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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15083630 No.15083630 [Reply] [Original]

I have a racist friend that keeps saying that blacks have never made any significant contributions to science or mathematics. Can you help me find some black scientists that have made very significant contributions to science(comparable to Isaac Newton, Euler, Rutherford, etc) so I can disprove him?

>> No.15083633

Inoculation was first introduce by a black slave to the west iirc

>> No.15083638

oh great, another obvious /pol/ shitpost thread

>> No.15083647 [DELETED] 


>> No.15083649

What is happening to this board? Why do you guys care so much about race, climate change and trans people?

>> No.15083661

The first man to successfully perform an open heart surgery was black. He was also a brilliant thinker and surgeon in general.


>> No.15083664


Just show him this.

>> No.15083676

why has leftypol made a sudden return? are we being raided?

>> No.15083695 [DELETED] 

>performed what is referred to as "the first successful heart surgery"
It's extremely funny how they attempt to lie without committing to their own lie.

>> No.15083705

>he, uhhh, just didn't do it!
Says the racist. It's amazing to me you fell for /pol/'s satire. Did you know /pol/ was originally created to mock people like you, who are unironically racist? You probably did not know that, because you are too stupid and ignorant.

>> No.15083712 [DELETED] 

They didn't lie, though. I'm sure he's "referred to" as such.

>> No.15083722

I think they meant first American to perform an open heart surgery, which also isn't entirely true. A physician in St. Louis did an open heart surgery in 1891, two years before Williams, but he was actually part hispanic, so this still kills the /pol/tard.

>> No.15083727 [DELETED] 

>I think they meant something other than what the text says
>and just happened to write "referred to" instead of just "was" and put "the first successful heart surgery" in quotes
People are noticing. Shills get their legs broken.

>> No.15083730

I'm just trying to be fair to them. I have no idea what they actually meant. Nice resort to violence at the first instance of conflict and disagreement, I'm sure you will go far in life.

>> No.15083731 [DELETED] 

I'm sure they'll be fair to you when it's time for you to be held accountable.

>> No.15083739

Dr Emery Brown is the contemporary reference concerning neuroanesthesia.

>> No.15083743

b-b-b-but i was told that the blacks were segregated and inferior to whites at the time. how did he become a surgeon?????

>> No.15083747

>who are unironically racist?
WHY DON'T YOU POST 10 GREAT BLACK SCIENTISTS THEN? Prove how dumb we "racists" are.

>> No.15083750

He actually was segregated. He had to open his own public clinic since private hospitals (the elite Healthcare institutions) would not hire a black person. So actually yes, he succeeded in medicine and surgery even though he had literally all the odds stacked against him because of America's racist, backwards thinking during the time he lived. He probably could have excelled much greater and further if he had had the access to the training and technology his white colleagues had. This may not be what you want to hear, but it's what you need to hear.

>> No.15083752

/pol/ was not created for that purpose. Now stop raiding us. You already control every other internet forum.

>> No.15083753

>in 1893 performed what is referred to as "the first successful heart surgery".
in the same wikipedia article
>In 1893, Williams became the first African American on record to have successfully performed pericardium surgery to repair a wound.
>On September 6, 1891,[5][6] Henry Dalton was the first American to successfully perform pericardium surgery to repair a wound

>> No.15083759

>>In 1893, Williams became the first African American on record to have successfully performed pericardium surgery to repair a wound.
>>On September 6, 1891,[5][6] Henry Dalton was the first American to successfully perform pericardium surgery to repair a wound
What the fuck is this

>> No.15083762

Didn’t a black scientist invent peanut butter? Well there you go

>> No.15083772

equitable history!

>> No.15083779

Are there really no black scientists comparable to Newton or Rutherford, etc?

>> No.15083846

>This may not be what you want to hear, but it's what you need to hear.
Thank you. Now I understand that blacks have no excuse for their failures.

>> No.15083875

Because these things are being lie about.

>> No.15083878
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Black science man make watermelonium

>> No.15083883

Wasn't there some nigga who invented peanut butter? That's pretty close.

>> No.15084050

This would be like asking for the names of the great Germanic philosophers and mathematicians in 100 AD.

There are no modernized countries in Africa, and they’ve only just recently been liberated with all the knowledge of their colonizers passed down. Black Americans and new worlders were enslaved for most of their history and prevented from reading for centuries. You’re comparing centuries of white achievement to a group of people who just 70 years ago were given the right to attend the best universities in the countries they live in.

>> No.15084056

>There are no modernized countries in Africa
I wonder why... A lot of the former colonies were very rich, and prosperous, until the White people left....

>> No.15084057

People with high IQs are embarrassed by all average racial IQs and therefore fixate on their own IQs. /pol/niggers are around 80 IQ and therefore live vicariously through the average white IQ.

>> No.15084060
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>> No.15084061

>effort fetch

>> No.15084063

>There are no modernized countries in Africa
Why did the japs go from a per-industrial society to an industrial society in less than 70 years after opening up their society to Europeans? Blacks have been in contact with Europeans more or less for 2000 years and they have never done shit with this.

>> No.15084064


>> No.15084066
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>> No.15084070

see >>15084061

>> No.15084076

this, desu
/sci/ is obsessed with iq but individual iq
/pol/ is obsessed with average racial iqs because they're retards individually

>> No.15084079

> A lot of the former colonies were very rich, and prosperous
For the white minority populations that comprised like 2% of the population sure. But most of the black Africans in these countries who didn’t have wealth to bring over from their old countries continued to live in their straw huts.

Rhodesia and South Africa were both unexceptional countries that only secured a good quality of life for the white citizens. Of course they improved the “countries” they colonized, the black natives had built nothing that even came close to modern industrialized countries. How were they supposed to when they were isolated from the world with literally no incentive to innovate? Again, to compare SSA civilizations with white civilizations post industrialization would be like trying to compare Rome with Germania. It’s completely unfair.

And for the record, from a pure production standpoint, Nigeria is the most successful country in Africa’s history, not Rhodesia or South Africa. It has the 26th highest GDP in the entire world (with, obviously, a very low GDP per capita due to like half the country living in the middle of the desert in some shack and the overpopulation crisis).

>> No.15084085

after millennia, their best achievement was enslaving each other. as you say, they needed new worlders to liberate them.

>> No.15084086

>For the white minority populations that comprised like 2% of the population sure
Blacks had it much better there than before. In any case that's not the point, why did the blacks never take any of all the technology the Europeans brought and develop it for themselves like the Japanese did?

>> No.15084095

Japan wasn’t colonized by any European power, so I’d say the nature of Europe’s interaction with Japan was entirely different from its interaction with African countries.

SSA countries technically had contact with Europe thousands of years ago, but so did Japan.

