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15081440 No.15081440 [Reply] [Original]

>60% of men surveyed said they wanted a bigger penis
>BPA is extremely prevalent in modern society and it reduces final testicle and penis size in boys exposed to it

Why the fuck isn't biomed scientists working on inducing a growth spurt in adult penis? Resensitize the penis to androgens in a selective manner and do a controlled hormone treatment or something. It'd make insane amounts of money and lift the confidence of more than half of the male population.

>> No.15081550

that wouldn't be useful to society, getting rid of toxins and other shit would benefit overall health

>> No.15081552

this, if you're too insecure about your penis then just have sex or do some therapy

>> No.15081582
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1. Undoing the growth inhibition that BPAs have caused is a health benefit
2. Providing people with something they desire is positive utility and would improve their overall health and life satisfaction.

>> No.15082766

anyone using their brains in the penis growing field would be better off in a plethora of other fields that could improve the course of humanity

>> No.15082811

Hasn't stopped progress in boob jobs and other such plastic surgeries. Seems like scientists are just coomers

>> No.15083326

>Millions of highly skilled scientists
>A team of 50 could easily crack dick growth in a few yrs, saving the unluckiest guys and benefitting many people's quality of life and happiness, sexual fulfilment, etc.
>Noooo what about my heckin paperinos!
>We can't do that! Who's going to do the 5th study in a row on monkeys tapping icons or this random novel chemical that can't be recreated by any scientists that try using the published methods!
Get real, a very small amount of scientific research and manhours actually go towards projects that advance fields and bring us close to the future, we can afford to send the cock corps in to have a stab at it for 4 years.

>> No.15083816

Scientists and companies work were there's money to be made. Studying penis growth has an insane monetary incentive attached to it.

>> No.15085387

I guess that's true but in my view they should become as skewed as possible to mostly study things that will down the line feed into humanities progress

>> No.15085668

You're virtue signalling that progress in science is good without actually justifying why penis growth isn't also good progress.
You vaguely allude to progress and course of humanity but you don't ever specify things. What would you rather the funding go towards? You must know that we can't even spare a cent for the cock corps, so the system is already fully efficient and getting us towards this vague "future course for humanity".
I understand cock corps wouldn't find anything groundbreaking about life, the universe, and everything, but it would benefit a lot of people and would be hugely popular on a consumer level.
You also make no case for how funding the cock corps would take away from other progress? Surely we can find good researchers who are currently not working or are working in non essential projects? You seem to pretend they're all already working on the cure to cancer, and taking them away to fund cock corps means we won't get to the future somehow.
Lurk moar and grow more brain cells geezer.

>> No.15085700

>that wouldn't be useful to society
imagine how much violence would decrease if people weren't insecure about their penis size.

>> No.15086749

the issue is, men think they want bigger penises(myself included), yet women dont really want anything crazy big for long term partners. If everyone had a monster cock, a big cock would no longer be special. Creating such treatment for the most unfortunate guys(below average/micropenis) is also an issue, because guys with normal dicks would want that too.

>> No.15087614

>Creating such treatment for the most unfortunate guys(below average/micropenis) is also an issue, because guys with normal dicks would want that too.
That's not an issue, that's a giant market waiting to emerge.

>> No.15087625

>>60% of men surveyed said they wanted a bigger penis
seems kinda low. doesnt everyone want a bigger penis?

Ive never had a problem with my penis size. Ive barely every thought about it. But if someone offered to make it a little bigger why not lol.

>> No.15087633

Probably someone's tried and it turns out to be harder then it sounds. Or they're still working on it and it'll be in the news in 5 years.

>> No.15087660

I agree OP.

>> No.15087682
File: 505 KB, 1125x1573, 2406494C-9E01-4852-985E-220C070E6222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should answer your question.