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File: 103 KB, 1080x934, ZSKWHL1Uj3TC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15080198 No.15080198 [Reply] [Original]

Levine claims that
>positive value of gender-affirming care for youth and adults is not in scientific or medical dispute
is she correct?

>> No.15080203

Short answer: no.
Long answer: so-called "gender affirming care" is under serious criticism by medical authorities in most countries. Great Britain is doing one of the biggest re-evaluations of their practices that I'm aware of.

>> No.15080207
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, Brinton3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to this clown getting caught in some scandal, like picrel. They're incapable of keeping the "mentally stable" larp for too long.

>> No.15080214
File: 2.36 MB, 2204x2840, 6fd1426e59a41f813fa85649cc0e86dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting patiently for civil war and for all trannies in my state to get the rope.

>> No.15080222
File: 86 KB, 720x900, craziesz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get both!

>> No.15080230

Why wait? Always cooler to be the trend setter.

>> No.15080232

I'd rather not be on death row.

>> No.15080237

And I live in a based state.

>> No.15080465


>> No.15080469

imagine the state of the world when the elimination of unwanted, harmful degenerates isn't tolerated in even the most so-called "based" states.
are you sure than you're not in a faggoty soi state that just happens to have slightly less HIV/AIDS than most of the other 49?

>> No.15080471

did you hear about the woman in norway who got a three year prison sentence for misgendering?

>> No.15081110
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Levine killed thousands during chink flu in Pennsylvania by forcing old people into nursing homes (while pulling his own mother out). Any "scandal" that might arise would be dutifully covered up by corporate media and republican politicians are spineless cowards who'd be scared of being called names if they tried to do anything about it. The dogfucker was just a diversity hire who didn't earn nearly as much leeway.

>> No.15081145
File: 51 KB, 618x412, Gender_Bender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is TWO men that have become "Woman of the Year" so far.

>> No.15081150

There's no HIV/AIDS, faggot. HIV is completely made up, AIDS is just one of several already known diseases.

>> No.15081166

Based men

>> No.15081490
File: 263 KB, 649x632, 7long-term-outcomes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally so much data that medical transitioning (estrogen + testosterone blockers) is good that it's almost unreal

BTW 88% of de-transitioners are FtM for a reason.

>> No.15081718

i used to hate posing for pictures
now i do a peace sign and pretend it represents a y chromosome
i am at peace knowing my body does not have any and never will

>> No.15081752


>> No.15081806

yes, and it feels fantastic

>> No.15082414
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>> No.15082439

Mr. Levine is quite wrong. "gender-affirming care" is just drugging and mutiliating children and that fact should never be censored.

>> No.15083970
File: 8 KB, 196x257, luggage lover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The dogfucker
Sam is an MIT trained nuclear physicist. He is going to work at CERN now that his term at the Department of Energy is up

>> No.15084584

So don't get caught. Never let them take you alive. Deadman switches and all that jazz.

>> No.15084588

Jenner is based AF, HATES Democrats, and wants a war against them.

>> No.15084591
File: 41 KB, 568x683, state of the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, another Chernobyl type event waiting to happen.

>> No.15084592
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>is she
"she" kek

>> No.15084603

is this the tranny jew?

>> No.15084771

Science doesn't have a category for it yet.

>> No.15084778

Trannies cannot be based. It’s just a fact.

>> No.15084780

"gender-affirming" is a dogwhistle for false flagging alt-right white supremacist nazis

>> No.15084800
File: 64 KB, 1053x338, politicalw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alt-right white supremacist nazis
That makes no sense.

There is no "alt-right"
Nazi's were extreme leftists.

White supremacy is simply a scientific fact.

>> No.15084803

>Trannies cannot be based.
Bullshit shill.
There are extreme right-wing trannies out there, quite a few.

>> No.15084830

Whites are brainlet cucks and fags. They literally invented modern tranny nonsense

>> No.15084833

Check their DNA. That's Germanic people that invented faggotry.
Pureblood non-Germanic whites are superior.

>> No.15084838

Wrong, they are not based. Why? Because they’re trannies. They couldn’t handle being a man? Pathetic.

>> No.15084844

Try to handle being a woman. They are fucked up. Would be rougher and tougher to be a woman in many ways. Only advantage a woman has is in getting sex, since so many men these days are incels and begging for a wet hole.

>> No.15084855

>They literally invented modern tranny nonsense
Magnus Hirschfeld and John Money were white?

>> No.15084870

>thinks women want sex the same way men do
>thinks being a woman is difficult
Perhaps it is difficult if you get molested as a child or get gang raped or something, but otherwise, how so?

>> No.15084877

>incel who has never been married or even gotten laid by a real woman, and knows nothing about their lunacy.

>> No.15084890

No she is lying.

People just lie about what the scientific consensus is. There are a bunch of hardworking nerds in universities who think one thing, then some activist gets on TV and says the consensus is a completely different thing.