>> No.15084096

one state
tens of thousands of ethnicities

you'd think that americans would one day learn that africa isn't a country

>> No.15084099

africa isn't a country, correct. which makes the homogeneous barbarism across the entire continent all the more damning.

>> No.15084100

>the great Germanic philosophers
Return to self fellating on /his/ you dumb pseud

>> No.15084105

Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you

>> No.15084106

>Japan wasn’t colonized by any European power
Exactly, Europeans literally went to africa and built up whole countries there and gave them a shit ton of technology and information, schools, etc. They simply traded a bit with japs, yet the japanese were able to learn a lot from the Europeans. This speaks badly for the blacks.

>> No.15084113

> Blacks had it much better there than before
When “before” is literally no urbanization and no railroads, of course marginal improvements will be much better than their previous conditions. But the fact still remains that the majority of the population in these countries continued to live in the same way they did centuries before the colonizers arrived.
> In any case that's not the point,
It’s completely relevant to bring up though, since the post I was responding to claimed that these countries were “rich” and “prosperous”, which is obviously not true. The majority of the people in these countries remained impoverished and quality of life was still third world tier. A small group of a few thousand rich colonizers coming to a country and maintaining their wealth isn’t them building a great, new country. The black American colonizers of Liberia managed to do that for a couple centuries as well, it meant nothing.
>why did the blacks never take any of all the technology the Europeans brought and develop it for themselves like the Japanese did?
They never were compelled to.

>> No.15084119

lol is this some kind of mental breakdown you're having

>> No.15084126

>what I believe as an ignorant is indicative of reality
Read a book, actual nigger.
>inb4 educate yourself
>Solomonic Dynasty
>Mali empire
>Zulu Kingdom
>African Fractals: Modern Computing and Indigenous Design
>Emery N. Brown
>Thomas Sowell
>African Cosmology

>> No.15084128

How am I a pseud?
> Europeans literally went to africa and built up whole countries there and gave them a shit ton of technology and information, schools, etc.
That’s not what happened. Most of these colonies were segregated by race, and blacks were hardly even allowed to participate in the modernized portion of society. Look at the urbanization rate of African colonies in the 20th century. There may be one or two that even exceeded 25%, but the rest were only urbanized in the areas where white colonizers lived. These countries obviously weren’t being built up for the African natives, most of them continued to live in shacks in the middle of jungles. The knowledge the Europeans had wasn’t successfully passed down to the Africans, in part because of the Africans’ indifference/ignorance, but also because the Europeans didn’t have any interest in educating them.

>> No.15084133

Yes, just like there are no scientists comparable to Newton, Rutherford, etc among the Yanomami people of the Amazon.

>> No.15084137

Not a problem for East Asians lmao

>> No.15084138

Because "german philosophers" are pseuds and you are a pseud for thinking their work is meaningful

>> No.15084142
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LOL. that doesn't support the argument you think it does. Lmao.

>> No.15084143
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My point was that in 100 AD, there weren’t any great Germanic philosophers, because German people were still painting their faces and roaming forests in tribes. It took centuries for them to properly inherit Roman civilization and knowledge, and the result of that is one of the greatest nations in human history.

>> No.15084146

I'm here to help anon. Here's a list of great black scientists

>> No.15084147

Ancient tribal confederacies existed and they produced metal

>> No.15084150
File: 3.36 MB, 1504x2312, German and Celtic History.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15084152

SSA African civilizations discovered metallurgy as well though.


>> No.15084153

pretty the romans noted the irish as having better metal work too

>> No.15084156

[math] \lim _{h\to 0 } \frac{ tan(x) - tan(\pi/6)} {x-\pi/6} = frac{ tan(x) - tan(\pi/6)} {x-\pi/6} [/math]

>> No.15084157

Here we see the kang in his natural state.

>> No.15084159

In fact it's widely believed that the tribal Celts were the first ironworkers in post-ice-age history.

>> No.15084160

>it is still not known whether this technology diffused into sub-Saharan Africa from the Mediterranean region, or whether it was invented there independently of iron working elsewhere.[6] Although some nineteenth-century European scholars favored an indigenous invention of iron working in sub-Saharan Africa, archaeologists writing between 1945 and 1965 mostly favored diffusion of iron smelting technology from Carthage across the Sahara to West Africa and/or from Meroe on the upper Nile to central Africa.[7] This in turn has been questioned by more recent research which argues for an independent invention.[8][2]
Imagine getting owned by your own citation. You should commit seppuku.

>> No.15084162

thats clearly female behavior, and probably a white one

>> No.15084166

Could be a soi numale as well

>> No.15084176

I admire ancient Western European civilizations, and believe they accomplished a lot. But some of the stuff in this image is utter cope.

Do you really believe that Celts designed Roman roads? Even though Rome’s roads were already largely developed before westward expansion. When Romans already had heated floors, aqueducts, and sewage systems, and Germanic people couldn’t even build two story buildings. It doesn’t really matter though anyway, since my point wasn’t that Rome was superior in every way to other European civilizations, just in mathematics, science, and philosophy.

>> No.15084178

But there are a lot more blacks in the world than Yanomami people of the Amazon, you are comparing a small ethnicity to a large race.

>> No.15084180

> The invention of radiocarbon dating in the late 1950s enabled dating of metallurgical sites by the charcoal fuel used for smelting and forging. By the late 1960s some surprisingly early radiocarbon dates had been obtained for iron smelting sites in both Niger and central Africa (Rwanda, Burundi), reviving the view that iron-making was independently invented by Africans in sub-Saharan Africa[9][10][11] as far back as 3600 BCE.[11] These dates preceded the known antiquity of ironworking in Carthage or Meroe, weakening the diffusion hypothesis.

>> No.15084183

It's all backed by empirical archaeological evidence. Unlike kang claims, there's proof of European achievement.

>> No.15084187

>That’s not what happened
yes it is.

>> No.15084198

Did... Did you check those citations? You're gonna shit your pants when you see how unreliable they are. You're such an idiot.

>> No.15084201

Half of the things cited in the image are in the modern era, after Germanic people had contact with Rome. It doesn’t disprove my claim about there being no great Germanic philosophers or mathematicians from before Roman expansion into Germania.

I appreciate the links though, some of the stuff referenced in that image is actually really interesting. I don’t have a particular agenda, I’m genuinely interested in learning the truth.

>> No.15084203

i mean i can imagine a onions chugger writing that kek

>> No.15084204

Did you even read the post?
I bet you just read the title of the articles and discredited them immediately. Are you arguing that archeologists didn’t use radiocarbon dating at these sites?

>> No.15084211

Look up the author of [11] and the impact factor of the journal in [9]. I'm sure I don't need to explain to you why [10] is unreliable.

