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File: 5 KB, 275x183, America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15058899 No.15058899 [Reply] [Original]

>using baby foreskin to creame your face
are americans into something here or is it all bullshit?

>> No.15059893

there is no fuckin way they just throw foreskins away after cutting them off

>> No.15060144

what the fuck is wrong with you , do you hate the world so much , ohh no they took my foreskin i was raped , who give a shit now you can pee like normal people be grateful , women are naturally hairy so shaving is oppressing and not because am a fucking pussy whos afraid to order his girl to shave and make her pussy look clean , the government is after me they said men who cry are faggot and took my foreskin and shaved my wife go fucking kill yourself retard stop bitching its not manly

stop lying to yourself you have to choices 1 confess that your a faggot and live like one 2 grow the fuck up and be a man

>> No.15060164

Foreskin important it is.

Keeps penis end clean it does.

Americans fat and stupidity they do.

>> No.15060412

maybe i will be misunderstood am hating on losers that make stupid excuses to hide the fact that they are too lazy and too weak to get better to put effort that why i said crying and shaving those stuff are real crying is a weakness because you couldn't fight something and shaved is beauty not fucking hairy those are common sense

>> No.15060461

Rabbis eat the foreskin

>> No.15060494

they sell them

t. boomer gpt

>> No.15060496

You do realize that involuntary mutilation and voluntary shaving are not on the same level right?
Now what if it was female genital mutilation?

>> No.15060610
File: 59 KB, 776x365, 1613887457468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical roasty cunt

>> No.15060621

No dicks on /sci/ jackass

>> No.15060653

Yeah bitch enjoy your childbirth without a man on your side. You will know what combined physical and emotional pain feels like if you don't run out of eggs first.

>> No.15060683

is why more fucked up then they cut my foreskin they didnt make you a freak like the jews do
>female genital mutilation
when they cut there clitoris or the lip , the lip is fine

>> No.15060708

>>15060494 >>15060496

i have read what OP is talking about its about a cream and not regrowing foreskin sorry my bad

>>15060610 god i hate how women can get away with that everyone will be good to her and see that she meant it as a joke only , no one will be that forgiving if a guy made an edgy joke like that , god i hate women PS i meant " i hate women " as a response to the pic and not some political shit

i dont want to study help how to start