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15070917 No.15070917 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15070945
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I suggest trying an experiment.

>> No.15070965
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>> No.15071147

Coffin, then cremated or buried

>> No.15071267

Depends where you die but usually in the ground.

>> No.15071357

I reunite with Sophia

>> No.15071362

You turn into vacuum energy

>> No.15072426

you roam 4chan for all eternity

>> No.15072442

Same place a file goes to when you cut and paste it somewhere else. We in this folder cannot know.

>> No.15072484

If you crush a radio, what happens to the signal?

>> No.15072486

>frog thread
always spam

>> No.15072543

How is that bad?

>> No.15072549

Radio is a receiver not a container. But if I, like a schizo retard, take your comment seriously, it's actually very interesting. Us being a live transmission from a source projected on to the body.

>> No.15072740

Consciousness is contingent on the body. The body dies, you die.

>> No.15072833

The void

>> No.15074344

You go to sleep forever.

But it might comfort you to know you were asleep for an eternity before the first time you woke up

>> No.15074392
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You quantum tunnel into an alternate reality.


>> No.15074395
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>> No.15074397
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>> No.15074399
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>> No.15074403

But why do I exist in THIS body in particular?

>> No.15074406

I politely reject to give any opinion regarding this topic.

>> No.15074437

Well, you see... When a daddy and a mommy falls deeply in love they hug really close and half of your daddy's recipe combines with half of your mommy's recipe and you are made during 9 months accordingly with the help of the nutrition your mommy consumes meanwhile.

>> No.15074498

See, this is something that I don't think pure material science can immediately explain. Like why am I me and not say a random Chinese peasant in 1322?
Does this problem have a name? Like when I pondered why consciousness and subjective experiences exist the way they do and then found out about the hard problem of consciousness.

>> No.15074501

Alcor labs.

>> No.15074523

consciousness is the electrical and chemical interactions in your brain, simple. but *how* such a synaptic configuration produces such an effect we have no fucking idea because it's a very, very hard problem to analyse. the complexity involved is, pardon the pun, mind-boggling.

> why am I me and not say a random Chinese peasant in 1322
because your specific configuration of cells didn't appear in 1322 China.

>> No.15074526

If you remember the three words Blue Eisenhower November, you allegedly go to the most kickass club in the Universe with fine cat girls and free mocha lattes.

>> No.15074529

if we become one with the "one" i will commit sudoku twice

>> No.15074591

The same thing as when you were born.

The real question is that if the consciousness or spirit of a person continues to exist in some form after their body dies, what is the nature of that existence? Is it the same as the experience of living in a physical body, or is it fundamentally different? And if it is different, what might that difference be like?

>> No.15075938
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Materialism in incoherent, and idealism makes more sense. In Idealism, there is a universal consciousness in which all other minds form out of. When your consciousness disippates, you are reintegrated into the universal consciousness. So rather than your consciousness stopping, it will become immensely expanded into the universal consciousness.

>> No.15076013

looks like two penises touching

>> No.15076036
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If the universe is infinite and many worlds interpatient of quantum mechanics is true, each observer lives forever from their reference frame. However, as the eons go on the universe will become increasing like a damaged NES cart

So uh, prepare yourself.

>> No.15076099

Holy shit that makes sense and its actually scary. Unlike most people I fear life far more than death. Living for an eternity would be hell. I look forward to dying eventually, if it's true that death is like that I'm gonna be extremely disappointed.

>> No.15076133

>because your specific configuration of cells didn't appear in 1322 China.
If I clone myself one million times the me-me is still dead once I die. All the clones I have would not be me, presumably even if they are made after I die.
Unless Schizos are actually interconnected and basically two or more bodies shared by one consciousness.

>> No.15076144

Individuality is a persistent illusion.
There is no "you" to remove or take somewhere.

You're like a forest. Throughout your life, some trees die, others are born, the forest changes shape, spreads here, thins out there, and then one day something big happens and it all dies.

There was never a forest, only the trees that made it up. And when it all dies, it becomes tons of other things.

This evening you'll eat food that used to be it's own "me", and will now be used to form whatever you is.

>> No.15076145
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Nowhere. Your question is like asking where the data goes if I set the hard drive of your computer on fire. The data doesn't go anywhere. The data was a physical arrangement of something and that something was physically destroyed. Now that arrangement no longer exists.

>> No.15076148 [DELETED] 


>> No.15076164

Although that is one possibility, non-NPCs are actually more complex than hard drives and have stuff like thoughts going on.
Not that you would understand.