>> No.15084213

That's only for the references to things which were first recorded by the Romans. Obviously a Roman source wouldn't know about pre-Roman innovations, but the fact that they were well-developed and in common use by Roman times suggests prior art.

>> No.15084232
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> Look up the author of [11]
I mean she’s a leftist (kinda looks like a tranny too), but I don’t see why that would immediately discredit her. Did I miss something?

>> No.15084240

he's desperate and he hopes these vague replies will save him

>> No.15084253

She's not a scientist (or even a Ph.D) she's a science journalist with no formal credentials. It's pop-sci without any weight behind it.

>> No.15084258

you missed the point. she has no credentials. the citation isn't a journal article, it's a blog post.

>> No.15084276

I see. I barely skimmed over her Wikipedia page.

However, I think she does reference legit research in the article.

>> No.15084281
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This shit is comical though lol
>failed waitress

>> No.15084290

>Jokes she failed as a waitress
>Wikipedia faggot puts it in the article in scare quotes

>> No.15084305

>I think she does reference legit research in the article.
proof? i'd bet good money the "legit research" she cites is the same garbage wikipedia cites.

>> No.15084343

I’ll get back to you on this when I have time

>> No.15085728

>They never were compelled to.
What then compelled the Japanese?

>> No.15085751

>Obviously a Roman source wouldn't know about pre-Roman innovations
Not sure how that is given.

>> No.15085786

Precisely, because it is not their failure.

>> No.15085792

I see. So blacks lack personal agency, and are incapable of acting of their own conscious mind. Thank you for clarifying this.

>> No.15085869

American hours

>> No.15085908

I dont really think its hard for africans to do what other countries have done before I think they genuinely just dont care about being scientists or conquest or civilization or anything because they’re able to live really harmoniously with nature I think more than anyone else so they dont see the point especially when africa is a very abundant part of the world theres not much reason to do much except in the northern part where its extremely arid. Thats my theory anyway Im not history buff, I dont really think its that hard to be a scientist and blacks are just stupid, its just they dont want to. African americans are more complicated because they have a weird and very unfortunate relationship with this country

>> No.15085952

The last is not like the others. One shouldn't discriminate by race and there is evidence to argue for climate change but gender studies is liberal arts bullshit and is not science, it is more like religion. Just say you like putting on women's clothes but stop claiming you have some spiritual essence that makes you a woman or whatever that allows you to go to women locker rooms

>> No.15085977

I mean..the US has a great black doctor (he's really good) and a good black physicist but one of them is megachristian, the other is just christian... and the left deleted them for that reason.
Peak black people aren't as good as peak whites and the good africans used to be hunted down by strong tribes in Africa

>> No.15086064

they discovered AIDS by having sex with HIV infected monkeys

>> No.15086686

Humans lived in Africa for hunreds of thousands of years before a single European even existed. This should be plenty of time to form dozens of advanced civilisations.
So what happened?

>> No.15086795

> Humans lived in Africa for hunreds of thousands of years before a single European even existed
Homo Sapiens were living in Europe for 80000 years, and didn’t develop advanced civilization for all that time as well. It was only a few thousand years BC when we saw agricultural societies emerge on the continent.

>> No.15087126

Japan was built up by american occupation after the war, also they had already been westernizing themselves during the emperors reign and EXPLOITING THEIR NEIGHBORS THROUGH INVASION

>> No.15087129

Yes, they are. And so is everyone else. Free will was debunked by frued, and then debunked even harder by skinner.

>> No.15087134 [DELETED] 

It took 300,000 years for homo sapiens to form civilizations anywhere anon. how long do you think people lived in europe before greece and rome happened? how long do you think people lived in the middle east before egypt and mesopotamia?
why do these /pol/acks make these threats here, do they not realize this is the highest IQ board?? nobody is buying their narrative.

>> No.15087135

Agriculture started, at minimum, 12-14,000 years B.C. in Eurasia. We have samples of cultivated einkorn wheat which are that old.

>> No.15087141


>> No.15087144

You won’t get a response to this. Most liberals these days have totally given up arguing race. This whole thread takes me back years

>> No.15087145

Anatolia specifically.

>> No.15087157

The point is that it took homo sapiens (regardless of race) about 300,000 years to invent agriculture. A few thousand years difference between groups/location is not a long time in the grand scheme of things. You also have to take into consideration that most early civilizations formed around rivers like the indus river, the euphrates/tigris, and the Nile that made it well... simpler to grow crops. sub saharan africa simply has little environmental factors that could give them an advantage in early economic development. However, there very well could be undiscovered early civilizations within africa when you think about it. The egyptians had trading records of an undiscovered civilization somewhere in ethiopia/somalia called the land of put that was said to be rich with resources.

>> No.15087163

Well now that we’ve given Africans agriculture and the wheel, we should keep them in their own space for a few thousand years to evolve and catch up to the rest of the world

>> No.15087168

white europeans never invented the wheel anon

>> No.15087171

Gasp, anyway niggers have 85 iq

>> No.15087174

Adding onto this: there actually were black civilizations above sub saharan africa but below egypt. eventually, they became so strong that they invaded egypt and formed the 25th egyptian dynasty. evidence of civilization there goes back to like 3500 BC

>> No.15087177

>white europeans never invented the wheel anon
Mesopotamian civilization is credited with the invention of the wheel.
Why did you lie?

>> No.15087179

IQ isn't as hereditary as you might think. Anyway, no matter what I say, you always have another talking point lined up, and I'm uninterested in having the same debate for the 1,000th time when you and I both know how it will end up. I will bid my (adoo)

>> No.15087183

it's adieu, you uncultured, illiterate nigger.

>> No.15087184

So a nigger mob took over the existing civilization of Egypt for 50 years out of 4,000 years of their recorded history. Racism debunked you racists

>> No.15087185

Lmao at how any time whites feel insecure about their culture or society they just tell themselves “well niggers are worse haha”

>> No.15087186

> why do these /pol/acks make these threats here, do they not realize this is the highest IQ board?? nobody is buying their narrative.
I don’t know. I think on some level they believe what they’re saying has truth to it, so they’re confident in their ability to convince others. However, they subconsciously omit facts and obfuscate in a way that’s really obvious to any intelligent/knowledge person listening to them.

>> No.15087187

they were not white. they were not even indo-european.

>> No.15087189

they weren't niggers either.

>> No.15087195

Insecure about what, white culture is the best, black culture is the worst. That’s just reality

>> No.15087198

> Mesopotamian civilization
> European
You have to be fucking around

>> No.15087202

>doesn’t understand what an average is

>> No.15087203

Oh, they (somewhat) know what they're doing. They don't approach these subjects with the intention of discovering the truth. They come into these things with a specific goal in mind-and they will just throw shit onto the wall hoping some of it sticks. When one doesn't stick, onto the next ball of feces.

