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15074342 No.15074342 [Reply] [Original]

Like, seriously, how can they not solve something as simple as the Collatz Conjecture? It's just if even divide by 2 and if odd multiply by 3 and add 1. If they can't solve something as simple as that then what are they even doing?

>> No.15074346
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>> No.15074348

I think I've seen this before and it's still funny

>> No.15074453

Computer scientists already solved it

>> No.15074454

Well, whats the answer?

>> No.15074455

All numbers go to 1. Simple.

>> No.15074479

prove it

>> No.15074514

There's a dude on reddit who has done some actual progress on the Collatz conjecture, but can't get his work recognized because all the pansy academics are like "umm, are you actually working on THAT, and with novel tools even? yikes, you must be a schizo..."


inb4 reddit I don't give a shit I hate academics more than reddit.

>> No.15074531

> can't get his work recognized
don't exaggerate / lie. according to your link all his did was try to @Terry Tao on a Discord server and got no response.

>> No.15074543

Don't diminish / lie. According to him he is clearly frightened to be labeled a crank for working on unpopular ideas.


>> No.15074551

> I'm autistic, Aspergers', ADHD, OCD
It shows. By the look of it he can't have a single normal human interaction and thinks everyone hates or is laughing at him. No surprise he comes across as a weird crackpot to everyone else.

>> No.15074553

>umm, are you actually working on THAT, and with novel tools even? yikes, you must be a schizo...
lmao, these faggy academics can't contain themselves

>> No.15074558

that's not what the link says. he says he's too paranoid and scared to publish his work. you can't blame academia for his own personality issues.

>> No.15074567

>The fact is, people (especially serious modern number theorists) don't like seeing the word "Collatz". The referee explicitly told me to try and write foundational papers that do not mention Collatz.
>The problem is, this creates a Catch-22 situation.
>Collatz is what makes (p,q) interesting. On the other hand, you need the (p,q)-adic analysis in order to make rigorous the bizarre type of sequence convergence that occurs in the course of applying Fourier analysis to Collatz. Thus, both Collatz and (p,q) rely on one another
>At no point has anyone sat down with me and discussed my research at my level. My work was completely disjoint from my advisors' areas of expertise.

>>Dude just try and go to Tao's office. If you live that close, why not?
>Behold the frightening Contact information page, particularly:
>Office: Mathematical Sciences 6183. I have a pigeonhole in MS 6364. Important note: Unsolicited surprise requests from strangers entering my office are essentially guaranteed to be met with a negative response.
>I’m quite worried about making myself look like a crank. I was summarily kicked off a discord server for mathematical analysts because the people there thought I was a crank. I’m worried about closing off channels of access.

Yeah sure, he is the problem.

>> No.15074570

Not sure what you're taking from that. The guy has the communication skills of a potato and has no understanding of normal social interactions. All he has to do is publish some papers, get his name known so he isn't some random no-name, send out some emails. Job done.

>> No.15074571

I'm taking that academia drones have 0 good faith to give, 0 empathy, 0 aperture of mind and their minds are filled with retarded taboos.

>> No.15074729

The first 300 quintillion numbers go to 1. QED. Simple as. Only a retard wouldn’t accept that as proof.

>> No.15074753

>check that page
>see Tao lists his pronouns
Good god they got to him

>> No.15074863
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on 4chan he would have been called a faggot, on reddit he receives a bunch of faggy loveydovey validation and praise. this is why I hate reddit

>> No.15074941

>it works for many numbers so it must work for all numbers

thats not how proving shit works, retard

>> No.15074952

*except for the numbers for which it hypothetically might not work
where my fields medal

>> No.15075005
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>Like, seriously, how can they not solve something as simple as the Collatz Conjecture?
that because they are using nazi quantum aryan physics, unlike my man Andrew Lehti, the homosexual antifascist/christian(no difference to him really) genius extraordinaire, pity the nazis over at CERN are out to get him for disproving the moon landing(yes, this fucker is real)

>> No.15075016

>academia will never recognize my paper
>how do you know? have you published it?
>because they will never recognize it
circular logic

