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15086637 No.15086637 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15086639

Society has already extended youth into the late 20s to satisfy wall-hitting women.

>> No.15086642

Immortal femboy harem please now.

>> No.15086661

Getting further and further away because of all the chemicals in processed food.

>> No.15086682

Not happening. If you haven't kissed a girl by 14 it's over. Accept virginity and abandon any hope.

>> No.15086693

So many worthless trash over her on this board discussing prime numbers on a high school level and making memes as if they are some clevel intellectual geniuses like the midwits who laugh at stupid people thinking they are really clever and what not.

What a bunch of worthless children do your homework!

>> No.15086699
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I tipped you in the other thread. I suppose I can do the same here.

>> No.15086758

I can't say for sure if we'll see biological immortality in this generation, we're not very close, but I do firmly believe that we will see significant life extension via drugs, genetic therapy, and advanced organ transplantation in out lifetimes.

>> No.15086765
File: 21 KB, 600x315, 3524453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sold your youth to the technocattle slavers and now you're coping. LOL. You're not getting life extensions. You're getting culled.

>> No.15086767

Very far. Any approach currently pursued will not work. Good news is that solution has to be simple. Humans can't solve complicated problems like that. We can create simple scientific theories but completely fail when we try to model complex systems. That's why all the smart people are studying AI now.

>> No.15086774

Sure kiddo do your fucking homework tranny

>> No.15086801

You already got reproduction and cancer, what more do you want?

>> No.15086806

>contradicts himself twice in 1 post
>acting smug
The absence of self awareness of this post

>> No.15086811

>kissing girls

>> No.15086822

>If you haven't kissed a girl by 14 it's over.
I kissed a girl for the first time when I was 25. She was 14 if it matters.

>> No.15086844

Aubrey is starting his famous Robust Mouse Rejuvenation next year, (https://www.levf.org/projects/robust-mouse-rejuvenation-study-1)), so after that's been conducted money will apparently roll in.

>> No.15086849

I want to look like Timothee Chalamet at 18 when I'm 50. Will this chemical make that happen?

>> No.15086916

An eternity.

>> No.15086919

How does cancer help?

>> No.15086997

Prime numbers are the most important thing in the universe. With prime numbers you can do all kinds of stuff like...you know...the thing

>> No.15087001

>we will see significant life extension via drugs, genetic therapy
I think so too. Once they start getting even some decent results I think they'll start getting a lot more funding. They're already doing hundreds of trials a year now so it's making more progress than it ever has

>> No.15088267

had my first kiss at 23, my first sex at 24 and i fucked more women since then. shut up and open your math text book, incel

>> No.15088530

We're probably getting AGI before the end of the century
If we don't destroy ourselves everything will be OK after that

>> No.15088554

no and your continued unwillingness to accept this fact will make the inevitable disappointment that much more painful

good luck anon

>> No.15088883

Pretty good. Life expectancy used to increase by one month per year, later 2 months per year until we hit a plateau recently. The opioid crisis didn't help much.

In any case, people can enjoy a long youth these days, compare to 100 years ago when you were adult at the age of 13 .

>> No.15089155

They're undifferentiated if I remember correctly, something to the effect of cancer is intimately tied to plenipotentiary or the stem cell state.

>> No.15089158


>> No.15089164

Have you missed the part where there is estrogen in the water supply now? Things are getting worse, not better.

>> No.15089341

What would you think it would take? Because, to me, that includes diminishing mental acuity so the mental aspect of youth can be maintained longer. It's not like just because you have both young body/brain, that everything else works out the same way. Even with the juvenile brain, you will have lived longer. Imagine 100 years of biological youth. Can you see how some brakes must be installed so that the compounding dynamics (of various types) don't end up distorting the immaterial aspects of youth?

>> No.15089357

I don’t understand what you’re saying ngl

>> No.15089362

Define youth. What age does youth go until?

>> No.15089399

You can be bio-12 for a 100 years. For a regular 12 year old, opinions are not automatic *hand gestures the hash symbol* "cute" anymore automatically. So your brain is well developed enough to understand basically any topic, problem, and issue, any current geopolitical effluence or socioeconomic rabbit hole you could descend.
Added to that -- 100 has have given you time. While in your genuinely still comparatively 12 years old mind you don't think about marriage at all yet -- the fact that many of your adult friends having them failing speaks about another aspect of 'human existence', and why you are socially/pedagogically, but let's not forget TEMPORALLY (since these impressions accumulate to something, so the less time is better) shielded, usually.
Added to that, you best friend just died from a mystery "Marndee" shot. That's it. You had it. You have already mis-lent tons of GBAs over your 100 year stint and was also stolen many a Pokemon card -- you are now officially jaded. Profoundly informed, and profoundly jaded.

Does such an boy-bodied individual match fitting the definition of "living in is youth"? (Open question: the term for this is not yet invented)

>> No.15089488

I love incest with onee

>> No.15089640

yea but idc about that

i just want to look 24 forever (my current age) and fuck 21 year old girls

>> No.15089866

Nobody cares about that, people care about being young physically

>> No.15090058

I'm in my late 20s but still 13-15 at heart

>> No.15090111

I missed that part, mainly because I live way outside the US.

>> No.15090116

The fact that you can write out this word salad and go so deep down the rabbit hole of what it means to experience youth, without realizing that your entire diatribe has nothing to do with what people idolize "youth" for (hint: it's not their personality or consciousness it's their fucking physical bodies aging and falling apart from the moment they enter their mid-20s) is all really funny.

>> No.15090119

It already happened. It used to be people would be married and working by the time they were 14 or 15.

Now they're in school (unemployed) until they're 22 and not getting married until their 30s, if ever.

>> No.15090627

I am sorry, NPC, for pondering an interesting tanget. You are such a retard that you honestly think I am interested in debating the value of biological youthfulness. Are you stupid? Who would say no to that?
I extended the topic to an actually interesting area.

Go wageslave, worthless drone.

>> No.15090728

None of what you said was interesting, original or even valuable to consider in regards to the topic of life extension.
>"If a 12 year old lives for 100 years, they won't be a retarded child about everything or believe in Santa anymore!!! what the fug habbened???!?!?!!!!".
That's you. If it comes off as retarded it's because it was and you are.