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15083208 No.15083208 [Reply] [Original]

'By the time you read the impression it's too late.' edition.

Previous: >>15048995

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost. Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>> No.15083376

Does the brain have a mechanism to remove heavy metals?

>> No.15084279
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Should I read the book on Paracelsus by Dr. Hartmann as my last pleasure book before the semester, or should I get a headstart on a textbook on the immune system for microbial path

>> No.15084333

Read Paracelsus' Hermetic and Alchemical writings instead. Requires having read the Corpus Hermeticum and Asclepius.

Time to become the wizard doctor you were meant to be:
>looking at someone's chart
>note they're Aries
>explains their heartburn secondary to a choleric nature
simple as

>> No.15084340


>> No.15084364

Becoming a physician warlock is all that matters

>> No.15084464

>it's a /x/ med edition
Should I join the freemasons before or after finishing my last year of residency?

>> No.15084481

I'm a med student still and currently in the blue lodge at the moment. You're not missing out on much. Good chaps but the teachings are very underwhelming compared to what I've read. Will report when I become a Knight's Templar in like 2 years. It's a fun LARP I guess.

>> No.15084495

Being able to manipulate the human sphere through physiology and pharmacology is a high magick

>> No.15084516

Acamprosate is by far the best drug for recovering alcoholics it blocks GABA B1 receptors which enhances hippocampal neurogenesis, upregulates tyrosine hydroxylase, boosts endorphin and dopamine release and is believed to indirectly activate GABA A receptors. It restores cognitive impairment after heavy drinking, boosts endogenous taurine production and protects the brain from alcohol withdrawal glutamate surges and other sources of neurotoxicity

Prazosin (A1 blocker) used for PTSD nightmares upregulates dopamine synthesis and boosts memory in Alzheimer's, it may also reduce respiratory distress during COVID and a2c adrenergic antagonists boost PFC cortex dopamine and restore cognition in aged rodents. Brexpiprazole does all these things without raising prolactin it is the superior antipsychotic.

Fluvoxamine's potent sigma 1 agonism has antiamnesic effects significant enough to reverse scopolamine and PCP induced hyperactivity and memory impairment, it synergises with my brexpiprazole's 5ht1a agonism to promote neurogenesis.

I use vape nicotine and cannabis which both upregulate tyrosine hydroxylase and i occasionally drink ethanol, a cholinergic postive modulator

Don't forget your multivitamins kiddies

>> No.15084698
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I've started exercising regularly and eating better.
My hypothetical future doctor will be happy with me, I think.

>> No.15084711
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>Gets XDR-Tuberculosis anyways

>> No.15084722

I haven't been to a dentist since like 2005. I brush once daily and also use floss and mouthwash. My teeth are reasonably yellow near the flesh, but pretty white in the parts that show when I smile. I want to go to a dentist but I'm worried that he'll judge me. What do I do? Any chance I can buy his cleaning machine and the pastes he uses and self-clean?

>> No.15085148

How would one go about honing their fine motor control?

>> No.15085273
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So I had a large somewhat raised mole on my neck for years now and a few months back I went to the doctor for something else and I took the chance to ask about the mole, she looked and touched it and said it doesn't look malign at all if anything it had some sebum buildup under it and I could just let it be.

With the intention of easily removing some smaller unaesthetic non-raised moles on my arm I bought this cheap needle thing of amazon that's zaps and burns the skin to remove moles and warts which yeah yeah I know is not recommended but I did use it awhile ago and it worked great and my arm is now mole free. So an hour ago I found that thing again and said what the hell, might as well try to burn off the one on my neck too so I went to town on it and as I was burning through it turns out there was a huge ball of clumped hair inside surrounded by pus and I pulled it out.
So yeah now I have a flesh hole on my neck, surprisingly there's no blood just some of that clear post-burn mucus and what's throwing me off is how it didn't hurt at all. When I much more gently zapped and burned my arm moles on the surface it hurt like hell and now I was digging deeper through my neck and the whole thing was numb, even after I took out the nasty hair I still went in with the needle and burned some more even deeper to be sure there were no remnants of the mole or the cyst(?) and it still didn't reach a point where it hurts.

Am I gonna die or what?

>> No.15085275

why are doctors such backward zealot cucks?

among other things

>> No.15085585

>He doesn't know TB is actually lung microflora

>> No.15085682

we suck but we is all you have

>> No.15085694

Im in dental school. Unless my school is an anomaly, every student in school has seen some shit. The patients we get at school have the most fucked up mouths-- Ive never seen stuff like this in my life before I came here.

Nobody will care about your yellow teeth. Weve all seen worse

>> No.15085724

>He doesn't know the difference between non-pathogenic and opportunistic Mycobacterium species

>> No.15085761

>He doesn't know that 90% of the developing world has latent tuberculosis and never develops disease unless they become unnourished or immunocompromised.
It's unironically part of the lung microbiota.

>> No.15085797

>Makes general statement
>Backs it down to 90% of 85% of the planet with a supposed latent TB infection (key word)
>Soon he'll back it down to the accepted 1/4 statistic of latent infections (there's that keyword again)

>> No.15085811

is there a course of anti-inflammatory medicine that would work over a long period of time, say the rest of your life? I want to minimize the inflammatory effects of the vaccine now that i'm aware of them

>> No.15085813


>> No.15085822


>> No.15085824

What about something like this

Gene therapy to inhibit the immune system response in asthma, breaking the signaling chain that leads to inflammation. Could something like this be done to prevent the spike proteins from triggering inflammation?

>> No.15085825

Nothing that wouldn't have negative effects elsewhere, anon. There are zero miracle substances in medicine. Even penicillin can cause hypersensitivity reactions.

>> No.15085834

low dose aspirin but don't have a stomach ulcer LOL

>> No.15085840

ASA, but still retarded idea lmao

>> No.15085851


>> No.15085854

You literally just took your first principles of biology course didn't you

>> No.15085856
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Thoughts on this take? Debating doing a 6 year surgical residency because thats what Im passionate about vs actually having a life

Reading stuff like this and talking to some current surgical residents makes me really hesitant

>> No.15085862

These stories are always sobering, but being an M.D. (or D.O. lmfao) is a commitment to your passion that will consume your life. Choose now, anon.

>> No.15085877

Im in dental school so going to be a DDS lol

my option is graduate and immediately start making money as a dentist, or do a 6 year MD-granting OMFS residency, plus 1-2 years of fellowship in head/neck

I dont really want to be a dentist, I went to dental school with the specific intention of doing OMFS. As I get older and less idealistic though, being able to start my life at 26 instead of ~34 sounds really hard to turn down. I dont know if I have the autism for a surgical sub-specialty, even if Im passionate about it.

>Choose now, anon.
Ive been thinking about nothing else for the past month lol. I have to choose soon. Residency applications start next year

>> No.15085886

Age isn't really a factor when it comes to this profession anon, you will be constantly learning and applying new methods and information in your field. And plus, life is long. I know some people that didn't get their M.D. until 45 years old, and they're happy as a clam.

>> No.15086011

Thoughts on going from Physics M. Sc. (specialized in optics) into medicine at 29?

>> No.15086016

Have fun!

>> No.15086067

congratulations you just performed surgery on yourself. enjoy your infection

>> No.15086116

Thoughts on white lung dropping from China flu 2.0 remix?

>> No.15086129

ARS culls the weak

>> No.15086146
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>have to do the pre-op talk with an emergency ovarian apoplexy patient
>it's a cute 18 y.o. with beautiful eyes
>professional facade immediately breaks down
>start stuttering and avoiding eye contact

>> No.15086236
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Serious issue here guys: Are there any books,even Onion books, on back-alley surgery\homemade healing of trauma?
broken bones, displaced joints,bruises,cuts,etc. Im going to soon go live by myself and I dont plan on having any healthcare plan,health insurance,etc.
Do I just buy antibiotics, emergency aid kits, bandages ,PIC RELATED, and what else?
please,give advice.

>> No.15086462

Just summon your inner simp. You can fix her anon. Kek.

>> No.15086488 [DELETED] 

>emergency ovarian apoplexy patient
>18 y.o.
It's okay. She was vaxxed, anyway.

