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15094022 No.15094022 [Reply] [Original]

Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson both agreed that Dr Paul Ehrlich is an idiot.
They're not talking about the 1908 nobel laureate, they mean the butterfly biologist from Stanford
Link should clear up any confusion - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_R._Ehrlich#Early_life,_education,_and_academic_career

Whats do the rest of us think about him? Exactly how stupid is Ehrlich? Is his IQ under 90? Or is he more of a midwit mountaineer in the 120 range?

>> No.15094025

we need to destroy human civilization, just to err on the side of caution


>> No.15094679
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>butterfly biologist

>> No.15096410

>musk h8 soience
reddit was jacking off to this guy 12 months ago

>> No.15096545

No but it's the classic "i'll grab this fact and i'll exaggerate"
We are going through an extinction of life but he refuses to mention the solution, do you know why?
It implies mass murdering of africans, central americans, indians and SEA people, instead he is putting everyone in the same bag

>> No.15097578

They refuse to mention a solution because there isn't one, to admit this would tarnish the prestine science men, that's why pederson and mulsk get buttmad and deflect

>> No.15097593

The Malthusian cult is undeterred by being wrong about every single testable prediction it makes. Nonhuman drones only get more aggressive when reality proves them wrong, and this aggression develops into state violence if it's not nipped in the bud.

>> No.15097649

you're putting the cart before the horse, the idea of committing mass murder appeals to them because they are murderous people and they will eagerly glom on to any excuse that justifies carrying out their murderous desires

>> No.15097685

>t-t-they all just came out like that out of the womb, goy!!
Come on, now. Everyone can see how these people are being produced, nosefriend.

>> No.15097744

Yep. It's pretty obviously they're being indoctrinated into these beliefs in academia. If Paul Ehrlich was never trained the way he was we probably wouldn't have "global warming," but it was his Malthusian delusions that groomed Michael Mann for his position.

>> No.15097777

Nooooo! You're putting the cart before the horse! They were born that way and you have to fight to them to the death as we keep producing more and more of them by converting regular golems into depopulation golems and seeding conflict. Don't mind the man behind the curtain.

>> No.15097789

going straight to mass murder seems a bit drastic dont you think?

>> No.15097817

If only we could give them some safe and effective vaccines instead.

>> No.15097903
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alex jones and former navy seal and former governnor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura did a show called conspiracy theory that was on tru tv where they warned people not to take the vaccines in the near future when some scam health emergency happens. I warned people here since 2015 not to take it. My posts are in the archives.


>> No.15097905

Brooks goes rogue and The Consortium realizes she was a secret supporter and lover of Zobrist. She learned where the plague was being kept after Langdon extracted the text from Dorè's illustration 'Dandolo Preaching the Crusade' at St. Mark's Basilica and acquires a private jet to get to the Plague. Langdon, the WHO and The Consortium team up to stop her. After watching Zobrist's video, they conclude that the bag containing the plague will be fully dissolved by the date the video specifies and that Zobrist's clues point to its location: the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. They find the plague is in the Cistern but discover Brooks already there. The bag that held the plague had already been broken, spreading to the world via visiting tourists. Brooks runs out of the Cistern, causing panicked tourists to stampede, while Langdon gives chase.

Inside Basilica Cistern, with water below and tourists above
Despite almost escaping, Brooks returns, and reveals that the bag had already dissolved one week earlier. The date specified in Zobrist's video was the mathematical calculation of when the entire world would be infected, which has already happened. The plague that Zobrist created is revealed to be a vector virus that randomly activates to employ DNA modification to cause sterility in one third of humans. Brooks reveals that she was trying to stop the virus herself, distrusting the WHO, fearing the virus would be weaponized if they found it. The leader of The Consortium tries to escape WHO custody, but is caught later. Brooks receives amnesty in exchange for working with the WHO to address the crisis, since she has extensive knowledge of Zobrist's research and work.

>> No.15097960

>10 billion niggers by the end of the century is a good thing
t. Juden Peterstein and (((Elon Musk)))