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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15077777 No.15077777 [Reply] [Original]

is there any truth to this garglemesh word salad at all? has the 2 weeks finally come? will it be another 2 weeks?


>> No.15077778

Just two more weeks

>> No.15077781

I'm glad I didn't take the vax which didn't work at all.

>> No.15077785

Didn't vaxx so whatever happens just isn't my problem

>> No.15077791

>is there any truth to this garglemesh word salad at all? has the 2 weeks finally come? will it be another 2 weeks?
The "2 weeks" (this expression insultingly refers to 2 weeks to flatten the curve btw) was already here. People have been dying from the shot and complications for the last year and a half and excess deaths have continued to rise while covid cases plummet.

>> No.15077800

The most concerning part about this study is the following, which I think people should begin to keep in mind as more pandemic viruses emerge in the post-vax world:

>In other words: A homogeneous population-wide shift towards IgG4 for certain antibodies, can end up impacting our relationship to respiratory viruses other than SARS2 as well. You could expect for example, that vaccinated people may become better asymptomatic spreaders of other respiratory viruses, like RSV. We see evidence of cross-reactive antibodies between SARS2 and the human corona viruses. Do you want those to switch from IgG3 to IgG4? Probably not.

>It seems a plausible hypothesis worth investigating to me, that the massive surge in RSV that Western nations are seeing, is a consequence of vaccinated adults now beginning to tolerate RSV, thus leading to a jump in infections in children, as they’re exposed to it more often. With children now getting these infections from vaccinated adults rather than from other children, the infectious dose they receive will tend to be higher. This could be sufficient to explain the higher virulence observed in children.

>The IgG antibodies mainly bind to regions about 5 to 6 amino acids long, although it varies quite a lot. If some other virus like RSV, Influenza or the human corona viruses has such a region, it may find itself very happy! One of those nasty IgG3 antibodies that made its life miserable is gone, now replaced with an IgG4 antibody that is not capable of binding its tail to the other IgG4 antibodies for enhanced neutralization.

>And if it doesn’t have such a region yet, but it could eventually get there after swapping one amino acid for another, then in due time you may find yourself wondering why you now suddenly have a big influenza problem, or a big RSV problem, or a big problem with some other pathogen.

>> No.15077808

Yeah it was funny when all those studies kept saying the vaxx boosted antibodies. Which ones though? Lmfao. But for real feel kinda bad for the nigger cattle

>> No.15077811

>IgG4 antibodies and cancer-associated inflammation
>Insights into a novel mechanism of immune escape

>The role of B cells and antibodies in cancer is insufficiently understood but is receiving increasing attention. We have recently identified IgG4 as an antibody subclass elicited by melanoma-associated interleukin-10-driven inflammation. In this setting, IgG4 exhibit inefficient immunostimulatory capacity and block the cytotoxic activities of other antibodies. These previously unappreciated mechanisms of immune escape may constitute promising targets for the development of novel anticancer immunotherapies.

>> No.15077814

>Fc-Fc interactions of IgG4 may affect immune evasion of cancers, regardless of the antigen specificity of the IgG4.

>An immune evasion mechanism with IgG4 playing an essential role in cancer and implication for immunotherapy

>“We further found that IgG4, **regardless of its antigen specificity**, inhibited the classic immune reactions of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis and complement-dependent cytotoxicity against cancer cells in vitro, and these effects were obtained through its Fc fragment reacting to the Fc fragments of cancer-specific IgG1 that has been bound to cancer antigens. We also found that IgG4 competed with IgG1 in reacting to Fc receptors of immune effector cells. Therefore, locally increased IgG4 in cancer microenvironment should inhibit antibody-mediated anticancer responses and help cancer to evade local immune attack and indirectly promote cancer growth. ”


>> No.15077846

> word salad
no truth at all, word salads are always fake, schizophasia (the technical term for word salad) is a symptom of mental illness, people who intentionally speak and write in indecipherable jargon are doing so because they are mentally ill

>> No.15077891

It's a very well researched discussion of several new immunology papers. OP is just trying to prime the audience to argue.

>> No.15077898

quints of truth

>> No.15077900

>Fiction Archive

>> No.15077908

Got em!

>> No.15077918 [DELETED] 

So it makes other pandemics worse ?