>> No.15086511
File: 5 KB, 1195x447, Neglect_LINE_BISECTION_test[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the most interesting medical phenomena you've ever seen or heard of?
I'm fascinated by "hemispatial neglect."
This anecdote I heard years ago is really tragic, but it's very interesting as well.

>> No.15086570

>hate the idea of death, aging, tragic early demises, chronic illness, pain etc
>choose career of extreme stress and long hours involving all of the above in abundance

why am i such a retard bros

>> No.15086581

Because being a doctor is fucking cool

>> No.15086625
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My pediatric anesthesia rotation was extremely uncomfortable because of this very same scenarios. Women peak at 16 and I'm tired of pretending they don't.

>> No.15086630

Off by 2

>> No.15086657

Well I did shove something long and hard down her throat if you know what I mean

>> No.15086770

W8 wot. Why did you gas her instead of block her?

>> No.15086957

The residency subreddit is filled with out of touch crybabies, most of them probably come from families with money and are now surprised that they actually have to work during residency instead of being cattered to.
They unironically fell for the meme and believe that every fresh out of college comp sci monkey makes over 100k starting and will reach salaries of 200-300k after a couple of years of experience. They are this fucking retarded.
What the fuck does he mean with only rural job offers, pretty much any specialty can work anywhere they want. Maybe he is just too retarded to understand that rural hospitals are willing to pay much more than big city ones and is dismissing the city offers as "lowballing" him.
I can't believe that there are people that finish residency and are still complaining once they are attending. You can unironically pay of your debt after 1 year of full time work and then make 150-200k working a cushy 20 hour job.

>> No.15087094

>Diffuse astroyctoma -> anaplastic astrocytoma -> grade IV astrocytoma -> glioblastoma
>Diffuse oligodendroglioma -> anaplastic oligodendroglioma -> glioblastoma
Why isn't there a grade IV oligodendroglioma?

>> No.15087332


apparently not
seriously, the whole field of medicine is plagued with intellectual blindspots and hubris

im gonna do something about it

>> No.15087378

>They unironically fell for the meme and believe that every fresh out of college comp sci monkey makes over 100k starting and will reach salaries of 200-300k after a couple of years of experience.
I unironically believe this

is it not true? I only have one friend in comp sci and hes 24 making 500k all in at apple. im sure this isnt common but idk just how rare it is.

>> No.15087690
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I am a CD8 positive incel.

>> No.15088600

These are the same type of people that would be miserable no matter what they do. They could be getting their dicks sucked off for 1 mil a year, and they'd still find a way to bitch about how shitty their life is, and how they have rampant depression.

If you're unhappy going into a career that securely makes 99th percentile income in the United States. That says a lot more about you as a person than it does the job.

>> No.15088614

>mfwn comphy job in rural USA

>> No.15088692
File: 39 KB, 300x300, ab67616d00001e024993a1ecf5cdf56c6382cc98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will ask a simple yes-no question and I expect a truthful answer.
do an adult man's wet dreams release REAL sperm which could,in theory,be used to succesfully impregnate a woman?
are hindus WRONG when they claim that wet dreams release "prostatic juice" with "no living sperm"?

>> No.15089057

Don’t care

>> No.15089093

>are hindus WRONG
Yes, about pretty much anything and everything

>> No.15089750

"prostatic juice" is a thing and it's what precum is
It is a clear liquid
Wet dreams release regular cum, you can tell because it isn't clear
They are all superstitious retards, never believe what they believe

>> No.15089891

then I will start sleeping polyphasically and sitting down in a chair.i PROTECT THE SPERM . sperm is sentient.

>> No.15089903

Hello my friends
I'm wondering whether any of you have seen any good studies on the success of non circumcision treatments for phimosis

>> No.15090077

Chlorhexidine will help me cure my crippling povidone-iodine addiction

>> No.15090088

I have 2 questions,almost opposite,questions about male facial hair
>is it really true that PLUCKING(not shaving or cutting) hair makes it grow thicker,stronger,and more abundant next time?
I know that the "shaved beard comes stronger" IS a myth. but,what about not shaving -but plucking-?
>and,how do I get rid of the grey shadow after i clean shave?
I even tried homemade remedies like hot water and then shaving with the razor upside-down. but a general grey-color area still permeates my face.

>> No.15090712


>> No.15090968

i've been on beta-blockers for about a month due to hypertension, but i just found out that i shouldnt take them if i have pheochromocytoma, which i could possibly have, as i likely have some kind of functional adrenal tumor, should i ask my doctor to change them for alpha blockers?

>> No.15090976

however theres one thing that implies that its not pheochromocytoma, which is that when paroxysms of high blood pressure occur, the beta blockers seem to easen them, but they should worsen pheochromocytoma

>> No.15091750

precum is actually from the bulbourethral glands matey

>> No.15092627
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Finishing up some pleasure reading before the semester starts

>> No.15092674

precum is not prostatic juice ya retard
its secreted by bulbourethral when a person is aroused for glans lubrication and neutralizing the acidic medium of the urethra so that the sperm doesn't die in the urethra itself
also, I have hardly seen a person claiming to release regular semen due to wet dreams

>> No.15092690

>are hindus WRONG
go read a book on ayurveda if you want the answers instead of being a spoonfed tard

>> No.15092732

Ayurveda is nonsense

>> No.15092855

for (you)

>> No.15092889
File: 38 KB, 782x276, career-change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any older medbros here? Kinda having a bit of a crisis. The thing is, I don't really enjoy medicine that much or at all desu. My grades were meh at best during schooling (midwit and a heavy slacker, had to cram most of my exams) and now having started rads residency I'm having huge second thoughts about medicine as my future career.

Wat the fuck should I do? There's shitload to learn/relearn and I could maybe power though it eventually it but at what cost? I didn't enjoy a single moment so far and was totally apathetic towards material, as in, the only reason i keep reading is fear of screwing up my reports majorly and ending up in the streets without a paycheck or in jail. Also, if money wasn't the issue I would be gone in a second.

PS. Eurofag btw, so the financial incentive to stay is minimal

>> No.15092902

>how the battle against Tuberculosis was won
TB kills millions of people every year in developing countries and the only treatment we currently have is some useless combination of piece of shit antibiotics that are hepatotoxic as fuck that you have to take for 6-12 months.

>> No.15092929

Go work any kind of other job in your free time and you will realize that medicine is 10x better than almost any other job out there.
It's comfortable, interesting, always evolving and you actually do something of value. If you ever feel bored by your field you can always subspecialize. Almost no other job has a combination of these qualities.
Even in Europoor you make much more money as a doctor than almost every other field.
If you really hate working at the hospital you can always work as an officedrone for your local health ministry, they usually hire doctors almost instantly for cushy positions.

>> No.15093049

Specialty that’s not derm and will let me work part-time so that I have more time for gaming/anime?

>> No.15093055
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what causes penis to burn after cum

>> No.15093062

>screenmonkey doesn’t like medicine
Color me shocked.

>> No.15093096


>> No.15093112

I completely understand what you're saying and mostly agree with it. Still, it irks me to death seeing people doing/knowing far less than we do for 80% of our pay and zero responsibility we have, not to mention Ngubus kicking a ball for millions (yes, outliers, i know).
Cost-benefit analysis here for docs is shit, even for senior specialists.

>> No.15093157

Or ophthalmology, the eye dentistry

>> No.15093169

Yea. Almost any field where it’s still reasonable to open a private practice and you’re not a hospital monkey

>> No.15093183

Do you have a better way to inhibit mycolic acid, arabinosyl transferases, DdRp, and metabolic pathways?

>> No.15093206

Can't I point out the obvious shortcomings of the development of TB drugs just because I don't have a better drug? It's dishonest to say that we have ever "won" the battle against TB, just because the modern high caloric diet prevents it.
We have been using the same piece of shit combination of drugs for decades and the very few new drugs that become available are even worse and reserved for XDR TB.
I really do hope that Bacteriophage therapy will someday become useable.

>> No.15093208

optometry :^)

>> No.15093210

>Same piece of shit drugs
Compared to what other TB drugs? Wouldn't you agree that TB, as an acid fast bacterium, is in its own class? It's like saying amphotericin B is shit because ceftriaxone works well for neisseria species. I'll be waiting for you to reply with a chemical drawing of a new TB drug that is hepatotoxic, nephrotoxic, or produces a disulfiram-like reaction.

