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15092194 No.15092194 [Reply] [Original]

New thought experiment just dropped. Discuss it while it's hot.

Suppose scientists can actually perform the "brain in a vat" thing. They offer to extract your brain and hook it up to a fuckload of electrodes and provide you with a simulation of sensory inputs indistinguishable from real world experience. You'd be guaranteed that your experience would be optimized to maximize pleasure. However, they tell you that there's no going back. You can never return into your old body and into the original reality. Would you do it? If not, what keeps you attached to a non-pleasant reality instead?

>> No.15092202

Why is the webm a meme? Can someone please explain?

>> No.15092205

>New thought experiment just dropped
It was new to me when I was 12.

> Would you do it?

>what keeps you attached to a non-pleasant reality instead?
The lack of an alternative that isn't fake?

>> No.15092217

Why does it matter that it's fake? We can't know whether our own reality isn't fake as well. And there's no inherent value in something being not fake.

>> No.15092227

>Why does it matter that it's fake?
Your question is based on a category error as far as I'm concerned.

>there's no inherent value in something being not fake.
Never said there was. There is, however, some inherent value in life.

>> No.15092239

incels seething at brazilian qt for some reason

>> No.15092243

Category error? Please elaborate.

>inherent value in life
How is life as a brain in a vat less of a life than life in reality? We constantly immerse in alternative realities like video games or 4channel to a point where we spend more time there than outside, but nobody would call that morally wrong.

>> No.15092247

She's insanely beautiful and her natural, authentic joy over ordering delicious halal food is pleasurable to watch.

>> No.15092249

>Category error? Please elaborate.
"Why does it matter" makes about as much sense as "why does a tree" when you're talking about the fundamental values and sensibilities that make up a person.

>How is life as a brain in a vat less of a life
It's fake.

>> No.15092261

>How is life as a brain in a vat less of a life than life in reality?
It's not less of a life necessarily but knowing it's fake would bother me. i'd take it if my only alternative was dying.

>> No.15092263

Knowledge is important. Not just philosophically, but also physically in terms of how we feel and how our body reacts to inputs. If someone tells you midway through eating that kebab that it's made with human flesh (and you believe them) that'll probably make you feel a bit differently about it even if you were enjoying it until then. This is why Cypher in the matrix also wanted his memory wiped- he didn't want the knowledge of what he had done to haunt the rest of his life.

>> No.15092266

How do I know it's legit? It's not like they have tested it if they can't go back.

>> No.15092268

>it just is, okay?

>> No.15092269
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>someone tells you midway through eating that kebab that it's made with human flesh
Ummm, sweaty? Why does it matter? I want to see some solid deductive reasoning based on objective premises. Oh, what's that? You don't have it? Well, you better stop being irrational and start eating ze corpses.

>> No.15092270

Lesswrongers are retarded because they associate good and evil with suffering (good reduces suffering, evil increases suffering) rather than with existence, which would be correct.
Good is what makes good, that is, what benefits (the existence of) something, makes it more permanent, magnifies, makes it easier or more probable.
Bad is that which harms, i.e., that which harms (the existence of) something, makes it less permanent, dwarfs it, makes it less easy or likely.
(Note the positive/negative contrast.)
Neutrists avoid these concepts, which are so fundamental to common sense, but unfortunately due to the reservations of some, they end up not being so clear.

Confusing and making good the negative and evil the positive with suffering as a measure makes us forget that suffering is just the means that the living being has to let itself know that its own existence is being reduced.

This confusion leads to absurdities such as the idea that the extermination (or extinction) of the human population would be a great benefit, since this would eliminate all actuality and possibility of suffering from it. The appeal of suicide rests on a similar confusion. In these two cases, the good that suffering was intended to preserve by signaling its precariousness (existence) and moving the being to do something is paradoxically sacrificed.

>> No.15092271

>>15092269 calls it.
Diseased bugmen have a deep misunderstanding of what it means to be human.

>> No.15092278
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As long as the human flesh is lab grown there's no problem with it. They're already selling sausages grown from cloned cells from celebrities.

>> No.15092279
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>As long as the human flesh is lab grown there's no problem with it.
I guess we've reached the point where it's impossible to even strawman or parody your sort because you're proud of being subhuman.

>> No.15092284

a bit of a tangent, but why does it matter when people misgender you?

>> No.15092285

She's Italian though

>> No.15092290

Science question:
For what reason do incels see a webm of an attractive young girl enjoying the moment being sociable and happy to receive food and seethe with absolute rage??
Genuinely baffling

>> No.15092294

Ok, incel. You will never feel the inside of a woman.

>> No.15092300

Ok, what is it?
Is it cos she's being flirtatious in the guise of getting tasty food but would otherwise be uninterested in the vendor?
Or does it enrage you because you know you will never be the target of her flirtatious affections?

>> No.15092304

Ok, virgin. Seethe harder. She will never look in your direction.

>> No.15092341



>> No.15092351

You're just a chud stuck with outdated worldviews who can't accept progress.

>> No.15092358


the way women "express their emotions" is so fake and gay.

>> No.15092362

Instagram is not a peer reviewed source

>> No.15092370

>women have emotions

>> No.15092382