Case in point, this latest interaction.
>white europeans never invented the wheel anon
>"mesopotamia did"
>mesopotamia was not white
>"oh yea, well they weren't black either"
There is only 3 possible ways this interaction could ever occur.
1) dishonesty
2) the other person has given up and is just trolling now
3) they were trolling from the beginning

>> No.15087205

Who claimed that retard?

>> No.15087207

so what is your claim? who invented the wheel?

>> No.15087216

A lot of these people are so rabidly anti white that they instantly start dissing white people in a thread simply asking for black scientists. I hate to psychoanalyze, but I think many of these people are very mentally ill. (Probably white themselves)

>> No.15087219

White Europeans invented ironworking AND steelworking (Celts) and might have invented the wheel independently, though nobody knows since it happened such a long time ago. There are early examples such as potter's wheels and horse carts on nearly every continent outside Africa.

>> No.15087223

I’m not the guy you initially responded to, but all he asserted was that white Europeans didn’t independently invent the wheel. Then you said “it developed In Mesopotamian civilization” as a rebuttal, but Mesopotamia isn’t in Europe. The only “claim” that was made is an objective historical- whites got the wheel and many other primitive technologies from West Asia and Mediterranean civilization, they didn’t develop it independently.

>> No.15087226

neither greeks nor romans ever invented the wheel. mesopotamians were the first recorded civilization to do it. speculation says that it somehow ended up from them to the greeks. (greeks probably got it from anatolians who were trading with the mesopotamians)

very few civs have actually invented the wheel, im surprised how little ppl know this.

>> No.15087227

>all he asserted was that white Europeans didn’t independently invent the wheel.
why did he assert that in a thread asking about black scientists? i can only infer he meant that niggers invented the wheel, which isn't true. so i fail to see how it's relevant. all it does is bolster the argument that blacks can't construct their own civilization

>> No.15087228
File: 2.00 MB, 480x246, 33DAC5C1-58D8-44FE-996A-DD97BEB899F7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> though nobody knows since it happened such a long time ago
Good bait

>> No.15087229

its not "dissing white peope" anon said black ppl never invented the wheel, therefore it is fair to point out that white people didn't invent it either. seek help for your persecution complex.

>> No.15087230

>very few civs have actually invented the wheel, im surprised how little ppl know this.
This isn't really widely accepted among historians and archaeologists. There are very early examples of wheels in all Old World cultural hubs without a definitive origin-point for them. It can be surmised well enough that the evolved use of the wheel when it's discovered in Europe means that primitive wheel use was already occurring before that date, so the question is currently not answerable.

>> No.15087231

>The peak of Celtic spread across Europe occurred around the year 300 BC
god, fucking psued

>> No.15087235

The thread almost immediately devolved into discussion about black anthropology, none of the posts you are referencing were made unprompted.

>> No.15087239

>celts might have invented the wheel independently
strongly doubt.

>> No.15087240

>he doesn't even know about proto-Celtic migrations from the Caucasus
Look in a mirror lmao.

>> No.15087243

Black anthropology contains the answer to the OP's question. Seething about your hatred of Whites is irrelevant to the thread topic and very telling of the inferiority complex you have.

>> No.15087244

and when was that? how long did it take them to spread throughout europe?

>> No.15087246

Hey guys. Even though we all disagree, at the end of the day we’re all Americans! R-right?

>> No.15087247


>> No.15087254

It took 4-5 thousand years to fully populate Europe. They entered Central Europe in 1200 B.C. and that's considered the start of the European Iron Age, but they were working iron 3-4000 years before that in the Caucasus. By the time of the Romans, Celtic steelwork was so notable an industry that the Empire imported "Noric Iron" from the Celts on a large scale as a luxury good for weapons and armor.

>> No.15087260
File: 258 KB, 1344x756, George-Alcorn-Inventor-of-the-Imaging-X-ray-Spectrometer-With-20-extra-inventions-and-8-Patents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over 100 posts
>nothing but brainlet takes and references

Literally 10mins in Google...

Cell Surface Development
Experimental Parthenogenesis

Rao–Blackwell theorem
Blackwell Channel
Ferguson dirichlet process and Distribution

X-ray spectrometer
Spectroscopy research
Plasma Etching methods for semiconductor devices.

Ultraviolet camera/spectrograph
Molecular Hydrogen Reseach

>> No.15087264

>Black anthropology contains the answer to the OP's question.
It wouldn’t necessarily since there are sizable black populations in non black civilizations, but in any case, I didn’t say the discussion in the thread is irrelevant to the topic of the post. I’m saying that people didn’t randomly start “dissing whites in a thread about black scientists”. The additional context that you tried to ignore, was that there were discussions about black and white anthropology which would necessarily be critical of both white and black civilizations. >Seething about your hatred of Whites is irrelevant to the thread topic and very telling of the inferiority complex you have.
I don’t hate white people, and I have no inferiority complex. I have white family members. Many of my closest friends are white. I’m a fairly successful, secure man. I don’t try to claim the accomplishments (or lack of) of other people because I happen to be the same race as them. I don’t see discussions about race as personal attacks against me (like you clearly do).

>> No.15087266

>moron cites shit he hasn't read, by his own admission
this is what the wokists do

>> No.15087268
File: 197 KB, 963x622, FCD1FC24-19F6-44E8-87BD-513517DEAE8C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready to be deboonked

>> No.15087271

>Many of my closest friends are white.
"I'm not a racist, I have plenty of black friends!"

>> No.15087277

it's fascinating how you feel the need to stand up to blacks on a discussion about the black race, and then to cap off your post with how you don't see discussions on race as personal attacks. why so hasty to come to the poor blacks' defense on a discussion of their race?

>> No.15087280

I know that’s a meme, but it’s true. Why would I befriend and choose to spend time with people I hate? You’d have to be suffering from some serious delusion to befriend people, but also curse them behind their backs. I love my white family and friends. I love white people.

>> No.15087282

>They entered Central Europe in 1200 B.C.
They would have encountered several civilizations who already had the wheel during that time period of migration.
>3-4000 years before that in the Caucasus
First of all, it was not 3-4000 years BC.
The caucuses? You mean the same place the hittites came from before they invaded anatolia? The hittites who were well known for having the wheel?

>> No.15087283

>hasn't read
>literally states each scientist most well known products
These aren't hard things to find, it's not my fault you're retard who can't into basic Google search.

>> No.15087284

the hittites most likely continued interacting with the caucus region after they settled anatolia also

>> No.15087285

easy to find, hard to fact check. like this tidbit up here
>>in 1893 performed what is referred to as "the first successful heart surgery".
>in the same wikipedia article
>>In 1893, Williams became the first African American on record to have successfully performed pericardium surgery to repair a wound.
>>On September 6, 1891,[5][6] Henry Dalton was the first American to successfully perform pericardium surgery to repair a wound

>> No.15087288

You have literally no evidence that they had the wheel. No more evidence for it than I do africans having the wheel lmao.