>> No.15093211

That is not**

>> No.15093212

Look into officemonkey jobs for your local health ministry (or W/e the equivalent is in your country). They will probably hire you almost instantly for a decently high up position since they usually love hiring MDs.
You will get paid a decent-ish wage for managing some public health programs, aka doing almost nothing all day.
In the end you will still end up doing your 40 hours/week at the office, but now faking being busy for 80% of the time.
If you really don't like the job as a doctor there are ways out in Europe, you probably won't become rich but you will have a decent wage for an office drone.
I personally would probably kill myself.

>> No.15093220

Mycobacteriophages will probably be what revolutionizes TB treatment.
Sadly nobody really gives a shit about developing them, since TB isn't that big of a problem in developed countries and developing countries don't have the (human) capital to even try to do it.

>> No.15093230

That's going to be one hell of a bacteriophage to get past mycolic acid, arabinogalactan, and a gram-positive layer of peptidoglycan.

>> No.15093308

Mycobacteriophages have already been used to treat mycobacterium though. It's not as unrealistic as you think it sounds.

>> No.15093323

How do I get good at medfagging without a degree? I want to be an underground doctor.

>> No.15093343

Just read a bit about it, I'm looking forward to what might be in store for this phage therapy in the future.

>> No.15093484

read >>15084333

>> No.15093514

Move somewhere where abortion is illegal and operate an underground abortion clinic

>> No.15093617

Doc might not know the difference between gram positive and negative bacteria, but he can scramble a bastard real good

>> No.15094192

Can some radfag help me, is there anything wrong with this x-ray?

>> No.15094270

How do I ace my residency if I did like shit in med school? I'm starting to get nervous, I don't want a shitty specialty.

>> No.15094275

Looks like left lung base atelectasis. Otherwise, I don't see anything significant, although parts look cut off.

>> No.15094282

>i likely have some kind of functional adrenal tumor

Did they prove it by testing your urine for metanephrines?

Also, what beta blocker are you on?

>> No.15094293

Phantom limb is pretty cool.

>> No.15094520

I'm stuck on a 24hr shift and all I do is browse 4chan and nap

>> No.15094526

My specialty, but I won't name it because I don't want degenerates like you in it

>> No.15094582

it's not certain yet, an echoscopist found a 1.8 cm thing on my left adrenal gland, i'll have an MRI in a month, i'm just assuming it because everything else in my body is fine, i'm taking 5 mg of nebivolol

>> No.15094598

op here. its a patient w/ pulmonary anthrax

>> No.15094663

>inb4 anesthesia
It’s already full of degens

>> No.15094670

Why yes how did you know

>> No.15095291

Gasmonkeys are the most brainfucked people in the hospital.
Had a guy once start dancing during surgery for whatever fucking reason and everybody just tried to ignore him like a hobo on the street.

>> No.15095311

Have you ever stopped to think the reason healthcare plans, insurances etc exist is because they are the most efficient way to get the healthcare you need?
This shit doesn't even apply to medicine exclusively. Do you figure anyone who needs construction work buys a new excavator every time? Fuck no, those shits are rentals. What the fuck are you buying a surgical set for if you're not using them to give cheap procedures to others?

You're just going to LARP and those things will end up collecting dust.

>> No.15095332

Ketamine is helluva drug.

>> No.15095742

Why are doctors taught to default to the most benign diagnosis first for any presentation and only escalate in levels of concern when their shit isn't working?

>> No.15095827

This is not always the case. Sometimes it's the other way around actually, for example patients who are found unconscious after suffering trauma are always treated as if they had cervical spine injury.
When this is the case it's usually because benign conditions are also the most common ones so it makes sense to consider them first. The general rule in diagnosis is to consider the most common conditions rather than the most benign ones.

>> No.15095854

>guy comes in with a headache
>order CT to rule out intracraneal hemorrhage

>> No.15095899

I fell in love with one of my patients. She is no longer receiving active treatment from me but it's a possibility if she needs emergency care she may end up back in as a patient of mine but for the moment she is not under me.
We get along really well and have a lot of in common. She clearly likes me to the stage where she essentially said she wants to fuck, and I like her a lot but I've stopped myself admitting this due to the hard professional-personal ethics thing yadda yadda yadda.

Now what do I do that she's discharged? I only have her contact information because I know it from her name, age and address from her medical records which I have memorised and will no longer have access to.

So what do I do? I feel like she would definitely reciprocate but I would have to get in contact with her by essentially writing to her, calling her, or knocking on her door. All of which might be seen as weird or creepy.

If she ends up back in the hospitals care and mentions we're dating it would raise many eyebrows from my colleagues, especially if she needs medical care from me on a day I'm working.

Help me make a decision anons.

>> No.15095916

Fuck off Nursoid

>> No.15095919

Not a nurse, try again.

>> No.15095927
File: 97 KB, 750x1000, Yes-chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15095969

Whatever you say, nursoid.

>> No.15096117

You know the right answer. Don't fucking do anything, you autist.

>> No.15096282

No doctor would ask something like that, your shit sounds straight up like a Uworld question

>> No.15096419

Here's an alternative. You date her and if someone asks you say you met on Tinder. Problem solved.
If however you're a normies shit addicted to social media then you're fucked so fuck off and learn to have privacy.

>> No.15096426

checked and correct

an inspirational speech for your get

>> No.15096480

Yeah, doctors would just rail that pussy and say they've met elsewhere >>15096419 haha what a coincidence, fellow physicians

>> No.15096483

>ywn ask the patient's family to bring a live goat that you're gonna sacrifice to the spirits so that they heal the patient
why live

>> No.15096588

Why do health professionals not wear armour to protect against patients biting? I read some information about mental health nurses losing their fingers to patients biting the nurses' fingers, which armoured gloves could have protected, so why do health professionals not wear armour?

>> No.15096628

Maybe dont be such an emotional pussy.

>> No.15096647

any doctors explain what happened?


>> No.15096658

Pros of dating a single former patient:
Kills loneliness

>> No.15096706

Why is the into-the-leg facing part of the tibia that you can rub through your skin so sharply angled? Seems a bit edgy if you ask me.

>> No.15096790

I've seen Doctors say the most autistic things here.
such as >>15086146 >>15086625
Could go through every thread and find dozens of examples like this.

>> No.15097145
File: 44 KB, 442x331, 1672759509528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How have boogie2988 and nikocado avocado not had a heart attack yet?
>asked in the sqt but it probably belongs here instead

>> No.15097174

It's just matter of time. Even kids show fatty plaques on their arteries and that process just continues as one ages. Being male, heavily obese and coupled with sedentery lifestyle he'll be lucky to live past 55/60 without medications. (He's in early thirties iirc). Not to mention psychiatric issues which just compounds the problem.

>> No.15097210

Nikocado has already has multiple heart attacks as far as I know. Being fat ages you, give it maybe a decade and hell be dead.

>> No.15097844
File: 728 KB, 600x729, syrinx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My GF has Syringomyelia. I am no medfag but i started reading into it more and more.
What knowledge do you guys have about that? Can it be healed (most stuff i read says it cant be healed or goes away by luck alone).
Is there anything to better the state of it? Its a really rare disease so its hard to find much information about it.

>> No.15097881

Vitamin K2 from Natto. It's the cureall. That's all I wanted to say.

>> No.15097889

Carnivore diet combined with fasting (both intermittent and prolonged), extreme temperature exposure, moderate exercise and occasional low carb vegan diet, these are the only things you need to live up to 150 with your youth.

>> No.15098540
File: 24 KB, 300x426, jim-humble-umms_dvd_aramay_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


MMS can cure any disease. There ahs been a lot of misinformation from the mainstream media about MMS calling it bleach, but MMS is NOT bleach. Millions have used MMS with little to no side effects everything from Cancer, HIV, Covid, Flu, Herpes, Warts, etc.

>> No.15098659
File: 545 KB, 455x609, assad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

medbros why can't I specialise in ophthalmology and then become a dictator like Assad?

>> No.15098675
File: 539 KB, 684x1454, 1670187445-20221204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was actual melanoma you're likely fucked if the margins weren't massive.

But, if it was a regular mole? Well then you just will have a weird scar

>> No.15099000

Because you weren't born to the current dictator?

