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15058136 No.15058136 [Reply] [Original]

ZFC is old and archaic and has many flaws.

On the other hand, HOMOtopy type theory's basedness is off the charts: https://github.com/HoTT/book/pull/1101#issuecomment-1065813889

>> No.15058137

for the zoomies: i'm talking about the foundations of mathematics

>> No.15058269

Mathematics doesn't need a basis unless you're a robot. If you need to communicate mathematics to robots, then type theories such as HoTT are more suitable.

>> No.15058323

The future will be press button and wait for AI to find solution

>> No.15058361

What are numbers then? What's a function? You need some foundation upon which you can such questions.

>> No.15058379

Foundations don't answer those questions.

>> No.15058416

Yes it does, you can model arithmetic with sets and you can define functions as sets.

>> No.15058418

That only changes the question to "What's a set?"

>> No.15058596

Wait, is HoTT anti-tranny or pro-tranny? I haven't looked into it, but since it seems to be in the realm of things like category theory, I thought it would be something trannies would flock towards.

>> No.15058687

The more general the axioms, the better contrarian bait retard

>> No.15058734

So what's a set?

>> No.15058845

Agreed on the highest level, but there is still value in formalizing mathematics -- the formal system won't derive every possible truth, but everything derived by the formal system is true

>> No.15058873
File: 33 KB, 466x426, 81LpUJfisGL._AC_SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But like, what ARE NUMBERS, bro?
Why did the men of the 17th and 18th centuries who did calculus not bother with this shit? Why did they not need it if it is so "fundamental?"

>> No.15059178

Because Eudoxus had already bothered figuring out how irrational numbers worked a long long time ago, and it was not yet fashionable to reinvent things that had already been invented with "more rigor."

>> No.15059462

Is it possible to formulate the continuum hypothesis in HoTT? If so, it's the same infinitist garbage.

>> No.15059519

It became pro-tranny after they adopted the new Coc (Code of Conduct). See OP's linked thread.

>> No.15059692

You are not generalising anything if the axioms are equivalent. You could a build ZFC-equivalent system using numbers as the fundamental structure rather than sets. It doesn't make a difference, it's juts shifting the question.

>> No.15059694

Because they just assumed a significant property of real numbers: completeness.
Real numbers don't exist in real and world and that's a perfectly valid question. Here's a question for you: what does it mean to raise a number to an irrational power?

>> No.15059697

no numbers exist in real

>> No.15059760
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>> No.15059764
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>> No.15059936

>anti-tranny HoTT
You're aware that HoTT internet is unironically dominated by trannies and there's another rage drama event involving trannies ever month!?
I mean Schulman was cenceled from conferences even

>> No.15059957

"X is a set" is shorthand for that ∃X (Whatever characterises X) is a true sentence of ZFC-set theory.

>> No.15059959

>true sentence of ZFC-set theory
What does it mean for a first order sentence to be "a true sentence of ZFC-set theory"? What characterizes true sentences of ZFC set theory?

>> No.15060026

anon misspoke, he should have said "is a consequence of ZFC-set theory"
>what does it mean to be a consequence of ZFC-set theory?
Can be derived from the ZFC axioms in a formal proof system -- two of which are the Hilbert and Gentzen proof systems for predicate logic.
Alternatively, a sentence for which every model of the ZFC axioms satisfies that sentence
>What does it mean to satisfy a sentence?

>> No.15060033

What is that supposed to represent in real life? What is the root 2th post in this board?

>> No.15060066
File: 51 KB, 474x538, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is that supposed to represent in real life?
finitists BTFO

>> No.15060114

What is that? I don't understand what little square pixels in a screen would have anything to do with irrational numbers.

>> No.15060182

It's the ratio itself retard.

>> No.15060185

Ratio of what? What exists in real life that has irrational ratio anon? Please do give an example.

>> No.15060478

Take any length that you wish from real life, I transform it into a unit that will make it irrational, so there's an irrational number as measured by my unit in real life. QED. Where's my Nobel's Prize in philosophy?

>> No.15060493

The real question is humanity supposed to keep up with all the "required" knowledge needed as technology advances, which is increasing at an alarming rate.

>> No.15061168

I go to Western University, many of the topology professors specialize in homotopy type theory.

>> No.15061187

Used to be heavily anti-tranny, but then Voevodsky died and the tranners flock to feast on his corpse.

>> No.15061247
File: 842 KB, 1125x1640, C198494D-A977-4D2B-8B2B-C93DCA9FA554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent anon. Just one question, what exactly are you defining this irrational unit as? What length of what object? Surely you have thought that out.

>> No.15061252
File: 97 KB, 720x540, NJW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can model arithmetic with sets
It works perfectly fine for finite sets or if you're trying to defining natural numbers in terms of "m-sets." But it's unclear what's even going on with alleged infinite case. Moreso, no one can talk about arithmetic in the alleged arithmetic case. The only thing you get is some construction which is incredibly unclear as to how it relates to the idea of a number and often fails completely as a means to calculate new examples of numbers, or they depend on circular reasoning (no one has ever seen a real number so lets define the infinite sequence which we'd like to be able to find a "real" number at the end to be the "real" number). Meanwhile all the logical problems are handwaved away as these things are merely just given lip service while everyone just treats the arithmetic and existence of such numbers as an "axiom."
>you can define functions as sets.
Ordered pairs in the finite case as a definition is quite intuitive as a special finite list of pairs. However, the "definition" of a "function" as a "set" in any alleged non-finite case are quite problematic as there is no reason to imagine such a thing as a pair. The only things anyone can actually correctly talk about are finitely written expressions like [math] f(x) = x^2 +1 [/math]. However, in this case, one need not even appeal to sets it is solely: given two objects of a specified type, the expression must evaluate uniquely. The only truly tangible and hence meaningful parts of this definition are in the formal arithmetic. The "set" portion of the definition is at best lip service and not necessary. It's meaningless and does not accurately describe the reality of what is usually meant by a "function" like a polynomial or a power series. Everything about a "function" for non-finite cases is entirely in the formal arithmetic and a finitely represented expression given in terms of that arithmetic.

>> No.15061255

Mathematical foundations are literally useless for anything other than automated theory proving and philosophy.
There is nothing to discover by going to a lower level.

>> No.15061291

same is true of software coding, anon
many many programmers in my generation were filtered by low-level courses in C++, then got to the job where they did client/server and database lookups, which had next to nothing in common with Binary Trees or Linked Lists or ant of that bullshit

>> No.15061303

Homotopy doesn't belong in foundations, Observational Type Theory is best.

>> No.15061314

that which fulfills the ZFC axioms.

>> No.15061317

You're genuinely retarded and a disgrace to finitism. Stop muddying the waters with your braindead babble, Hilbert is rolling in his grave right now.

>> No.15061334

Automated theory proving i.e. making sure your program runs without bugs, is what you do as a programmer.