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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15093574 No.15093574 [Reply] [Original]

why pol hates them

>> No.15093580

Wrong board

>> No.15093588
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>> No.15093590

They don't. It's typical divide and conquer shit.

>> No.15093593

You literally posted this in another thread whilst seething over your brown shit cauldrons that you call eyes

>> No.15093598
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Who says they do??
Spaniards, Italians, Greeks are all based and beat their women when they need it, kill trannies with cool wicked homemade knives, and like to eat meat and drink tons of alcohol.

>> No.15093600

What's wrong with brown eyes?

>> No.15093602

>What's wrong with shit?

>> No.15093604 [DELETED] 

i legit hope you fucking die

>> No.15093615

So you just don't like the color of the eyes? Kek. Brown eyes are correlated with higher life expectancies and higher IQs than blue eyes (controlling for race, obviously)

>> No.15093621

Oh my God the cope at having the same eye color as a nigger ahahahaha

>> No.15093630

Let me rephrase since I can see you're struggling. Blue eyes are correlated with lower IQ. Certainly explains your seething. Like I said this statistic controls for race, that is, it compares brown eyes whites with blue eyes whites.

>> No.15093633

>brown eyes whites
no such thing

>> No.15093634

>Source: dude just trust me, I have eyes the color of dogshit and I'm smart

>> No.15093640

>The Romans weren't white
This is your brain on /pol/. Kys.
Not an argument. Thank you for admitting you're low IQ. I accept your concession.

>> No.15093647
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>> No.15093649

proxyfagging cunt obsessed with italians

>> No.15093650

>No source
Okay crapeyes lol

>> No.15093658

Link where that table comes from. I'm familiar with some of those sources listed and they don't mention blue eye colors. Let me guess, you got from /pol/? You know they make stuff up right

>> No.15093663

>Blue eyed McDonald's worker who thinks he's better than his brown eyed manager
Tale as old as time. Back to work, wagie.

>> No.15093665

debunked, mutt subhuman

>> No.15093672

Thanks for letting me know you feel inferior about your crapeyes with your consistent damage control

>> No.15093677

Wagie wagie, back in the cagie.

>> No.15093684


>> No.15093720

Crapeyed slaves to the light eyed emperors

>> No.15093725
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>I'm an emperor
Sure you are. Back in the cagie.

>> No.15093726
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meanwhile in reality

>> No.15093729

Seething crapeyed slaves

>> No.15093732
File: 2.19 MB, 3536x3368, miningthechans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause pic related doesn't breed a good board environment, its part of why those that decide to go to other board to /pol/post put barely any effort, and honestly i don't blame them, why would they?

>> No.15093734

Took blue eyed Americans to defeat the Nazi Socialists. Most Nazi's were brown eyed. They rage-seethed at superior British genetics.

>> No.15093741

go bow to your nigger overlords you pathetic mutt aka amerikneeler lol

>> No.15093743

Why are you trying to reason with the crapeyed mongrels?

>> No.15093745
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>superior British genetics

>> No.15093750

Enjoy your diabetes and hearing loss, subhuman.

You're genetically unfit and will be bred out.

>> No.15093758
File: 117 KB, 1706x960, fuckyoubarbarians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because most of the poltards are descendents of barbarians who hated the rome empire, and spain, italy and greece are in essence rome. Barbarians (mostly germans) destroyed this great civilization. Fuck you barbarians

>> No.15093760

ancient chinese were white

>> No.15093768

The crapeyed mutt is STILL seething! When will it end? Probably when he has to go to work working for his light eyed master.

>> No.15093769
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idgaf, kys

>> No.15093770

Cope at your unfit genetics subhuman.

>> No.15093890

Cope, crapeyes, or should I say, niggereyes

>> No.15093940

/sci/ doesn't care about 60-IQ niggers and 70-IQ rednecks. Please return to your containment board.