>> No.15099913

I'm gonna bone my patient

>> No.15099956

Me too although im going to be DMD.

Im thinking of returning to school and studying another 3 years general medicine, then maybe doing residency in oral and maxillofacial surgery.

>> No.15101278

Can someone redpill me on how to go about getting a 520+ on the MCAT? A friend of mine claims he spent upward of $5k on study materials and got a 510, but that makes me think his parents just threw him money to stare at a wall for 300 hours. I'm thinking about spending the $300 on the official practice exams and materials from AAMC and then studying from those until June.

>> No.15101285

what was the device?

>If it was actual melanoma you're likely fucked if the margins weren't massive.
why would he be fucked?

>> No.15101299

Don’t know what’sa mcat but the secret with selection exams and tests is getting used to the format of the test, with the timing, topics, literature and length.
The best way to do so is by buying a simulator and studying only and exclusively from the recommended literature. The rest is all up to your intellect and resilience to study at least 6 hours a day.
T. 3rd world resident

>> No.15101329

dehydration. chug 1L and it will go away in 20 minutes.

>> No.15101331
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>Push grandma to go see a physical therapist for back pain
>Physical therapist prescribes daily exercises which eliminates her back pain
>Grandma stops doing exercises and pain comes back
>When pushed to restart exercises she gives up after a week and says it doesn't work and wants to get epidural injections instead

>> No.15101346

Your grandma is a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.15101352

1. Take 3 months to study more or less full-time
2. Anki (check the MCAT subreddit) + whichever prep book set strikes your fancy, I used ExamKrackers
3. UWorld (should've used) + everything the AAMC has available (especially full length exams)

I got into a solid state school with a 520+. Make sure the other parts of your app are solid too

>> No.15101353

Im assuming your grandmother is a boomer?

>> No.15101362

She is indeed a lazy boomer, she'd rather have Dr Goldstein give her a week of pain relief than exercise for permanent relief

>> No.15101449

This is common behavior amongst boomers, they'd rather medicate than take the time for anything, I've never seen an exception.

>> No.15101478

Quickly, I need a doctor! I am dead serious! I need an AMERICAN doctor!
I need you to tell me your hambest hambeast stories. What are the biggers up to in ~2023?

>> No.15101792

Did you only take 3 months of full time studying? If I study for 4 hours per day until May (5 mo., 500 hr) then full time through June (+1 mo., +200 hr) will that match the approximate time you'd put in?

>> No.15101796

Oh, and also, at what point did you sense that your ability to read and absorb / interpret information correctly for CARS had improved? I started taking my first CARS practice exam yesterday and felt I was doing OK but it's unclear what concrete steps I need to take to push my score ahead and I'm unsure if brute force practicing will be sufficient?

>> No.15101945

>41 yo man manual labor worker comes in with "seizures"
>it's definitely something neurologic, definitely not alcohol related writes the retarded ER drone
nigga just be shaking btw
>btw thrombocytopenia, increased liver enzymes, ferritin and laktate dehydrogenase. Well that's just a conincidence LOOOOOL DEFINITELY NO ALCOHOL, implies the dumbfuck ER drone
>not a single thought in his dumb head about if the seizures could be heart related syncope
IM fags for some reason always think it's some weird neurology brain seizure xdddd instead of putting the patient on heart monitoring
>le it must be le spooky neuro condition better call neuro
i hate ER doctors, they are so fucking useless and retarded, they can easily be replaced by nurses
this is how thoughtless and dumb they are
why are ER fags (and desu IM in general) so bad at being diagnosticians? I thought IM fags with le internal medicine generalists bla bla would be decent diagnosticians but really they suck at it

>> No.15102200


1. I spent about 500 hours studying in total. If you have to spread it out over more than 3 months, Anki becomes more important because it'll help you remember material you initially went over months ago

2. I had no real issue with CARS at any point, so I'm not sure how much I can help. That being said, drilling AAMC practice questions helped bump me from a 127ish on my diagnostic to a 131 on the real thing.

>> No.15102772

>why are ER fags (and desu IM in general) so bad at being diagnosticians?

Becuase they are taught to order every test under the sun instead of thinking critically.

Fall? Whole body panscan
Headache? Head CT and probably MRI
Eye pain? MRI Orbits
Weakness? Total spine MRI

>> No.15103028

why be a dictator when you can just be an ophthalmologist?

>> No.15103107
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what books do I read to understand the mechanisms and in general the problems that comes with spinal cord injury, specifically paraplegia.. anything historical would also be nice

>> No.15103156

What specialty are you? Probably a fucking Nurse lmao.

>> No.15103178

Not that guy but ER is a glorified secretary job.

>> No.15103202

I bet you think FM is just secretary work as well

>> No.15103316

No shit retard. It has many of the same defensive mechanisms that the rest of your body have though most of them have to travel through spinal fluid or much restricted blood flow (compared to much larger organs)

>> No.15103501
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I don't know man, I went into medicine only because I want to be the man who knows what to do when something bad happens to someone else and I'm currently working for that (EM residency, I'd like to take a second specialization in anesthesiology after).
Also, I'm not in the US so probably I have a different approach to the whole field and economic aspects of it than you, idk

>> No.15103729


For the love of god pick a different career

>> No.15103818
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Sometimes I wonder how myself and so many of my family members have suffered from malpractice and how I a supposedly 80IQ college drop out can make more a accurate diagnosis think of faster testing to diagnosis routes than most of the doctors we encounter. Or how the leading cause of death in the US could be malpractice. Then I come to /sci/ and get reminded that uni is shovelling retards through at break-neck pace. Did you cry a little in the mirror after?

>> No.15104001

Malpractice is not the leading cause of death, it's not even close. The definition of "malpractice" that is used for these statistics is actually systemic shortcomings of healthcare system, like not having all the top notch procedures and medicine available all around the country even in shithole areas.
Fuck off brainlet you wouldn't be able to even diagnose meningitis.

>> No.15104054

Alright anon, tenks. I'll think about it and earn some $ first.

>> No.15104321

good post

>> No.15104350

>procrastinated again
is it possible to cram the anatomy of upper and lower limbs in one day?

>> No.15104416

FM is social activity club for boomers and moms with toddlers

>> No.15104579

Depends on the context partly. (I'm saying "grads" below, I mean grads fresh out of school.)
> Do good CS grads (say, top 10%) in Burgerland make 100K+?
>Do good CS grads (say, top 10%) in a different country make 100K+?
I'm guessing not, Burgerland has good starting salaries. Depends on the country.
>Does the average CS grad in Burgerland make 100K+?
No, different sources say different averages but all of them are $70-80K.
>Does the average CS grad in a different country make 100K+?
Fuck no.

>> No.15105002

The entire medical system would collapse without FM and you have a bigger positive impact on a much larger quantity of lives than any other specialty.

>> No.15105054

>Tonsils painfully enlarged for the 4th time in the last 8 weeks
Getting tired of this shit, at least I have an ENT rotation coming up next week, might get an unbiased opinion from some clinician before I have to see some boomer ENT in private practice that just wants to talk me into getting them removed so he can cash in on the surgery.

>> No.15105641

>The entire medical system would collapse without FM
I know, thank you for filtering hypochondriacs, retards who can't deal with a cold and boomers with hypertension from clogging up the actually serious medicine hospital system

>> No.15105670
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is rural med actually as comfy as some say, or have I been meme'd?

>> No.15105788

okay, what's the current situation with libgen and whatnot, is thehidden one still up?
i need fucking articles to write my thesis and all the good shit is locked away

>> No.15106086

What causes sudden painless cervical leakage/bleeding before and during the third trimester? It seems to me like placental abruption, placenta previa, and cervical incompetence are most likely

>> No.15106126
File: 399 KB, 1600x1055, Evgeny Stepanovich Kobytev The human face after four years of war (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GM frens, italianon here that want to become a brilliant cardiac surgeon. I'm in my 2nd year of uni(2/6) and after 4 years I will enter in the specialziation I want.
I'm studying anatomy rn, how deep should I study the heart and its blood vessels?? I plan to study everything about the heart that is written in Gray's anatomy but is that sufficient or do I need more? Any books? What else of anatomy should I study in depth? Thanks anons Ily

>> No.15106415

I save more lives anticoagulating Afib patients than you will even see in your entire life.