>> No.15087292

>The caucuses? You mean the same place the hittites came from before they invaded anatolia? The hittites who were well known for having the wheel?
You just discovered the answer, congratulations. White people invented the wheel and ironworking. They invaded the Middle East with their superior technology just like they later invaded Central and then Western Europe.

>> No.15087295

They're the same people, anon. They're not different. They were called the Hittites when they arrived in Anatolia, and they were called the Celts when they arrived in Austria. They are White.

>> No.15087300

We can use proof by induction. Which race has a proclivity for inventing things and which race doesn’t?

>> No.15087301

its a damn shame that the hittites inherited the wheel from mesopotamia which is proven by the fact that they used cuniform

>> No.15087302

no, proof would be you finding a 6,000 year old wheel in europe.

>> No.15087317

It’s like finding a 100 story building but not finding a crane so you claim the crane doesn’t exist. Stonehenge is plenty of evidence for the wheel

>> No.15087318

And what does that have to do with my sources? You're citing shit from anons posting about fucking doctors when Op literally ask for scientists. So even without the mischaracterization of his work it wasn't relevant to the topic.

I'm giving op what they demand not going off left field.

>> No.15087322

>doctors aren't scientists
i see. so you don't believe dr. fauci is a scientist, and that therefore the covid lockdowns were political in nature and not scientific. thank you for clarifying this.

>> No.15087335

>doctors who only practice medicine and don't perform research and publications aren't scientists

Fixed that for you.

Also never mention Dr. Fauci or Covid in any of my posts so take that shit up with one of the other anons.

>> No.15087336

>moving the goalposts again
then there should be plenty of wheels laying around the site. surely, you would find actual hard evidence of wheel use if they had wheels. stonehenge can be built without wheels.

>> No.15087339

how fucking stupid are you? seriously, i demand you take an iq test with a timestamp and post it in this thread.

>> No.15087341

if you really must know, i scored the 99 on my iq test, putting me at the 99th percentile.

>> No.15087342

>all of this arguing over a wheel
are you seriously trying to tell me that not a single person rolled a log down a hill in pre-historic times? shut up you retards. there were no wheels left over because they were made of wood and wood disintegrates. wheels are wayyyyy older than we know. i bet everyone had them, including africans. none of the wheels we've found were made out of wood, what a coincidence that the invention of the wheel coincides with the bronze age.

>> No.15087353

For every great Black scientist there is a corresponding greater White scientist and corresponding still a greatest Jewish scientist.

>> No.15087355

all of the white scientists were actually jewish so idk wtf all these white peepo in the thread so proud about

>> No.15087356

They may not be Jewish, but at least they're not niggers.

>> No.15087368

what have you invented? what great accomplishments do you have?

>> No.15087380

Published seven papers in journals with IF > 10 and gotten an average of 20+ citations per paper. R1 university professor. Husband. Father. Yes, that means I've had sex, something which you'll never experience. Speaking of my daughter is getting ready for bed, so I'm going to read to her tonight. What have you accomplished, nigger?

>> No.15087403

>What have you accomplished, nigger?
beating you in every debate we've had over the course of this thread

>> No.15087407

Alright you’re just embarrassing yourself anon. Stop replying to him. If you’re in school, do your studies. If not, do some fucking push ups or something.

>> No.15087412

>They invaded the Middle East with their superior technology just like they later invaded Central and then Western Europe.
source? the hittites invaded anatolia way after mesopotamia existed and mesopotamia was a bronze age civ, doesn't add up with you claiming the caucuses had iron and steel

>> No.15087413

his graham hancock tier schizo history that has no archaeological evidence backing it, yea, im totally embarassing myself.
The hittite empire even invaded a little bit into the east too, never made it to iraq.

>> No.15087415

he's right, racism is good and smart

>> No.15087417

> and mesopotamia was a bronze age civ
Mesopotamia is a region, not a civilization

>> No.15087418


>> No.15087431

and the hittites themselves did not invent the wheel independently, they traded with mesopotamians while also adopting their written language. source: the hittites wrote in cuneiform, the same language as the akkadians/sumerians which is a non indo-european language. the babylonians also were using cuneiform at the time the hittite empire existed.

>> No.15087437

Good point

>> No.15087505 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15087510

He's the 1st black man to perform open heart surgery, not THE first man to do so ever

>> No.15087524

The fact that you apologize for black cultural attitudes in America is exactly why they lag in academic and cultural achievement, and Thomas Sowell would agree.

>> No.15087527

Asian culture is the best, dude, let's get brutally honest about that

>> No.15087560 [DELETED] 
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>Thats my theory anyway Im not history buff
>I'm going to be willfully blind to my own ignorance and believe in a bunch of stupid conjectures of my own invention
thanks for the updating us on your idiotic way of life, dr. dunning krueger, everything you posted was very dumb

>> No.15087828

No it cannot be built with wheels. Furthermore it can’t be built with mechanical advantage, so it’s not crazy to say prehistoric britons were more advanced than Mesopotamians at the same time

>> No.15087832


>> No.15087888

If it took Europeans 75000 to form a civilisation, the Africans had 10x that amount of time to get ahead. Why didn't they?
I never asked why it took Europeans so long, but if you have an answer I would be interested in that too. My only reason to bring up Europeans is the common misexplanation that European colonisation of Africa was supposedly the reason Africa never got ahead.

>> No.15087929

Sure, here you are:
> https://www.blackinventionmyths.com/

>> No.15088101

and what have the white cucks invented
it's literally all jewish invention all whitoid did was steal it and claimed as their own
all that while they screech about LE JOOOOZZZ and wagecucking at mcdonald

>> No.15088104
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also obligatory post

>> No.15088304

This is painfully accurate

>> No.15088428

>Backwards thinking
They had backwards thinking back in the day?

>> No.15088522

Japanese might be able to claim this but white culture is miles ahead of any other Asian race

>> No.15088615

>George Washington Carver
>Percy Lavon Julian
>Emmett Chapelle
>Otis Boykin
>Alice Ball
>Lonnie Johnson
>Gladys West
>Marie Daly
>Annie Easly
Out of all of these, George Washington Carver, Marie Daly, Percy Julian and Otis seem to have the most 'great' contributions.
And no, George Washington Carver didn't invent peanut butter for the last time.

>> No.15088622

Mediterranean Chads army let's go.

>> No.15088632

>blacks haven't done anything useful
>yes they have
>idk Google can't tell me let me go ask the frogs

>> No.15088636

Explain to him that science is a group effort. It doesn't matter who gets credit for the end result (oftentimes that has to do with politics more so than actual achievement). Just say to him everyone had a hand in the knowledge we now possess as the human race.

