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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 28 KB, 493x710, crucifix-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1508786 No.1508786 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /sci/fags, if there is no god how come all the greatest scientists were religious? Einstein, Mendel, Newton, Hawking all believed in god and its well known that Darwin accepted Jesus Christ as his saviour on his deathbed. Not to mention that there is no evidence for macro evolution.

>> No.1508802
File: 44 KB, 640x458, macroevolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is your god now faggot?

>> No.1508805

lol inb4 lying atheists

>> No.1508811
File: 50 KB, 674x770, 4 1276302975926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1508820

Yeah, cool story bro. Lying doesn't make you right.

>> No.1508825
File: 33 KB, 304x365, handsome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1508827

OP is not a faggot! 8D

>> No.1508833

Darwin didn't accept Jesus on his deathbed, the story was bullshit.

>> No.1508836

God is the Jesus

>> No.1508838

Einstein = pantheist (he was doing it in a poetic sense
Mendel = "greatist scientists" Not at all, he played with plants.
Newton = batshit insane. If he were around today he would be all "the gov't alien conspiracy is trying to rape my eye balls!"
Hawking = agnostic atheist
Darwin = never happened. Its a common myth, just like all the other shit christians talk about

In short, go fuck yourself.

>> No.1508843

Darwin accepted Jesus long before he died.

He is quoted as saying, A little bit of science takes you away from god but a lot brings you back to him.

>> No.1508849

He totally did. He was in his deathbed and Jesus came to him and said "Do you wanna fuck my cornhole?" And Darwin said "Sure, why not?" and Jesus gave him a miraculous boner and Darwin nailed him to the bed with his manmeat.
True story.

>> No.1508853

Einstein believe in God until he was around 9, then he said fuck this shit and used logic.

>> No.1508856


You cant use logic to disprove god

>> No.1508861

If god is omnipotent, can he create a rock so massive that not even he can move it?

>> No.1508865

Okay Christfags, if there's a god how come all the greatest heads of religion were atheist? Your local vicar, some random archbishop and the current pope all didn't believe in god and its well known that a random famous dead pope rejected Jesus Christ as his saviour on his deathbed. Not to mention that there is no evidence for the garden of Eden.

>> No.1508870


>> No.1508873
File: 86 KB, 734x587, 2010-07-28_2011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What browser are you using?

I searched that and the one of the first things that came up was your post on 4chan.

The fuck man

>> No.1508880

ITT: Theists pulling "facts" out of their ass.

>> No.1509790

I love you OP <3