>> No.15106424

Just study to pass and to actually get into the residency you want.
Once in Residency you can worry about studying everything you need to know.

>> No.15106528
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I'm about to choose a residency ( 99% internal medicine or toxicology) but deep down I feel like I lack the self confidence or even knowledge required for taking responsibility for somebody else's life. I'm just afraid I will kill someone unintentionally.
Will they come with time and practice or should I just quit right now and learn how do code?

>> No.15106677

Cope, no one gives a shit.
t. also FM

>> No.15106879
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I went to a new primary doctor as I hadn't been to one in ages and he was asking me my medical history
When I told him that I had a Pilonidal cyst removed in July he said verbatim "ew gross" so I started laughing bc it was so unexpected and he started to laugh too and we just laughed for a minute
dude was a bro he didn't put my former drinking problem in my chart bc he said that insurance companies would use it against me in the future
have a good day /med/

>> No.15106979

Want to stay poor?

>> No.15107075

I just find this area interesting

>> No.15107220

Nobody actually needs toxicologists, it's like studying art because you find it interesting.

>> No.15107254

>t. never gonna become elite toxicologist serving global elites to protect them from rare neuropoisons

>> No.15107589

That was an ingrown hair, you're fine. Don't let it get infected.

>> No.15107609

The right side of my face is very mildly numb compared to the left. It's not something that's immediately noticeable in the course of the day but if I touch my face on either side I can certainly tell the difference. It's been like this for a few days, and doesn't seem like it's getting worse.
Is this worth talking to a doctor about or am I going to look like a hypochondriac? Is this one of those things that just happens sometimes?

>> No.15107615

Vax side-effect, should go away after death.

>> No.15107626

t. ends up doing a fellowship to get paid less than a hospitalist or end up jobless

>> No.15107629

as if

>> No.15108217

I don't know why they make us do such absurdly long shifts when nothing happens most of the time. I hit my cell data limits because I do nothing but doomscroll most of the time.

>> No.15108220

Trigeminal neuralgia. Speaking of which, does anyone else remember Garrett the clamp-vaxxed-circumcised schizo? I miss him.

>> No.15108546

he's right albeit

>> No.15108601
File: 291 KB, 1080x1080, DOOM DRUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me figure this out /med/ im losing my mind.
>have palpitations since 18
>its nothing bro
>random chest pains
>just back pain bro
>10 extrasystols a minute so over 10k a day going for weeks at a time
>hospital keeps me over night, nothing changes
>new doctor in the morning tells me extrasystols are irrelevant and sends me home
>tfw dad was sent home with a heart attack and they only figured it out two days later
>tell me im probably just making shit up and should get therapy
>do therapy, body still acting up to no ones surprise
At this point ive had multiple 24 hour EKGs and MRI.
Been prescribed Aristocor which did kill the extrasystols but not any of the chest pains. Now extrasystols are back for no reason.
Help me figure this shit out because its driving me insane.
At this poitn, id take pointers to good text books, not a /med/fag, but im doing my chemistry masters degree so i can probably figure out a textbook i guess.
Im fed up with having to literally annoy doctors to get them to not dismiss it out of hand.
Ill figure this shit out myself if i have to.

>> No.15108883

>Trigeminal neuralgia
Causes mild numbness?

>> No.15108888
File: 91 KB, 400x400, vicecity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here have any experience/ know anyone with dual M.D/J.D. programs?

This is my ultimate goal and I'm willing to sacrifice years of my life studying alone in a room to accomplish these titles. Ultimately I'd like to open up my own practice and become a richfag. As for the debt I would probably have it paid off as a Naval Officer or Air Force. But if I make enough money I'll just forgo that.

I'm really looking into the Miller School of Medicine. Ideally, I'd like to go to to Med School in Florida, but only a small amount of schools give dual M.D./J.D. programs.

Any suggestions for schools/experience would be highly appreciated. Oh yeah, also the girls in Miami/Florida are just my type. I know it'll be very stressful so I'd like to blow off steam fucking high class escort looking women in Vice City.

>> No.15108895
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Here's the link to the pathway for the M.D./J.D. program. It's only 6 years and I think it's well worth it. I'm currently a Junior at a "public Ivy" (lol), with a lot of time left, but I'll be in my prime around 35 when I accomplish those goals.


>> No.15109186

Do you get to work with cadavers? If so, don't get too deep into the intricacies of the anatomy itself and focus more on getting a good grasp for the spacial anatomy of the heart and the mediastinum, you won't get another chance to work with the anatomy as thoroughly as you do in cadaver studies, and the better you understand it, the easier it will be for you to visualize the anatomy once you're working with living patients. I've done a lot of cadaver work in medschool and while most of the specific anatomy got lost again over time, the feeling for spacial relations within the body didn't, it's pretty usefull, especially with the continued push for minimaly invasive surgery and the at times akward access pathways you'll have to deal with. As for the specific anatomy, don't sweat it too much, you'll forget most of it while studying for other subjects you don't care for anyways, just focus on getting through medschool and into residency.

>> No.15109398

This is a complex cardiac issue, go see a cardiologist who has specialized in arrhythmias.

>> No.15109400

Might be MS, go see a doctor.

>> No.15109403

Relax, you will gain confidence with time, practice, and experience.

>> No.15109453

does any anon have any experience with Physician-science?
it seems like the most attractive pathway to me but something tells me it doesnt pay and overworks you.

>> No.15109486

go see your doctor

>> No.15109531

Any orthobros know why the palmar aspect of my left wrist always has a burning sensation when i do bench presses? It started maybe a year and a half ago and it hasn't improved at all. Also, it only ever happens with pushing exercises. The area that burns also becomes slightly red.

>> No.15109540

A lot of my peers at med school have suddenly shown a lot of interest in ophthalmology. Why? Are they all just parroting each other. What's so good about forgeting how to treat 99% of med just to look down a slit lamp the majority of the time? Red eye, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy basically all they do. Pfffft.

>> No.15109547

I can't believe i have to learn all about all these different contraceptives and the stupid details about what to do when doses are missed, contraindications etc. Just because women want to be dumb WHORES rather than settle down and build FAMILIES. Such a huge fucking waste of time in our new liberal, miserable world order.

>> No.15109572

Because of that one YouTuber/TikToker that became famous.

>> No.15109596
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>> No.15109783

Arabs have the weirdest BO. It's like nasty sorbitol.

>> No.15110097
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Any anon have any knowledge on this subject?

webem unrelated

>> No.15110140

You got it, boys

>> No.15110173
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>in 4chan

>> No.15110626

not looking for a diagnosis or anything just a rough indication, going to book a gp appointment this morning but it takes a while to get an appointment
>pain in neck
>headache that's lasted 3 days
>headache feels like a pressure in the back of skull

>> No.15110866

Money, it's not that high stackes, you get to do "surgery", if you can stomach doing it, it's probably a comfy spec

>> No.15110990

Kind of a weird thought experiment, but how would you try to treat a crashed space aliens if you came across it?
You have no clue how homeostasis even works for this dude. He's a bipedal humanoid, but you have no idea what drugs will and won't work on him. You have no idea what the contraindications for any treatment are for his species. You're not even sure he has the same organs as you, because his eyes and his hands are clearly different.
How would you approach saving his life? Let's say he's clearly injured from the crash and you kinda just have to wing it now.
Like, beyond direct pressure and trying to prevent further fluid loss, what would be the plan with an alien biology?

>> No.15111004
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>have ADHD
>Going through chemo
>All my symptoms are worse
>Original psychiatrist dropped me before I got cancer
>Ask oncologist if he will just prescribe me ritalin since I already have a diagnosis
>He ignores my question and just walks away

>> No.15111067

Those of you who were silent during the covid attack... how do you sleep at night? I don't trust you anymore.

>> No.15111182

Apparently he had both of his testicles removed due to testicular cancer and went into cardiac arrest in 2020. Damn.

>> No.15111309

UWorld and the review book of your choice. 3 months full time/6 months part time.
t. 523

>> No.15111532

Culling dumb and gullible is a positive thing
A healthy dose of natural selection we've been missing since medicine started saving lives of unfit

>> No.15111616

Don’t care lmao

>> No.15111776

apply gun to face and pull trigger
death to all space niggers

>> No.15111828

Dial 911 so men in black deal with it
Space niggers ain't my fucking problem

>> No.15112018

Fucking based, I do the same with psychotic patients and Psych.