>> No.15088640

> My only reason to bring up Europeans is the common misexplanation that European colonisation of Africa was supposedly the reason Africa never got ahead.
Only retards believe this. I’d be willing to bet that practically no one in this thread, even the ones who reject race realism, buy this particular narrative.

>> No.15088687

It’s the official state line tho so you have to repeat it for social credit points

>> No.15089131

it can be built with sled and rope

>> No.15089779
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>> No.15089852

Major institutions and governments certainly see these things as top priorities

>> No.15090066
File: 1.46 MB, 480x480, nigger-statistics.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it so hard for people to accept that some races are smarter than others?

>> No.15090072
File: 1.99 MB, 640x360, niggers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the troll

>> No.15090073

>why is it so hard for people to accept that some races are smarter than others?
Because I'm very simple-minded and I can only reason in terms of broad generalizations. If you force me to acknowledge that blacks are less intelligent on average, I will start treating all blacks like retards. Treating people like individuals only makes sense to me in a world where everyone is an identical beige golem. I hope that clarifies the issue, you filthy nazi chud. You just want me to hate blax.

>> No.15090262

Because human populations aren't static. Northern Europeans used to literally be in the same tier as Blacks during the time of Romans/Greeks, Ancient Egyptians and Chinese. The Greeks especially didn't have many kind words to say.

During the several centuries of the Islamic Golden age if you weren't Muslim you weren't even entertain as civilized. Meaning that basically meant only the Middle East and East/North/West Africa (Mali) counted. At the time of European Colonialism everyone who wasn't White (Irish excluded) were considered retards and ungodly.

Now Europeans and any country affiliated with western society is considered functionally degenerate and on the educational downturn because of the debt economy and feminism. Which seems to put China and India towards the center stage of society in the upcoming century.

In the future possibly several countries in Africa including Nigeria might be coming up next to the stage because their high birthrates and gradually increasing access to science will reach a boiling point. It also helps they haven't "fully" adopted ideologies like feminism yet so they haven't gotten hit with the full brunt of it like African Americans have in terms of destroyed families.

>> No.15090302
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>I’ll get back to you on this when I have time
>3 days ago
I feel bad when anons die...

>> No.15090305

What compels a midwit to engage in these levels of cope?

>> No.15090355

Makes migrants look like doctors.

>> No.15090361

If all humans are descended from a proto or individual human, would race be an arbitrary categorization?

>> No.15090365

>arbitrary categorization
Low-tier pilpul incoming. Name a non-"arbitrary" categorization.

>> No.15090368

Just look them up on Wikipedia

>> No.15090373

I cannot

>> No.15090376

Then you have no point.

>> No.15090382

You affirmed it.

>> No.15090384

Yes, I did affirm that your worthless pilpul is not an argument, and so did you.

>> No.15090389 [DELETED] 

>would race be an arbitrary categorization
>Name a non-"arbitrary" categorization
Is that a concession?

>> No.15090394

>>would race be an arbitrary categorization
>>Name a non-"arbitrary" categorization
Are these saying the same thing?

>> No.15090396

It's okay for me to put my Nazi boots on and stomp your face in until the gurgling noises stop because the distinction between the floor and your face is arbitrary according to your Jewish narrative.

>> No.15090398

I see no problem with that.

>> No.15090399

See >>15090396

>> No.15090401

Good. Thanks for conceding that you are either suffering from extremely severe mental illness and have no valid input, or are insanely jewish and incapable of basic honesty and have no valid input. By the way, it wasn't just rheotoric. I strongly believe that killing you is moral, rational and necessary.

>> No.15090411

Honesty is subjective given focus is a filter. You look to see yourself as righteous for how you choose.

>> No.15090415

I don't understand your jewish mumbling. You keep making these noises that reference arbitrary distinctions that I don't recognize. Either way, people are noticing and the idea that you need to be removed is getting more and more popular by the day.

>> No.15090419

Because these communities have been under attack by the right since 2016 and its not going to get any better until people stand up against these sorts of bigoted views.

>> No.15090420

>more and more popular by the day.
Proof? Source? Sounds like some pilpul. You wouldn't do that, would you? Engaging in unfounded, emotional rhetoric? Go ahead and Google away, monkey. Think about what you just wrote, and ask yourself why you need to search so hard (or even ask others) to back you up. You might say you don't need a source, in which case, thank you for admitting your pilpul tactics. Why are you like this?

>> No.15090429

I don't know what your worthless rambling is about but you need to be put out of your misery.

>> No.15090450
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>> No.15090458

typical pilpul response.

>> No.15090476
File: 526 KB, 720x414, niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blacks were already given the chance to develop in numerous occasions. not to mention that africa is greatly resourceful.
yet, they have never produced anything. literally. in all of their history.

>> No.15090478

Your desperation is palpable.

>> No.15090482

Mansa Musa? Indus River Valley Civs? Ironically maybe slavery or human origin?

>> No.15090485

Shaka Zulu

>> No.15090512 [DELETED] 

>Nords were already given the chance to develop in numerous occasions. not to mention that Northern Europe is greatly resourceful.
yet, they have never produced anything. literally. in all of their history.
Ancient Egyptians:
>Jews were already given the chance to develop in numerous occasions. not to mention that Egypt is greatly resourceful.
yet, they have never produced anything. literally. in all of their history.
>Japanese were already given the chance to develop in numerous occasions. not to mention that Japan is greatly resourceful.
yet, they have never produced anything. literally. in all of their history.

See how this works anon?

>> No.15090514 [DELETED] 

>Nords were already given the chance to develop in numerous occasions. not to mention that Northern Europe is greatly resourceful.
>yet, they have never produced anything. literally. in all of their history.
Ancient Egyptians:
>Jews were already given the chance to develop in numerous occasions. not to mention that Egypt is greatly resourceful.
>yet, they have never produced anything. literally. in all of their history.
>Japanese were already given the chance to develop in numerous occasions. not to mention that Japan is greatly resourceful.
>yet, they have never produced anything. literally. in all of their history.

See how this works anon?

>> No.15090517

>Nords were already given the chance to develop in numerous occasions. not to mention that Northern Europe is greatly resourceful.
>yet, they have never produced anything. literally. in all of their history.
Ancient Egyptians:
>Jews were already given the chance to develop in numerous occasions. not to mention that Egypt is greatly resourceful.
>yet, they have never produced anything. literally. in all of their history.
>Japanese were already given the chance to develop in numerous occasions. not to mention that Japan is greatly resourceful.
>yet, they have never produced anything. literally. in all of their history.

See how this works anon?

