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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15078449 No.15078449 [Reply] [Original]

Science is dumb, I feel unhappy. People are poor and it never gets better. I want to live in the woods and hunt deer instead.

>> No.15078453



>> No.15078458

Too bad loser! There aren't enough deer on Earth to feed a fraction of America alone.

>> No.15078463

Congratulations on having a sane thought process. Now cue in the mentally ill hordes who will tell you how quality of life is measured in iPhones.

>> No.15078488

But I want to be immortal and go to space and become God :(

>> No.15078507

You’re unhappy because you have no power. You’d be happier if you had money or a better lot in life. It has nothing to do with le science, you’re just a bum. Life is suffering and you got a bad hand on top of that. Life of a peasant will always be challenging.

>> No.15078512

You can tell a nonsentient drone wrote this post.

>> No.15078513

Morbidly obese people have a different calorie intake.

>> No.15078517

Get into patents and IP retard.
Still use your science background and make goofy money.

>> No.15078526
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pic related, their so drugged out and brainwashed even if it was 1000x cheaper at 100x better quality they'd never make it past the burbs

no matter how many 9's you'll add to 0.99... it will never equal 1

Science in its etymology brings own closer to God, and Matthew 6:24 is clear, one has to choose between God and Money, all you can get from it is cheap drugs that kick the can of nihilist despair and agony down the road through distraction

>> No.15078528

>People are poor and it never gets better.
just tell (or force) retarded people to stop reproducing creating more parasites and this issue will be automatically solved.
eugenics is the way.

>> No.15078530

>no matter how many 9's you'll add to 0.99... it will never equal 1
Unless I double the amount of nines I add while halfing the time it takes to add them evertime I add them

>> No.15078559

So is even /sci/ mostly just seething schizos these days too? How sad.

>> No.15078572

I don't want power, I want to be happy without giving becoming a meaningless cog

>> No.15078584

Yes. The only places free of "seething schizos" are corporate-censored normalgroid platforms like the one you came here from. You're an undesirable element in any human community. Go back.

>> No.15078589

So kys, no one is forcing you to continue living.

>> No.15078596
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>So kys, no one is forcing you to continue living.
If OP decides to kill himself, he should make it a point to take at least 2-3 of these "people" out with him as he goes. It should be standard practice.

>> No.15078597
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They 'instead' followed the magic promoted by the devils during the reign of Solomon. Never did Solomon disbelieve, rather the devils disbelieved. They taught magic to the people, along with what had been revealed to the two angels, Harut and Marut, in Babylon. The two angels never taught anyone without saying, "We are only a test 'for you', so do not abandon 'your' faith." Yet people learned 'magic' that caused a rift 'even' between husband and wife; although their magic could not harm anyone except by Allah's Will. They learned what harmed them and did not benefit them- although they already knw that whoever buys into magic would have no share in the Hereafter. Miserable indeed was the price for which they sold their souls, if only they Knew!

2:102 Quran

Call it Seethe and Schizo all you'd like, man made horrors beyond comprehension are what lay before this technocracy path, it enables the cruelest hearts to execute blind damage at a keystroke, and the pharmakeia to make them feel happy going about it

I myself would get more meaning baking clay tablets in the woods with the golden ratio, the warnings of Harut and Marut upon the financial alchemy, and as many scriptures portaining the nature and character of God as i can and scattering them about so that once you destroy yourselves in idiocracy those who come after may have signs of forwarning

>> No.15078603

Happiness is just another state of being along with suffering and your other range of emotions. Pain and pleasure isn’t an end goal in itself, you want to be more fulfilled then maybe you need to make some changes in your life. Don’t tell me you don’t want power, that is nonsense. You want the power to be able to get up and do what you want when you want, everybody does. But by all means if you want to live off the grid why don’t you make that your goal? Pick up books on practical skills or use online tools. Save up money to buy land. Surely you can set some sort of long term and short term goals for yourself?

>> No.15078605
File: 208 KB, 581x332, truth-of-the-throne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You want the power to be able to get up and do what you want when you want, everybody does
I'd make the distinction between agency and power here, the latter is individual centric, power often has connotations of will over others

>> No.15078608

>smashes computer with an axe
>meanwhile is on the internet
What are you doing?

>horrors are what lay before you
My friend, life is cruel. Life has always been deceptive and cruel. The wild is cruel and humanity is cruel. There will always be cruel wars and innocent lives will always suffer. Religions did this for thousands of years as well with great accuracy, they practiced in all kinds of abuse behind closed doors as well. There is no reality where people don’t needlessly suffer and wars don’t happen.

>> No.15078609

>But by all means if you want to live off the grid why don’t you make that your goal?
He knows the cancerous mole you represent will never let him have that.

>> No.15078617

>If OP decides to kill himself, he should make it a point to take at least 2-3 of these "people" out with him as he goes. It should be standard practice.
No one gives a shit. He could kill himself by releasing 20lb of anthrax into a crowded football stadium. It's just another 'lone wolf' act of terrorism. Those thousands dead are just another statistic.

>> No.15078620

It's hard to take someone with a name on an anonymous website seriously. You do raise good points albeit.
The US is a globalist elitist nightmare.

>> No.15078622

>No one gives a shit
People will start given a shit if it happens every day. Either way, input from obvious nonhumans isn't worth much, so I'm not sure why your operaters released you here.

