that surely climate change in the direction we're going is both
>a positive thing for plant growth and in turn animal population growth
>perhaps influenced by human activity but by no means dependent on it and will fluctuate regardless of what we do
To me it seems we're going in the opposite direction of an apocolyse
But I am a big stupid dummy so can someone explain where I'm getting confused?

>> No.15101626

>can someone explain where I'm getting confused?
If the dinosaurs take over again they'll be out for revenge - they'll eat us alive.

>> No.15101832

Climate change is not a existential threat but the speed in which it happens, changes the habilitization zone (desertification) of many humans. This leads the forced migration of a lot humans north and south away from desert and coast. Some regions profit from it, especially northern ones but climate change could lead to ethopian levels of famine in various regions if no political solution is found.
This state will occur if the development remains as now. Future technologies could change it all, such as fusion or r super-conductor batteries

>> No.15101865

Thank you, follow up questions:
If the human population keeps on increasing unchecked in the way it is we'll see those famines anyway though right?
Would a warmer climate not also allow us to move to previously uninhabitable zones too (Like could those affected by desertification not just move up to live in an unfrozen Siberia for example)?
Again I'm a brainlet - but I thought desertification happens either when soil is washed away due to deforestation (which in my uneducated opinion is a much more pressing issue than emissions) or where there is less/no precipitation - I'd have thought that melting icecaps would mean more water in the water cycle?
Finally, I know these graphs are 'smoothed' (I don't know the proper term sorry) but it looks like we've had similar rate of change many times in the past without human involvement, suggesting again that there are much bigger factors outside of our control that are effecting this?
It seems to me that human progression occurs at a much faster rate than the climate changes and we're pretty adaptable when required to be so. I've seen us go past the "if we don't change our ways now there no point cos we're doomed" point about 3 times already in my short life

>> No.15101867
File: 12 KB, 720x240, epica_CO2_temperature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops forgot the pic

>> No.15102034


>> No.15102038

>If the human population keeps on increasing unchecked in the way it is we'll see those famines anyway though right?
We expect African population to especially grow and equatorial Africa is the worst affected by climate change and thus could lead and probably will lead to famines. Desertification can be stopped and reversed through forest wall, desalination and improved water infrastructure but this requires stability, energy and unity of will.
>Would a warmer climate not also allow us to move to previously uninhabitable zones too (Like could those affected by desertification not just move up to live in an unfrozen Siberia for example)?
You don't have to move people 1000 miles north or south. A dozens miles would be enough and we built cities for 3 billion people in the last century. The issue is food avaibility and the best method would be diversification. GMOs, deep ocean aqua farming and desalination greening/coastal reclamation/tundra farming all will be necessary to feed 11 billion people in 2100. The loss of food during the Ukrainian War is as big as the expected loss of farmland in climate change negatively effected farm regions.

Ozon layer is repairing itself after we stopped putting pumping damaging chemicals into the atmosphere.

>> No.15102050

thanks for the replies, I'm gonna do some reading.
>The loss of food during the Ukrainian War is as big as the expected loss of farmland in climate change negatively effected farm regions.
That is very interesting

>> No.15103080

>Is Climate Change Really an Extinction Level Event?
No, in fact it is the OPPOSITE.
Try learning something before asking stupid questions.