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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 556 KB, 924x1089, y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15084749 No.15084749 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ blown the FUCK OUT.

>> No.15084785
File: 38 KB, 750x422, Joker World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cmon Elon! He needs more dank memes.

>> No.15084798

Elon Musk really really should stay as CEO and help solve the Twitter problem

>> No.15084801

He is trying to appeal to (certain) people, not be a dank meme lord

>> No.15084804

Musk is autistically based. He doesn't care about "appealing" to anyone. He just tells it like it is usually.

>> No.15084811
File: 38 KB, 720x610, Muskcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elon Musk really really should stay as CEO and help solve the Twitter problem
He won the vote after he counted all the mail-in ballots.

>> No.15084821

not really. Musk's evidence for bad science is anything he disagrees with.

>> No.15084825

The man is one of the smartest humans on earth. If Musk finds fault with it, then it is probably bad science.

>> No.15084831

that's not how science works.

>> No.15084840

Elon is so cool . Hes what I aspire to be . He’s my role model and I wish to be half the man he is one day

>> No.15084842

You're a tranny

>> No.15084850

>you refuted my beliefs, you're a racist who doesn't trust the s o i yence!
Elon was right again.

>> No.15084851

He is not trying to “appeal” in the individual sense. He is building a brand and a fan base. Remember, he’s even hinted at a possible presidential run. Even if he doesn’t have any political ambitions, it’s still in his financial interests to build his brand name.

>> No.15084853

>financial interests
Or rather, I should have said, it’s in the interests of his companies

>> No.15084854


>> No.15084856

>he’s even hinted at a possible presidential run
Not happening, he isn't a native citizen

>> No.15084859
File: 46 KB, 715x900, Elon Musk NPCs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15084860


>> No.15084861
File: 9 KB, 256x268, woosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15084863

ITT: passionate dick sucking of a man who promises the world and delivers little

>> No.15084868
File: 404 KB, 1000x666, jdjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dick sucking
Tranny faggot detected.
Immediately thinks about sucking dick.

Why do trannies want to depopulate the planet? So you won't feel so alone??

>> No.15084872
File: 82 KB, 688x382, ElonSavesJptwitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people have seen him deliver.

>> No.15084876

It is you who loves sucking on that Elon schlong all day, not me. That makes you the fag here, sorry.

>> No.15084883

>mmmmmmm I want to talk MOAR about sucking cock and watching cock get sucked.
>everyone else is a fag not me!
Denial, it's a hella drug.

>> No.15084885

Elon drones are out in full force today

>> No.15084891

But why do you do it, if you don’t love it yourself?

>> No.15084893
File: 121 KB, 974x878, FlFv9ERXwAA0n8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15084901
File: 391 KB, 1020x702, 7-Figure2-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is incredibly stupid. That's not at all how science works. Here is an image of a plate subducting formed by earthquake reflections traveling through the Earth. A process of study called seismology. Plate tectonics is settled science. We don't understand everything about how plates work but we certainly aren't going to suddenly learn that Earth doesn't have plates.

Science doesn't know everything but it doesn't work backwards. Idiots like Musk want to pretend that whatever they believe about the world is correct and when challenged want to fall back on 'nuh uh, you can't be CERTAIN!' It's the last defense of a small mind.

>> No.15084911
File: 361 KB, 1920x2552, actual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neither was obama, but he did have to lie about it, which elon is not doing. Yet.

>> No.15084918
File: 59 KB, 732x900, muskdawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neither was obama, but he did have to lie about it, which elon is not doing. Yet.
Maybe Musk-Trump duo!

>> No.15084922

>Plate tectonics is settled science
No not even that is settled science, since nobody can explain how the plates move. Only guesses as to how. Not settled.

>> No.15084934

This was a great thing to see happen

>> No.15085085

>japanese people want anime
>japanese twitter: here are some korean boy bands
>japanese people start trending offensive political shit
>japanese twitter: fine have your anime
Well played japan.

>> No.15085090

That's not what the picture says at all

>> No.15085091

That is exactly what it says.

>> No.15085096

No, it says that Japanese twitter was artificially pumped with kpop and offensive western political shit that disappeared once it stopped being manipulated by anti-Japanese censors. Work on your reading comprehension

>> No.15085109

>Plate tectonics is settled science
Tectonic plates don't even exist. Ever seen a picture of "subduction" that wasn't an illustration? Scientists don't have the faintest clue of what's underneath our feet or what happened hundreds of millions of years ago.

The overwhelming preponderance of evidence in the geological record points to the fact that tectonic plates are complete fiction, and that the separation of continents is due entirely to the Earth's expansion.

>> No.15085166

I agree. He’s the king of trolls, which is to say the hero/CEO Twitter deserves

>> No.15085172

Reading comprehension lmao. Are you 12 or liberal?

>japanese people talk anime on twitter
>leftist twitter employees censor anime
>leftist twitter employees promote k-pop in japan twitter
>leftists twitter employees promote political shit
>leftists twitter employees get fired
>politics/kpop gets wiped out from trending list
>japanese people see anime on twitter trends

>> No.15085185

/sci/ is mostly soi and HRT insfused faggot. I blow them out in my sleep

>> No.15085191

>t. defending a man who literally wants to do this to you with his neuralink

>> No.15085262
File: 448 KB, 612x1132, memer musk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a card

>> No.15085333

he gonna rule south africa with an iron fist

>> No.15085334

Sounds like a tranoid cope

>> No.15085364

>neither was obama, but he did have to lie about it, which elon is not doing. Yet.
Obama's mother was a US citizen and Hawaii is part of the US. Elon's mother is Candian and his dad is South African. Maybe he can run for president in Canada.

>he gonna rule south africa with an iron fist
Ironically fled Apartheid South Africa after being bullied with "iron fists" at high school.

>> No.15085434

>presidential run
you have to be born in the US to be president mouth breather

>> No.15085450

Magic is science we haven't discovered yet. The occult is science we don't understand yet.