>> No.15112118

>be on rural placement
>ride bike to hospital everyday through nature and greenery
this is very comfy lads

>> No.15112134

Being a doctor is based because it is almost the only profession where you get paid more working rurally. Unless you are hyper specialized of course.

>> No.15112201

comfy job, can still 'easily' make a private practice, if you further specialize you can roll in the dough doing expensive injections, etc.

>> No.15112264

If it's a bipedal humanoid it's either from Earth or engineered from something on Earth, so just treat it like any other animal.

>> No.15113075

Hey /med/, I've been reading up on extensor tendon repair, I fell off a bike as a child, and I tore one of the tendons in my wrist(I think my Extensor Pollicis Longus, zone VII). It never caused me any discomfort or inflammation or impaired motion beyond weakness of grip, so I ended up not going to the doctors for a while and by then it was too late. Now that I'm fully grown I want to have it repaired, but I can't find much information on the success of a repair surgery so long after the initial injury. What's the outlook for a restoration of my right hand grip strength?

>> No.15113193

>just because the modern high caloric diet prevents it.
Care to elaborate for a lurker?

>> No.15113210

>for glans lubrication
This reminds me that in American medicine genital mutilation is legal (only if you do it to boys, not girls) and solicited by hospitals to make more money. I can't imagine participating in a system that does this and having any pride in myself. Imagine being in training for your job and having a day when you help mutilate a kid to the point he'll never know what sex actually feels like.

>> No.15113329

Active TB only develops in the immunocompromised, aka in the malnourished. Since nobody is malnourished in the western world, it turned into a disease only AIDS patients and end of life patients have.
The reason why TB is still a problem in the developing world is because malnutrition, infant malnutrition is still common and diseases like Diabetes are badly managed.

>> No.15114433

hello friends, any idea what could cause the following and is there any possibility of it being a mental issue?

Headache strikes or brain zaps occurring with scalp muscle twitches and sometimes a flash of a lightdot in vision.
May also cause immideate
-feeling of arms being very light to move
-changes in emotions
-soreness to pressure in the area of the headache strike
-uncomfortable bodily sensation at the scalp
-may occur tingling at the face and sometimes scalp, dryness and afterdesquamation, irritation and redness

May also cause independently occurring for days or weeks before occurring less again
-more locational headaches, burning headaches and aches in other areas of the body, sometimes almost continuous. After about an hour or so of burning headache there may be some sort of numbness at the area
-more often dilation of the pupil in the left eye
-more often irritation, watering, redness of the eyes
-feeling of having to move the eyes usually with scalp tension
-more often a sensation of pins and needles or numbness around the right corner of the mouth
-involuntary movement of the right corner of the mouth usually paired with and uncomfortable sensation at the head around the right ear
-more head tension, sometimes almost continuous
-more uncomfortable bodily sensations
-sometimes light nausea with the head tension
-more locational scalp twitching and scalp "nerve twitches"
-muscle twitches or spasms in other areas of the body
-during focus requiring tasks or otherwise tensing the eyes and scalp in a way may cause more muscle twitches and spasms in other areas of the body usually coupled with an uncomfortable sensation at the back of the head
-feeling of arms being very light to move occurring more often
Some symptoms may continue occurring indefinitely


>> No.15114439 [DELETED] 

Symptoms started over half a year before a CT scan that showed no abnormalities in the brains. A couple of months later EEG scan had apparently no abnormalities, the symptoms weren't active during the scan.

Some other major symptoms that started around the same time
-Episodes of pleasure, sexual/orgasmic
-Sudden aggression and "flashes" of aggression. Sometimes the aggression has occurred with changing of emotions back and forth between seconds sometimes together with scalp muscle twitches

Later there's been tinnitus in the right ear after another brain zap with a sudden scalp muscle tensing. The headaches have also become worse than before suddenly after a zap. The headache hurts less at the spot when pressing the area of the ache with a finger. Based on images online the areas of pain have larger peripheral nerves at them. Some of the symptoms may start and end very suddenly sometimes many times in a row. There's sometimes the muscle tension and/or uncomfortable bodily sensation coupled with the occurring symptoms that is very noticable when it ends abruptly. Sometimes the headaches and tension is coupled with the flashes of a lightdot and usually the headache, tension, uncomfortable feeling occur at different areas around the head and also there's many times a similar burning feeling in the upper abdomen at the same time.


>> No.15114447

Symptoms started over half a year before a CT scan that showed no abnormalities in the brains. A couple of months later EEG scan had apparently no abnormalities, the symptoms weren't active during the scan.

Some other major symptoms that started around the same time
-Episodes of pleasure, sexual/orgasmic
-Sudden aggression and "flashes" of aggression
Later there's been tinnitus in the right ear after another brain zap with a sudden scalp muscle tensing. The headaches have also become worse than before suddenly after a zap. The headache hurts less at the spot when pressing the area of the ache with a finger. Based on images online the areas of pain have larger peripheral nerves at them. Some of the symptoms may start and end very suddenly sometimes many times in a row. There's sometimes the muscle tension and/or uncomfortable bodily sensation coupled with the occurring symptoms that is very noticable when it ends abruptly. Sometimes the headaches and tension is coupled with the flashes of a lightdot and usually the headache, tension, uncomfortable feeling occur at different areas around the head and also there's many times a similar burning feeling in the upper abdomen at the same time.


>> No.15114826

I would just call psych and offload this patient

>> No.15114909

I found pics of squomous cell carcinomas and it scares the living shit out of me. Ease my hypochondria anons, how do they grow so fucking big and how long do they take to grow so large? I have a red bump on my cheek where a pimple grows constantly with red around it (sunburned there multiple times on vacation on warm island, appeared during vacation).

I'm afraid of going to sleep and waking up wirth a huge lump of cells now ffs.

>> No.15114916
File: 120 KB, 829x521, bedroom_0000-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pleiadians 2022 - New Technologies Incoming (Med Beds)!!


>> No.15114924

Yup. I'd call psych and call it a day.

>> No.15114936

squamous cell carcinomas is one of the least malignant cancers. If you have it, it usually takes a very long time to become problematic.
Just go to your Doc and let him check it out.
Worst case it's usually a very simple surgery.

>> No.15114948

I vill do that, thenks man.
>Least malignant
How the hell did those pics of people with tumors bigger than their own head happen? Is that years of tissue growth or just unlucky?

>> No.15114985

It's because people are retarded and don't go to the doctor, even when something looks weird.
There are people getting their foot chopped off because they couldn't be bothered to lose weight and take their diabetes meds.

>> No.15115199
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This is kind of a long shot, but I was wondering if someone here might help me. I posted a while back in another /med/ thread. Basically I kind of worry if I have a tapeworm infection. I don't really have any symptoms besides my anus gets extremely itchy randomly, like really bad. It mostly happens at night but not always. Also sometimes after I eat a huge meal, the itching gets really intense maybe 30-60 minutes later, and then I feel really hungry again almost immediately after. This has gone on for many months. I found pic related in my bed sheets one morning. Left is what i'm worried is potentially tapeworm egg, right is a sesame seed for reference. They look very similar, but the one on the left is yellowish and darker. There is no reason a sesame seed should have been in my bed, I hadn't eaten anything with sesame seeds or anything, nor eaten in my room. Also when I sliced them both with a knife, they had completely different textures. The sesame seed kind of cracked open, the object on the left just sort of fell apart.

Am I being a hypochondriac? Or do I actually have parasites living in me?

>> No.15115533 [DELETED] 

I'm worried about a tumor. What could headache strikes with a scalp twitch and sometimes a flash of a light or brain zaps that noticably worsen symptoms point towards? Can headaches become worse indefinitely after a headache strike in a case of a tumor?

>> No.15115546

If you don't order these tests you're fucking liable for the 1/1000 person that actually has a subdural or acute angle glaucoma etc. Most these niggers are on blood thinners anyway, they should get scanned

>> No.15115555

Do brain tumors have headache strikes with scalp twitches and sometimes a flash of light that worsen headaches indefinitely? What could cause such symptoms?