>> No.15078626

I don't want to die at all. I want a simpler, down-to-earth life where I can help and provide for others. A pipedream in todays world.

>> No.15078627

There are plenty of places to live off grid. Hell nowadays with solar energy options you could get really creative and involve with it. I don’t know I think the question here is why haven’t you done anything yet? Why are you still here?

>> No.15078628
File: 1.39 MB, 1660x1378, feb-20-2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you doing?
absolving myself to my commitment to fish, hunt and eat pinetree bark in a log cabin on the Mackenzie river if the commitee finds the use of the emergencies act was justified, on February 20. Walked off my job when this happened, no use of working for a dollar one cannot spend, just highlights what happens when Zeus's lightning is in the hands of an individual with now structure to handle the dark pathology of the throne. Will walk off the concrete if they say what they did was 'serene' and just. Otherwise learning history and science to rejig my career because too many of my peers have been murdured and between the voraciousness of the mob and the north korean money washing the tech is fried anyways.

>> No.15078634
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>Religions did this for thousands of years as well with great accuracy,

sure thing professor, i'm sure you and your peers can all go into your attics and pull out the last 1000 years of your family tree genealogies

>> No.15078639

The US is their right hand and weapon. America isn't called the 'world police' for nothing!

>> No.15078641

As always, just remember that your handlers have lost contol over the narrative and that you will be dealt with physically.

>> No.15078649



>> No.15078735
File: 2.86 MB, 1600x1600, 2E3DF30B-7FFB-4E6E-823B-DBDE97AB13F3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are poor precisely because society is run by anti-science retards like you.

>> No.15078745

>urbanoids complain despite living better than kings

>> No.15078755
File: 197 KB, 1024x530, Map_of_countries_by_suicide_rate,_WHO_(2019).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats with the suicide rate being lower in Haiti eating mudcakes than it is in the urban centers loaded with pot filled fruit cakes?

>> No.15078760

>mentally diseased bugmen kill themselves more than humans
Truly shocking.

>> No.15078781

>suicide is le…bad
Suicide is something intelligent people do

>> No.15078825

is that really correct grammar since they terminate themselves in the process of doing

perhaps its better linguistically to say
suicide is something intelligent people have done

Its certainly not a adaptation that maximises Darwinian fitness

maybe they should stop gainging intelligence reading books crafted out of the mantra 'population becomes a matter of US national security' and start gathering wisdom

>> No.15078873

My plan is to
>work for five years as code monkey
>leave at 28 or 29 years old
>become logger in Alaska

>> No.15078893

several of the most suicide prone countries on that map are very rural and conversly many of the least suicidal are very urban

>> No.15078895

The middle east is one of the most urbanized regions in the world and has a pretty low suicide rate.

>> No.15078897

oh hey again your'e the guy who couldnt name succesfull societies with arbitrary laws from another thread, care to try another time?

>> No.15078965

You are hated, your failed society is degenerating into overt fascism and your handlers are in panic.

>> No.15078967
File: 2.83 MB, 4233x2052, bis-fertility-suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Urban-rural, doesn't matter to me.
Its the content of character and the bonds of community that rest within them. Is it a tournament society running population control on its citizens, or is it a non-tournament society fighting the population controllers

only GB beats the non central banked in suicide rates for these big 5
Another metric is the other side of the coin, those not wishing to reincarnate on this plane so they dont birth offspring.

Now, where are those fake smiles, and fake compliments about access to mortgage credit, instead of focusing on making God smile?

>> No.15078972

i guess not

>> No.15078973

Sorry about your mental illness.

>> No.15078979

how can you believe in metal illness being non-arbitrary but not law?

>> No.15078995

Shut up ted, and keep those bombs out of the mail box

>> No.15079004

Genuinely take your meds. I don't mean it as an insult. It seems like your mind is broken by getting BTFO in some argument.

>> No.15079011

im just curious which societies you were reffering to in our previous discussion?

>> No.15079017

Why 4chan is about talking about ideas and not against other people, cant tell who is who, not supposed to

I crafted this large infographic explaining in detail, but it seems like insult trading with another anon took tis place

>> No.15079019
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>> No.15079022

And I'm just telling you that it's abnormal to seethe over losing an internet argument for more than 5 minutes.

>> No.15079057

>Its the content of character and the bonds of community that rest within them
That's a good way of saying how religious it is.

>> No.15079063

you still didnt answer the question, should be very easy for you if you have thought about your opinion for more then 2 minutes

>> No.15079088

I find that human beings are all predisposed to worship, if not in God, than subconsciously something else takes its place. Where one may see atheism i most often see rampant money worship

My litmus test: find out where an individual derives their self esteem. Is it in teaching man to fish and following the golden rule? or is it how much money they earned and how fancy their house is

>> No.15079092

To an extent yes, those whose quality of life is horrendous should be gone for their sake and others. But if a bloke has a peg-leg or is a bit thick in the head then I wouldn't consider him worthless. We need a greater emphasis on education, tradition and nature.

>> No.15079100

Okay, but have you tried benzos?

>> No.15080353

Human beings only seem predisposed to worship because we have been doing it for so long now. Thousands of years. It’s at the point where yes, even atheists are going to have much difficulty truly going another way. But the thing is we will, and we are. And I believe there is something greater on the other end. We live in a great pivot age in humanity and there’s no going back. But this has been the case for over 200 years, gradually, we move.