They just lie about what the consensus is.

>> No.15084902
File: 94 KB, 743x900, Trust the science Gov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK! It's a dude. Don't let the fake name fool you.

>> No.15084924

Women do not want sex like men do. It’s a biological fact.

What do you mean by lunacy? You mean their ridiculous emotions and pmsing? I’d call that more of a defect than a difficulty

>> No.15084925

>Women do not want sex like men do.
wow, that is the biggest incel cope have seen on here in a long time.
you reallly don't know women dude, or else you are just un-sexy to them.

>> No.15084940

You seem to be the one with less experience.
Women don’t crave and need sex like men. Women want attention and approval from men, especially high value ones. Men want to have sex because they deeply crave flesh and orgasmic release. Women and men are completely different.

>> No.15085005

He is 100% right. Men and women have different sexual appetites. Different things turn them on. Men "need" sex whereas for women a lot of the time it's optional. Men are pretty excited by how women look, whereas women are more excited by how they feel emotionally about the guy.

Why do you think otherwise? How old are you?

I am a 31 year old married father. I've had three sexual partners in my life. Thats where my experience comes from.

>> No.15085017
File: 36 KB, 474x382, pepfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incel sperg vomit
Go get laid virgin. Quit reading Cosmopolitian and GQ magazines.

>> No.15085024

>I am a 31 year old married father. I've had three sexual partners in my life.
KEK! wow that is pathetic. Had more than that by 15 years old. No wonder you are clueless. You married the first fattie that would have you.

>> No.15085156

We are pretty fit actually.

>> No.15085173

You guys are both retards, actually

>> No.15085307

>I have stuck my rancid pp into more hog holes than you so nyeh
Please grow the fuck up. If anyone made the point of fucking you a singular time, it was a mistake.

>> No.15085321

imagine having all that sex and not producing any children. maybe his dick doesn't work right, if its not that then he is either sticking it in the wrong hole or those probably weren't real women.

>> No.15085357

>either sticking it in the wrong hole or those probably weren't real women.
Always vote both when the only retaliation reeks of hubris.

>> No.15086005
File: 1.89 MB, 1488x1488, dead tranny, rugged male appearance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15086033


>> No.15086931

Stop enabling their mental illnesses. That is a HE in drag, not a she.

>> No.15087132

It's been said already but it's a fucking man. You're so fucking pathetic that you censor yourselves online. If you align with trannies, you hang in the streets from a light pole

>> No.15087200

>Being so triggered by pronouns you resort to violence
Troon spotted

>> No.15087215

>fucking man
Is fucking men what is on your mind? Is that why you so frustrated? If you had stayed a whole man, you might have a bf by now.

>> No.15087222

>Being so accepting of retarded, baseless vitriolic thoughts because you have no spine
Again, kill yourself tranny enabler

>> No.15087316

Ok, pronoun obsessed troon.

>> No.15088259


>> No.15089211
File: 92 KB, 557x768, Friedrich_der_Große_-_Johann_Georg_Ziesenis_-_Google_Cultural_Institute_(cropped_2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's Germanic people that invented faggotry.
faggotry? yes. picrel.
>Magnus Hirschfeld and John Money were white?
do those sound like german or celtic names to you?

>> No.15089213

>do those sound like german or celtic names to you?
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.

>> No.15089239

Hirschfeld sounds like a Jew name.
Is "Money" a Jewish name also? Would sure be ironical and fitting if it is. kek!

>> No.15089254

>Hirschfeld sounds like a Jew name.
not sure about the name in general but this specific hirschfeld was a jew indeed.

>> No.15089259

this is not science this is human rights! what we need is MORE PROPAGANDA


>> No.15090522

"money" is named after the temple of juno moneta, which was the mint in ancient rome

>> No.15091454

From wiki " Located at the center of the city of Rome, it was next to the place where Roman coins were first minted, and probably stored the metal and coins involved in this process, thereby initiating the ancient practice of associating mints with temples."
Still consider mints as temples today, and the temples shown on Fed Reserve Notes.
Almost cultish.

>> No.15091897

The only reason anybody ever says "X isn't up for debate" is when X is being debated.

It's gaslighting.

>> No.15092098

It's as good as not planning/unsure/does not apply. Social support looks like the difference maker, at least based on that image.

>> No.15093705
File: 37 KB, 736x414, trials.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who calls that mentally ill thing a "woman" is also mentally ill, and should not only be dismissed, but punished.

>> No.15095735

>It's been said already but it's a fucking man. You're so fucking pathetic that you censor yourselves online. If you align with trannies, you hang in the streets from a light pole
You're making it very easy for me to decide who I should be aligning with, anon.

>> No.15095764

It doesn't matter. Just screaming "THE SCIENCE THE SCIENCE THE SCIENCE SAYS SO" obviously isn't working so a change to approach is needed if you want people to agree with you

>> No.15096138

If you have to align with anyone, you have already been defeated. Safety in a herd mentality.