>> No.15090642
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The Japanese descended from the Jomon and Chinese people. They also communicated with China, a conglomerate of nation states whom communicated with Arabia and India; both of whom communicated with Persia, Greece, and Rome. You're a dumbass

>> No.15090667

Tyrone Hayes

>> No.15090675

Sure, there's uh... I mean there are really a lot like... uh... In fact there are more scientists of color than white scientists, which is why it's so easy to name the great ones, for example... uh... Even mathematics and philosophy are dominated by Africans thinkers such as... uh...

>> No.15090681

Lying is mistruth plus structural oppression, therefore POCs cannot lie.
Read a fucking book, bigot!

>> No.15090684

Of course not. There are barely any white ones.

>> No.15090686

We Wuz!

>> No.15090695

The implication that modern computers or Benoit Mandelbrot owe anything to chicken scratch on mud huts shows exactly how desperate and delusional you are. Thanks for the laughs!

>> No.15090699

It's not a fair comparison because the Germans in your illustration devoted their lives to Flavortown

>> No.15090701


>> No.15090718

T. Woke scientifically illiterate retard

All living organisms are members of a single class that descended from an organism referred to as LUCA (last universal common ancestor). By youre reasoning that means that are taxonomical distinctions and categories are completely arbitrary. Do you really think it's a far right, pro-Russian antivaxx conspiracy theory to distinguish between jelly fish and felines? This is entry level biology btw. If you dont even understand the concept if LUCA, then your arent really in the intellectual position to determine what is and isnt "settled science", especially not with respect to the biological or behavioral sciences. Your entire argument basically reads like a freshman philosophy student who just discovered the concept of epistemological relativism. In fact, you probably dont even know what the term "relativism" even means. You're a lot less educated and less informed than you realize. Relativism is not some sort of profound concept and it doesn't prevent us from doing science.

>> No.15090721

*single clade

>> No.15090725
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>Do you really think it's a far right, pro-Russian antivaxx conspiracy theory to distinguish between jelly fish and felines?

>> No.15091831

>China and India towards the center stage of society in the upcoming century
India and China are perfect examples of the race difference between asian and white

Even after 75 year these two countries even with their billions of people and a study culutre that prioritise science cannot produce anything worthwhile.

Aboslutely nothing new.Everything they do is a copy of west.
Al they can do score in exams but fails when it comes to creativity

>> No.15091833

>Jews were already given the chance to develop in numerous occasions.
Joseph enslaved Egyptians

>> No.15091835

>Islamic Golden age
Persians are white which later got mongorelised by sandniggers

>> No.15091859
File: 19 KB, 341x337, 22B4DE03-B8D3-4990-8CE5-6C6D867112D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many important scientists are in your family op?

>> No.15091868

Huh, so it's actually the inherent traits that make up what each race is capable of.
Sounds familiar...

>> No.15091891

We wuz arabic kangs

>> No.15091892

miga migration after reddit banned a Trump reddit years ago

>> No.15091915
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You do know right someone can still be racist anyway even after accepting all of the above?

The majority of niggers are incompetent retards, they are the slowest, fragile and most problematic race to develope since every fucking thing destroys their will to do anything.

>> No.15093996

How many in this thread are s/n/a/m/u/h/ ?

>> No.15093998
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>> No.15094393
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>See how this works anon?
no, i don't. i'm pointing out that niggers haven't produced anything in all of their history. i'm not talking about a specific nigger country or culture, but about their whole race as a biological concept.

all of the cultures you've mentioned have produced things throughout history, unlike niggers of course. not a single written language. not a single calendar. nothing. even when they are welcomed in wealthy western countries, they fuck everything up.

>> No.15095590

>only the people with certain characteristics survived for many generations
>wonder why are these characteristics so prevalent amongst these people
nobody would bat an eye if it was said about dogs or whatever.

>> No.15096400

pick one

>> No.15096792
File: 160 KB, 1024x538, shutterstock_1066474145-1-1024x538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, is that one from Cameroon who invented a quite useful Farming Tool, if you start a new thread like that you will get many results
Don't give up, I believe that kind of black Science will be the next step of humanity

>> No.15097193

Blatantly wrong, there were thousands if not tens of thousands of educators and missionaries that went to Africa to try and bring them up to modern level, unfortunately they kept getting eaten by African cannibal rape tribes

>> No.15097231

Kony was an expert in his psychology practice
That’s all I got
I was taught in school that peanut butter was invented by African American slaves but even that was wrong.
Personally I think races should just admit their strong points and weak points.
Why are major league sports dominated by nogs? Athletic prowess.
Why are science and math dominated by everyone besides blacks? Intellectual prowess.
Stay in your lane nogs, you got a pretty sweet thing going. 20million+ a year to play a game? Meanwhile scientists working on cutting edge discoveries are eating lean cuisine and ritz crackers.. if you don’t like what I said you’re probably a nog and you’d probably beat the shit out of me irl, but that furthers my point.
Be realistic nogs,
Stay in your lane

>> No.15098712

bump, this thread is very important we can't let it die. /sci/ needs to understand that blacks are just at good at science as all the other races

>> No.15098836
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>i'm pointing out that niggers haven't produced anything in all of their history.

East Africans particularly Ethiopians and Nubians would say otherwise.

And before you try one of the /pol/ tier tactics where you don't count them as "black". You do well to remember the Greeks didn't count Nords as colloquially "white" since they weren't of mediterranean descent and therefore nothing more than a bunch of barbaric snow nigs to them.

>> No.15098845


>> No.15099755
File: 1.50 MB, 1x1, scientist.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a PDF that I think will prove the point once and for all

>> No.15099785
File: 388 KB, 863x1024, potandkettle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You do well to remember the Greeks didn't count Nords as colloquially "white" since they weren't of mediterranean descent and therefore nothing more than a bunch of barbaric snow nigs to them.
Source : mr Goldstein's ass

>> No.15100721

Ahhh the common redditor kek

>> No.15100741

Newton was black
Euler was black
Laplace was black
Ohm was black

The list goes on and on.

>> No.15101828
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>> No.15102017
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>> No.15102716


>> No.15102721

Leftypol lost

>> No.15102747

He was 1/4 black and half jewish, the other 1/4 is euro mutt.

You fucking retards. I hate leftists.

>> No.15102748
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>> No.15102784
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97% of all useful inventions came from people of western european descent.

These people also conqured 80% of the world.

But now these people have a jew parasite and have to compete with 4billion bugmen and 4billion homo erectus.

We are still winning. We literally cant lose. Everything you could ever think of to defeat these people will never work, because they are smarter than the rest.