>> No.15075019

>gravity works in many places in the universe, so it must work everywhere
Do you also deny the existence of gravity because it isn’t “proven”? Lmao

>> No.15075021
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go home kid http://Reddit

>> No.15075024

there's a reason why this board is called Science AND Math, and you're too stupid to get it

>> No.15075026

>haha just pretend your work is not about Collatz but about something else, this is entirely normal behavior and not some idiotic taboo avoidance
>"but the tools I use are especially suited to work on Collatz type problems, so Collatz type problems are the justification for the use of such tools"
>umm you seem to lack back social skills?

>> No.15075028


>> No.15075030

so many words dedicated to someone who has published nothing, come back when these tools are open so we can check their correctness

>> No.15075039
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The true point of math is to eventually break the hylic bonds of the material world and return to Pleroma. The platonic-mathematic realm were the perfect, unchanging, atemporal and aspatial mathematical objects from whom all reality emanates from reside.

>> No.15075053

So many words dedicated to defending a stale academic culture of closed mindedness and credentialism.

>> No.15075064

>academia is bad, but I won't publish my results to the world because I crave the approval of academia!
yep, so much for wanting to break the circle lol, you're all the same

>> No.15075131

Nothing in physics is proven, but physics doesn't rely on proves. Physics relies on the ability to produce results that are "close enough", but in mathematics "close enough" isn't worth jack shit. You either gave definitive proof or you have nothing at all dipshit.

>> No.15075132

>lol just change the entire world through your individual actions
>try hard
>umm your a schizo now you're ostracized and your life is ruined lol

>be less tryhard to avoid that outcome
>lol why doesn't he up effort in getting published?

As I said, 0 empathy, 0 good faith, 0 open mindedness, 0 self awareness.

>> No.15075155

>publishing a PDF on arxiv and moving on with your life is too difficult!

>> No.15075158

This is you isnt it

>> No.15075162

If you’re not actually memeing, go look up the difference between deductive and inductive reasoning.

>> No.15075178

Go look up the difference between being an incoherent faggot or actually having principles

>> No.15075181
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>> No.15075184

If no athlete can run 100m in less than 8 seconds, then what are they even doing?

>> No.15075190

Here's something I don't understand;

Why do mathematicians care so much about prime numbers?

Prime numbers seem quite arbitrary, and like a product of language more than anything.

The universe does not care about prime numbers. They have no basis in reality. So why the obsession?

>> No.15075197

I say overwhelming evidence is good enough, how about you prove me wrong faggot?

>> No.15075202

could you be even more underage?

>> No.15075203

There are other reasons to study mathematics:
-Mathematical beauty.
-Mathematics is about abstract objects which exist on a level of reality more fundamental than the physical.

>> No.15075256

Closest I could come up with is that the collatz decision tree appears to be a graph percolation.

>> No.15075284

Primes are the building blocks of every other number, since every number can be expressed as a product of primes. They're also critical for modern encryption.

>> No.15075294

How about looking into Skewe's number and Graham's number, idiot?

>> No.15075363

I think the root of the obsession with number theory is that it's conceptually very basic to think about and technically extraordinarily complicated to prove things. It makes it feel "deep" to people. Also it probably helps some that many mathematicians are attached to number theory from their youth in a way that they aren't to something like algebraic topology, because number theory is some of the first math you show kids that isn't lame and boring

>> No.15075439

>on arxiv

>> No.15075449

You upload to arxiv while you submit to journals that's how it is done

>> No.15075454

if you believe accademia is corrupted why the fuck would you want accademia's approval?
this can only be possible if deep down you actually think academia is correct but you're too butthurt to face any criticism

it's basically like incels who claim that fat chicks are ugly and worthless but the reason they're incels is exactly because those fat women rejected them and they cared about theirnopinion

>> No.15075455

He seems to have a few articles uploaded on arxiv on the matter, but arxiv is not publication, retard.

