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File: 169 KB, 1321x1176, yhbSfEY143ql.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15096424 No.15096424 [Reply] [Original]

negro football player drops dead of a heart attack on monday night football with millions of ppl watching.
>cringe vaxxxies desperately trying to explain it away as another coincidence

>> No.15096435

The hit wasn’t remarkably brutal either.

>> No.15096444

Lying doctors are horrible people. Look at the way this dumb faggot is using a diagram of a baseball player to make a point about a football player, who was wearing modern armor before collapsing to the ground shortly after a common tackle.

>> No.15096447

Go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.15096448

Go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.15096450

You are hated and afraid.

>> No.15096455

>You are hated
Always doing something right when I'm hated by impotent cuckolds

>> No.15096456
File: 92 KB, 1080x825, Flhio9oakAAP4hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

subsequently deleted

>> No.15096462
File: 4 KB, 205x245, incel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are hated and afraid.

You are unmedicated, uneducated, and involuntarily celibate.

>> No.15096463

>Dr. (((Eidelman)))

>> No.15096464

You will die a virgin.

>> No.15096475
File: 313 KB, 700x702, 1672709588266172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rather than reading heaps and then doing a couple of exercises and then getting bored and then giving up, maybe instead learn a little bit of programming and try to program some basic simulations etc. There's lot of examples online. Just learn a bit of JavaScript and learn some basic fundamentals and then look up some physics programming examples and just type out their code. You'll probably get a better understanding of what's happening and you'll learn some web dev at the sane time

>> No.15096478

Project harder chud. My trajectory would make you seethe, especially considering I dodged the vax without it interfering with my schooling and professional life :^)

>> No.15096485

The archive of that tweet is still cached in the google cache even though he scrubbed it.

>> No.15096489

Scratch that, google deleted it and put up a weird warning on the top of the page.

>> No.15096491


t. newfag who deosn't know how to archive shit


>> No.15096492

lmao when the jews can't even operate their own media machinery correctly and the fraud glitches out of the seams

>> No.15096493

Your redneck white-nigger IQ is too low to understand baseline cardiac stats. For every footballer having a cardiac event whom you can find, someone can find another footballer having a cardiac event from before the pandemic.

>> No.15096494

It was deleted and scrubbed before I even saw the URL.

>> No.15096499



>> No.15096502


>The report recorded worldwide deaths attributed to sudden cardiac arrest or other unexplained sudden death while playing (or shortly after playing) football during the period from 2014 to 2018. There were 617 cases during the five-year period.

Antivax niggers BTFO

>> No.15096507

The rate since 2021 has increased dramatically. 3x more FIFA footballers have died on the pitch compared with the average of the past 12 years. More than 30 died on the pitch in 2021 vs. 10 or fewer in all previous years.

>> No.15096513

NFL football has only had one death on the field, a heart attack in the 70s. This is definitely an unusual event, as since that death in the 70s EKGs have been standard and Hamlin wouldn't have been allowed to play if they suspected he had a heart problem.
Soccer is a completely different story. They play a lot longer per game and I assume they play more games overall, too.

>> No.15096516
File: 3.45 MB, 750x668, that_s_racist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the n word is racist

>> No.15096517

>FIFA is not aware of any increase in the number of footballers having cardiac arrests while on the pitch.
Get fact-checked, Chud.

>> No.15096518


>> No.15096519
File: 40 KB, 640x374, dIKB3ptybjwH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15096525 [DELETED] 

They're not aware of it? Well I guess that settles things (their officially reported statistics though...)

>> No.15096528

>The rate since 2021 has increased dramatically. 3x more FIFA footballers have died on the pitch compared with the average of the past 12 years. More than 30 died on the pitch in 2021 vs. 10 or fewer in all previous years.

>> No.15096529

Your Arkansas interpretation of stats, controlling for player numbers, etc., has been found severely lacking in rigor, chud.

>> No.15096539 [DELETED] 

The source is official FIFA stats and news reports.

>> No.15096549

How could you not tie it to the vaccine? I would understand it if it were an isolated thing, but this keeps happening. At what point do vaxies even start considering that maybe the vax is at fault?

>> No.15096570

they are normies they can't falter in their believe of the basedence

>> No.15096595

The latest narrative is that the injections can cause myocarditis but it's rare and the risk is lower than the benefit it provides. Lots of NPCs haven't received that update yet so they can't conceive of how the injections could have caused an enlarged heart which was then much more vulnerable to a cardiac event, especially during an athletic competition while colliding with another player.

>> No.15096627

Low-IQ redneck.
Belief. Uneducated rednecks aren't allowed into the ethnostate.