>> No.15115561

you have to get a CBC, go to the doctor

>> No.15115636


>> No.15115719

How bad do you think this is?

>> No.15115738

Makes sense kek. I do this myself when I get pain, but when I have a lump growing on my skin or clear diabetes, that's a whole other beast.

>> No.15116013

>It's because people are retarded and don't go to the doctor, even when something looks weird.
My department has a nice story about it, some rural guy coming into the outpatient clinic with a tumor the size of his head in his chest wall. I've only seen the CT images and can't quite remember what it was specifically, but that thing was massive, growing in his chest wall, it grew outwards to the point it pushed up his right arm and seemingly just started infiltrating the lung. He just thought nothing of it, he wasn't even at the hospital because of it, he said he could still get his shirts on and do his work so he just waited to see if it'd cause any more problems or go away on it's own. Some of the rural folks are really wired different

>> No.15116103
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I have been tormented this entire week
>unexplainable heavy gas/shitting
>happens at random times of day, lasts up to over an hour per instance
>constipation, even tho I got to go real bad, it just isn't coming out...unless it does, then it gets pushed out real hard via gas, likely all at once
>no change in diet or how much I eat, to justify any of this
>my asshole right now is so sore from all of this that if anything touches it, it feels like it's being prickled by a thousand tiny needles
>sometimes it gets so bad that my asshole starts bleeding towards the very end

This has been causing me havoc with my schedule, including having to miss work today. What the fuck do I even do about this, I can't keep excusing myself several times a day and I can't even pinpoint why this is happening. Does this sound like a stomach virus, or some sort of bowel problem, it has to be SOMETHING. What is the quickest way to deal with this, do I just take some laxatives and hope to god it goes away over the weekend?

>> No.15116152

why no one likes pathology...

>> No.15116183

Reddit spec.

>> No.15116247

> Mad psychiatric ho comes in the ER rambling about some thing or another.
> I dont want to deal with it, the psych resident doesnt want to deal with in
> The blessed urine sediment gods bless us (10 leucocytes/field)
> Into IM she goes (discard organicity pl0x :DDD:D:D:D:D:DD:D)

Not my problem :^)
This medicine shit be mad easy frfr

>> No.15116274

epidural hemorrhage

>> No.15116315

start eating at least 4 cloves of raw garlic per day

>> No.15116326

Fuuuuuck, tomorrow I have a Pathology exam. Oral. 15 min. Every topic and every organ is possible. Last year Med school. Two histology slides or two grossing organs will make the introduction to topics we will talk about.
Fuck I have not been this nervous in 2 years I believe. Or maybe I hafve and just don't remember.
I just feel like I know nothing. I feel so unprepared. But I always had good grades. But I have not prepared as much as usually. But fuck I will give everything. I will not let emotions guide me. I will robot this shit like ChatGPT.

Will I make it? Will I ace it? Place your bets.

>> No.15116337

You will! I believe in you! I never knew MD schools perform examinations orally.

>> No.15116387

Thank you! Very positive vibes!

>> No.15116425

I have even developed tense Mm. rhomboideii on the left side in the past few days....
AAAAh I just cannot take it anymore. When I look at stuff I know this shit, but man describing with the right words when you are used to multiple choice is really really painful, and sometimes I don't know what the examinators want from me because it's not the things I discuss with myself in my head. I am very basic, I learn with basic and overarching principles, I understand, with a little amount of usual vocabulary but I mostly understand, and if they only test what I know I might not know a lot. For example, what is the incidence of Myocardial Infarction in the total population of your country? Fuck do I know? 3-5/1000/year? But I sure know the risk factors like Family history, smoking, Hypertension, Diabetes, Obesity, and how they are linked, via the endothelium and immune responses, say glycosylation of the endothelial proteins, say dysfunction of these cells due to nicotine and hypertension, foamy cells, sclerosation, rupture, thrombus, and so on, but fuck me I cannot recite it in detail. I dont know about hard and soft plaques anymore but the words.

>> No.15116444

You'll manage, focus on your routine and show them you can work through shit in a systematic way and you'll be good, you're not a retard, and even if, retards get through med school all the time

>> No.15116443
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Is there more clear cut way of doc conveying that he does not like you when he tries to prescribe you antipsychotic for no reason and despite contraindication (close relative with diabeetus, binge eating)?

>> No.15116484

trips of truth, thanks. Yeah thats what I focused on during the semester and previous years, a systematic way, a routine, for everything, from Anamnesis, to physical exam, to grossing, to histology.
Thanks a lot.

>> No.15116526

>doc does not like me


>> No.15116551

take your meds omg omfg even

>> No.15116595

I do take ritalin as prescribed (even if I don't like it)
Why else doc would give me that when my problems are concentration and motivation (ritalin only helps me calm down, stop having angry outbursts and be less of a impulsive idiot) + ceaseless constant hunger? Because I'm not willing to believe that ANY antipsychotic gonna make me less hungry

>> No.15116630

Two questions

If someone has tumors in the stomach area and its causing pressure in the stomach and intestine area causing lack of appetite what food should they be eating,

the person in question has asked for brown rice but doesn't that expand in the stomach

>> No.15116769

Because he wants to save his ass and not prescribe someone stimulants who he thinks will "abuse" them, i.e. develop tolerance, need higher doses, adverse effects increase, and at some point will develop other problems from the use or abuse, whatever your opinion is and wether or not you are worse off without them. Nobody can prove you would've been worse off without them. But they can prove your adverse effects come from the hioh doses of stimulants and other medications. Antipsychotichs SSRIs and whatever has a free pass in this shit society.
If you want to decide yourself what you take, you have to go to medschool and become a doctor.
t. exactly what I did but I just wanted opiates, and basically everything under the sun, tomorrow is pathology oral exam of last year :)

Captcha T4AVM -> Arterio-Venous Malformation

>> No.15116837

I would take a DCABCD approach
I would first take a split second to assess the possible dangers - it is likely that this alien ichor will be toxic to me in some form or other - be it through direct acute properties like being filled with caustic material, or longer term things like using methylmercury as part of its Hb equivalent. Either way, it seems likely that deciding not to treat it, despite the unknown dangers, is likely to cause repercussions from other members of its species. If I don't combust into flame or something upon touching it, I will proceed to C - catastrophic haemorrhage.
We can deduce some physiology of the alien from its appearance - if it is 4 limbed with a torso, it probably has vital organs in the torso, and thus tourniquets are probably useful, if the bleeding is from a limb. The nature of the bleeding - its pressure, the waveform of it - will be helpful to deduce if it has something similar to a heart
Massive exsanguating haemorrhage will be controlled through pressure and tourniquets.
The airway is tricky, because intubating is absolutely contraindicated - we have no idea its anatomy. A quick inspection of the face and mouth, with suctioning of any blood and secretions, followed by sniffing the morning air position, is the best we could do.

>> No.15116871

When it comes to breathing, we have no idea the gas mixture it requires, nor the tidal volumes, nor the frequency- or even if it breathes. It may breathe in one orifice and out another, in a continuous flow, as opposed to the in/out cycle we have. Watching for rise and fall of the chest in the first instance may give some clue here, which might guide my bag mask ventilation. In terms of oxygenation, it's shit out of luck if it needs chlorine or fluorine to breathe, so due to a lack of harm if it does breathe these (as it will likely asphyxiate before stores of these can be obtained), I would crank the fio2 in my mask to 100%. Anatomy would again be our worst enemy, and if the alien has bizarre facial anatomy, we will never get a good seal. We may resort to high-flow nasal prongs in the first instance, if, say, they had a face like a sangheili.

Now we are back to circulation. A crude assessment of its perfusion should be performed - distal "capillary" refill seems reasonable. We should attempt to gain access to the aliens vasculature - going in blind, however, would be a fools errand. We need thr US, as this will help establish if a) they have a classical art/vein anatomy and b) where these are. I want a line in every sonographically different vessel we can find, and I want the following blood tests on each - an istat gas and electrolytes, formal electrolytes, microscopy, mass spectrometry and a rotem. These should be self explanatory - and will guide fluid replacement. Whatever the electrolyte mix of the alienblood we will try to match with whatever I have in stock, and start pouring that into it.
While I have the us, it seems not unreasonable to look into its torso and abdomen in an equivalent to a FAST scan- although note that it may not have an organised vasculature system and free fluid should not automatically make us think of internal bleeding.