>> No.15075464

>if you believe academia is corrupted why the fuck would you want academia's [monopoly on visibility]?
>this can only be possible if deep down you actually think academia is correct in [evaluating the importance of visibility of one's work] but you're too butthurt [about them gatekeeping new ideas from being seen]
Nice strawman, don't care, put it up your ass.

>> No.15075468

Overwhelming evidence means literally nothing in mathematics. You either have conclusive proof or you have nothing at all.

>> No.15075469

>conveniently glosses over the fact that videos on the Collatz conjecture routinely rack up tens of thousands of views, meaning that if you made a video about your groundbreaking discovery you'd get infinitely more exposure than every single maths journal combined
nice cope my friend, maybe you should update your worldview of a couple of decades

>> No.15075473

You're not saying anything interesting

>> No.15075478

>making le heckin popmath video as a substitute of publication
Lmao, you can't be serious dude.
Go watch Veritasium or something, I bet you believe he's a really good scientist.

>publish it on arxiv
>"arxiv is not a journal"
>hurrrr ur not saying anything interesting
I'm just responding to you. Ask more interesting questions, faggot.

>> No.15075480

You should know that it’s poor form to inb4 your own post.

>> No.15075483

Call the oldfag police I don't give a shit.

>> No.15075489

lol, so this is how you cope? always moving the goalpost?
>n-no I don't care about academia's credentials!!! I care about vidibility!!!
>n-no I don't care about visibility in general, I only care about this extremely specific way to publish my results!!!
so, what's next champ? what's the next excuse?

>> No.15075498

Does academia's cum really taste that good or are you just that much of a worthless homosexual?

>> No.15075501

>I am literally arguing against publishing on a journal and instead going the independent route
damn, I guess that's why you can't get your imaginary paper published, you're profoundly illiterate

>> No.15075508

I don't have a paper to get published. I'm pointing out the flaws of academia.

>> No.15076137

That’s your opinion

>> No.15076284

I've had professors who genuinely saw themselves as gatekeepers of mathematics and would get visibly irritated with students for asking questions most of the time.

>> No.15076296

The flaws of a bad educational environment. Who would've figured that the industrial model of education was bad for students?

>> No.15076312
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>> No.15076422
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>> No.15076440

It seems like Perelman did just that, people don't like "fancy" and extraordinary claims like "I HaVE pRovEN tHIS centuries old conjecture"...

>> No.15076442

That's because you're looking at prime numbers, when you should be looking at their complement, which is the composite numbers of the form [math]\mathbb{N}\mathbb{N}[/math] which is VERY useful, also the fact that this complement (the primes) generate composites.

>> No.15076443

Good luck with the worthless moderators not filtering your work, you need some authority in mathematics or in any science really.

It's not the science that is wrong it's how they manage it

>> No.15076484 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15076602

Y’know, I started this thread hoping that with our collective intelligence we could make some progress with the collatz conjecture or at least have fun trying. Probably my own fault this thread ended up the way it did seeing how I started it.

>> No.15076609

Both of those come under entertainment

>> No.15076714

There exists infinite positive integers larger than 2, therefore 2 is the smallest positive integer.

>> No.15076902

The entire point is to give a good definition that everyone can use in a precise way, that's way some theorems are painfully obvious and overly complicated. If you want to proof that 2 is the only prime number that is even, and write "all primes are odd except for two" it's not concise enough to make it a valid proof neither a good definition. It's tedious? Yes but try to come with a better system without falling in inconsistencies.

>> No.15077046
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>I tested 420,000,000 primes greater than and including three and they’re all odd. There’s no even prime numbers

>> No.15077083

the probabilistic method doesn't work like that

>> No.15077292

Odd numbers always generate even numbers after getting (*3+1)'d. Half of all even numbers are divisible by four, meaning on average the even number generated after the odd gets divided by 3 or more. Once you consider 1/4 of all evens are divisible by eight, 1/8 by 16, etc., it's fairly obvious the values will always decrease over multiple iterations.

There may be a rigorous way to prove if 1 is a possible endpoint, but with a small enough set of numbers it would be easier to prove empirically.

>> No.15077297
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