>> No.15102876

Lack of oxygen to the brain most likely

>> No.15102886

How do you explain thw fact that Japanese scientist have made tremendous contributions, earning over 30 nobel prizes (not couting copes like peace or literature prizes).
>inb4 japanese are actually white
Thats a cope

>> No.15103009

All Greek philosophers and scientists were black, including Plato

>> No.15103910

Copying others is the smart choice when you're actually behind. Only an idiot would, for example, try to reinvent mathematics, microchips or antibiotics. When someone attempts to advance the state of the art, they do so after studying the current state of the art.

Do individuals from China do so? Yes, many after studying in the west.

I don't think you can fairly evaluate the extent to which China merely copies (when it should be innovating) until it reaches technological and scientific parity with the west. If you think that will never happen, why blame them for collectively copying established results? Presumably you spent a few years studying from others.

>> No.15103926


>> No.15103927

>your closest relatives vs hundreds of millions of Africans
If you interpret it that way it's already an admission that millions of Africans are unequal to a handful of whites. Taking a looser definition of family almost everyone with European ancestry is distantly related to almost anyone else with European ancestry, including famous scientists, the white population of America and most if not all blacks in America, so your question becomes irrelevant.

>> No.15103946

The ancient Greeks didn't count non-Greeks as Greek because they didn't speak Greek. They didn't need, or therefore have, a concept of a white race, because they used a much finer distinction that was of practical importance.

It's not as if, were you to magically summon one to the present and explain the state of the world to him, he would be eager to identify as African or want to move to Africa, or even Detroit.

>> No.15103955

Which ones? And were their results after the Meiji Restoration? If you don't understand the significance of the question just shut the fuck up about the scientific and technological accomplishments of Japan, because you don't know the first thing about the topic.

>> No.15103956

Black people literally invented peanuts. Think about how many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches you ate as a child. If those calories disappeared you would be dead right now. You owe your very life to African food scientists.

>> No.15104063
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>> No.15104101

Yes they were after the Meiji restoration, so what?

>> No.15104418
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>> No.15104508

>comparable to Isaac Newton, Euler
I mean, when you set the bar as high as it can fucking go, of course you're going to have a hard time finding anyone who can compete. Hell, the number of White Europeans who can even compete at the same level as Newton and Euler can be counted on one hand.

If you want black physicists I can think of a few off the top of my head - Roscoe Giles does particle physics and computer engineering at Boston, RJ Omohundro was a big high energy physics researcher specializing in neutrino detection at NRL, Ed Thomas does plasma physics at Auburn, Arthur Walker was a big solar physics researcher at Stanford, Vincent Rodgers does high energy physics and quantum chromodynamics at Iowa, Keith Jackson was the head of x-ray optics research at both LBNL and LLNL. There's a ton I'm forgetting and I'm sure you've never heard of any of them, but I'm sure you've also probably never heard of Frank Press, Donald Gurnett, Michael Witherell, Francis Chen, Steven Cowley, or Avinash Khare, etc., etc.; all significant figures in their respective fields, but nevertheless nowhere near on the same level of Isaac fucking Newton.

>> No.15104551

Oh no, we got too cocky, race-realist-bros. Can Gauss, Newton and Euler measure up to these guys?

>> No.15104558

>list all participans of a random conference
>you've never heard of any of them, have you?
>your move, chud

>> No.15104586

>list all participants of a random conference
Press was a geophysicist and a scientific advisor to several administrations. Gurnett was an instrumentalist who specialized in space plasmas, Witherell is a former director of Fermilab and was on the team that found the charm quark, Chen and Cowley are both fusion guys, Khare is a theorist. I couldn't quote a paper from any of them off the top of my head, but they're significant enough that I can recall the bulletpoints by reputation, which is more than I can say for 100% of the people who run around making shitpost threads on 4chan.

If you do enough in your career that people unfamiliar with your work still recognize your name, you're a success.
If you do enough in your career that even laypeople know your name, you're a legend.
Legends are rare.

>> No.15104692

>If you do enough in your career that even laypeople know your name, you're a legend.
>Legends are rare.
Honestly most laypeople probably don't even know who Euler or Rutherford are. Hell I bet you can even find braindead zoomers who don't know who Newton is.

In any case, it can take decades or centuries until a scientist's work is appreciated and known. Just like artists, not everyone's work achieves recognition within their lifetime.

>> No.15104696

True enough

>> No.15106336

So if your neighbouring countries are intelligent enough to have trade with you you will prosper? I guess that explains why Africa is the way it is.

>> No.15106346
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How many of these civilisations still live in mud huts and rely on literally every other race in the world to keep them alive?

>> No.15106359

Don’t break out the murder statistics and rape statistics please. Biggest mistake we made was treating blacks as equals.

>> No.15106433
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>rely on literally every other race in the world
its only whites who keep on sending them the free antibiotics and other gibes. the sinaloa cartel in mexico doesn't allow blacks in their territory whatsoever, the chinese use blacks as slaves same way as the africans themselves do.

>> No.15106438

>Ignores China completely
They give most aid to Africa you dumb cunt.

>> No.15107087

so I'm kind of still waiting for the leftists to produce a single nigger scientist

or a woman? what about just ONE woman that has actually done something non-incremental

braindead leftist psychotic kike golems

>> No.15107919

they don't, the chinks only give money to african slave bosses who provide inexpensive manual laborers. otherwise no gibes

>> No.15108975
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>> No.15108978
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>Jamilquel Washington

>> No.15108986


>> No.15108991

>Jamileo Jackson

>> No.15109829


Or maybe black Africans have a sub 70 IQ because 20% of their DNA comes from a pre-human ancestor that no other race on Earth shares? Could that be it?

>> No.15109916

>scare quotes
Holy shit dude the article is obviously using quotes to show its something she said and not a serious job description.

>> No.15109919
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>> No.15109924

What would he do if he ruled over sub-saharan africa

>> No.15110964

You're wrong. China contributes both investment and aid. Simple google search.

>> No.15111129

The Meiji Restoration was a deliberate attempt to recreate Japanese society after the Western model. Even the form of government adopted by the winning faction was deliberately modeled after Western forms of government. And of course it was precipitated in large part by the actions of the US government.

I personally don't think the Japanese are inferior to Westerners at all, but their example only shows that if Africans were capable of the same thing they could have done so. It's nothing magical about the continent of Africa, either. Just look at Elon Musk.

>> No.15111135

Look at the percentage on Liberia! That's the power of African Americans

>> No.15111148

China provides long term loans that it categorizes as aid and effectively gives a modest amount by lowering its interest rates. We could debate this if you want, but I can read the primary sources, so it would just be you getting dunked on.

>> No.15111256


>> No.15111578


>> No.15111580

This guy.

>> No.15111585

The guy who invented corn flakes.

>> No.15111590

Bump limit test.

>> No.15111602
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William Kellogg?
Just because he has a double g in his name doesn't necessarily mean that he is black

>> No.15112928

>Great black scientists