>> No.15077927
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>> No.15077938

Kind of sad the gov let up on the vaxx pass. I want as many vaxxies as possible to keep boosting especially with that bivalent

>> No.15077956

I don't get what the point of this shilling is. If I'm hypothetically fucked to an early death because of vaccination, what use is it going to be to tell me that? I can't uninject the vax.

>> No.15077961

>If I'm hypothetically fucked to an early death because of vaccination, what use is it going to be to tell me that? I can't uninject the vax.
You can do something positive to help others so that they don't get killed in the future.

>> No.15077966

Yeah I guess that makes sense. Do nothing after someone poisons you lol not your problem right?

>> No.15077974

Not like I can do anything since I'm presumably poisoned and will be dead before I can do anything meaningful.

>> No.15077988

Your loved ones too. But it's cool they just made a little mistake for this mrna rollout. That's what trials are for after all

>> No.15078022

schizophasiacs cluster around universities, where their mental illness is tolerated rather than mocked and the university schizophasiacs then form social support networks and support/exacerbate each others mental illnesses. its noteworthy how enormous the volume of university publication is compared to the excruciatingly small net impact of all that so-called scientific research, that discrepancy is already enough to demonstrate that an overwhelming majority of the people who publish are not genuine scientists, but are only impostors who might be imagining that they are the real thing.

>> No.15078237

This is a brand new kind of cope I have to admit. Now we're not allowed to trust the experts because they say the vax is bad. I guess the speed of science is leaving us all in the dust.

>> No.15078854 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 1182x543, immune response before and after covid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next time save the text below the pic too for context:

>> No.15078864
File: 133 KB, 1182x543, contribution of IG classes to covid fight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next time save the text below the pic too for context:

>> No.15079310

Very nice.

>> No.15079548


>> No.15079574

>I don't get what the point of this shilling is. If I'm hypothetically fucked to an early death because of vaccination, what use is it going to be to tell me that? I can't uninject the vax.
It's just so you have a miserable life for being a cuck/coward and making things harder for purebloods

>> No.15079624

Tell others

>> No.15079664

the mrna-vax countries are indeed showing significantly elevated excess deaths and larger covid waves than the others

>> No.15079667

True. Just look at Japan. They chose Moderna, the most potent of mRNA vaccines

>> No.15079772

Japan, Korea, AU, and NZ are getting crushed now due to their rush to vax everyone with multiple boosters.

>> No.15079807

Might be. It's what's been worrying me for some time. The reaction to the body's own cells producing the spike protein is possibly the exact opposite than expected. It leads to the immune system determining there is probably something wrong, and SUPPRESSING its reaction to the spike protein.
Which means that like in immunosupressed people the body doesn't react to the virus, which means little to no symptoms, as those mostly come from the immune reaction. The catch is that there is a reason why the body does so - the virus stays in the body and eventually kills when the immune reaction to it is absent.

>> No.15079825

Nice get OP.

2 more decades.

>> No.15079953
File: 92 KB, 272x446, soylet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i wanna trust the experts
>imma goona troooooooooooost

>> No.15079963

Sometimes it’s done with the intent to stifle discussion, distract or intentionally deceive. Crazy like a fox.

>> No.15080128

I don't think many will die, but I can outrun and outwork all vaxtards.

>> No.15080173
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>the mrna-vax countries are indeed showing significantly elevated excess deaths and larger covid waves than the others
Notice how it is only western countries, along with Japan and South Korea.
Who benefits?

>> No.15080175

China is collapsing because they bought into the covid meme too hard. They're being lead by the nose just like Westerners are.

>> No.15080197
File: 45 KB, 503x444, Jaysoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China created the covid-meme. They don't give a shit about covid, they are just MASS GENOCIDING people that don't like the fraudulent CCP government in China, or religious/non-Han ethnic people such as the Uhighurs, under the guise of "covid".

UN estimates that over 20 million people have been murdered in China in the last 2 years. Twice the number of the Holocaust. Small dent in China's 2.5 Billion population, but a huge number of people.

China has accounted for more human politically motivated murders and purges than all the other countries of the world combined throughout history.

Wake up.

>> No.15080205

>muh china
"china" is just an industrial park that wall street rented in order to escape the odious environmental and labor regulations back home, there isn't anyone who was born in that country who has a hand or final say on what happens there.

>> No.15080210

China is taking part in a depopulation scheme just like your national government is. They're not enemies.

>> No.15080216

>Nooo westahn peepoh! Noooo wookie at us doing baad teeengs! Woookie otha way!
>Chinah inn-osent! We goot peepoh and wuv yew!

