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15063008 No.15063008 [Reply] [Original]

Yes this is probably the most overlooked and disregarded subject because of it's impossible approach. But as we evolve into technology, is time travel really possible? There are several plausible theories about wormholes but you would die the first second entering one.

>> No.15063278


>> No.15063281

you can't travel but you can send messages with time mirrors.


>> No.15063291

Maybe it's possible...?

>inb4 grandfather paradox
The grandfather paradox is retarded. It's obvious you're not altering your own universe/time-line when you go back to kill your grandfather.

>> No.15063293 [DELETED] 

>my thread is unpopular
>muh thread!!
>muh thread muffuguh
desperate for attention
>mommy mommy look at me!!

>> No.15063345

Time mirrors don't exist. You just got misled by one random schizo.

>> No.15063364

A time mirror is what happens when you break a time crystal in a timely manner.

>> No.15063377


>> No.15063378

>A time mirror is what happens when you break a time crystal in a timely manner.
you don't have to break it. there are certain materials that have optical properties that can be changed as a function of time. Pockels cells are the first thing that comes to mind. there's also the Kerr effect.

>> No.15063390


>> No.15063392

You're traveling in time right now. You can only go in one direction, though. At best you can stop it, but in return you have to give up all your mass.

>> No.15063399

Richard Feynman disagrees with you.

>> No.15063410

I'm sending this message from the future (May 16th, 2024). Current gas prices in the US are roughly $5/gal and the latest Disney movie is a live action Snow White.

>> No.15063417


>> No.15063462

That was refuted a while ago and you had no response. Why are you lying?

>> No.15063524
File: 683 KB, 557x717, optical-phase-conjugation-photonics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Disney movie is a live action Snow White.
what rendition of the famous quote did they use, Podkletnov?

>> No.15063536

Thats light then, gravity.

>> No.15063539

you got inb4'd

>> No.15063540

Its like taking the full hamiltonian of a wave packet. Its more or less dense is time.

>> No.15064339

Which one? Magic mirror on the wall, who's the fairest one of all?
I didn't watch it, but there's a bunch of memes with the chick playing Snow White looking like Sid from Ice Age. /pol/ sperged out because she isn't white.

>> No.15064368

I was watching old commercials. i like to do that, since the future sucks ass, and I miss the 80s/90s. They are posted on youtube, so like you just click on 1hour of commercials and passively watch it. Most of the commericals that reference the famous line use "mirror mirror" not "magic mirror"

>> No.15064378

How can time travel exist, when time doesn't even exist?
You just live in the present, always. The past is in your memory (some of it) and the future is in your head (as expectations).

>> No.15064385

by this logic space doesn't exist either.

>> No.15064426

Depends what you mean by space. Common sense definition or some 20th century gobbledygook definition?

>> No.15064492

Mean you don't experience any other location in space other than (0,0,0) which is exactly where you always are like. So you are always at the origin in space just like you are always in the present.

>> No.15064493

>time is not real
explain why there's different clock rates depending on how fast you're going or how much gravity you're experiencing.

>> No.15064502

The fuchah is not real, it's just a distant locale that's coming up in a whole different way(currently it is at range). Time Travel would be to sleep through or speed up the universe.

Trust me, everyone here is a fartpop and you're no different.

>> No.15064534

My body is not just in one point. Also I can see the room that I'm not in.

>> No.15064544

could an alien civilisation 2022 light years away hypothetically record a video of jesus being crucified? if so a drone could go and get it and bring it back to earth. might take a while, but it'd be interesting

>> No.15064559

Actually time is the measure of change in space and matter with respect to another change in space in matter.

Since you always need to compare something to something, and in this case the definition of time is the relativity between changes

>> No.15064564

If time was a measure of change in space and matter when returning back to earth from a fast trip on spacecraft due to it's speed the astronauts wouldn't have experiences slow ageing, that's why time is rather the relativity between the changes, again as exlained previously

>> No.15064592
File: 83 KB, 750x1000, 98f5009328ec6c71bca8c9adbb2ffe2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking about Kantian or Schopenhaurian time, sóyntists use time differently.

>> No.15064596

Didn't knew worthless philosophers were present in this thread, please fuck off to /x/ idiot trash

>> No.15064619
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>t. filtered retard
Don't worry, it's not your fault.

>> No.15064652

It's weird how both eternalism and presentism are used to argue that time "doesn't exist".

>> No.15064746

>Also I can see the room that I'm not in.
The light that is incident on your eye only exists at one place (0,0,0). You don't see light in places where you are not. So space doesn't exist. You only percieve the exact place and time you are, so all other spaces and times don't exist

>> No.15064779

Deboonked by picrel here >>15064592

>> No.15064782

Worthless talentless trash

>> No.15064788

Wow why so emotional? Where did philosophy hurt you?

>> No.15064804

You're a literal retard if you think philosophy is stupid. Tell me the thinkers you read and then a detailed critique what you didn't like.

>> No.15064806

No. You want to take a skeptical approach to time. That's fine. But just as surely as the present is all that you actually experience your exact location is too, proving that space doesn't exist either. You "see" a hill in the distance? No. local photons are interacting with you. All you can interact with is exactly where you are.

>> No.15064809
File: 165 KB, 1303x1306, 1671394512333847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.15064811

Where do the photons come from?

>> No.15064816

Oh I get it now this thread isn't actually based on physics >/x/

>> No.15064853

>believes in time travel
>tells others to go to /x/
Umm sweaty I have bad news for you

>> No.15064859

>Believes in time travel
Shut the fuck up worthless talentless schizophrenic and stop making stuff up about me, go to philolsophy board >/x/

>> No.15064863

>Where do the photons come from
The past? No wait that doesn't exist, right?

>> No.15064870

They come from a location in 3-dimensional space which you can move to if you wish.

>> No.15064921

>They come from
But what does that even mean in the absence of time? What you are saying is something was absent then it appeared. Time is implicit in your explanation.

>> No.15064941

>What you are saying is something was absent then it appeared.
I'm saying that it experienced a translation through 3d space. This only requires 1 dimension of "time" (the experience of things changing).

>> No.15064969

Things change, your brain just interprets it as time, it's just an illusion. Matter moves in space and everything happens just now. You were born now and you are reading this post now. There is nothing other than the present. No time to travel to, because it doesn't exist. There is no 1840 or 3600.

>> No.15065031

if I see time travel involved in a story, it's a shitty fuckin story written by a shitty writer
Lsiten man, I don't care if youre god or whatever the fuck 4th dimensional beings call themselves now. if you allow time travel in your universe, then its a shitty universe made by a shitty god.
>but muh nonlinear continuity
aw poor peepee poopoo baby doesn't know how to make his universe function without introducing logical inconsistencies and paradoxes. sad!

>> No.15065168

>Matter moves in space and everything happens just now
This is a contradiction. Movement is undefined where time doesn't exist.

>> No.15065263

ok zoomer

>> No.15065361
File: 102 KB, 600x600, 1666666559887871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one else here became their own doppelganger?

I thought you guys liked science

>> No.15065817


>> No.15067375

time travel

Must Live!!!!!!!!!


>> No.15067383