>> No.15116908

Disability will be challenging to assess, as we do not speak each other's language. At baseline, it may appear calm or demented to us, or anything in between. On the off chance that it decided to learn our language on the multi light year trip it took before coming here, I would attempt to communicate with it, and tell our progress and what it needs from us.
Once this primary survey is complete, I would again run through it and repeat every time anything appeared to change.
It's vital signs, of pulse rate, blood pressure, resp rate and spo2 (the last being very unlikely to be able to be read from Point of care monitoring) may provide a guide on whether we are winning or losing.

I realise I forgot to mention earlier, that all our pharmacology is unlikely to help and likely to he acutely toxic to it, and so vasopressors, coagulants and other agents are not helpful.

>> No.15116914

After optimising abcd, it's time to run it through the scanner. A CT non-con sounds like the least dangerous and most useful to perform. If I had concerns with regards to internal bleeding, I might have to bite the bullet and use iodine contrast, and hope it isn't like arsenic to the alien. Endovascular occlusion may be am option if there is contrast leak (bleeding) in somewhere that it doesn't appear to be physiological for it - asymmetric, appearing uncontrolled, creating fluid pockets where there weren't any initially.

From this scan, we have our first look at its internals - what does it use to exchange gas, what does it do to pump blood. The anatomy will perhaps give clues on how to optimise things, such as decreasing tidal volumes or changing which vessel we put fluid through. We may even get enoigh information for a stab at intubating it - using fibre optic and appropriate cuff sizes

Note the dangers of MRI - what if it had a few micrograms of antimatter suspended in a magnetic field to power internal implants? The mri disturbing that would kill everyone. Even after a CT to exude macroscopic implants, I wouldn't trust it.

Hopefully we eventually get collateral, specifically information about its physiology, as well as specialised pharmacology agents for it, otherwise my only treatment options is that homecooked fluid I discussed earlier, pressure for bleeding and supportive care.

Interesting question anon, I should give this more thought some other time

>> No.15117208
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>didn’t eat asparagus
>pee smells like asparagus
Give it to me straight doc, I’ve finally drunk my liver away haven’t I?

>> No.15117363

Pathology gets less relevant each passing day. Nobody does autopsies anymore, biopsies are getting replaced as much as possible. AI will be the end of the specialty as we know it. You will have one or two pathologists covering the entire workflow of an entire hospital.
Just a retarded spec to get into as a new doc desu.

>> No.15117618

I never needed dose increase after all those 5(?) months, but nonetheless lying about side effects and what drug is used for when I clearly say I'm not okay with it screams unprofessional. If I'm such an insufferable patient then it would be easier to just say it outright

>> No.15117869

med anons,
sometimes when i walk small distance (400-500m) usually at evening/noon i feel number of small stings near back of my shoulder, chest, stomach. It feels really hot it isn't painful and ig kinda like mosquito bite, i can't really explain. I was sitting outside (Sun) reading a newspaper and when I got up I again felt the same.
I shower daily, change cloths in 2 - 3 days, I'm(ale) 5'7" 57 kg
any clue what the fuck is happening, is it something to get checked?

>> No.15117889
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orthobros, what should my bicep circumference be to pass ortho interview?

>> No.15118003

a lot of times, for older patients, nursing homes just dont care.

>> No.15118013

How hot are your showers?

>> No.15118110

comfortably hot

>> No.15118196

Should be 13 inches at minimum, but you'll have to be based too, make it clear that trannies are ridiculous and that wearing a mask anywhere but the OR is for faggots and you're in

>> No.15118382

Passed the exam, didn't ace, but was more than just passing grade, was a good pass.
Thanks anons

>> No.15118439

Glad to hear it, don't be such a neurotic fag next time

>> No.15118485

It will probably happen again. Only when I have this motherfucking degree will I relax. Not a second before.

>> No.15118493

I get this isn't for advice, but I've been to multiple doctors and got slapped with a $4,000 bill with them saying "something is wrong but lol we dunno". I'm 30, 5'10, 170lbs, and have a resting heart rate of 100. If I go up one flight of stairs my heart rate shoots to 160bpm and will remain so as long as I am going up an incline. I have one or two cups of coffee maybe three times a week. I do not drink but maybe a glass of whiskey once a week. I do not do any street drugs, nor do I have prescription drugs.

I have had this problem for about 5 years. I went to numerous doctors when I was in the army(barred from reenlistment due to it, effectively), and in civilian. One doctor said I just need more conditioning, and seems no matter how much exercise I exert, my heart rate doesn't change. I've had an ECG, 24hr EKG, stress test, blood work, and all have said things appear normal on the tests but something is still wrong.

What the fuck do I do? I want this fixed, I hate not being able to go rock climbing and technical hiking with my friends anymore. I feel like a fatass and I'm not. I don't care what it costs.

>> No.15119013

>on surgical rotation
>in a group with two girls
>in the OR just watching the surgeons from the sidelines
>girl leans in and whispers something to me
>gets right up to my ear, can feel her surgical mask touching my earlobe
>get tingles like some ASMR fag
>focus on keeping up a pokerface
>she does it repeatedly during the operation
Am I autistic for thinking this is too close to comfort? You don't just get right into someones ear to whisper to them, that's way too close

>> No.15119154
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there are ortho bros here, just not in this specific board you have to search for them in /fit/

>> No.15119703

Wish I had cute intern to whisper to my ear.

>> No.15119742

try turning down the temperature a bit anyway. i used to have a similar problem in high school for awhile, and as soon as i turned down the shower temperature just a tad (it doesnt have to be cold water) the problem went away.
i am not a medical doctor.

>> No.15119910
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I used to think long covid was a meme but it's been 6 weeks since I've had covid.
>taste and smell still fucked
>trouble breathing sometimes
>brain fog
Will it ever end or will pfizer come out with some long covid medication to fix me up?

>> No.15119955

are my balls supposed to hurt after getting a traditional vaccine (not covid)?

>> No.15120029

my insurance has recently swapped my primary care provider to being a woman. how fucked am i?

>> No.15120054

She needs to be a urologist! "Hey doc how about a hernia test?"

>> No.15120096

She needs to quit medicine and study literature so, at the least, she can be a cultured housewife.

>> No.15120140

you know how when you're in zero-g you feel a weird sensation in your balls? that's what this vaccine is doing. /med/bros pls..

>> No.15120169

aight m8, thanx

>> No.15120301

is that that fucking PODIATRIST CUNT that runs around screaming about being a doctor?

>> No.15120921

>jumps around in pyjama looking scrubs
maybe just wear a fucking whitecoat you stupid bitch

>a fucking book
"UH I AM A DOCTOR, ME SMART, ME READ BIG IMPORTANT BOOK!" Who is this bitch kidding, nobody on the job below the age of 60 looks up shit in books, fucking cunt

>> No.15121673

thanks bro appreciate it

>> No.15121864
File: 25 KB, 498x370, PSAX_focus_on_PV_and_PA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm diving into echocardiography. Got any tips and tricks?

What textbooks, resources or courses should I use? I got my hands on Feigenbaum's Echocardiography, what else is worth checking out?

If there are any good Anki decks, that'd be great.

>> No.15121931

migraine? go see a neurologist.

>> No.15122166 [DELETED] 

Hypothetical question but how would one test to see if they're jabbed with the COVID19 vaccine?

>> No.15122183

The neurologist from some time ago didn't see necessity for further following. Is there a possibility of it all being a mental issue?

>> No.15122769

My sister went on a hormone therapy to raise her fertility, except it looks like it kinda fails since she still hasn't gotten a child tho maybe it's the husband's fault.
Now she's fat and really likes to eat and an intense craving. It's been at least 5 years and she keeps blaming the therapy for her fat and intense craving.
Is this true /med/? Genuinely asking.

>> No.15122860

I want to get a specific bacteriophage but I cant. I am thinking I can get a strain as similar as possible and then 'feed' it both bacterial strains until it jumps hosts. what do you think, too mad scientist?

>> No.15122862

Sounds like a grand ol time

>> No.15122964

16 hour shift, 15 min sleep total
what are some other jobs like this?

>> No.15122973