>> No.15080220
File: 68 KB, 875x900, Fake worthless fraudulent government.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China is taking part in a depopulation scheme just like your national government is. They're not enemies.

>> No.15080224

China is a distraction from what your own rulers are doing. See >>15080220

>> No.15080258
File: 36 KB, 400x400, 1670703040982251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took one shot of the Azturd-zeneca
Am I going to be alright, bros?

>> No.15080263

to stop other people from doing it (namely youngest generations), you self absorbed twat

>> No.15080266

Those have a good shot of giving you hepatitis and blood clots. You should keep track of your health.

>> No.15080281

A milder form of HIV also. Tens of thousand of people in Queensland Australia and nearby areas are now testing positive for HIV after taking a "vaccine" for "covid".

>> No.15081270

you can seek retribution, or serve as an example for healthy people. your mistake doesn't need to be repeated for people to learn from it.
not every post or idea is aimed at you personally.

>> No.15081283

Nice digits, checked

Now I get that a large number of people died (and are dying) due to vax (govs don't acknowldge this), but it is not that serious that I need to sit down and pour myself and drink to calm my nerves.
People die everyday from all sorts of causes that did not exist 100 years ago, how prevalent was diabetes in the past? Yet today I see shit all over boards about wax but shit like sugar in everything hardly anyone talks about and diabetes kills probably 1000 times more people per day than corona or the vaccine.

Also I an unvaxxed. If you are vaxxed you have no one to blame but yourself

>> No.15081289
File: 858 KB, 1614x894, 352423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha okay so m-m-maybe my handlers have killed a whole bunch of people
>b-b-but it's literally nothing
>time to forgive and forget, fellow golems
This is their last line of defense. Payback time is nearing.

>> No.15081296

Its nothing when those same handlers killed 1000 times more people using different methods and public including 4chan are ignoring it (in fact many 4channers are borderline obese diabetics but simply don't care about it)

>> No.15081302

>Its nothing
>p-p-please stop talking about it
People are noticing. Tick-tock. Tick-tock.

>> No.15081329

Clearly people are ignoring very serious issues because they don't make them uncomfortable and they don't want to acknwoledge them (and themselves as part of the problem), and highlighting what easy targets that make masses easy to manipulate and respond.

>> No.15081337
File: 100 KB, 411x468, 1672069051619151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are noticing and it's not looking good for you and your programmers.

>> No.15081345

Yes now also start noticing 70%+ obesity in usa and other western countries, and how many people (including kids) that kills

>> No.15081350
File: 608 KB, 1082x1074, 1666573146470453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-but what about obesity and climate change and trans rights and...
Tick-tock. Tick-tock.

>> No.15081353

>the vaccine isn't effective or safe
>"oh yeah? w-well have you tried not being a fat fuck?"
This is a new one.

>> No.15081364

No, are you rerarded? Trannies and trans campaigners need to be gassed.

>> No.15081377

Off topic, why are you so afraid of embracing the truth. You didn't actually participate in the experiment, did you? Please tell me you are just heavily invested in big pharma and not actually a lab rat. You have to, why would a labrat come to /sci/. That is like a jew going to /pol/.

>> No.15081378

Your attempts to fit in are failing. People are noticing. Your handlers are in panic.

>> No.15081381

what? are you braindead? what kind of non-reasoning reasoning is this?

>> No.15081388

He's not braindead. He's a lower-tier midwit and he's getting paid to post.

>> No.15081404

I am not, I even agree with everything said in this thread and hate the goverment for it, but why are people ignoring some very serious issues that same goverment abd same globohomo scum caused but not others?

no, you are a handler yourself whos got exposed and is now trying to reverse psych me into fud

>> No.15081410
File: 52 KB, 724x744, d124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uhh guise i hate the government just like you but please stop talking about the scamdemic and let's talk about obesity!!
>y-y-you're a shill otherwise!!
The WEF has some pretty fucking low hiring standards. Also you accidentally reverted to your zoomer post style mid-post, which I can only attribute to your foaming at the mouth over getting exposed.

>> No.15081417

Nice reverse psychology faggot, you work for monsanto corn syrup division? you have been found out

>> No.15081420

Oh. Anywaym, you are running out of time and your desperation is showing. Can't wait for your owners to make another wrong move so I can finally break your legs.