>> No.15077011

>comparing human consciousness to a fuckin hard drive

>> No.15077025

The only difference is complexity
You believe in vitalism

>> No.15077029

Stop arguing with the psychotic schizo. He'll start spamming his wojak folder now

>> No.15077035

"Data" is imaginary, just like the consciousness people mistakenly read into your NPC rhetoric, but this doesn't reflect anything about real people.

>> No.15077037

Start spamming your wojaks now, monkey

>> No.15077038


>> No.15077044

Shy monkey, no banana for you

>> No.15077047

Why are you lashing out at people with your incoherent spergouts?

>> No.15078763
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>does this problem have a name?

It also goes by another name: "Anthropic Measure".
Basically, in order for you to not be surprised (experience vertigo) at the fact that you are YOU, instead of some peasent in 1322ad, there needs to be some mechanism that gives you more anthropic measure, than to ancient peasents. Things like observation count, metacognition, future status, locating difficulty etc all contribute to making it not so surprising that you are you specifically.

For further reading on anthropic measure:

>> No.15078789

>consciousness is the electrical and chemical interactions in your brain
Wrong, the brain is quantum

>> No.15079658

"You" cease to exist forever. "You" are no longer and will never "be" ever again. And that's even if we ever existed in the first place.

>> No.15079663

You don't

>> No.15079874

that's moksha, not everyone gets moksha

>> No.15079877

The Trial.

>> No.15079880

data storage is done using magnetic fields. the data is in the aether not your body midwit. You didnt destroy the hard drive, you destroyed the processor

>> No.15079887

>because your specific configuration of cells didn't appear in 1322 China.
But why are these specific cells "mine"? And why aren't "my" cells someone else like a Chinese peasant?

>> No.15079900

Extremely based and Montanopilled

>> No.15081229

Too bad you won't be aware.

>> No.15081260


Some county meatbags from the medical examiners office pick you up and take you to the morgue.

>> No.15081685 [DELETED] 
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Many people here think oblivion awaits because >muh materialism, but everyone who has a really deep NDE becomes convinced of the existence of an afterlife, even hardcore atheist neuroscientists.

Of course, nothing gets normies and NPCs more uncomfortable than the idea that NDEs are ACTUALLY real, and that there are valid reasons to think that they are and that we should take them seriously.

Here is an extremely persuasive argument for why NDEs are real:


It makes a huge deal about the fact that NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and that when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:


>"Among those with the deepest experiences 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. And so would you, me, or anyone, including the most dogmatic atheists and skeptics, because it is VASTLY more self-evidently real than this brief little experience of life on Earth we have now. When you dream and wake up, you instantly realize that life is more real than your dreams. When you have an NDE, the same thing is happening, but on a higher level, as you immediately realize that life is the deep, deep dream and the NDE world is the undeniably real world by comparison.

So if you want to know, OP, study the literature on NDEs. As one NDE researcher said, he does not know anyone who has read the literature on NDEs who has not been convinced by it. So it is not that the evidence is not there, the real problem is that pseudoskeptics refuse to read it.

>> No.15081767

My wife will eat my ashes.

>> No.15081774

wanders the universe forever at the speed of light

>> No.15081792

hang yourself

>> No.15081794

you cease to exist

it's probably not as bad as it sounds desu

>> No.15082099

Its totally anthropic. No need to invoke psychotic flights of statistical gymnastics *cough, LessWrong, cough cough, schizos*

At some point someone will fill a slurpee cup with blue slurpee in an amount that has never been distributed before, in a cup much like the others but that is its own unique object. Does it make sense to ask why it isn't a red slurpee? No, because the answer is simple; Because its not.

You're you because you're not anyone else, and the thing you happen to be can form symbolic phrases like "yeah but why am I me?" Its like asking why when I run the playdough through the star mold do I get a star shape. Why not squares? Because its not the square mold.

Why are you "you" now? Because you aren't anyone else that existed or will exist at any time else.

>> No.15082245

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord of your life, you go to Heaven.

>> No.15082482

what happens if you die in a video game? another player starts at the beginning of the video game right. your soul goes to heaven so god can make more people. a criminal is when god makes a person out of the scraps

>> No.15082491

You are subsumed into the Everything, the totality of all abstract "things".

>> No.15082503
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>> No.15082582

Thank you so much for posting this, i will make sure to read about the details later